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All I think about are those brownies and desserts at the cafe they go to.


City Bakery


They closed in 2019 :(


No! I want one of those brownies more than the damn Magnolia cupcakes. Ah well. They shall join the pantheon of cinematic treats I’ll enjoy in dreams.


I know. I was very sad when that happened. They also had an awesome (overpriced) salad bar.


I used to live in NYC, and there was a guy there who had absolute JOY in making fruit juices for you. And they were the most delicious I had ever had.


I worked there one summer!


What was the best thing you ate there?


My favourite part of this ep is when Carrie calls Sam with some insane obsessive question about Nina, while Sam is watching Brady, and Sam is like ‘WHAT?!🥴🥴🥴’ ‘Carrie, maybe Charlotte has time to talk about this. I have a crying baby on my hands’


“His problem is he's an assh*le.” “Well, maybe you should call Miranda.” “I will not! It took me months to get that appointment, someone should benefit! I'll find some way to keep this kid quiet, GOODBYE!”” ☠️


‘That had better be brand new.’


That was hilarious, I wish we had seen more of Sam dealing with the baby!


I loved this whole story cuz as hilarious as it was and as starkly different Mirandas and Samanthas lives were at the point, Sam still showed up when she knew it really mattered


She always does! Remember when she dug out Carrie's diaphragm when it got stuck? "And I just had my nails done." [knocks back a martini]




Samantha as a mother is hilarious


I would kill to see a whole series where Sam is a mom (I know it’s completely impossible lol). She would be hilarious and so entertaining.


I didn’t think Nina would be Aidan’s type or the kind of person he’d date


Neither is Carrie so I don't really get his type


His wife in AJLT seemed to be his type. At least close? He’s a tough one.


I think alot of people for some reason go for people that go against what they want or thier opposite. A man who loves living in the woods and off the grid has a type of ning with girly girls who love clothes and shopping and all that.


But how about carrie’s line to Nina: ‘breakups are private and awful and not necessarily symptomatic of what two people had’ (yes I have that line memorized), but for real 🫰🫰🫰🫰


But honestly what did they have :/......and I say this as a Carrie Stan. Every time I rewatch the show...I'm like why did she continue dating Aiden bc she clearly didn't like him and only liked how he made her feel.


I think you may have answered your own question


I always thought it was more like he was perfect on paper, and that she and others would judge her harshly for letting him slip through her fingers. But he just wasn’t the one for her. (Still isn’t, imo.)


I disagree. She loved Aiden, but she was majorly fucked up from being with Big. Aiden was secure and she was used to having to fight for love. Aiden was important to her.


Both times? Why did she cheat on Aiden in the first place? I always thought Aiden was important to her in the way that it showed that Carrie was Aiden's Big but genuinely every time I watch the show, I don't understand what she sees in him. There are several boyfriends of Carrie's and even Big where I understand why they're together; Aiden has never been one.


Wow this is an epiphany for me!


That line stuck with me, too. 🫶🏻


Nina’s face when Carrie was explaining her side at the farmer’s market made me think she was AWFUL. could tell she just did not care one bit and would go right back to talking shit about Carrie


For me was when she said to her friend, who asked about Carrie, “I’ll tell you later”. Which means, “we are going to talk about you later.


**Nina Katz loves to talk.**




Nina katz is that one bitch who can’t mind her own damn business


Yea super bitchy did Carrie do too much over yea but Nina started it


People like Nina Katz baffle me. Why would i spend the energy to badmouth the ex of a boyfriend? If he’s that traumatized and still hung up about the damage done to him by an ex, why even be with him? She was playing second fiddle in her own relationship and she knew it and was taking it out on Carrie lol


She wasn't with him anymore at that point, so she was bashing the ex of an ex. Surprisingly little going on in the life of someone who knew so many celebs.


Ooooh you’re right! Which just makes the situation worse, IMO. Allowing the ex of an ex to hold so much power over your thoughts haha.


