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It really depends on the vibes of the guy.  Like, literally every vagina and penis has a smell.  It's important to wash under the clitoral hood and other external parts.  Also he might just be a completely uninformed (or mean) and saying that when you smell completely normal. 


First off I would smell myself. If I smell fine it's him that has a problem. Everyone can't smell the same and no one can smell to his standards. Guys all smell different down there too. I wouldn't let it bother you, just make sure you're fine and move on. If there is an issue go to get it checked out. No, I wouldn't assume that it's me, I would think it's all him.


Vaginas have a smell. So do dicks, for that matter! I’m very aware/on top of my own vaginal health, so if someone told me this and I knew I wasn’t having a hygiene issue or a health issue that day, I’d assume the guy was inexperienced and rude, and I’d be dramatically less interested in him as a result.


Based on how you’ve described it, it doesn’t sound like it was said with positive intent. I’d first get clarification from him before overthinking about it.


He did sound unsure because when I asked him to describe the smell he was all “Idk” “It just had a smell.” Then when I asked was it a fishy smell he said no then a few minutes later he said yes. Like if a guy smells a fishy smelly vagina he’ll be sure of the smell because he wouldn’t forget it.


As a guy I agree with the comment above, if I had sexual intercourse with a female the only time I’m bringing up a smell is if it was an unpleasant one


I mean that I get, but I was wondering his intentions behind the comment in general because a guy who is saying it not to shame or manipulate you will say it with more clarity and in a helpful way and you won’t feel bad about it. He’ll genuinely want to help you get to the root of the smell/cause of it after he says it vs a guy just saying it to make you feel a way or overthink or wonder and then you go to the doctor and it’s in fact nothing wrong with you and you have a normal smell.


Most guys would be able to describe the smell if she really smells to him


Like you said, you’re only mentioning a woman’s smell if it’s genuinely unpleasant. You’re gonna let that he known, she’s not gonna be wondering why you said it and what exactly you meant by it


Yes but also as a guy, for me to tell a girl she doesn’t smell too well down there takes a lot in me, most of the times I just wouldn’t tell her, but if I like her I’ll tell her and would want to end the topic quickly as it is an awkward topic, but I would just like to give the girl a heads up because i genuinely do like her, that is just my personal thought process though


Truthfully it could also be that you are in perfect health but y’alls bodies don’t necessarily smell good to one another. Ive had partners not work out despite everything just because they never smelled right to me- he may just not know any better than to be tactless? All that to just give a different perspective.


Vaginas naturally have a smell. Is it a bad smell? Is this something that happens after sex? All the time or sometimes? Need more context.


That’s what I aksed him, he told me he didn’t know but when I texted and smelled myself, I smell normal. Not fishy, not sweet, but how a vagina smells lol. I know I shower, I keep up with my yearly appointments and check ups, I don’t sleep around, I don’t have STD symptoms or nasty abnormal discharge so, I wanted clarity from him and what he said but he couldn’t give it to me.


Every vagina owner should know what their normal smell is like before entering sexual activity. You know if it’s off or not. You know if it’ll normal. That way if someone says something you have data to influence your reaction/response. But how he said it and when are also important because all vaginas have a smell to them.


I love my partners smell. So smell isn’t automatically a bad thing.


I feel like he's either being an asshole or just dumb. If he meant it in a positive way, he would have called it a "scent". The word "smell" used as a noun generally carries negative connotations in people contexts.


I think he was being asshole and here’s why. It took me two months to have sex with him. He had a situation going on with his ex and had told me they had slept together not long ago. So we still communicated and talked but on a friendly level. We didn’t do anything sexual or intimate. I ate some boundaries because of the situation with the ex. My trust and comfortability grew with him as we got closer so when he told me his ex was no longer a issue and that when/if we started to get sexual he would stop things with her. So, we had sex, it was suppose to be with a condom and we were suppose to get STD check but things just happened in a spur. It wasn’t planned. A few days after we had sex, he started to act weird and distant. I called him out on it and at first he said it was nothing then he mentioned to me that I have a smell down there and said that he wondered if the reason I asked us to get STD checked before doing something was because I had something when he knew I told him I hadn’t did anything with anyone in a year and that person was someone I was with for three years. Meanwhile, he had just stop having sex with his ex but he was putting that narrative on me. Yesterday I got a text from his phone saying “This is the girl that lives with him. Did you guys have sex? I want to know for my personal health.” I didn’t even respond, I just blocked his number. Today, he texted me from a different number/phone and it’s almost like a urgent text saying “Go get tested please.” And then he calls, I answer and ask him what’s going on. He tells me tested for a STD that is triggered when you have Chlamydia, something called NGU. So, that was the reason he was blaming me because he didn’t want to tell on hisself. I went and got tested and luckily I don’t have anything but I now know what kind of guy he is.




Idk the feeling I got after he told me wasn’t a “He’s looking out for me because he likes me.” Feeling but more of a I want to humble her, make her feel bad, shame her(like you said) kind of feeling. I feel that if a guy truly thinks you smell and he likes you, it would come off with more clarity, sincerity and care Like “Yea. Do you mind if we have a honest conversation? When was the last time you went to the doctor and got your lady parts checked.” Not “You have a smell, that’s it.” 😭


yeah he sounds like an assailed, trust your gut. 


Why don’t you tell him if he doesn’t like the smell you can go find someone who does like it. I promise, there a million more who won’t say anything and will be more than thrilled to bury their face in it. Also, tell him his penis has a smell and see what he says.


I mean it did but I didn’t say anything because it smelled how a penis should 😭 the same thing with my vagina I personally feel like his reason for telling me that was not to be honest or truthful it was manipulative tactic behind it. He would have said it different if it was just to be honest and truthful. I just felt shamed after he said it and he didn’t try to reassure me. He was just all like “That’s not a bad thing.” Ummm how is it a good thing? 😭and if it’s not bad, why did you say it in that way? Ya know his motives behind it just seem sneaky.


I agree. I’ve experienced this with a man who wanted to control me and manipulate me. He would say things like that but would also have no problem putting his face there. It was very manipulative…. I hope you find a dude who tells you he loves every single thing about your vagina!


Even if it's not overtly unpleasant, it's still an acquired taste. That's all I'm gonna say.


It sounds like he was being a dick. I'm astounded someone could be like that in such an intimate situation. It saddens me that someone could be this way.