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I think Carrie should’ve gotten the room for herself to have sex with Big. It didn’t make sense to kick Samantha out


Yes! She got a smaller room for Samantha. Why not take that one for herself & Big :/


Yes! That’s the part I don’t get!


Exactly but ppl get on here defending her character because she’s a good friend bffr that’s how u treat ur friends?


this drives me crazy every re-watch 😭 like carrie you and big go to the new room let samantha relax after the torture train ☠️


makes me root for carrie’s giant pimple the whole episode 🤣


Carrie isn’t a good friend. It’s frequent on the show. It’s not normal but I think it’s just played up to give us plot. I remember when she bailed on her plans with Miranda for Big and when she was upset with Charlotte over not offering her a loan. Shes an interesting character but irl she wouldn’t have the friends she does on the show. Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda are too forgiving to Carrie. If the show was realistic the three girls would’ve dipped.


Carrie can be awful but she shows up for her friends when they need her.When Miranda’s mom died, Charlotte’s miscarriage, supporting Samantha through cancer. When she came out of her seat so Miranda wouldn’t walk alone behind her Mom’s casket, I teared up. I still do when I watch that episode.


I agree — that was a lovely moment and there’s no denying she was a good friend to the others in key moments. This post was about her thoughtlessness, of which there seem to be several examples throughout the show.


Yeah , she is a twatopotamus a lot. Just messy.


Yes she makes an interesting main character, quite narcissistic and self absorbed, yet funny and charming


Agree with you


Really you trash Carrie when they are all equally as selfish? You remember when Samantha didn’t go see Miranda after Brady was born until Carrie forced her too? Charlotte hated Harry at first because she thought he was ugly. Miranda broke up with Steve because he was too poor. Samantha constantly bailing on them for her various hook ups? They are ALL flawed but that’s what connects them and as you forgot to mention, Carrie comes through for ALL her friends like having them all travel to PA for Miranda’s mom’s funeral, or comforting Charlotte during her miscarriage, taking care of Samantha when she was sick and not dating anyone to help her. She is the show lead so we see more of her mishaps but they all have their issues it’s not just the lead.


No, Steve broke up with Miranda because she was too rich.


That was the end of it, she literally commented on how bad his apartment was and his lack of ambition. Instead of her letting him buy a suit to be in his price range she legit embarrassed him in the store. There was no conversation about “her this place is pretty pricey so it’s on me” or “let’s get you the measurements done and I’ll pick up the suit”. Miranda was kind of a snob until after Brady was born then she became more open minded.


this never bothered me. I feel Sam could ask her to do the same and she would. It was the comedy aspect of it.


Upvoted because I came here to say the same thing


That’s true, but Sam probably would have made it a nicer deal. A better room, a massage certificate, something. It’s good PR :p


I thought it was kind of silly how Carrie needed the bigger room to sleep with Big, but Carrie and Sam are best friends and sometimes people who are that close will ask for things of each other that aren’t always rational.


If I was Sam I'd have said 'No. You go to the other room. I'm not enjoying my bath. it's another room in this nice hotel - not a floor mat in an alley. I'm not going to say 'how high' just because you say 'jump now'.'


I don't think she *dragged* her to the book event. They both experienced it on a train for the first time. Though, I always wondered why Carrie wouldn't just, have sex in the smaller room, which I'm sure had at least a queen bed, rather than asking her friend to go in smaller room. That was awkward.


theyve been friends forever and samantha was not offended or anything, it was something both carrie and samantha saw as appropriate for their friendship and within their unspoken set of rules. samantha out of all people would be one to be fine with this, as she has done weirder and more elaborate things for sex. jesus christ why do we get the same "carrie was a bad friend!!!! omg!!!!!" post every week


Every week. Every DAY is more like it


my unpopular opinion is that carrie is not as bad as a friend as people make her seem🫣. does she have her faults, yes, but they all do tbh.