Wouldn’t obsessing over your ex’s ex silly facial expression to the point that two of your friends have to go off on you to stop, tracking that ex of an ex down so you can confront them over said silly facial expression be considered allowing someone to hold a lot power over your thoughts as well?🤔 lol!


I mean… nobody here didn’t say that Carrie was her own version of problematic and unhinged as well.


I totally agree with you but didn’t Carrie just happen to run into Nina at the Farmers Market or did she know she was gonna be there? I have to ask cause I can’t remember but I do know Carrie is a habitual stalker/line stepper


Not sure how, but she knew Nina was going to be in the area


Because Nina mentioned it to her friend (either in the bathroom or at City Bakery) and Carrie overheard it. Totally psycho.


Yeah this was definitely another incident of Carrie being a stalker lol. She knew Nina was going to be at the Farmer’s Market and went there solely to confront her.


Aidan got married and had a kid soon after. He's the marrying type and his light was on. If he had truly wanted Nina he would have stayed with her. He probably saw that Nina was a gossip and not the right woman for him regardless of what Carrie did to him.




That's right. I'm sure Nina's breakup with Aidan was just as fraught and messy as Carrie's was.


That's how I took it: Nina was the rebound, and while Aiden was healing, he used her as a therapist. She seen the pain of someone she cared about, but *also*, she couldn't fill Carrie's shoes, but wanted to. Hence she was so mean about it. Jealousy. If not that, then she's just a boring gossip.


Exactly, even if I did recognise the ex, I might mention it after to my friends if I was with them, but to be honest I would just use it as an opportunity to moan about the ex 🤣. She just sounded bitter


honestly I’m a grade A gossiper and I would also be making a face at Carrie. this felt like a continuation of when Carrie had to hunt down/harass Natasha so she could apologize: Carrie can’t handle anyone having a negative opinion of her, even if it’s 100% justified. she absolutely hurt people, and couldn’t take accountability for it. Nina gossiping about her shitty behavior (and probably also Aidan’s shitty behavior in their rebound relationship) is understandable with how much damage her affair caused.




YUP. She straight up gaslit Carrie when she went off on her. That little “ok”’followed by the smirk would set me off lol “Ok 😀” Girl bye.


I don't know where it's from exactly but it's perfect. "There's a name for you ladies. But it isn't used in high society. Outside of a kennel." - Joan Crawford, The Women Edit: clearly found out where it's from


I’ve been saying this forever. I don’t like Aiden and I think he was horrid the second time around but I support his right to talk to his girlfriends about what happened with Carrie. I do not support Nina’s right to gossip to celebrities about her. And before anyone comes for me about how Carrie talked to Berger’s friends about what Berger did, that was really different. They weren’t Heather Graham and she didn’t make faces like that. Berger for his part only told Carrie about Lauren and he was acting in a way that kind of warranted it. TLDR: Nina Katz is a terrible person and unprofessional.


You phrased this perfectly and I completely agree!


Thank you 😊




I’m a Nina Katz Stan! 🤪


Sorry, I disagree. I mean, she fucked him, twice. First by sleeping with Big while pretending to fully be with him, I mean the cabin episode anyone? What was she thinking imposing her lover on her fiance? And then she lead him on yet again by accepting and then, once more, backtracking. Of course Aidan hadn't anything nice to say about her to Nina. And for once the show, if albeit a bit subdued, was honest about the rest of the girls being fed up with her, you messed up with your ex, are you expecting him to praise you to others? Of course not. I ended up sort of being the rebound of someone, and I didn't run at the beginning when I should have, my fault but then again, the more I heard about the ex the more I loathed that person and sort of shared those feelings. And as I'm sure happened to Nina with Aidan, especially with the 2nd movie and AJLT in hindsight, it is very clear Aidan sort of still carried the torch for her, but he was angry, very rightly so, with her at the same time. It is a difficult episode to watch in a very a annoying season, short Carrie is the worst among the LOT Carrie usually is. We always end up discussing Nina while Carrie was simply trying to explain herself to her, I mean, did you cheat? Yes, did you say yes to marry him and then you strung him along until he had enough? Yes. Sorry, no silver lining here. You did what you did, own it.


