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Posts about physical appearance, especially around penis size, labia appearance, breast size, or other examples of body insecurity are generally a better fit for r/bodyacceptance.


You are falling into a rabbit hole of your own making! Mega clits are a hot thing, be a proud owner. It’s like having a big dick energy. Stop comparing yourself to other women, you are blessed! Enjoy the powerful orgasms.


I definitely will indeed ☺️ I feel like I'm probably getting stuck in my own head and depressed for no reason. Sure, I don't like the appearance but from what I gather, it seems like I have nothing to worry about.


Let those orgasms roll in. Some porn producers seek out women like you: they call maga clits a money maker! 🤭 unleash that mega clit onto the world and have unadulterated fun.


Listen no one gives a fuck. I’d focus on establishing a healthier relationship with sexuality (and start fucking and seeing for yourself that you’re overthinking).


Some women's clits are teeny tiny, meaning harder to locate just right and more difficult to manipulate for pleasure. A good healthy clit is a benefit


Possessor of a barely existent non-visible clit and can confirm. It’s so frustrating, especially oral. My hood has to be pulled back to get any pleasure from oral and even then it’s very difficult. I’m also insecure about its size. If I take any pictures or videos I will try my best to manipulate it to make it at least peek out from under the hood.


Same. I got a hood piercing to make it more visible, because it's basically non-existent. The piercing guy said I just barely had enough of a hood to even do it. Even with one, it's hard as shit to have an orgasm. I'd love to have a bigger one! Grass is always greener, I guess.


Mine is basically always hidden so direct contact becomes way too intense.


Larger clits are AWESOME. They are SO much easier to work with. They also are far more likely to get incidental pressure and contact during PIV, so it’s easier to get off that way for many women with big clits. They are also fun to go down on because there are a lot of ways that you can interact with them that are just impossible with a tiny clit. Almost every guy will love this.


I have literally never had a single guy make a comment about my clit. I know what it’s like to get stuck in your head and be self conscious about things outside your control so while i also know it’s much easier said than done try not to build it up too much as in my experience it will only ever be in your own head 💕


Go check out r/bigclit NSFW, btw. There's plenty of people who literally drool for them.


I'm a guy. A man that love you will love your clitoris don't worry. Don't worry when it comes to sex, men have a LOT of stress too haha. Can you give us a size scale of your clitoris ? Like how "massive" it is ? Equal size as what ?


Well thank you so much for your kindness ☺️ And it's pretty big. Like, the length of my thumb lol.


Yeah it's quite big but to be honest, most men will not find it gross. They will maybe make a comment but you should joke about it "You can't say you can't find my clitoris" Don't worry the vast vast majority of men would do anything to have sex with a women. Be kind, clean, confident.


Yes it's fucking huge lol. Thank you so much for the affirmation. It means a lot.


I am so intensely jealous. Mine is teenie and I wish it were giant. 🥲


I'm wondering if your clitoris is sensitive or not when you masturbate. I know that the smaller it is the sensitive it is. If you have a large and sensitive clitoris you have acess to free paradise with a man doing oral well.


I’ve personally never encountered one that size, but it does sound like A LOT of fun, ngl. I’m sure others will agree!


Hopefully! And thank you 😊


Mine is the same and I've never had any problems getting or keeping partners. I promise, you'll be fine. Many of my partners actually preferred it.


My ex was exactly the same about the size of her labia and how it looked. She never let anyone see it before me and yes it was a lot bigger than most but I loved it. I managed to make her feel much more comfortable about it. Trust me, once you find the right person you’ll be comfortable.


You're overthinking this! Most people aren't going to pay much attention to your clitoris. Odds are if it is bigger, it will likely be easier to stimulate and make you cum. Most men are primarily interested in *how it feels* to be *(inside*) your vagina. "I just can't IMAGINE anyone wanting to go anywhere *near* it ..." I've never heard of anyone turning down sex because a woman had a large clitoris! ***"Nothing kills a dream like low self-esteem."*** - Bruce Thissen ***"Comparison is the thief of joy."*** - Theodore Roosevelt ***"Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy with what you have."*** - Zig Ziglar


Oh my god, this was perfect! You're right, it definitely is pretty easy to stimulate and it's *really* sensitive (Something I always felt was weird lol). This was a super beautiful comment ☺️☺️☺️☺️


Your definitely wrong !!!!! As a man WE LOVE THOSE 🫦 it’s so hawtttt ! It definitely makes me want to give you head all night !!!!! . It’s truly a blessing and many of us will line up out the door 🫦to get a look or even a just a taste 😮‍💨 I hope you know your loved 🥰 have fun with it !!!!!


I think you'll find, over time, some guys will love it. Some may not. But eventually you'll find the guy who truly loves you and will love every part of you. Not for any reason other than he loves you. Just like you'll love (and accept) him without caring about what he thinks are his flaws.


I love a huge clit on a woman, and can kiss, lick, and suck on it for hours! You're lucky to have it!!!!


Easier to find. Easier to lick, flick, and suck on, and better for stimulation while a dick is going in and out... Don't worry about that. You'll find that most guys will not care once you're into the world of sex.


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Honestly, I have body insecurities like you before and I wished for my body at times but ever since I started accepting this ideology of "Nature made everyone different and that is a beautiful thing!" I started shaming my body less. I hope you can do the same too.


