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Went through sort of similar... Except we were married in our house and his mom used her house key because she thought we weren't home... And walked in to her son and I having sex doggy style.. we have no idea how long she was standing there.. he happened to look over and see her ... Hella awkward. She didn't talk to us for a few weeks and returned the house key by leaving it on the table lol we never discussed it and tried our best to act like it never happened.


Set up a smart lock!!! My monster in law once came in our house without knocking, I changed the key combination in the next hour. And warned my wife don't give it to that monster. She didn't respect me, why I need to?


He and I ended up divorced a few years after that lol


Why would she just walk into your house in the first place? And wouldn’t sh have heard some noise? Wtf lol


She was constantly over involved in our life and couldn't let him grow up acted like he couldn't function without the way she does things etc... she came in that time with the key because the doors were locked and our two kids were taking a nap.. hence the living room sex... She just HAD to bring in a bulk thing of toilet paper she bought because that specific brand was what she "always bought" and I didn't ever get the brand he liked 🙄 so her need to make sure he had "proper" toilet paper got her a show.


Yeah sounds like a helicopter parent who oversteps their bounds.


Yeah well she got to keep him lol I ended up leaving the state


I was standing there until you squirted. Left thinking that’s my boy


For real the whole time I had my face in the couch cushion and he literally finished before I looked up and saw her so no telling how long she was there or how long he looked at her... It was after she was gone when he said he looked over and she was there.


Wait..he saw her and KEPT GOING?!


Apparently... Meanwhile I'm clueless facedown in a cushion living my best life 😂 smh


Oh God. Like that scene in We Need To Talk About Kevin. They probably held eye contact.


Why stop, this is her problem at this point she should leave


What was she thinking tbh. It’s not her house lol. In a way I feel like that’s what they get for being too nosey and not giving adult children space. I really doubt their in laws behaved like this. I think this generation of parents is too nosey and over involved in their children’s lives. The generation that read our diaries. Shocked. Just no boundaries.


Give it time. Dad is probably still walking around kicking himself for not knocking. I always knock because I don't want to see my kids having sex.


If her and her father have an amazing relationship then something relatively minor like this won't hurt it. Now if you were 20 and she was 14 or if he caught you with his wife that would be a different story, but you are probably worrying for something that will be no more than an embarrassing situation that you will laugh about in the future. As far as what to do about it, I would let your girlfriend take the lead. Probably best if she speaks to him first. If he says anything to you apologize and let him know how much you love her.


I hope its minor, its just that the position he caught us in was soooo bad.


He should have knocked tbh. That’s what he gets. No father should just walk in on his daughter’s room like that. What if she was changing?? This is his fault for being nosey, but also maybe don’t get too comfortable in future girlfriend’s parents’ homes? It’s too risky. Get a hotel room.


You didn’t shut the door or lock it! What do you expect?


I’m sure they shut the door; most bedroom doors don’t have locks on.


Maybe save the rough oral for when you know the house isn’t full of other people.


Or just sex in general maybe


If you can’t handle getting caught and you know the door opens easily that’s probably a good idea.


Or you could try and be quiet but that never works well


Or wait they're all sleeping.


Wait what? Is that true? Every bedroom I’ve ever had has had a lock on the door


No bedroom I've seen has that here (The Netherlands)


This must be an American thing, then! Someone from the UK chimed in to agree with you. I don’t think I can justify why we all feel like we need locks, but I would be so much less comfortable without one I assume you still get locks on hotel doors, or airbnbs?


I agree. Feels like I’m more vulnerable when I’m sleeping and also I’m wearing much less clothes. I wouldn’t be able to relax completely if my bedroom door wasn’t lockable. From Denmark btw, I think it may well be an American thing as you say.


American. Every house I’ve been in has locks on bedroom doors. Great Lakes region.


Maybe it’s more of a regional thing. America is so huge and diverse. I can’t even speak for the rest of Europe.. :)


y'all need locks on your bedroom doors. added privacy, prevents awkward situations like OP. there's no downside


The only ones I’ve seen here (England) are in university houses/dorms.


I'm in New Zealand. I've never seen a bedroom with a lock on it. Only a bathroom or toilet.


I imagine people must walk in on each other much more often than in the US!


Hmm I've never thought about it. People don't generally just barge into someone else's bedroom if the door is closed... you would knock.


