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Just say you have something to tell her, then tell her. Health is nothing to play with and partners deserve full disclosure. What she does with this information is up to her


Just tell her you're not in the mood to have sex. It happens.


If the topic of sex.comes up, tell her you have a UTI and can't have sex until you are cleared.


Just meet her in a public place and then tell her that you have something important to do and leave.


I think, if things get heated, you should just say: “I can’t tonight” but also try not to steer the date into a hot sexy direction, don’t make moves and etc. if this is the girl you like and want to try dating. Going forward, depending on your infection, if it’s a chlamydia for example, you’ll have to wait at least a month after the antibiotics for the infection to clear and not be a carrier. In a meantime, take it slow with her. In a month, you can tell her, and show her your test results before you have sex with her . Also, practice safe sex with condoms for a good while after the antibiotics and negative test results. Again, don’t know what STI you have, but chlamydia takes a very long time to clear and often one round of antibiotics won’t help.