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Lol, it's something I would like to do more of typically. I enjoy prostate massages but the are often far and few. I try to prep as often as possible for the remote possibility but just ends up not happening. Feels weary to always be prepping and get that disapointment.


Yes it’s a conversation beforehand. I preface it and ask him to shower earlier in the week/day so that when we’re ready to have fun he’s clean.


Nah. I just use barriers. Snapping on a pair of nitrile gloves is sexy as fuck 🥰


If it's for anal sex. Yes, I tell him usually hours before it happens so he knows when I disappear what I'm really doing. He tells me all the time he doesn't care if I prep or not BUT I DO! I guess to keep things romantic he just doesn't interrupt me while I'm prepping and will actually go to another room 🙃 It's kinda the saying "don't ask don't tell" but for different reasons lol even IF there is ever an embarrassing "mess" He has never told me bc he knows how mortified I'd be and the possibility of doing anal again would diminish for awhile after something like that lol


I pretty much prep the same whether I know it's going to be involved or not. It's just part of my pre-date routine and now is kind of part of my process for getting in the right mindset.


Definitely a conversation beforehand, and if we’re both feeling it, we’ll shower together first so I can blow him for a while before we get to the main event.


If you are hoping for an anal, you need to let your partner know, there is some prepping that needs to happen, especially since everyone’s digestive systems run differently. Even porn stars prep and don’t eat for 24 hrs before shooting scenes.


Ok, lol 😆 but how does one randomly throw that into a typical conversation without things being awkward.


If anal is something you typically do, i would try to incorporate it into my daily routine so if it happens you are always ready! I tend to duche at least 2xs a day just in case so i can be ready.


Is that healthy?  I would think probably not, but I am not a doctor.


Using the solution that comes with it isn’t healthy to do it as much as i do but with warm water is good.