That’s generally considered good manners here, too, but there are still accidents! Especially when you didn’t / can’t hear the knock


Me as well, I've lived in several houses/apartments in Canada and door locks on the bedrooms are rare.


My parents were nuts and made it so our bedroom doors didn't lock.


My mom wasn't satisfied changing my doorknob to a non locking one so she took to straight up removing my door quite frequently as a punishment :')


Ugh, sorry. These kinds of punishments don't help. It just makes kids resentful.


Bedrooms typically do not have locks on them. The only time I have seen this was when a bunch of roommates shared a house.


I had something similar happen with my dad when I was 20 (20 years ago). It was something I reeeeally didn't want my dad to know I was doing. After it happened, I just sent him a text that said, "I'm sorry you saw that. I'm embarrassed and I'm sure you are too. Can we agree to never talk about this again?" And he replied, "Talk about what?" And then changed the subject. We never talked about it, and it stopped being embarrassing with time.


Time...and if it doesn't seem to be easing, maybe just say "So...can we forget everything and not talk about it?" Maybe there's an elegant way to avoid this, but my instinct is you'll just have to push past it.


I’d throw in an “I’m sorry you had to see that”


I've been where you are but we were younger even. It was embarrassing as fuck. Nothing was said, we were on our best behavior for a few weeks and somehow it came up in conversation as a joke and everyone (her younger brother and mother were there) laughed and laughed. Now, what we were involved in wasn't as graphic but like you I was freaked out over what ended up just being laughed off. He knows how old she is and likely what he was doing with her mother at that age.. she's still his little girl but he knows.. just tread lightly for a bit. Unless he's an asshole, then all bets are off.


I don’t think there is anything that compares to a rough throat fucking. That would be a lot more difficult for me to see than regular sex.


Yea bro, just pop over to the, "I'm sorry for throat fucking your baby girl under your roof behind an unlocked door" section of the Hallmark cards.


It's really not that bad. rough oral is very common. Plus you're both adults and what y'all are into isn't his business.


Minor? You were face fucking his daughter! I’m so glad I’m not the father. This would just be soul breaking.


Laugh about in the future? Damn, how open are your family? Lol. "Hey Paul, remember that time I saw you throat fucking my daughter? I still remember her first words like it were yesterday, but you had a bigger impact on them vocal chords in those 5 minutes than I have in 18 years 😭"


When I was 21, my mom walked in on me having a threesome. She was supposed to go to her boyfriend's place for the weekend but the roads were closed. Bad weather meant the drive back was slow going. She saw me getting railed by my friend's boyfriend and me eating out my friend. "I WAS NEVER HERE, I'M GOING TO THE GROCERY STORE!" Later, when she got back home, she just had a bunch of questions. "Are you dating her? Are you dating him? How does jealousy work?"


Right!? This is exactly what I thought. “Oh, so hilarious that time I walked into my sweet girl’s room and you throat fucking her eyeballs out! Haha lol!!”


You realize op is using this story to fuel his kink? Look at their post history!


Exactly. Clearly they both have some weird type of fetish by doing that with ppl around. That’s borderline psychopath behavior. It’s one thing if it’s strangers, but her family with the door wide open? Disgusting.


If OP was 20 and the girl was 14 and the dad gave a shit OP wouldn't be here to tell us about it and deservedly so. I would not try to explain how much I love the girl or whatever just avoid the topic. I would think the dad wants to move on also


I just want to add, you're both adults. Sure, it's embarrassing, but your sex life is really none of his business. He really should assume that you're being very sexually intimate, you're in your 20s after all and in love. I'm sure he was doing much the same when he was your age. However, I hope this makes you think twice about doing such stuff when he and her sister are both in the house! That's indiscreet to say the least. I assume that when you say it was your gf's house, that it was HIS house. It's really disrespectful to have sex there if there's any possibility of him, or the sister, knowing. Have a little decency.


If it helps the first time I met my now ex-MIL I was finishing nuts deep down my ex's throat. Dinner was a little awkward that night but eventually things were normal. If she wants to talk to her dad about it let her. If he brings it up then I guess go from there. Otherwise I wouldn't bring it up. He saw what he saw, he probably doesn't want to talk to you about it. You're both adults. It'll pass


Father of two young 20yo daughters. I was caught fingering my now wife when we were in our teens by my FIL when we were supposed to be studying. She didn’t see him. We locked eyes. It was awkward. He left. Never spoke a word about it. Years later he booked the church for our wedding. He’s a guy. You are both adults. He knew before, just didn’t want to see it. Still married for over 25 years.


