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I liked Steve, to me he was just a simple guy with a big heart and didn't need much to be happy. But him and Miranda weren't right for each other. I hate that the producers kept them together.


I was on board with Steve until the skid mark thing. I am surprised she never dumped him and I wouldn't have blamed her, she deserved better than a man who can't maintain personal hygiene. The writers made a sport of using Steve to bring Miranda down.


Thank you, I was just about to say the same thing! Men who don't clean themselves down there are toxic.


Speaking of skid marks, there was a post on one of these subs about a poor girl in college who was dating a guy who left literal shit stains on her sheets, making her have to wash them frequently, which was expensive for her since she's in college. And it didn't stop there! She wanted to know how to *gently* convince him to be more hygienic. I immediately thought of Steve 😂


The skidmarks thing is so disgusting and reprehensible to me lol




I think some people honestly can't help it. Even if you use a whole roll of toilet paper lol.


This post is classist AF. It seems like you conveniently forgot that Miranda left Robert, *an NBA doctor,* for Steve because she was, in fact, in love with him. It seems like you also conveniently forgot that Miranda proposed to Steve. It wasn't the other way around. Again, because she was in love with him. And Steve wasn't "just a bartender" (which there's nothing wrong with, by the way.) He was a successful entrepreneur. Steve was a much better partner than the dozens of noncommittal assholes and douchebags they dated throughout the series. Do you really think she should have ended up with, say, the asshole lawyer, just because he was in the same socioeconomic class? Do you think people should only date within their socioeconomic class? AJLT is bullshit and not considered canon by most of us.


That last sentence. Got through 2 episodes and stopped so it wouldn’t ruin the original series for me.


Steve could barely talk. He was like a caveman.


I'm working class but know to clean my ass though lol. I might have working class struggles but I'd never let a partner clean my underwear with shit streaks on it lol.


um didnt he cheat on her though?


Yeah but then she did it back in AJLT


Steve won't wipe his own ass. That is reason enough why he is not good enough for Miranda.


Miranda is the type of woman who will never be happy. We all know women like Miranda. She dates and dates, finally finds a good guy, but in the end, he’s never good enough for her. Steve was not perfect by any means but he had a good heart, meant well, and truly loved Miranda. You can’t say the same for any other romantic encounter she had. Except maybe for Skipper but he was a mess lol


She would have been happier with Robert. A good heart and love are not enough.


I think Steve is a great guy, I just never thought he was right for a Miranda long long term. When I saw everyone start canonising him on this sub I knew they were just making shit up to continue dumping on AJLT lol 


honestly i agree. he just felt to lazy to me. miranda basically ran their relationship


He has all the qualities that would drive me insane and is like a walking list of my personal pet peeves. I would so ruthlessly dump anyone who was like this IRL like even a _hint_ of it and that's it. I may be in the minority though based on this sub's opinion


First of all it's weird to me that some people call this classist. I'm sorry but it's normal to want a partner who is equal to you in terms of education and intellectual level. While I think it's not the only thing that matters it's okay to want that for your partner. I have a mixed opinion on Steve. He was a manchild sometimes but Miranda was often very rude to him and also not perfect. I think they were not the right match


I agree with you. Not to say that those relationships don't work ever but they don't work for many people and that's a valid choice. I can subscribe to opposites attract as a philosophy but not when it comes to tax bracket and education. Maybe low key stuff like small hobbies, travel preferences, intro/extroversion etc.


I mean… as much of a manchild Steve is/was… Miranda still kept going back to him. Even when she found better men to date. So was it really settling? I think she knew he was a safe bet and also had feelings at the time. Then she maybe realized that she wasn’t in love with him anymore after going through a lot during their marriage. She was always the calculated, make a pros/cons list, have to be safe, low risk take woman. Maybe on AJLT she realized that life was short and it was time to make irrational, risky, and wild decisions. She wasn’t getting any younger so it was now or never.


Miranda and Walker should have been…


I completely forgot about him, but, yes!!! I would have loved Miranda and Walker. They had good chemistry, too!


i dont dislike steve i just dont think he should be with her


No matter what good thing he does I'll never forget that he can't clean his ass so he leaves skidmarks on his underwear. That is so disgusting and so no matter what nice guy things he ever does he'll always be the man child who is fine with leaving shit on his ass. He's gross.


I would like to point out that bartenders in big cities can absolutely make six figures. I feel like it was not him being a bartender, but him having a lack of ambition that really bothered me. I don’t know how him and Aiden were friends because Aiden actually had some drive and masculine qualities to him


Wow, what show were you watching? Miranda was absolutely horrible to Steve and literally looked down on him because he was a bartender at the time. She wanted the perfect lawyer boyfriend who was her intellectual equal until she realized all lawyers were assholes including herself. Steve moved on with his life after Brady was born and she was again looking down on Debbie because she wasn’t on her level. Miranda was a snob. In AJLT she then cheats on him with Che the throw away NGB character, the only thing I appreciate is that she gave up a very lucrative career to start over and work in non profit.


Am I misremembering something? When does Miranda have this epiphany of hating the law/lawyers?


When she dated the ahole lawyer that gave her an sti, she was gonna put up with it because he was successful but quickly came to her senses and said F off.


You mean skidmarks in his shirts Steve? Steve does have man child vibes and can come across as warm and genuine, but after that episode, couldn't get passed the fact he has poor hygiene. Or is just gross. Miranda has moments where she is the most real of them all, but she is an unhappy person in general. They were not a good fit overall, but the scene where they're drinking beers and it's a beautiful fall morning and they decide to get married is still one of my favorites.


i agree


I don't really see AJLT or the movies as canon.


tbf the steve they introduced was a good buffer to miranda, he was supposedly cultured and had heart. I feel like what he turned into was completely an anthithesis to miranda. I also feel like miranda would never had chose to have a kid, especially if carrie and samantha didnt


Same, sister. Same.


Storyline I would have loved to see: Steve and Debbie work. Debbie was a lovely person and would have been an amazing stepmother. Steve and Debbie could have banged off a couple of normal kids together. It would have been a hoot to watch Mawanda deal with a bit of envy with her snobbery as they all raised Brady together. Maybe Brady would have turned out… better?


How do we know it wasn't Steve's parenting that give us the wonderful personality of teenage Brady 😂 To be clear I think it's on both parents to raise their kids well but it's 💯 fault of the AJLT writers for destroying all of their characters and making them unrecognizable


I think Steve provides a great balance to Miranda. He’s childish but that helps her loosen up and relax and in turn she helps him mature