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I'd just wait and see how the vibe is between the two of you. You could always bring up the topic if you feel comfortable about how he feels about sex on the first date. Not all men care about the fact a girl may be "easy", my husband is proof of that 😉


We hooked up lol. I like him a lot. Was a really nice date!


relax, and just let it progress naturally, if you guys play around great, if not, no worries, just relax and enjoy the evening...


A good date requires that sex to be on the table, but it is never guaranteed. It's a first date, so work on attraction and exclate physically. Greet with a hug, flirt, and touch. Contribute to the conversation without asking lots of questions. Have fun, take the pressure off of him as much as possible, you both want the same thing. Try for a kiss early in the date if you are feeling it. If the chemistry is there and he is eye fucking you, it shouldn't be hard to close with sex. If the sex is good and you enjoy his company, commit to a second date. If the sex is bad or he shames you, cut your losses. Easy is a good thing if you are both easy. You learn early if you are sexually capable. You will also be better at reading each other's emotions since neither of you will have reason to hide them. If you can continue to communicate your intentions without deception or games, you will move fast through your relationship and rarely argue.


The last part you said is why I think there shouldn’t be as much shame around women and their sex lives. Everyone likes sex and everyone has needs. I used to feel so ashamed when I would hook up with someone early on, but the truth is it doesn’t change that much most of the time. In my experience it actually makes it less awkward and easy moving forward. If you get naked in front of someone it’s kinda hard to be nervous when the second date comes around. I honestly think women are the ones who shame the most for casual sex. I have never been with a guy who was grossed out by my immediate attraction to him.


Inexperienced guys raised in a sex negative environment will be very insecure in their sexuality. This insecurity is projected on their potential mates, further suppressing their sexuallity and ensuring that they stay inexperienced. Insecure women are flooded with potential mates but prefer to fish in the same pond. It is often easier to shame the competition than to bolster their own position. Jealous women can be so cruel to each other. If you can decide never to apologize for your sexual desires, you will release yourself from your sexual insecurity. You feel what you feel because you feel.


Thank you for this. I honestly blame some of this on the lack of proper sex education in America. Not sure what it’s like in other countries but I’m moving to France in a few months and I’ve heard they’re less judgmental about sex, but I could have heard wrong. When I first started to have sex was around the time when super messed up incel shit started being posted on mainstream social media. It made me feel awful for things I did that are actually totally natural. I have never cheated once in my life and I think I’ve been a pretty good girlfriend in the two relationships I’ve had. I just still enjoy casual sex every now and then when I’m not seeing anyone. It took so long for me to realize that it’s other people just projecting their own insecurities like you said. It’s so upsetting that so many young people are being exposed to this type of shaming. But I’m a woman so I can’t speak on why young men seem to be struggling so much recently with their sexuality. I just hope they can gain some confidence


Relax. Enjoy the date. Have fun. Be yourself. Pay attention to your date, especially on his views on things. Don't have sex on the first date, but stay in contact with him. If you like his vibe, invite him on a 2nd date. At this point follow your instincts.


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If it happens, it happens; go with the flow and be safe! You can always change your mind.


It's true that some people are turned off by or look down on sex on a first date. Some of those people also shame sex on a second date. Or sex before marriage. Or enjoying sex at all. Is this person you're interested in the sort of person who shames people for having sex on a first date? If so, then don't have sex with them on the first date. And consider finding someone less puritanical. If you're not sure, you could ask. You can work it naturally into flirting and relationship conversation.


What’s the rush? Just go with the flow. If you really like him, just follow his lead. I’m sure he’d let you know by the end of the night if he wants to sleep with you.


Just relax be yourself have fun. Don’t try to show off and if there’s nothing there from a friendship, but you still want to move forward with hanging out then just let him know you’re looking for somebody to hang out with tonight, but not looking for a relationship.


I've never heard of a guy that doesn't like girls cause they are "easy". Many guys are only looking to hookup, so they clearly want to have a one night stand. Guys want sex. If you have a great connection and feel the heat, there is nothing wrong with having sex on the first date. But if you are expecting a relationship, you should try to be honest about that up front what your expectations are.


I’m team if it feels right do it. If he cuts it off because he is one of those guys that doesn’t like “easy girls” then you don’t want to be with him anyway and dodged a bullet.


Weird how Reddit is considered by many to be a red-pill extreme conservative social media site when all of the stuff I’ve read has been very considerate, helpful and streamlined. I was scared to post on here cause I thought people would reply with super sexist insults, but I received the total opposite. Thank you guys for all of the generous advice and for helping me feel more comfortable with myself. Wishing you all the best!❤️