Exactly! I'm surprised so many people are acting like this is gonna scar the dad for life. Sure, it's unpleasant and no one wants to see the evidence, but people are aware their kids have sex. He'll get over it.


I caught my son and gf once and I just closed the door quickly and didn’t bring it up. I knew they were sexually active so I’m not sure why I didn’t knock first. I know I saw them but have basically blocked out what I saw now so don’t remember details thankfully. It is what it is and I don’t know that I would bring it up with him if he doesn’t bring it up. You and your gf are consenting adults and it’s a lesson to him to not go barging in (and a good reason to have locks on the bedroom doors)


Which kind of supernatural forces prevented you from simply locking the door?


No frigging lock, the thing just floats on hinges and pushes open like an old west saloon door. I feel so fucking stupid for having sex there in the first place knowing the set up.


Ah the good ole "fuck it we'll probably be fine" a classic blunder


Not the old west saloon door! 😭 Tragic. In all seriousness, let your gf talk to her dad so she can explain. It probably wasn’t the best idea to do that in the house with other people present, but apologize if he’s willing to talk to you. Soon the awkwardness should fade and everyone can move on.


The old west saloon door made me laugh so hard lmfao 😂


Please, the man is going to hate OP forever. He was face fucking his little girl. Seeing OP slap her would’ve hurt a lot less lmao. That’s a horrible image. He probably didn’t need to know his daughter got down like that 😅


Wait! Which country are you in? When I go in my daughter's room, I knock first. I'm in US. AND, I never quietly approached my daughter's room. If you are not in US, then most suggestions here may not help.


I am in the US too and we literally have never had anyone from her family open the door like that. They usually always shout from behind the door first.


Dude, don't sweat it. Dad is likely as embarrassed as you are as he really should not have opened the door. This happened to me when I was young and had to go to church with her family the next day. It will pass.


You are stupid for having sex there. You knew they were home, the door has no lock/ opens with the slightest touch, and you were taking your sweet ass time.. You literally set yourself up to get caught.


Totally agree. This is a level of disregard that is borderline intentional.


Don't worry, it will be alright. He didn't yell at you, that's already a good sign.


Dad couldn't even slam that door when he left. Joking aside, he did leave, and didn't make a fuss. And you are both clearly adults. I wouldn't worry that much.


Very true, and I did have my back turned so maybe he wanted to leave without anyone noticing?


You should. That was really fucking stupid lol


Space for now meaning don't show up to her house for awhile and for the love of God don't do that while fully knowing your two aren't alone. If you have the guts call him and apologize but if you don't you can always text and be sincere and apologetic about the situationship. Do not add details the poor man is traumatized enough


Fr I feel like texting him just "I'm sorry" and that's it would suffice, he'll definitely know what OP is talking about 😭


You were throat fucking his daughter like she was trying out for the best deep throat award. You might have lost this one my man.


Yea it was stupid to be going that hard in her family home with people inside. So so stupid. Lesson definitely learned.


I don't know man, is this really a lesson you needed to learn? Like, don't face fuck your girlfriend when her parents are in the next room. That seems like something you should just know.


Common sense ain’t common


i dont think you did anything wrong, ive always had sex in my bedroom in my family home. we're just not weirdos who walk into each others bedrooms unannounced in my house i guess


I would honestly act like nothing happened. I mean everyone has sex 🤷🏼‍♀️ Tho it reminds me of how ultra embarrassing moments in the family can be weird. When I was around 14 my friend was over and for whatever reason we were snooping around in my moms closet. We found what looked like a cool old lunch box. Opened it up to find sex memorabilia (ew) and notes my mom had written about wanting to feel some guys 10in cock impale her until she vomited. Needless to say it did change my perspective a bit of her but eventually just laughed about it


Sure everyone has sex. But not everyone fucks their partners face in her parents house, while they are home, and without a lockable door. I am as sex positive as they come but its not unreasonable for a parent to be upset seeing what they did and a very uncomfortable collection of exchanges occurring between all parties as a result.


Was that your moment of seeing your mom as a person? We all have that moment, but that's one that sticks!


Just wanna' offer this perspective: You were 2 young people, in a bedroom, behind a closed door, and the dad didn't even think to knock? If he has any self awareness he should at least feel slightly guilty about that himself.


literally, everyone in these comments saying they were wrong is so strange to me. the dad was wrong for not knocking, my parents would NEVER just open the door to my room. esperically if i had my boyfriend in there with me


I’d put money on Dad never kissing his daughter again.