This was all in Carrie’s head. We never had any true perception on Nina’s opinion of Carrie…only Carrie’s insecurities projecting her onto others. Season 5 I feel explored no personal growth and was a bit stunting for Carrie from a maturity perspective.


I think most characters in this show are infuriating cause they show us something we dont like in ourselves. Im sure almost all of us have at some point blindly stood behind a friend, based on their word. Nina is doing the same, allthough we dont have proof if she actually gossiped and spread negativity, cause just telling people Carrie cheated on Aidan and traumatized him isnt really gossiping since all of that actually happened lol


Like I understand why ppl don't like Nina Katz. I think people don't like her bc Carrie has to face the fact that she did hurt Aiden. She never takes responsibility for her actions in EITHER of their break ups. She DID fuck up Aiden. She SHOULD FEEL BAD ABOUT THE FACE. People on this sub blame Aiden a lot for trying to force Carrie to marry him when they don't also realize Carrie went right along w it until she couldn't anymore.


I don’t think she did anything wrong. She dated Aiden after he and Carrie broke up for the second time, and I imagine he was horrible to be with. Then she happens to run into the woman her ex was whining/obsessing over, and is thinking about what a mess Aiden was, and makes a face. The face was about him. Like “wow that dude sucked”. And then? The woman stalks her all over New York. At that point she’s probably thinking, “Yeah I can see why Aiden was fucked up. This girl is crazy”. Finally crazy chick corners her and makes this whole speech and she’s like “Um, okay”.


Exactly. And let’s not forget Carrie was a columnist who also wrote about her sex life snd sex life of her friends. She can hardly get mad people gossip to their friends about her. She gossips to the whole of manhattan. Granted she changes names. But when I think of the politician she kink shamed, it wouldn’t have been hard to work out who she’s talking about




There’s nothing wrong with stopping dating someone who’s sexually incompatible with you.


I’m not saying she had to like Carrie and she was definitely free to talk about carrie to her friends in the same way Carrie and her friends talk shit lol but the face she made and her interactions with Carrie when she made the face and then also implied that she was about to Gossip with a mutual friend about Carrie in front of Carrie made her a mean weird freak lol


I think this really is a situation in which Carrie was being controlling to try and change peoples opinion of her, even though what she did is a shitty thing and she should face backlash from people because of it. There is nothing to gossip about cause its just facts, she cheated on Aidan and messed him up. Thats not gossiping, thats sharing facts. And Carrie felt bad being the bad guy in a situation so she tried to fix it by talking to Nina, but Carrie really is the bad guy here. Nothing she can say will fix that she cheated and that people will question her morals


It drives Carrie mad when someone has a totally valid opinion about her. Aidan (you have to forgive me) Nina Katz, and of course, Natasha. It drives me mad when she was all “ Oh my God 😦 I can’t believe there’s someone in New York that hates me” biiiiitchhh if you don’t shut up


Carrie bashing Berger to his friends is worse than Nina bashing Carrie to Heather Graham. Now, Berger has to associate with his friends and Carrie said private demeaning things about Berger being bad in bed. However, Heather Graham is nothing to Carrie. Carrie doesn’t hang with those kinds of celebrities or people on SNL. Saying that Nina was worse than Carrie there is elevating the opinions of celebrities to strangers over friends’ opinions of each other. Carrie is also a bitch who delighted in watching models filmed without their consent having sex when her creepy friend showed her the videos he made. She’s no one to discuss her privacy.




So what? We are discussing these TV characters. OP and comments are bashing Nina Katz who isn’t real person. Are you leaving this inane comment every where on this thread?




