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Dude she probably felt flattered that she was so hot she made you orgasm from kissing. And now she is probably freaking out and wondering what she did wrong because you’re ghosting her.


Speaking from a woman's perspective, if a dude came in his pants just from kissing me, I'd find it both super hot and kinda adorable. I wouldn’t take the giggle as anything mean spirited, she probably felt flattered that you were so turned on by her. What happened is nothing to be ashamed of and she clearly wants to communicate with you. Just read her messages. It's not gonna be as bad as you're building it up in your head to be.


I don't think the giggle was to try to humilate you. It was probably just a reaction. If my FWB came from me just kissing him, I would find it incredibly hot that I turn him on that much.


Happened to me a couple times in my younger years. To be honest, sometimes I miss those days when intimacy was so new and exciting that just kissing could set me off. Don’t let it ruin the relationship if she’s a keeper. Call her back and have her come over for more.


Sometimes we giggle because we don't know the best way to react to something, or because something is endearing to us, or because we're just super happy. From her perspective, it's totally not a bad thing. Honestly? I've had this happen with a partner before and it made me feel like a goddess, it was like the ultimate compliment. It's happened the other way around, too. I've had orgasms from making out and grinding, fully clothed. Never had a partner who minded at all.


She giggled because it’s hoooot af and made her feel sexy. Also side question: what does it feel like when a guy just suddenly cums?? like what’s the build up, do you know it’s about to happen? do you feel it coming and just let it? or is it like when you suddenly have to pee and some comes out? So sorry just super curious 😂


If you're super horny and ... focused on other things, it very well could happen so suddenly that once you do notice, you're past the point of no return. So the feeling is very quick. You go from horny to BAM, baby batter busting out. Emotions can also play a large factor in the Quickening. After some experience, you can learn things to help defer. For instance, while into other things, take a couple breaths every now and then to check in on yourself and gauge your guy gun. If you think you might be close, start thinking about Grandma playing baseball. Or take a pause or switch things up. Or focus on the other person and their needs instead of how great it is feeling. Kegals can help you control things better, too.


Text her back and just tell her that you’re embarresed about what happened and shouldn’t of left, shame got the best of you and didn’t mean to hurt her by not answering (btw she’s messaging because she likes you and cares about you !), these things happen it’s totally natural and I can guarantee we’ve all been there. Why did she giggle ? Because it’s funny, she’s happy she had such a positive effect on you.


Also, she likely giggled subconsciously to ease the tension, it’s actually a pretty natural response to anything from enjoyment to fear/panic. So she likely just tried to subconsciously ease the tension, in an effort to not make OP feel like it was a big deal. Besides, many women would see it as a compliment if they could make someone cum, from just kissing.


Yes! I giggle at ALL SORTS OF inappropriate times. I tossed a box to my friend and accidentally smashed her nipple the other day and I giggled even though I felt bad, not actually amused. Human brains are weird.


"shouldn't've" is the word. Not "shouldn't of" It's a contraction for the phrase "should not have"👍🏻❤️


Thank you for making English readable.


Yes that’s my mistake, always happy to improve my grammar. Thanks 👍 so much easier speaking a foreign language than writing one 😂


I’d recommend “shouldn’t have” over “shouldn’t’ve”. The latter isn’t wrong but I’ve never seen it used.


The shouldn’t’ve’s apostrophe count is 2.


Shouldn't've used 'shouldn't of'. Should have used 'shouldn't have'. English can be so damn wordy. Either way, she was likely thrilled you got so very excited. Don't feel bad, go back and get excited some more. She wants you to. She's excited to get you more excited, and we're all very excited for both of you, you lucky rascals!


English lessons always stick with us don't they 💀💀


Idk bro, ive definitely came too soon more than a handful of times, but only from penetration. “I can guarantee you we have all been there” Just doesnt ring true for me and I doubt Im alone I came in my sleep at least twice in my life but other than that it was from masterbation or from a vagina or mouth or something. Ive never consciously came from anything other than on purpose by myself or by accident/on purpose inside a womans mouth or vagina. And for that reason I can tell you I definitely have not been there


