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Yeah you definitely should be using condoms. It's a miracle you haven't gotten pregnant yet, the pull out "method" is NOT a valid method. Condoms or birth control, or both. If you decide to try the pill, which I think you should, you can stop taking it if you don't like the side effects. Some people have none, like me. There's no need to be scared of it. It is safe for the majority of people, and if it isn't safe for you, I doubt a doctor would prescribe it. Don't jeopardize your future for sex, it's not worth it.


As a paramedic, the others are right. Precum has sperm in it. The pull out method is NOT reliable, and will induce pregnancy eventually if you don’t use protection unless one or both of you are infertile which is unlikely


He was infertile in the past due to health complications but they fixed that. And yeah I think I should push to use contraception from now on..


Yes You don't use any protection at all, so you will end up pregnant eventually. BC, condoms, IUDs, etc all have downsides to them, but you should obviously use at least one of them (or don't have sex) if you don't want to get pregnant, even more so if you have a phobia of being pregnant. Is it really a phobia if you're willingly putting yourself at risk of getting pregnant so often? "My boyfriend said I shouldn't because he doesn't want it fucking up my hormones because I'm perfect how I am now to him" sounds weird AF. He doesn't want you to use BC because you wouldn't be perfect to him anymore? What?


Yeah I can’t stand seeing people that are pregnant or hearing about it, it makes me nauseous, and that’s why I’m so on the fence about having kids. I want future kids with him I think, but can’t imagine actually doing it. Anything invasive freaks me out honestly. But like I said I’ve been being pretty stupid, horny ovulating brain wins over logical. I thought I wouldn’t have to worry when we went long distance though. And what he meant is he doesn’t like the idea of it affecting how I taste or smell or my feelings and libido in general. Any negative side effects. We’re super compatible and he doesn’t want messed up hormones ruining any of that. I’m positive he’d like me no matter what, he’s very loving, but also a very “classic and natural” guy


Ok so you were stupid in the past, learn from it and do better from now on. It doesn't have to be condoms, pick whatever method works for you and your boyfriend (and no, pulling out doesn't count as a method because it doesn't work, you've just been extremely lucky). Raw feels good, but not being pregnant when you have a phobia of pregnancy feels way better


To be honest me and my wife never used condoms she never used them on anybody else. I got lazy between her and our girlfriend that’s how we had our first kid we planned the second one. Pull out does work but you never know.


https://www.caya.us.com/ Start using a pessary and spermicide gel with it. It is not hormonal, non-toxic, and physical barrier placed in front of your cervix, but it leaves your genitals bare for stimulation. Do you have any idea why you have irregular menstrual cycle? Have you been examined by a gyno? Do you have any concrete reasons why you think hormonal BC would not work for you? There are many different kinds of hormonal options, just because one pill does not suit everyone. For example, Nuvarings are awesome.


I’m pretty sure I have a hormonal imbalance, acne and irregular period and all that. I actually have my first gyno soon because my parents never really did doctors. And I’ve Just heard about the negative side effects and bc of my parents I’ve always been adverse to medicine and invasive treatments


PCOS, aka polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a very common cause for irregular periods. https://www.ohjoysextoy.com/poly-cystic-ovarian-syndrome/ It might be the reason why you are not pregnant yet, despite not using any birth control. The treatment for PCOS is actually hormonal birth control if you do not wish to become pregnant. It will give you predictability over your cycle. Some pills treat acne as a side effect. Good that you are going to be examined soon! You do need to talk with a gyno :) https://www.ohjoysextoy.com/the-pill/


That’s really good to know! I’ll look into it when I go


Condoms are a must. My boyfriend has the best pull out method and swore he couldn't have kids. Im currently 3 months pregnant 🤣. If pregnancy scares you. Just use condoms