Get a grip and stop policing me for having opinions about a TV character that we all came to this subreddit to discuss.


The face was clearly "Wow, you did a fucking number on him". And I guess if you don't want a crazy ex bothering you, maybe don't talk shit about the person, considering you don't know her at all.


Break up are personal and private. Not to be discussed with random strangers like Nina was doing. IDC how "crazy" Carrie was. She did not deserve to have that done to her by Nina or anyone else. And Carrie didn't "stalk her all over NY"... they happened to be at the same place at the same time. Manhattan is not that big of an island.


They did not happen to be at the same place at the same time. Carrie literally found out where Nina hung out on the weekends and went there specifically to confront her.


That's how I remember it


To the pretzel place at the park, yes.. the other 2 times, by chance. She went there to set her straight and tell her about herself.


Who was Nina talking to about Carrie?!


The girl in the bathroom the first time she saw her..then at the coffee shop, when Carrie was with Samantha and then Heather Graham in the park.


Nina’s issue was with Aiden, and the face was about Aiden. Carrie assumed it was about her because she thinks the world revolves around her. This is what Carrie always does. She can’t just let people live their lives. She has to insert herself into everything, corner people in places she’s not welcome (Big at church, Natasha at lunch) and subject them to the nonsense going on in her head.


I would have taken it that way too, that if it was about me when the face was made at me. I dont see "the face" being about Aiden. She was making it as a result of what Aiden told her about their relationship and about Carrie. The way all 3 times Nina says "I'll tell ya later".. she is NOT talking about Aiden because all 3 of them made the same face.


I interpreted it as “I’ll tell you about this sad sack of shit I briefly dated” more than “I’ll tell you about this chick who mistreated a guy I briefly dated”. Berger had issues with his ex too. If Carrie met Lauren or ran into the book publishers, she’d probably remember Berger being insecure and whiny and the post-it breakup, and she’d talk to her friends about how awful Berger was, not his ex and his work problems.


“The Face” wasn’t mean, it was justified. Carrie cheated on Aiden in a super fucked up way. They broke up. He went on to date other people. Naturally you talk about your exes and relationship trauma when you get in a new relationship. So of course he told Nina about Carrie’s fucked up cheating. Then when she recognizes Carrie in public she gives her a yikes face bc (obviously) she only knows about Carrie bc of her cheating. She’s heard probably intimate details of their relationship from Aiden’s viewpoint. It’s not like she walked up to Carrie and went “You’re Carrie Bradshaw?? Daaaamn I dated Aiden after you and he told me about your AFFAIR! That’s super fucked up and evil of you! How do you sleep at night?!” She literally just went “😒”. Big fucking deal?? Nah it’s a facial expression, Carrie needed to get over it and get over herself in that situation.


But at the same time… she doesn’t have to be nice to Carrie lmfao if I met my partners ex after what I’ve heard, I’d make a face too and probably not be super pleasant either. Carrie was AWFUL to Aiden. Nina doesn’t owe Carrie anything and it’s not some weird unwritten requirement to be nice to your partners exes, especially if the partner in question doesn’t want to associate with the ex either. Is Nina mean? Sure. Is she doing anything different that women don’t do every single day? Absolutely not lmfao


