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most people’s first time is really awkward. Mine was- but it was completely painless and the dude was pushing 8 inches but everyone’s body is different. I began self pleasure really young and the fact that you do it too helps a lot. Not only does it help you know HOW you like to be touched but it helps your body be ready for it. My advice is find a good person you trust. Be in a very comfortable environment, I was in a dimly lit bedroom with a movie on in the background. Have it be a movie you like or music you like. The goal is relaxation because if you’re not relaxed and you’re not aroused your body is not going to loosen your vaginal muscles and then it WILL hurt. Have discussions about your virginity with the person before and make sure they keep you in a relaxed comfortable mindset and take the time to get you aroused with foreplay. I was absolutely ready and excited to lose my v card so that didn’t take much time for me. Let me know if you have any other questions ❤️


Thank you!!


First of all, make it clear for yourself what sex is: https://www.ohjoysextoy.com/what-is-sex/ Define what you want for yourself. Do not rush things. You do not have to try out every single thing at the same time. You have time :) https://www.ohjoysextoy.com/vaginal-intercourse/ Penetration should never hurt you. Not even the first time. If it does, your vagina is not ready for it yet. It might be a mental issue. Maybe you do not trust your partner enough, but most likely, it is due to insufficient foreplay. Your vagina needs time to relax into it, and that is done by warming you up. Do not expect the intercourse to bring you to orgasm. It might not feel much. 80% of women do not orgasm from penetrative sex. You need to stimulate your glans of clitoris simultaneously. The intercourse is most likely over way too soon. Talking with your partner is the key to happy sex. Tell them you have no experience before anything sexual happens. They should be pleased you chose them to be your first. While you wait for a good potential partner to appear, get to know your own body intimately: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22609341-come-as-you-are


Thank you!


wet, my first time was with a virgin so a few recommendations for you and your partner when you find one, I recommend a lot to you to go on top on him, so you can have control on how deep it will go. he ofc has to be gentle with you and respect your terms also a safety word might help your first time doesn't need to be terrible, it won't be the best ofc, but with the right person you might have a good time


Idk if I would be confident enough to go on top but we’ll see when the time comes!


it's actually a pose were you have absolute control so you can be confident but if you are worried about your legs getting tired you better be hitting those squads from now. hope you have a great first time whenever it comes, remember to have fun and if something goes wrong you will have an story to tell


Thank you!!






Sorry. Male here. I wish I could offer better insight, but alas we’re different genders and therefore will have different experiences for the most part. That said, I do believe universally that sex can be magic for either gender. First times are often eh, because the people arnt experienced enough to know how to explore sex with others, or even sometimes not even themselves. Couple this with insecurities, a lack of history of taking care of others sexual needs, and false ideas about sex such as porn, and it makes sense that the first times might be iffy. It really does take time, patience, and repetition to really see and understand what sex is for you, and everything out there sex relayed that you could possibly enjoy. It takes time to explore that path. That said, I believe that even those inexperienced can still have an amazing time. Yeah, the more you know and the more you put into it, the better it can be, but the early days are exciting, new and full of suspense and learning and it can be a huge fun adventure with the right partner or partners. My biggest pieces of advice would be to be a stickler for consent and make sure NO ONE pressures you into anything sexual that you’re not ready for. Next up, consider what aftercare you may desire. Be it cuddles, affirmation ect. Make sure you stay safe with birth control or condoms. You don’t need that anxiety. One of the best tips though is to really explore and dive into foreplay. It’s hugely important, especially for women. It’s where you’re able to get excited, wet and ready. I spend 30-45 minutes on foreplay with my wife to ensure she doesn’t get hurt by me going to quick. Don’t settle for less. And on that note, most men are honestly sadly ignorant when it comes to women’s pleasure or their ability to have an orgasm, much less how to go about it. Be direct and communicate frequently with your partner(s) to let them know how to best pleasure you so you can have an orgasm every time too. You deserve it as much as your partner deserves their orgasm. Make sure your partner meets your needs. Sex and love is a 2 way street. Sex is an amazing experience and can be so many different things. Don’t rush it, but allow yourself to be excited and explore. I hope you find the things you’re looking for! Good luck!


Thank you so much


Wish I could answer myself I'm also a virgin but Dante had the best answer.


saw in another comment you’re a girl, so might as well give my two cents lol. i can’t lie, it’s weird as fuck. the initial uh entrance if you will is going to be quite painful if you haven’t (like myself) used toys before. but that only lasts a few seconds as your body accepts what is happening. you’ll likely not feel much pleasure from penetration, so it’s important to get some kissing or touching or other forms of sex in beforehand. you might find you’re a lot more flexible than you realise, but don’t worry if this doesn’t happen to you. one thing i didn’t know about was the shaking after. i was physically trembling for quite a long time, and definitely not bc of how good it was lol. maybe it’s a shock to the system kind of thing? the guy was quite aggressive with it too. i would also potentially prepare for a tiny bit of blood, and pain/discomfort after. these two didn’t come together, so i reckon the blood was my hymen. but yes, down there was physically sore for a while afterwards. i think you need to be emotionally prepared. your body will literally tell you if you aren’t, and please listen. i did not get to have that experience, whilst i wouldn’t say i was assaulted it was a very grey situation. i also wouldn’t be disappointed if it doesn’t go well or feel amazing; it’s your first time, it’s not gonna be the best time. and it depends on your partner too. i had a few hookups before my first (and current) boyfriend and the difference isn’t even comparable. we haven’t even had full on sex yet and he’s, well, he’s amazing at what he’s doing. so don’t be upset if your first time doesn’t end up being your soulmate, sex when you’re starting out is a whole lotta trial and error. hoping u get there someday girl! 🫶


Thank you for this 🫶🏽


It feels amazing. Like kinda when you have to pee really bad and finally release it, Kinda amazing. I love the feeling. I really wish my boyfriend was more sexually active. Cause if it was up to me, i would do it daily. But it only feels amazing when you do it with someone you love. I had an experience with my ex where he tried to force it but i wasn't attracted to him anymore after finding out he was cheating. It went from feeling great to feeling disgusting and dirty. Now i do it once a week with my partner and he pretty big. It hurts with pleasure and i love it.


I’ll definitely wait for the right person


I’ve noticed that too. It feels a million times better when you do it with someone you really love. I’ve hooked up with guys, had friend with benefits, an none of them even come close to the experiences I’ve had with my boyfriend.


Well if it’s done right and the person your doing it with knows the basics it should feel good. Sex is one of the best feelings ever. Foreplay is exciting and nerve wracking. The built up and tension is consuming. Then the actually sex part feels so good. Being penetrated feels warm and filling. You feel a sense of pleasure all over your body. Depending on the position the actual penetration targets different parts of the vagina. Which means you feel different types of pleasure and the thrust strength also affects it. Overall it should feel amazing, just make sure you do it with someone you love and be safe. : )


Thank you!!


My bf and I were both virgins so it was something very new for both of us. I think what helped it be less awkward was that we had done foreplay before but no sex, so we were both pretty comfortable/ familiar with each other's bodies. I think that initial trust was what made it a wonderful experience. From my experience, it did hurt, but a different type of hurt I think. I think I could compare the type of pain to stretching your muscles, it feels good, and when stretching your muscles more, you start to feel your limit. But with a gentle partner they will respect your limit, and each time you feel more and more accustomed to the stretch and start to feel better and better. Also pleasuring yourself during sex feels amazing too!


That’s sweet