You are making the assumption she kisses him on the mouth/lips? 😂


I think Dad would stay away from her whole face now he has that memory. Poor sod. His darling baby girl.


Ahh fuck this got me 😂


No, fr. He will never look at her the same way again. It is one thing to know that your daughter is grown and is having sex. Another thing is to see her having freaky sex with her horny boyfriend who doesn’t respect his own damn house. Like, OP was very dumb for doing this. Of course he’s not going to be liked by that man. Ever.


You didn’t close the door and you knew everyone was home? That’s all you 2! If you are old enough to play adult games you are old enough for all the consequences.


Really? What happened to knocking before entering?


He describes the door as like "an old saloon door" that "floats on hinges". Sounds like knocking on the door *is* opening the door.


Then you place furniture or whatever in front of the door so it doesn't open. Or you go to a DIY store and fit a bolt yourself.


Yea I should add this in the post, the doors at her house have no bolt and literally swing open. So stupid of us to assume it would hold against well really anything.


Her house, or her parents' house? Because if it's her dad's house, it's on him for not putting in the effort of allowing his adult daughter to have reliable privacy at the age of 22 by having doors that barely qualify as doors.


I am a father of two daughters. Do not bring this up to him, ignore it. It never happened. I promise you, he does not want to remember this or have any future conversation around it. If he brings it up, then fair game, but I assure you, he will not. Unless he sees an opportunity for a good joke that he can’t resist later on.


Having been in the exact same scenario myself, there’s only one thing i want to ask 🤣🤣 we had to do the walk a shame straight through everyone sitting in the lounge afterwards. Did you have to go through that torture too? That was worse than being caught for me 🤣🤣🤣 thankfully, it was my parents and not hers though. That part of the detail no one can help you with my friend 🤣🤣😬😬😬💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Thank God he had left the house by then and I was able to just walk out. Still very embarrassing.


Have you not come face to face since yet then?


No not yet, this only happened yesterday.


Hey, she could have been pegging you bent over the bed and slapping your ass while wearing a cowboy hat and spurs while yelling "Giddy up!". What you did seems minor in comparison now, doesn't it? Not trying to shame the giddy up crowd, that actually sound like a lot of fun to me.


Lmao thank you this puts it into perspective.


No problem. That is my job here, to help put things into perspective.


Nah, this would be so absurd that it would be easier to become a inside joke and the dad laughing off. As a parent seeing your child getting throat fucked in such a position is by far the worst sex act you can catch them in. Like its not even close.


I can give you two different perspectives - one as the new girlfriend (my husband, then boyfriend was 22, I was 17)who hadn't really met the parents officially and another as the now parents (49 and 44, of two sons (older one will be 18 this year). First perspective was ... embarrassing. Not quite as into things are you guys were, but we hadn't been dating for long (less than 6 months) and were still getting to know each other and had not advanced to having sex yet. One fine day - my boyfriend (now husband) invited me over as he was going to have the apartment to himself for a while (parents at work, younger brother out as well). Since we rarely had quality alone time, I was feeling happy and we were looking forward to just spending time together, fooling around. Right in the living, there was an oversized cushy chair - my husband was sitting and I was sitting in his lap (dressed). Door was locked. We started making out, kissing and some time later, i was topless, wearing jeans and he was just wearing pants. As he was kissing me, playing with my hear, sucking my nipples - we were lost in the moment. Neither of us heard the key turn (no one was expected) and his dad walk in on us. He was super flustered, mumbled something and left as fast as he could. We talked for a bit, oh well, it was uncomfortable but ...can't change it. Forward 5 years later we were married and four years after that my FIL passed away. I had known FIL for almost 10 years - the incident never came up and never had any kind/negative impact on how we interacted. My husband and I are now 49 and 44, about the age my FIL would have been at that time. Our older son will be 18 later this year - in all honesty if either myself or my husband walked in on him in any sexual situation - we would have nothing but understanding. There's nothing wrong - if our son wanted to discuss it or the girl he was with - it would be a mature, respectful and kind conversation. Neither we as parents should feel ashamed or embarrassed by incidentally walking in on them, nor our son and his partner should feel shame, embarrassment. We are all human. Every parent was once a teenager or young adult; every teenager or young adult would possibly be a parent one day. Sex and everything it entails is normal, healthy, fun and part of stepping into adulthood. Best way to approach it is as exactly that - there should be no problem, no shame, no embarrassment - at 22 you are both adults. Her father was once 22 himself so there's nothing that should surprise him or cause a rift in the relationship - hopefully he sees it as a natural part of life.