You're getting some good responses from women here (which, by the way, are very consistent with my own experiences) about how this is not only no big deal, it's actually hot as fuck. So I just wanted to speak about how to approach it from your side. You're getting burned by this pervasive cultural notion that if a man cums Too Quickly (tm) during sex, this is a HUMILIATING FAILURE and he must FOREVER HANG HIS HEAD IN SHAME because it means HIS FUCK IS VERY VERY BAD!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, this nonsense is everywhere. This is, of course, a steaming pile of horseshit. But REALIZING that it's nonsense and actually FEELING it are sometimes two very different things. It may take you a little time and practice before you can truly let this go and stop feeling that blast of embarrassment if you cum quickly again. (Which feels very likely, given that you're so into her that she can make you cum just by kissing you. You lucky bitch. 😉 ) And that's fine. That's human. Our brains can sometimes hold onto unhealthy stuff after when we realize it's unhealthy. When you talk with her again, be honest that you were embarrassed in the moment, and apologize for your reaction. (NOT for cumming fast; she almost definitely took that as a compliment. Do not apologize for her being hot.) You didn't mean to freak her out -- but you WOULD like to kiss her some more. Your goal here is to just accept this as a thing that happened, and will likely happen again, with upside and downside. Focus on the practical. You'll want to make sure you bring a change of underwear when you see this woman again, because for most guys, sitting in freshly-jizzed underwear feels gross (unless it doesn't -- no judgment, my brother) and you'll probably wanna take a quick break to clean yourself up a bit. Which also means pausing what you're doing, which is a mild bummer because doing horny stuff with someone you're into and who's into you right back is one of life's great pleasures and I, for one, do NOT want to stop until we are both thoroughly fuckered out. The upside is, of course, that a woman you're into just made you cum, and that feels awesome. And consider it from her side: giving an orgasm to someone you like is FUN. It's exciting. I've never met this woman and I certainly wasn't in the room so I can't guarantee how she feels, but I'd say there's a very real chance that you made her feel like an absolute bad-ass. My suspicion is that part of her is all "Behold! I have the power to incapacitate a man with pleasure and make him blast his boxers with spunk without even touching his cock! BOW DOWN BEFORE THE GODDESS OF FUCK!" So definitely bring that spare underwear, because I suspect she's gonna wanna explore this some more. And if this happens when you move on to other things, if you respond to your first blowjob by exploding seconds after it's begun, same principles apply. Only now, hopefully, the cleanup is easier. Also, you're with a hot naked chick who's into you, and there's still plenty of stuff you can do once you've caught your breath. Naked makeouts rule. Hand stuff is fun. Cunnilingus is awesome. She's just made YOU cum; it's only fair of her to help teach you how to return the favor to her. Chances are, as this becomes more a fun exciting thing that just happens to be part of your life and less "OMFG I'M DOING SEX RIGHT NOW OMFG OMFG OMFG!!!!", your dick will be a little less quick on the trigger. That's fine. That's normal. Just let the experience be what it is, whatever that winds up looking like. You're fine. You're BETTER than fine. You have a girlfriend who's so hot she can kiss you to orgasm. That's wonderful. Do whatever you can to get your preconceptions out of the way and enjoy it, because you're winning at sex right now. You got this, brother. Good luck.


She sounds amazing really. Her giggle was a way to make you relax, let you know ow she wasn’t upset. Willing to bet it made her feel amazing because she was able to get you there through kissing.


Shit happens buddy you’ll be fine, and it sounds like she wasn’t trying to make you feel bad, call the girl and explain what happened.


I find that extremely hot and so flattering. What was her tone? I've laughed in a situation like that, and said similar but always been so flattered.


If you made her climax from kissing, would you think she was pathetic or would you feel flattered and turned on? She probably feels the same.


Please text her back, she’s probably freaking out rn thinking you hate her or something and that you’ve ghosted (which, effectively, you have).


As a woman I'd take it as a compliment. :)


You should somehow use the Lonely Island Jizz in my Pants video to your advantage. Comedic relief


This... is a hilarious suggestion, I'm trying to think of what to text her back now...


One of the lines is “you say I’m premature, I just call it ecstasy” You could send that line and say you’re my ecstasy. Comedic relief and a compliment. I also think if she responds well you could totally bring it up next time y’all are making out as it might turn her on. If she’s flattered by you finishing from kissing, 100% embrace it bro. She’s probably impressed with herself and then if you reinforce that she’s hot and turns you on, win win.


Play the Lonely Island Song to set the mood next time yall are together


You did nothing wrong. This is normal. It means you are into her and having fun. Tell her it's a compliment to her. Text her back, see her soon, don't blow this!


The only thing you did wrong here was leave ackwardly.


Don’t be embarrassed. It’s completely normal! Text her back! She most likely meant no harm by it.


Bro omg if I was kissing a guy and he came I would be so flattered trust me she liked it


Been here don't stress. I've come putting a condom on before, and like you I've come from cuddling and kissing etc. I'm sensitive at the best of times and have just learnt to manage it. It happens.


The guy that I'm seeing came in his pants from making out with me, the first time that I went over to his place. I found it SO hot.


Text her back right now. Tell her you're embarrassed but that you really like her and that's why it happened. Make a date to see her as soon as possible. Next time you see her jerk off about an hour beforehand and this probably won't happen to you again. If if does, see your doctor. He may prescribe something--Cialis causes mild anorgasmia and doctors have prescribed it off label for your issue. Good luck and never let a minor sexual mishap ruin your outlook or your relationship. Shit happens.


Last time a guy apologized for cumming too fast, I told him “I’m not angry that I made you cum” lol. Nothing wrong with being excited about someone, just don’t let it shut your groove with the other person and their needs down


I recently had a guy come just from eating me out. And not even for a long time, it was within 2-3 mins. I laughed a little out of surprise and told him I felt hella flattered. I bet she felt the exact same.


It wasn’t “just from kissing”. You had body to body contact. Pressure on your dick and balls. Lots of sensory stimuli. Emotional thrills. Follow the advice to text back and apologize for the temporary ghost behavior. Explain that you were just so turned on.


