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Just remember ALL CAPS when you spell the man name


Damn, I done fucked up


I should've bought my autograph book!


Hey you, don't touch the mic like there's aids onitt


Thats why he brings his own needles and get more cheese than Doritos


love this.


P.S. If anyone wants to drop the pin to the new school spot, that’d be greeeeeeat


I can But it will cost you 8 bucks fam


Definitely worth it


This is dope!




I have a question. You have multiple edits in one video. Are you doing all those edits in the game or are you doing that by an app. I’m just asking cause I didn’t know if the game allows you to put multiple clips together.


So I use the in game filming/editing to capture individual clips, like a line or a single trick. Usually don’t add any slowmo or anything unless it’s those panoramic intro type shots. Then I screen capture em and download em to my phone using the Xbox app and then I edit them all together using iMovie. That’s generally where I’ll add the slow mo stuff. I have Final Cut on my laptop for actual editing purposes, but for fun stuff like this iMovie on the phone is fine Funny enough the reverse shots are from me scrolling the clip from end back to start to watch it again to screen capture it Edit: just wanted to add the game does not allow you to edit multiple clips together within the game. I think they were aiming for that at one point, I have a hazy recollection of a feature on the OG version that you could save clips within the game to a computer in the apartment, and from there there was also an edit feature but it never worked for me


Ahhh ok thank you soo much. I always wanted to make a video of multiple clips I just thought is was done in game and I just didn’t know how. But it all makes sense I said my videos from the PlayStation app so now I just need the app. Thank you my guy much appreciated. Great video by the way. I was jealous of that blunt stall I can get into the stall the getting out successfully part gets to me tho


Much appreciated, it took me a while to get used to transition skating. I had to just spend a lot of hours figuring it out one day, and I’m still not consistent with it


Oh trust me I get it I’m on this game everyday lol and I still learn something new everyday. I play on expert setting so you know how frustrating that can be lol. Especially like trying to get a line clean you nail one part nail the second and the third fail lol. Or you nail the line but in the replay that one foot look funny like damn I got to do it over again


Ain’t no way I’m buying the dlc maps rn.


That was really cool