That's a very refreshing perspective, really outs things in a different light. Thank you for sharing.


You're welcome - it's just somehow easier to see different sides of a situation when you've been a teen/young adult and then from parents perspective. Good luck and hope things turn out ok


She needs to be the one to address him first. She needs to remind him that she is a consenting adult to what he witnessed but still apologize if she crossed any boundaries he may have had in place about what he was comfortable with in his home. After that, you do the same. Let him know that you care for his daughter and you will allow him needed space from you but that you hope that you can eventually move past this. Otherwise let him be, but you must acknowledge him in some way I think. Ignoring it completely is the worst thing. Allow him to dictate how he wants to proceed after you do speak with him. If you’re going to do adult things and get caught by the parents in their home, be ready to have adult conversations.


> She needs to remind him that she is a consenting adult to what he witnessed This is particularly important. He may not like knowing that his daughter likes getting throatfucked but rest assured, he knows she *got* throatfucked. That this is part of her sexuality is not something he has to like but it is something he needs to know. OP isn't abusing her or mistreating her. After that, unless he's got his head firmly up his preacher's ass, the fact that this adult daughter enjoys doing adult things within her adult relationship with her adult boyfriend can't possibly be a surprise. It's natural for her father to worry that she's being abused or taken advantage of, but after she tells him that's not the case, it should be in the past.


This was a very good way to put It, thank you for posting.


Let her take the lead and tell you how to proceed. Also, thanks for the best laugh. We’ve all been there, you’re not alone and you will get through it. Just man up and face him. You did it, now you deal with it. You’re going to be ok. One day yall may even laugh about it.


As long as i can laugh about it later I'll be good, but I think I'll be mortified for life.


Probably less embarrassing then what happened to me when I was twelve. Once after a family vacation my mom told me to load pictures from her phone onto our computer. She had forgotten private pictures she had on there. Now our computer had a screensaver that would show random pictures on the computer. Just imagine the mortified feeling that filled our house when on our computer screen in the middle of the living room for all to see.. Flashed a big o'l picture of my parents fucking for all to see.. and a loooot of those pictures too... to make matters worse my mom tried to move the pictures to a locked folder but didn't know how so that evening it happened again, and my dad finally deleted those pics. I swear I am never taking any naughty pictures when I am married. That moment I lost all respect for adults in general. I remember thinking "isn't that the kind of stupid mistake a horny kid would make? Isn't just enjoying each other's bodies enough?" I had accidentally walked in on my parents during sex several times. And of course it was gross but I could understand, and it was easily forgettable because everyone knows people do those things. But those kinds of pictures.. like why the bloody fuck would anyone do that and not be more careful? And to top it all off our family was conservative Christian at the time


Nah, getting caught face fucking someones daughter is a million times worse.


Have things ever been the same lol


Yea that takes the cake, what a story, hope everything is good now.


Yeah, we never discussed it and a lot of time has passed since so it's fine if awkward to remember


>we have no idea how long he was standing there but he left the house and I haven't seen him since. You can be very certain he wasn't standing there for long, because no father wants to see his little girl like that.


Everyone saying dad will be fine are either not dads themselves or they grew up in a family without boundaries. Completely bonkers.


I found my parents' sex letters from when my dad was in the navy. Can't unsee that. You just learn to carry these burdens. Apologize if you must, then quickly move on.


Lol well, you can’t come back from this. You were literally face fucking a man’s daughter IN HIS HOUSE. You’re lucky you’re still alive lmao. Idk what you want us to say but that man hates you now. No father wants to see that. This is why I don’t believe in having sex in parent’s houses. There should always be boundaries to avoid these kinds of awkward situations. I know you guys are young but that was still bold af when it’s not your house. If it makes you feel better, you and her won’t last forever. She’s the one who’s going to have to look at her father for the rest of her life and that image is going to be permanently in his brain forever. Lol. You can’t do anything about it. Oh well!


It’s okay. This happens more often than you think! It just sucks nature of the position and the act will be stuck in their head for a while. When I was like 17, I got caught by my boyfriend’s (now ex) mom with her son’s dick in my mouth. Literally caught dick in mouth. We made eye contact. She came upstairs and barged open the door to tell me she made me a dinner plate. I didn’t go downstairs for like 2-3 hours and we were all just silent and eventually it passed. Time heals, lol.