She really wasn’t. You’re telling me you wouldn’t give a dirty look to a cheater who was involved with somebody you like and snark a little about them? Also I think your interpretation of Aiden isn’t correct. Aiden before he was cheated on was very kind, caring, emotionally mature, and respectful to Carrie. When she wanted space he gave her space. When she thought they were going too fast he slowed down. He didn’t try to change her or want her to be anything besides a good partner to him. The only thing he wanted her to change was smoking but that’s a pretty fair request. Aiden after being cheated on was quite toxic, but it is kind of a realistic portrayal of how cheating affects a person and damages them. I don’t like the way he treated her during this time, though. However, his whole rush to get married I definitely think was him seeking reassurance that Carrie wanted him. I don’t think he would’ve rushed to get married during the pre-cheating stage. But after having a hold of uncertainty in his heart, I think he wanted to fulfill it with some type of promise of commitment. Also, saying “Carrie is a complex person” anytime somebody says something they dislike about her isn’t a good argument. Yes she’s a complex person. They’re all complex people. They all have strengths and weaknesses. But they does not mean that they should be free of criticism. Watering down the discussion to “she’s a complex person, stop hating her!” makes the discussion less fun. There’s nothing wrong with hating a character that’s unlikable. I feel like modern day Carrie defenders just want to go against the norm.


Agree. Everyone that hates Aiden, hates the version of him after being betrayed and humiliated. I know it’s a show but I feel so bad that he got cheated on like that at his mature age and it just damaged his trust of women from then on. Even his wife would keep an eye on Carrie (satc movie 2) because she knew how much of a toxic trauma bond he had with her


carrie’s entire job revolves around gossip. she’s obsessed with it even just personally. then she will serve it up but not take it? i’m glad someone was putting her in her place for what she did to aidan. he’s no saint but also carrie needed to see tangibly what she’d done. nina is allowed to talk about an ex she dated and carrie is allowed to be an adult and not take someone making a face at her as this huge affront instead of just moving on with her day. like that’s your biggest issue? move on


When she ran into her at that cafe and that lady was like “how do you two know each other?” And Nina was like “I’ll tell you over lunch” I would’ve been like “uh no you’re gonna tell me and her right here right now!”


Lmfao, why? You, as Carrie, know how she knows you. People talk about people every day and we’re not privy to every conversation about us. And judging from Carrie’s actions and responses to the consequences, I can’t see it going over well for her to have to hear the very accurate truth about how fucked up Aidan was after *she* fucked him up.


I understand but still, I’d wanna hear it from her.


So, I cannot imagine why Nina Katz would care enough to tell everyone she knows about what happened between Carrie and Aidan like she has nothing better to do or talk about. She's the booker for Saturday Night Live, surely she has more interesting stories.


Carrie is the bad person in this situation.


oh please


Nah she was an icon!!


I would do the same if I were Nina. Carrie was just upset celebrities were finding out she was a shitty girlfriend.


I don’t think Nina did anything wrong. She wasn’t friends with Carrie, she didn’t owe her anything. I could see Carrie being upset if one of her friends were talking shit about her, but Nina doesn’t owe her anything. If Carrie didn’t insert herself into their conversation in the bathroom, I doubt Nina ever would have said anything to her. I’m not blaming Carrie, I just don’t hate Nina the way everyone else does


The woman made a face! lol! Yeah it was kind of rude but she didn’t slap Carrie, call her a bitch and then go off on her for messing Aiden up. We also don’t know for sure she was gossiping to a bunch of celebrities. In Carrie’s paranoia she _assumed_ that Nina was spreading gossip all over SNL. Yeah she probably gossiped to Heather Graham who was her FRIEND that happened to be a celebrity. And Nina had every right to look at Carrie like she was stupid when Carrie confronted her because that _was_ stupid. I always have second hand embarrassment during that scene because it’s so cringey of Carrie. Carrie acted like a damn fool that entire episode over a silly insignificant facial expression. And as someone who cares way too much about what other people think of me I understand why Carrie was bothered by “the face” I would have been too, but she made waaayy too big of a deal over it.


Carrie deserved it. Nina was the one person who had Carry lie in the bed she made. For once, she came face to face with being known as the person who treated someone else shitty. It’s the reality check she needed. I would do the same as Nina: I don’t feel sorry for her.


All Carrie had to say after the second time was "do you have a problem?". The first time I get was a what was that moment, but the second time was definitely time for a confrontation.


