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If he’s unwilling to get tested and ghosted you, then you need to move on. There are guys out there that get tested regularly and are willing to prove it. Do NOT compromise your standards.


That is true! I did meet one guy once who showed me his std test results the very next week when I had asked him to get one!


It might be frustrating in the moment, but you 100% approached it correctly.


Having standards doesn’t suck, it will keep you safe in the long run. Also it’s a slippery slope to go down without testing


How much more more fun will be the sex when you know you've a partner who, with surety, isn't going to give you an injection of the clap or syphilis or God knows what else?


I agree, sex does feel the best when I don't have to worry about that stuff. An std test is just a nice confirmation to have


So, you’d have rather jeopardize your overall health and your fertility health (bc let’s be real, some of these STIs render women infertile if are left untreated) just on an off chance to be able to have a one night stand with some random dude who doesn’t even seem to respect you enough (showing early signs of ghosting and immaturity)??? Girl, respect yourself, don’t cross your own boundaries, it’s not worth it! Thank you, NEXT!


This is true. Tbh I don't really want kids anyway BUT I don't want some random dude to be the reason for that LOL. I'm also more scared about herpes


And, you should be aware of HPV strains #16-18, both cause cervical cancer, just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️But, also, infertility issues go way beyond just having kids, hormonal unbalance and etc. Be smart. Trust me, you better off finding someone who can match your energy, mature, and respectful, then be dropped after 1 night and left to deal with an anxiety of possible STI and feeling used.


Ya totally true


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it’s good that you played it safe, don’t fault yourself for that


Stay safe. Cut out the dirt from your sex life.