Sp the dad just doesn't knock before walking into his daughters room?


I bet he’ll knock next time.


did you think for a minute that her father doesn’t realize that you guys are having sex? That said, how would you feel if it were your daughter, and what would her boyfriend say to you that would calm the waters? I think the biggest thing to do is to don’t leave her hanging in the situation find out what she wants to do how she wants to handle it and stand behind her 100%. if your man enough to do what you did the man enough to deal with her father if you have to support her but handle it the way she feels it should be handled. She knows her father the best.


Let her take the lead, back her up if she ask you to. Don't rush to conclusions or anything.


Sorry, what do you mean when you say your GF's eyes 'were starting to get covered'?


This poor dad seeing his daughter get, what I can only imagine from OPs description, hardcore throatfucked upside down 🤣🤣🤣 Good luck to both of you in the future, nothing is ever going to be the same with either of you and her dad


I think it would go better if she talks to him than you because it’s her parent. Also people need to knock before going in someone’s room.


I mean they're grown up people, and you're not 10, they should know you're having sex, don't think it's anything to be  embarrassed about.


Im sure if he feels the need he will talk to you man to man. Just let it be unless he talks about it.


If it makes you feel any better, in high school my ex's mom walked in when he was literally inside me, spooning style. We had the covers pulled up so she didn't see anything and proceeded to have a full conversation about what was for dinner, but there's no way she didn't know. Still humiliating.


i know that feeling haha I had 2 worse instances that will maybe make you feel like your situation isnt that big of a deal. first was when I was in highschool and my girlfriend at the time was over and we were hanging out in my room. we started having sex and at one point we were both butt naked and I had her bent over on the wall and I didnt even hear it but my little sister who was I think like 6 or 7 at the time just walks right in and sees us like that and she just didnt know any better to just walk out she I guess wanted to come in and see my girlfriend because she loved it when she would come over and she just kept standing there as we were scambling to get under covers or put clothes on and she was just saying "what were you guys doing?" with the most innocent smile and I just came up with we were just getting changed to go in the pool. She proceeds to go downstairs and tell my mom that me and my girlfriend were naked and hugging and was just laughing about it. My mom was livid especially because at the time me and my girlfriend were 15. I was so embarrassed I couldnt face my mom for days. 2nd time was a year or so later with the same girlfriend and I guess my grandma was over and her and my mom were talking downstairs in the living room and I guess me and my girlfriend were a little too loud getting after it and my phone buzzes and its my mom texting me saying something like "that nonsense better stop your grandmother is here. we are going to have a long talk later". lol i was like FML


When I met my wife, her parents were in the process of having a house built. It was finished but it needed like a few rooms to be completed. So there was a room in the basement that was going to be the guest room. Her mom was showing me the basement while my then gf was talking to her dad. Her mom goes yall can stay upstairs in her room, or yall can come down and sleep here so you don't have to worry about being quiet. She must have seen the dumb look on my face because she was like we're all adults her. I'm under no illusion yall don't have sex. I think i managed to mutter out an okay. To which she just laughed. This was probably my 5th time meeting the mom lol


Act like it did not happen. Tell her she imagined it. If her father brings it up, tell him he is mistaken....maybe she was choking on a piece of carrot you were trying to dislodge or something like that...Also, go watch the movie "Guide For a Married Man" and pay particular attention to the vignette featuring Joey Bishop. If you really feel you cannot pull this off and are strapped for money, I recommend getting a tent made by Alps; it is possibly the best quality for the money unless you need a 4 season tent. P.S. We all know it could have been much, much worse.


No way I could fake it the evidence is too damning. I was literally butt ass naked Think I'll have to invest in a good tent.


If he simply closed the door and left instead of immediately freaking out on you, I think you two are good. Her dad was young once too.


I know it sound stupid to say in this situation, but it will be fine. Might take a few awekward weeks, but someday you all will laugh about it. It feels like there is no hope, but even here there is! Still sorry that that happend!


Jesus, follow the rules! Always lock the door.  If there is any doubt about how well the door locks, push something heavy in front of it. If further security is needed, use a wedge shaped door stop to wedge it closed. It is not rocket science. The only time I ever got caught, it was the cat.