Hey, Carrie earned her reaction 😂 ofc she put him through a lot


Nina had every right to make that face and gossip how she saw fit. The girls did the same every day. Oh boo hoo. Carrie reaped what she sowed.


Right, everybody pretending like they don’t gossip with their friends lol


I guess you’re a Nina Katz 😬


She can gossip all she wants, it’s the way she humiliated Carrie the first time they met that was gross. Who speaks like that outside of high school


Exactly. The way she introduced herself when she was the talent exec at SNL was SOOO high school. I’m in my 30s and if I had Nina’s gig, I’d be wayyy more professional than that.


I personally don't agree, but I also think you shouldn't get downvoted just for having a different opinion. Have my up vote for what it's worth. ❤️


She did NOT have the right to spread hurtful gossip about someone she did not know. Just because she dated Aiden doesn't give her carte blanche to trash someone. What Carrie and Aiden had and how it ended was personal. None of her business, and not to be spread around.


Carrie and the girls were doing the exact same about Natasha. They didn’t even know her! Nina had to deal with the aftermath of the second breakup. Imagine finding out all that info. It’s juicy. It’s gossip worthy IMO. And she’s a well known writer? Cmon


Please don’t give them any ideas to bring her back in S3 AJLT.


How ironic is it that the actress played by Nina Katz also dated Carrie's dad in the Carrie's Diaries. Lol




I hated everything about this episode.


Probably one of the characters I dislike the most lol


Carrie heard secondhand must sound crazy and messy. And he was probably even nice about it because he’s the one that broke up with her the second time around. But someone doesn’t listen to a boyfriend/girlfriend talk about a cheating ex and feel bad for the ex, usually.


I mean. If nina is a bad person, so is carrie who gave her the reasons to do the faces. So yeah


Would have been so much better if Carrie had overheard Nina talking about her in a ladies room.


I actually don’t feel that she was a horrible person. And that was the point of the episode in a way. Carrie’s voiceover at the end shows how *she* realizes that *she* alone was being ridiculous: “The truth is... At any given moment, someone, somewhere, could be making a face about you…. …But it's the reviews you give *yourself* that matter.” Carrie realized she was subconsciously judging herself harshly, especially after Michiko Kakutani’s review of Carrie’s book saying “Where single women rule and the men are disposable.” Carrie immediately called Miranda and Miranda tells her logically, it was a rave review. Carrie responds illogically with “The men are disposable?! Do you think that Aiden thinks that I think he’s disposable?!” Then “the face” from Nina happens and Carrie in true Carrie form starts to spiral. She first talks to Steve about Aiden which was a little nuts. Then she points all of her paranoia and judgments of herself towards Nina *possibly* (we don’t even know that she is) running her mouth to a bunch of people in NY and celebrities on SNL. In the end, it obviously didn’t matter. And it actually shows to me that Nina probably wasn’t even as bad as Carrie had made out in her head. She was still criticizing herself the worst. Cheating on Aiden is something I don’t think Carrie totally got over. She even says in s4 “I’m just afraid the way I treated Aiden is gonna haunt me forever.” It’s why the episode is called “Critical Condition” and the book review from this ‘god-like’ critic parallels “Nina’s review” of Carrie and Aiden but mostly Carrie.


Carrie is a typical narcissist, more concerned with the opinions of random people than being decent to her friends. 😂


I don't like her but what did she exactly do wrong? Carrie was stalking her same way as she did with Natasha Aidan did her more dirty when they got back together and then went hot and cold in waves so he could punish her. If you didn't forgive her - don't be with her. If you got over it - don't mention it every day


She was fucking annoying


Carrie getting put in her place is amazing lmao, yes you can't control what folks talk about, she'd know that as a writer lmao. Carrie is actually pathetic, running around the city chasing women and worrying about what every one thinks of her, cringe. Like get a life 🤣


I had my own Nina Katz situation once, and I’m all in for Carrie on this one. She spoke well in the eventual stand-off. (I also ended up becoming extremely good friends with my Nina Katz, so we can all have our shitty seasons, I guess.)


