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Um… how about you just try pursing women you are actually attracted to and want to bang. Problem solved! Can’t force chemistry, your penis knows it, time for you to sync up.


Like I said though 2 years ago I did find her attractive and we had sex multiple times in one night, this time I didn't, I think I'm becoming less and less attached to the opposite sex, so I need to keep finding more and more attractive girls


I found men attractive 2 years ago I wouldn't now fuck with someone ELSE'S pussy.... It happens. None of that makes you asexual. The fact you are CONCERNED about it and WANTING to be fucking these people pretty much excludes that diagnosis.


While I agree with you on most of this. I don't agree with the last part. Compulsory sexuality is a thing. There is a lot of societal pressure to have to want (a lot) of sex.


You need to go get blood work done. Check your testosterone levels and whatever else your doc may recommend.


This is true I probably should, i don't drink, I exercise, I eat healthy usually, I sleep 7-8h and I only smoke one or two cigarettes a week so I'm a pretty healthy guy. It might be genetic or my mind is all messed up by porn.


Oh you still watch porn? If so, that is definitely the issue. Porn messes you up bad and damages your ability to connect with real people sexually. Still, get your T levels check as it can still be low even if you take care of your self. And get checked medically as it can just be a health matter so better to cross that out


Smoking once even at a weekly frequency can be injurious to health. Unless it was one cig per month or more.


So, you think you are becoming asexual beause a woman you don't find attractive didnt turn you on? That sounds pretty much to be expected. I think as we age, we ALL get more particular about what we find attractive. When I was in college, I would have entertained pretty much anyone that looked my way. Now? I meet maybe one person a year that gets me going. That's not becoming asexual, that's just developing some standards. I find probably one in 10,000 men attractive, so your "a quarter of all women are attractive" number is laughably high to consider asexual.


Actually to narrow it down it is 2/10 of girls my age 20-30. I think it's pretty low considering I'm a man. Women have always had much higher standards in my opinion (I'm assuming you are straight). Yes I'm noticing I'm way more particular about appearance now. I had a girlfriend last year which I found attractive in the beginning and by the end of the relationship I barely wanted to touch. That's why I never understood marriage, how do you still do it decades after? Or perhaps it's porn that has altered my standards and now every girl has to be a model for me to get off.


f you are getting more picky on appearance, not other standards, then, yes, I would say porn or something of the like plays a role. I still say "not asexual," though, since it sounds like you still ARE watching porn and seeking out the two-in-ten.