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Maybe you could make the foreplay kind of a kink. Like I love it when you tease me and make me want it. When you touch and massage me it makes the rest of me cry out for more. Sometimes praising what they’re not actually doing that well can make them want to do it better.


Maybe initiate the foreplay you want. If he's open to suggestion, you can guide him into what you want so he learns. If he tends to be the kind of guy who likes to drive, maybe ask him to do what you want more gently.


Simple, he doesn't get to enter until you are ready. Whatever it takes.


Definitely try using the foreplay as a kink idea


Present it in “sandwich” format. Start and end with affirmative things you have here (“I really love what we have together” etc) and put the things you need in the middle (“I’d enjoy it even more with XYZ”). Offer to guide him. If he responds positively, he’s trainable. If not, you may want to re-evaluate the boyfriend part.


Just tell him since he's oblivious about foreplay.


I would say be specific about what you want, and ask him for that. Foreplay can mean anything from good morning texts and sending flowers to oral sex and fingering depending who you ask. So once you know what you want as foreplay, ask for that. "Hey, boyfriend, I would really love a sensual massage to get me in the mood sometime. Would you do that for me?"


Do you have any idea why he is not so much into foreplay? Might be a solution lurking in the root cause. Maybe he is afraid that his erection wont last if foreplay is longer, or he will cum too fast? Or he likes it a bit more tight and less wet? Etc etc.


I just assume he doesn’t know about it too much, I had to teach him some stuff when we first started dating so


My bf loves to eat me so I don't have that problem anymore? Hopefully ur bf does the same for u sometimes but my recommendation is to bring some whip cream into the bed room and have him lick it off you everywhere you want him to start focusing on playing with. Then tell him you really enjoyed that and just mention maybe he could do that more. Best of luck Babes ❤️


A good idea is to tell him of something he did prior. Rember what you did X time I really liked that. Do it again. Or you can inform him, you really want to add X (foreplay) as it really sets the mood for you. Another, maybe a xxx video detailing what you need. I feel those are 3 ways should help initiate what you want.


Open communication is a key to great sex. However, I do understand the need for a proper delivery. If you want to be really subtle, the only thing I can think of is finding a short porn video of exactly what you want him to do to you, and send it to him, captioning: “can this be us tonight?”. 🍀


We don’t watch porn, it’s a huge rule in our relationship but sometimes I sext him and tell him what I want him to do to me next time we see each other


Sexting is a great idea as well. Vocalizing it as in whispering into his ear. Have a running fantasy where you describe in detail what you want him to do.