Nina Katz can fuck all the way off.


I think it's funny you say Aidan wanted her to be something she never was, when she was that person for Big.


In my interpretation of the show Big knew Carrie wasn’t what he was looking for and didn’t want her to be, he just thought he wanted a WASP lol, but he really loved Carries personality. Aidan wanted Carrie to become something else and he thought he could kind of tame her but idk I love this show because everyone interprets things so differently!


I HATED her, but it was fun to watch Carrie obsess over it. I would've done the same.


I love how everyone calls Carrie out on this episode, especially Stanford. Nina was a terrible character, for the face and doing this in the bathroom. It is our place to connect! 


I never knew i needed this side by side until I saw it 👏


How do youuuuu know Nina Katz??


It was odd to me that she even brought aiden up. I never wanna see my exes ever again and that includes talking about them with ex fling/relation. I will say I talk to my bff about everything. Just laugh at carries dumb joke and move on.


How do YOU KNOW Neen-ah Katz?


Im still stuck on “i know a lot of you hate Carrie”🫢


I don't know, I don't think she's that bad. Honestly I think her initial reaction was more in the moment. She didn't know she was going to run into Carrie, their whole interaction in the bathroom was what, 40 seconds? It might have been something that as she walked out she thought doh, that was kind of bitchy of me to say. The second time she ran into her, she just smiled and said hi. She seemed perfectly nice. Yes, she did tell her friend that she'd "tell her later" how she knew Carrie, but what was she supposed to say? Had she said again, in front of Carrie to her friend that she's the messed up chick that dated Aiden before her, that would have been bitchy. I also think Carrie was a little too vain, thinking that Nina Katz was running all over town talking about Carrie. There was no evidence of this, she didn't get stares or comments from people to suggest they'd heard rumors about her. I think it was mostly Carrie feeling guilty about how she treated Aiden and blowing it out of proportion.


Nina sucks, she was such a mean girl.


OP, you and I agree on a lot here.


You’re right! The equation with Aiden and Carrie is a bit grey area, but it’s only their business. Nina just loves to gossip that’s it. Probably she was just a rebound of Aiden that’s why he talked about Carrie to her. But if you’re badmouthing your ex’s ex, even when you’re in a relationship, you’re obsessed or insecure about her.


Ew cannot stand that woman, opinion hasn’t changed on her all these years. Nina was awful


Gotta love Nina judging Carrie as if Aiden and her didn't also break up. Makes you wonder if Kathy ever made that face if someone brought up Nina.


Nina Katz is one of the rare occasions where someone is worse than Carrie. She’s a shamelessly mean bitch. Yet, someone, Carrie STILL manages to completely obliterate the situation and humiliate herself (Nina Katz couldn’t care less about what Carrie had to say and Carrie straight up STALKS her. Nina’s ‘okay’ at the farmers market makes me die laughing everytime)


Same, like get a life 🤣🤣🤣


Carrie loves hunting down women that have been romantically involved with her exes and tragically begging for their approval (Bigs ex wife, Natasha, Nina, Natasha again (AJLT), I’m sure there’s more)


Literally if you can put bitch Carrie you are CRAZY!


Theory - she was in love with Aidan but couldn't get him to get serious bc he was so hung up on his ex. Now she's getting revenge bc his ex is a minor celebrity.


Nina Katz was a messy hater


Thats how they make it in Hollywood 🤣🤣


Facts on facts


I agree. Carrie was definitely obsessing and chasing after Nina was weird but Nina seemed like a major mean girl. Making that very obvious face in the bathroom was obnoxious, and being passive aggressive “nice” at the park was bitchy. Nina started the whole thing.


Carrie should’ve slap her sour ass face


Carrie can't fight to save her life, all she does is yell like a raspy old woman


And the fact she told Heather Graham?!