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make sure he goes in slowly first kinda works his way into there and kinda play with it before hand whether that be him eating your ass or kinda fingering it. You don’t wanna get straight into it cause it’ll be tight and even tho you know it’s coming you won’t know what to expect. I was scared my first time cause people talking about it hurting and what not but it’s actually not that bad if you 2 are comfortable with each other and can communicate while it’s happening. goodluck and have fun haha


Im gonna be honest, after my first time analyzing experience with my boyfriend it was REALLY painful. (I dont want this to frighten you) But that was cause we went right at it 😭 Anyways, what we did is take it slow so maybe try having your partner like finger it and then slowly go with their weenie and take it really slow, make sure to communicate with them if it hurts too much and take a few minute break and try again if you’re up to it! ANOTHER THING, im gonna be honest, dont do it like dry if you’re doing it without protection, even with protection i recommend putting a lubricant of some sort on so it helps ease the experience? (Ifykwim) But honestly like, just make sure to communicate with the person youre doing anal with and tell them you will like squeeze their hand or say something if it hurts to much and just ask them to take it out when doing so. (Corny but communication is key, it was awkward for me and my bf at first but then we didn’t mind cause we were really stupid a while ago 🥲)


That is not enough time for anal sex! You need to warm up at least half an hour for it to be pleasurable for you. Anal is not something you just go in. You could seriously hurt it if you do. Anal erogenous zone wakes up really slowly. https://www.ohjoysextoy.com/buttsex/ - Communication! - Lots of lube! - Take your time! - Warm it up! Rimming, fingering, anal plug, all great. - Orgasms from the clitoris first. You need to be fully relaxed. - Spooning is great position to start with. - He is not moving. You do all the moving in *your own phase* Waiting for his mother to come back home sounds horribly stressful. I would never be able to relax with that sort of thing in the back of my mind.


Lots of lube. I like to use vapor rub instead of actual lube. Or coconut oil. Idk why sex lubes get dry quicker and it makes you spend more. Also insert fingers in the shower to make sure it isn't too tight. Doggy style is a great position to start. Its best if you the one pushing towards the dick at first. You make the first moves. Than let your partner take over. Its goona get messy. So try not to eat at least 6 hours before.


When he is trying to enter you, push like you are trying to poop. It will help you open up to him