Me too. Thank you so much, you're an angel. Please, don't be insecure about your body (Funny coming from *me* of all people). I just know it's beautiful 💖




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It's okay. You'll be okay. I get it, but don't be so hard on yourself. We live in a world where you always hear "bigger is better" but in reality that comes with a lot of asterisks. None of us can be everyone's cup of tea. On top of that there are people with a lot of ignorant notions about what larger this or that "means" and they can be hurtful when talking to you about it. People will be people. Shaming or ignorance says more about them than you. People also will just have preferences that may not align with certain traits, and that's okay. We can be extra sensitive when we feel we are atypical, especially when it comes to genitals, but you're a human being, okay. There will be people who don't like this or that. But there will also be people who adore this and that. And there there will be people who are indifferent but will come to love this and that because of their affection for you. You might actually have issues with people fetishizing you and that's a whole other headache, especially when you want to actually be with someone and not just be trophy for them. It's okay to be self aware and to be insecure, but there will bright spots along the way as you experience partners. Hopefully there will be many bright spots. And even when you encounter a dark spot, remember the Sun always rises again. Don't let anyone dehumanize you because of your genitals. People come in different flavors and some flavors are more rare, but no less special. Incompatibility, ignorance, or fetishizing happens, but that doesn't make you less of a person. Wading through the quagmire may sting a bit now and then, but you will find people who appreciate all of you. And I'm sure there will always be communities out there where you can find support and fellowship even if all you want is a little affirmation or to feel not alone in your perspectives.


Awww this was a really awesome comment! I'll be sure to remember all of this. It's hard to not feel insecure about my body. I have good and bad days but this comment is SUPER memorable. Thank you ☺️


Hey OP I'm so sorry you're having such tough anxiety and upset about this issue. It really is so painful to worry about our bodies being attractive or unattractive to future partners. And I know there are so many messages in society about how women should look and honestly I don't think any woman could meet every standard that is out there. Heck it even changes with time, for awhile women were supposed to be rail thin, and now big asses and boobs are in. I heard bush is making a bit of a comeback too which is good news for me because I really like how glamourous a bush can look.  But anyway, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad about your clit and you worry maybe about someone not liking it and it reminded me of a girl I dated for a bit. She was really worried about her inner lips and she said they were so big and dark and she said they're awful. I remember her being so scared to show me and she couldn't understand how excited I was! I was expecting this massive sexy lips dangling down, dark brown and like wings. And when she finally took her pants off I was so shocked to find a light brown tint to the edges of barely small wings that didn't even run the full length of her vulva! I was actually a little disappointed they weren't huge like I was expecting. And I know this is TMI but big clits can be so sexy. We have a subreddit here that's filled with women with big clits. I think some of them even take hormones and creams from shady websites just to grow them bigger. I think a lot of men must be into it because some of those ladies get a lot of upvotes. I'm sure some are intersex or trans too, but I only mean to highlight that some people think it's so sexy to see a woman's parts looking engorged. There are men that like big boobs, big eyes, big nipples, big thighs, big butts, big feet, and of course big clits. 


I'd have to say you're one of the lucky ones


Just search “big clit” on any porn site to prove yourself wrong. Aside from people who will appreciate how easy it is to locate, there will be people that will get off because of its size, not in spite of it.


I assure you, there are a LOT of guys who will appreciate you no matter your size, and a lot who will love that you are bigger.


*Why would anyone even like interacting with it during sex?* Because there are people who love pleasuring their partner. Not being able to keep track of a woman's clit during sex is a thing. Having more to work with makes the job much easier. Nature has given you a gift.


I just want you to know that I’m a random guy out in the world and I just genuinely love them big. My cousin, who’s been like a brother to me, likes them big. My best friend back in highschool? Liked them big. I’m really trying to say all this without creepily commenting about your body, but you do deserve to know how many of us are out here that literally hope to meet and dream about someone with a body like yours.


There's a whole subreddit devoted to the very thing you're insecure about. People find it sexy, accept your body for what it is, and tell anyone who doesn't to go fuck themselves!


As a guy who has done his share of whoring around in my younger days, I don't think clit size has ever crossed my mind with a partner. Are we talking like 1in or an extra finger?


I knew before I opened the post that you have a big clit. Women seem to dislike so many normal things about their bodies,it makes me sad. I love them,so much. I'm a small dicked guy,my absolutely favourite act is to rub the head of my cock on a big clit,it can get so hot. Try it,if you get the chance. There are men and women out there that are hungering for what you have,get over yourself and go and get some loving.I say this kindly,but go get some,please.


Hey, its okay, lots of people here understand what you’re going through. Lots of people, myself included, have been less than satisfied with our bodies at one point or another. I used to get worried about my penis a lot. Used to worry about foreskin, staying hard, if I’d feel good and all kinds of stuff. The truth is it genuinely doesn’t matter. The truth is that whoever we are with just feels lucky that we want to love on them, because they want to love on us.


Is it a porn tag? If so, don't worry about it.


The majority of guys don’t mind and plenty that like that. I know I do


You are exotic and loads of guys would absolutely love playing with your exotic gift.


Men will not care. Some men will even prefer or idolize a bigger clit. You’re fine


Have you talked to your Dr? There's a slim chance you could be intersex. This happened to a friend of mine. But there are cis women with large clips. Don't worry. The RIGHT person will be excited to play with you and will be happy to do things that feel good. Not to mention guys have hang ups about our penises too! Too short, too long, too thin, not hard enough. At the end of the day what matters is that the person you are with treats you right, and you have a healthy relationship with your body.


Clitoromegaly is a naturally endowment when sensually and physically aroused. It’s a special gift . Enjoy it


I have always found them exciting! Lucky you! Trust me, the RIGHT partner will be ecstatic about it! Go and enjoy!


Idk if this helps but genuinely I wouldn’t give a shit how big your clit is as long as I could suck on it🙃🙃😛 that’s all that matters