I'm literally just gonna start carrying a door wedge with me everywhere I go. I can't have this shit happen ever again.


saw this in relationship advice first💀💀 poor brother… thinking of y’all🙏🏼🤞🏼


what adult barges in on another adult's bedroom?


It's not your fault. Dad didn't knock, so what happened is on him. If anyone should apologize or start a conversation about it, it should be him


As a girl dad myself, I can say that there is nothing you could do nor say to me to improve the situation. An apology for doing it in my house with the door unlocked while knowing I’m home and awake might help, but it would be better if it were relayed by my daughter on behalf of both of you. Even in a sex positive household with a great father-daughter relationship, no dad wants to *see* their daughter in that position. The only benefit for you is that, as a man, we know that it feels good and would take the opportunity if our partners offered it too. So he can’t necessarily hold it against you for performing a consensual sex act with his adult daughter. I’m guessing he’s likely more disappointed and/or traumatized witnessing her do it though. At the end of the day, you are all adults that have sex. He’ll have to get over it, but it’s gonna take some time for sure before the shock and awkwardness is gone. On the bright side, you two will never have to worry about him walking into her room without knocking again!


So many people blaming OP. This is 100% the dads fault, for entering his daughters bedroom, without knocking. There is nothing wrong with having consensual sex, in your own bedroom, with the door closed.


There’s nothing to come back from. There’s nothing to fix. You were having consensual sex and you both were enjoying it. It is none of her parents’ business.


Have sex in your own house and you will not be embarrassed.


He’s 22. I doubt he has a house


I read a story about a guy getting walked in on while his gf was pegging him by his dad so this isn't the worst. Mind you if I walk into a room and my sweet baby girl is getting throated by some dude I'll be mad. But at that age, lock the damn door.


If a father can accept the idea that their daughter is having sex, then they have to also accept that he also has to accept the idea that she might just be into some “more extreme” sexual activities as well. Sure for a minute he must have been mortified to see you smashing her throat like that, but he should have knocked. It’s his bad.


Lmao It's funny if your dad walked into the same situation, he will have gave you a high five later, but since it's a girl, it sucks. Sucks. And it will suck forever. Not too many dads can get over such a thing


The story seems fake. Straight up. But if it’s not fake, here’s my advice - you were stupid for doing that sex act while her father was home. He was stupid for walking in without knocking. Just pretend like it never happened and call it even.


You act like a man, go to the house when you know he’s home. Speak to him alone without the girlfriend and tell him it was consensual and that you both love each other and you apologize profusely for him having seen this


I think this is massive overkill. No one did anything wrong here and it doesn't need a big formal conversation in my opinion. At the absolute most, a "hey, sorry about that. Won't happen again." But more likely, letting it be is the way to go. They aren't kids, they are 22 years old. And she isn't a baby or a princess who needs him to apologize or speak for her.


How do you not lock the door?


Is this what that “eye contact during sex” post was talking about?


this sounds far from the worst, a few days ago something similar was posted, but the guy was getting pegged by the girl.


He sure learned his lesson the hard way about waking into his adult daughter's room without knocking


When you post the same thing in 4 subs at the same time it comes off looking like karma farming. There is nothing you can do. The main relationship is her and her dad. She will let you know what if anything you can be doing when the time is right to do it.


If they have a good relationship then I think you’ll be able to laugh about this in 10-15 years. If they have a good relationship but they’re hardcore religious, then I don’t think you’ll ever see her again lol. Give it some space and hangout anywhere but her house.


Ol’ dad is trying his best to unsee this right now!


Well it’s not like he never did that to your GFs mum. Everyone’s adults here. However it’s going to be a long time before you’re going to be able to look each other in the eye. I vote act like it never happened and maybe have sex somewhere else next time.


I wouldn’t worry about it…it’s not like he caught you throatfucking her.


You’re both 22 years old. I understand that it’s embarrassing but honestly her dad is probably more embarrassed. My dad walked in on me and my now husband once. We were both adults but younger than 22. We have never once spoke about it and act like it didn’t happen.