I would be flattered, honestly. Not common for many women, but I come easily and have come without any type of physical stimulation. Our bodies don’t always work the way we wish they did, and have a mind of their own sometimes. Sometimes we come sooner than we wish, sometimes we struggle to get aroused. I wouldn’t want to partner with someone who didn’t understand this.


Brother she brushed my arm with the back of her hand and I almost came. 🤣 Fuck you talkin bout!?!?! 🤣


We have all done that! Well I have anyway! Once at the table having dinner at my parents house as a teenager and my new girlfriend was rubbing my thigh (yep, just my thigh!) under the table. Another time in exactly the same way you describe. It is so normal. Be honest with her, tell her how you feel and move on. It’s all copacetic.


I promise you your outlook on the situation is way worse than what hers is.


I was in the middle of sex when they guy bit his lip seductively and I laughed cause I thought it was cute and he got all anxious.


This type of thing would be one of the best things to happen to me!! Don't be embarrassed dude, if she's at all worth your time she'll be loving it. If she's not loving it then you'll be happy to not be with her as that's type of personality trait isn't reflective of a good person to date.


Cumming so suddenly would be unexpected for anyone. But thinking about it from the other side. If I kissed a girl and that was enough for her to cum in her pants then she might practically a perfect partner.


She wasn't laughing at you, mate. It probably surprised her just as much as it surprised you and a giggle was her first reaction. Trust me, man to man: If she thought it was off-putting, you likely would not have heard from her again.


Please please take her comment as a huge compliment to her and her desirability!!! She said it in a playful way because she found it extremely flattering!!!!!! Nothing to be embarrassed about at ALL. If that happened to me, I would get even more excited about my guy. Get out of your head. There should be 0 shame. Own it, tell her she is so fucking hot. And, if it happens again, laugh it off and start pleasing her until she comes.


She was flattered. The giggling was nervousness. Give her a chance.


I would take this as a huge compliment if it happened to my man so don’t make it weird. You’re good.


That happened to me and I thought it was hot. It made me feel like I had some kind of superpower haha her asking if you are ok is just because she figured out that you’re embarrassed and you’re not responding to her and she’s trying to make the situation better hence the apologies as well. I see nothing bad in this situation. I hope you have fun on your next date!


Decade with my partner and I can’t even jokingly touch him in a sexual way unless I’m ready to put out. Having passionate attraction towards your partner is hot 🥵


This is like the scene from Out of My League! Haha. I’m pretty sure she’s not making fun of you. I know she finds it adorable and hot!


This is a dream for me. I would find it super hot.


It’s not that absurd if there’s a song about it https://youtu.be/VLnWf1sQkjY?si=X7iALKYzP_4Qdgi- It’s happened to plenty of blokes, myself included. If you can bring yourself around, it’s something you two can laugh about in the future, believe me. As others have said, a lot of girls find it hot. To think of it from a different perspective, consider if you were making out with her and felt she was already wetter than a slip n slide. Knowing you’re making her THAT horny just from kissing. You’d find that a turn on right?


Dude if she found it hot you better go make some kind of weird fetish with her about it.


Babe! Im sorry you felt ashamed. No shame to be felt here. I want you however to study (while you're masturbating) the concept of edging. This will help you manage your ejaculation! XO


I’m sure it made her feel good to know she had you going like that. Don’t worry about it, it happens. Also, it might help to jack off next time right before you think y’all might do something. It might keep you from coming so fast.


She must be a the lonely island fan.


She probably finds it cute and wont see it as anything bad. Just continue to talk with her and hang out and see where it will take you. Dont stop talking and remember that you’re just human with human reactions. Its nothing more than a huge compliment.


Pretty sure she’s flattered that she made you cum just by kissing


Tell her she is so hot, that, yes, her kisses made you cum. Challenge her to kiss you without making you cum next time. Maybe it’ll set up a little dominance/edging dynamic


Well sometimes you get so turned on things can just happen. She should certainly be surprised but impressed she did that. I think rather than leaving you should have cleaned up then went in with sentual kissing and light touching and perhaps flipped it back onto her. Hopefully she will go forward and meet you. I also think you may be young and not 25. But regardless you made out with a hottie


Don’t feel pathetic! I’m sure she feels honored in a way. I would definitely feel good if my bf came from me kissing him lol!


It happened to Forrest Gump so nbd.


Next time tell her before hand so she can finish it for you


Text her back and ask if you guys can kiss again, your ready


I think she’s still interested. She giggled might be because she found it cute (I know it’s weird and stupid). The feeling of embarrassment is totally normal but don’t let it stop you from talking and seeing her. I’ve met plenty of guys who couldn’t even get it up on our first night but I didn’t stop talking to them.


Wow as a woman I’m so sorry she made you feel like this. Although I doubt her intention was to humiliate you she definitely should have been nicer because it’s honestly not that big a deal. If anything it’s a compliment 😉


You ever been with a girl, Forrest?


Typical female sensitivity when it comes to sex. I’ve experienced similar behavior too many times.


First and foremost…. You have NOTHING to be embarrassed or ashamed about. I personally think that is hot and would be so turned on by that. Her giggling at that is very immature! And very inconsiderate of your feelings. For me that would be the end of that relationship.