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One thing I felt was an inconsistency with Steve's character was they made a big thing of them breaking up because Steve was too proud to accept a suit from her and when they were dating Miranda made sure they only went to places she knew he could afford. Then later on, he sort of seemed like a bit of a leech, always in her house, eating her food, demanding she drop her work and watch him shoot hoops or go and look at puppies(can you tell I am not a Steve fanđź’€)


Not a Steve fan here either (in fact I was dating a Steve until very recently), but I wouldn't necessarily call that inconsistent. To me it's pretty realistic in that people start getting comfortable with things that they start taking for granted. My Steve was also a lot more resistant about keeping his independence for the first few months, and by the end he all but *expected* to be handed money for the shit he wanted.


Yes! Especially when he asked to move in with her, it seemed rushed. Like you can’t expect to live in the nice apartment and not be supportive when she’s working late


Big didn’t think too much about it. I think he’s the type that expected gentlemen to pay for the majority of dates and shared activities given the time this aired. He wasn’t over the top and wasn’t offering to pay her bills, but he definitely wasn’t cheap. Not someone who’d go Dutch with his girlfriends. He plans to treat his lady. Aiden was a little more money conscious and frugal. I find myself wondering what he meant when he told Carrie “your rent is about to skyrocket.” Uncertain if he was a 50/50 type of guy or a split percentages based on difference in income. I’m thinking he probably didn’t mind paying for most of their activities especially the first time they were dating, but after the cheating and getting back together I think he was conscious of not being a door mat and taken advantage of. Steve was clearly struggling to maintain the lifestyle Miranda has. I think if he were dating another bartender then he’d probably be the type to go dutch, or treat his girl here and there. With Miranda I think he was definitely intimidated in the beginning and was uncomfortable with Miranda paying for most of their dates and activities. He obviously got comfortable with it later on and I’d hope he helped pay part of her mortgage or bought groceries and wasn’t a complete mooch. Richard obviously enjoyed being the sugar daddy type. He likes to spoil his women and might feel emasculated if the woman paid for anything. I think he probably appreciated that Samantha could hold her own, but I could see him financing an apartment for his significant other if she wasn’t wealthy. I’d have to rewatch the later seasons to remember Smith’s behaviors. I kinda think he might have come from wealth and privilege and was just really young when he met Samantha. He was still finding himself and I would speculate that he didn’t financially struggle but also didn’t get a huge handout from his family. They wanted to give him the opportunity to make it on his own. I don’t think he would have been cheap and think he would probably be like Big in a relationship and treat his lady generously. Edited to add Trey. Forgot about him. He was very much the stereotype of taking care of your woman. I think he wanted to give Charlotte everything he could and didn’t expect her to pay for anything hence the suggestion to quit her job. He wanted to fit the mold of the breadwinner. Harry is similar to Trey and Big in that he is willing to take care of the money part of the relationship but I think he would be a little more mindful about not overdoing it in the beginning of a relationship being that he is a lawyer. He’s probably aware and used to the gold digging type and knew how to actively avoid them. I think that may have been attractive about Charlotte in that she wasn’t trying to take everything she could squeeze out of the divorce with Trey. I think once Harry establishes trust he’s the spoiling type.


Spot on! Agree with your entire analysis and the points I missed!


I agree totally. Side note: I never liked that Charlotte gave up her job at the gallery, she loved it and it wasn’t about the money. It is on brand for her character though to leave though. I always thought she’d stay until she got pregnant


Steve probably did tens/hundreds of thousands of dollars in renovation/rehab on their Brooklyn home. So he earned his keep.


Did we watch the same show? Saying Trey wasn't generous when he gave Charlotte every single thing she wanted, from a premature proposal to tableware costing thousands to a multimillion dollar apartment, is quite bizarre. As is calling him stubborn when he was the biggest doormat in the series and didn't put his foot down until the fertility stuff got him to a breaking point (and even then, I think if Charlotte insisted a bit he would have caved again).


He also gave her a nice watch very soon after they started dating.


I did forget about that stuff, he definitely didn't think twice before spending after all! He also gave her the house which a lot of guys today would never. I guess his stubbornness with first, sex and then children just stood out the most and I just figured it was the same for finances


I guess it's fresher in my mind bc I rewatched recently, or bc I love the actor who plays Trey so his character always stood out to me! I've always thought that was a very sweet story even if they didn't end up together: they loved each other deeply, he was a consummate gentleman to her the whole time, and they only separated due to a fundamental incompatibility that wasn't either of their faults. Beautiful arc.


Yeah, Trey was a weird take in OP. A prenup is almost never, "I get everything and you get nothing". Both parties are strongly encouraged to have their own separate legal counsel, and in some states, they straight up will throw the entire thing out if you don't. They will also throw it out without a second thought in many courtrooms if [a] it is too one sided and unfair, [b] was signed too close to the wedding date, [c] was signed under duress or as a condition of the marriage going forward, [d] it was written like shit and makes no sense, etc. The show doesn't go into the boring legality of it, but make no mistake Charlotte's prenup did not outline her being thrown back onto the streets while Trey kept everything for himself. Source: My husband used an estate/planning attorney for our prenup first draft, and the guy dropped the ball and didn't finish drafting it until weeks before our wedding. None of the attorneys we were recommended for me to use were available to take me on, besides one badass lady divorce attorney who could ONLY do a ~2 hour consultation with me and not truly take me on. She picked apart the draft like crazy, noting things being written that weren't even legal (his attorney tried to waive interim/temporary spousal support - not legal where I live). Ultimately, she told me she would never sign it, which is what I told my husband as well. He meant no harm - he had no idea what was standard and just said okay to what his attorney had drafted up. By the time we made all my edits and had it rewritten and signed (rewritten basically entirely by me, who is NOT an attorney), it was the Thursday before our Saturday wedding. Husband and I joke often about the reality that our prenup is almost certainly not enforceable the way it was handled. Originally unfair, changed to be fair but written by a random non-attorney (me), I had no actual legal representation, and I signed it 2 days before we were to marry.


I don't think Charlotte would have been able to keep that apartment if Harry hadn't come into the picture. Co-op fees can easily go into the five-figure range (per month), especially for a place the size of the MacDougal apartment. When Charlotte told Harry that she was thinking of selling it, that read to me like her acknowledgement that she couldn't afford the apartment. Even if she had an inheritance of some kind, Charlotte lived well but not extravagantly pre-Trey.


What is a "sprinkle sprinkle man"?


You have to google “sprinkle sprinkle lady” it’s a woman who offers dating advice and advocates for women to get everything paid for by a man, very entertaining lol