As a father I'd be uncomfortable but also understand at my daughter's age this is going to be happening. I might have a very discrete and very short conversation with her about keeping the noise down and locking doors but I have to know it's happening. As much as she'll always be my little girl and you break her heart and I'll break you.. The reality is you're both adults by quite a margin and being sexually active is completely normal. I may even just internalize the whole mess and just go on like it never happened. Having said all that, with this fresh in his mind it would be a great time for you to be extra supportive and kind, extra helpful around his house when you are there and extra sure this doesn't happen again in his house for a bit. Be respectful that he knows his daughter is a grown woman and being sexually active is part of that but it's always a hard pill to swallow. Unless you and he are really close, I would not recommend bringing this up. We Dad's know that our daughters are growing up and in this case grown up. We may not always be happy about it and may still be very defensive of them. Just be relaxed, be respectful going forward, it's probably nothing to worry about.


Why would you take the risk of getting caught, unless you wanted to.


Maybe it reminded him of her mother lmao


That fact that he just left and didnt make a scene is a good sign. Though I'm sure it'll be a bit awkward for a bit. Ngl this story made me laugh


What the hell is wrong with you (and her, too)? You guys are adults. You can do what you want to do. It was extremely disrespectful for you guys to be doing that while there were other people home and as a dad it isn't that you were having sex with his daughter as much as you have absolutely no tact. Absolutely act like it didn't happen, because you didn't even see him. He can talk to his daughter (or you for that matter) if he wants to. If she was my daughter I'd tell her that she can fuck her boyfriend all she wants to, but not under my roof. I'd also advise her that she may want to rethink the relationship but that's for her to decide.


I mean he will picture it in his mind for a very long time everytime he sees either of you so your going to have to be patient and maybe rely on your girlfriend for when and how to proceed with her father.


Definitely could be worse.  https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/1dsqbzh/boyfriends_mum_caught_me_pegging_him/?chainedPosts=t3_1dxniae


Sorry OP, but it's hard for me to feel sorry for you both. What were you thinking? Father in the house. At 22 you're both adults and should know better. You learned a life lesson, the hard way.


Not the worst. Imagine if she was fingering you and your mother open the door (happened last week in this sub or the relationship one)


that’s awful. how could you not be extra safe & locked the door??


So he - a grown man who has had sex and should know within reason - opened the closed door to his adult daughter’s bedroom knowing her BF was over. What did he think he was gonna see? You two playing with Yu-Gi-Oh cards? Has he done this before? I have a 17-yr-old. I’m not opening any closed door to her room because I don’t wanna stumble in on her naked. What was he thinking?


If this is real, and her dad stood and watched, he has a lot of explaining to do to his daughter. The situation affects you minimally.


Hopefully you are in love with his daughter and treat her well.


I wouldn’t worry about it, but I bet he’s learned to knock in future


It's emberassing, but not the end of the world. It will be very awkward for her, so try to help her navigate that. As for you, all you can do is try to continue on. Don't bring it, and pretend like it never happened. If he brings it up try and work it out. If it really escalates it may be best to maintain space from him. Hopefully he wouldn't do that and out strain on his daughters relationship. I've seen worse. There was a dude on here who had his mom walk in on his girlfriend pegging him. That would 1,000 times worse.


It is ok. Her dad was 22 once. My dad walked in on my now husband going down on me when we were 17/18. We are 53/54 now. We all just ignored it. I think my parents might have said he couldn’t be in my room with the door closed. You are making a bigger deal than it is. Relax and just treat his daughter right.


The other day there was a guy on here whose mom caught him getting strap on fucked by his girlfriend. This couldn’t be worse than that. If anything a large part of the problem is for your girlfriend to deal with. The best you can do is to be supportive and if the situation really demands it, apologise to the father that he was forced to see something he really shouldn’t. Also next time lock the door.


Think from the dad's perspective - he feels bad he didn't knock and saw it, but probably all he is thinking at this moment is if you're using his daughter and she is forced to serve you like this or if she enjoys it too and is happy with this position. Probably best if she talked to him or messaged if easier just to let him know she is fine, loves you and fully agrees/likes that way, so the dad has nothing to worry about.


As a dad who’s daughter was 22 in the past, if I had walked in I would have been so embarrassed that I would have left to. That said I would be inclined to pretend I didn’t see much but that maybe the two of them get an apt together. And then I try and drown myself! Btw my daughter used to work at an adult online sex website which she was honest about. I asked her a several questions any dad should and though I wasn’t thrilled about it, ultimately it’s her life and I will always love her no matter what.


I’m a dad to a 19 year old. If i walked in on her and her bf then it’d teach me to knock in future


"What, like in the back of a Volkswagen?" Sorry, you're 22, this joke is like 40 now. Anyway, hang in there my dude, this is a time problem.