Carrie was the friend everyone would’ve wanted when Miranda’s mom died


If you read my post - it doesn’t say Carrie was a bad friend, just that there are examples of thoughtless/ disrespectful behaviour towards her friends from her throughout the show. And sure Sam has done weird things to get laid, but mostly when it doesn’t affect anyone else but her. In my opinion, that and them having been friends for a long time doesn’t warrant this kind of treatment. Yes, there are several instances where she shows up for her friends too. On balance, she does make for an interesting central character and comes off as an imperfect, but sincere friend. It’s a testament to the honesty in the writing of the character over the course of the show that they let her come off as a real person with flaws.


i think its just because it was Samantha and Carrie expected Sam to get it


Continued: I’m re-watching after a gap of a few years and I feel the entire series is littered with examples of Carrie’s disrespect towards all her friends.


Would not have been a fun, interesting, rewatchable show if Carrie was perfect. 🙃 And Just Like That is so boring because of it!


And Just Like That sucks for a whole bunch of reasons. Carrie's character is not the only thing to blame for that trainwreck.


Sheesh. I thought this episode was just supposed to be funny! 🤷🏻‍♀️ I love the fact that it’s a subversion of all the old romantic American images of train travel (“I thought it was going to be more like Bing Crosby singing at a piano…”, the 1940s jazz music when they go and see the bachelor party on the train). I like Carrie’s neuroticism here about sleeping with Big, she makes it into a romantic, over-the-top love affair moment and he’s finally had some realization that he hurt her. Also, Sam respected Carrie’s need to get laid (lol, as Sam would), so the whole thing just felt more lighthearted.


This comment 👆🏾


PLEASE I literally just watched this episode for the first time five minutes ago. The episode or two before where Carrie begged Samantha to come to her party even though her face was messed up by the chemical peel and then made fun of her all night until she left made me so angry


Oh, that was infuriating! She shows up after a chemical peel, probably in a lot of pain and instead of being appreciated for it is treated poorly/ made fun of! In fact, Carrie even seemed to have more compassion for Sam when she showed up after ‘throwing her back out’ for Aidan and Steve’s bar opening earlier in the series. This is why I think in this particular episode it was a writing issue — they got carried away with the central idea that she desperately needed to get laid and then everything had to revolve/ be comedically exaggerated around it.


I feel like people forget that this is a romcom show and not a documentary. Calling Samantha while she was in the bath to get out so she can sleep with Big was a haha look she’s naked (because Sex and the City) joke/physical comedy that was funny at it’s time period. Carrie is not meant to be the role model of friendship. She’s the protagonist of the story. The show is mostly from her point of view. She is the one narrating. So the show will highlight her and use the other characters to push storyline, subplots, comedic devices, etc.


Carrie constantly seemed to do this to her friends, especially when it came to Big. Standing Miranda up in season two and acting like it was no big deal when Miranda was obviously really pissed, the trip to SF, and even when she was with Aidan at the camp and invited Big. It was always a huge red flag that she would do this for him and showed just how little self awareness or respect she had for herself or her friends over him.


I think the reason Carrie wanted “the bigger room,” was because it was a status symbol of her success, and she wanted and needed Big to see how “big” Carrie was becoming. Obviously, their entire world revolves around status symbols, money, wealth. Hence, Samantha needed to go be in that smaller room for the night.


this one makes me so mad. sam was already IN THE BATH. how are you gonna force someone to get out of their bath and move to another room? carrie was such a cunt for that


When some of us say Carrie was a horrible friend and in real life very few women would tolerate her, soooo many get riled up. Carrie sucked. In everything. And for what? I don't think she had any redeeming qualities to get away with being so shitty.


I got downvoted too because I pointed out she also ditched Charlotte at the Opera. I am assuming those are Carrie lovers they don’t want to see any other opinions conflict with them - Grow up!


Im downvoted just now 😂


She's not just a bad friend. She's a terrible partner and not a good person all the way around.


This sub has some extremely immature grownass adults who treat Carrie like Jesus.


i keep trying to tell yall, she’s not a good person lol…i’m not a carrie hater because i don’t think it’s that’s serious but she’s only (barely) a good girlfriend.


She’s a shitty, narcissistic friend. She also ditched Charlottes at the Opera once she saw Big & shamed her for wearing her ring at home & for not offering her $$ for her apartment.


Honestly, I disliked Carrie the most in that episode. She was the worst entitled, self-centered chick she's ever been. It's not only about kicking Sam out. It's about, "OMG, showeeeerrr in the restroom. Not a separate room. AAaaaaa Brrrrr."