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Not to mention the complaint from Carrie early in the episode saying she was looking at a picture from the last time they got together and the pic was “MOL-DEE” because they hadn’t gotten together in SO LONG. Hello, did these ladies not get together for brunch and go out for drinks like every week?? Lazy writing to justify the trip to AC which didn’t need justification at all.


To be fair that entire episode was annoying!!! Not one of my favorites.


Yeah but Carrie was the most annoying by a mile


You’re right, extremely skippable, a bit like the LA episodes (though the scene with MM is hilarious and a personal favourite).


Oh yeah the LA episodes weren’t my favorite either but there were definitely some great moments!


She annoyed me that entire season


Might I just add, Charlotte's hot Jersey girl outfit was so fun, and she looked amazing. So exciting to see her outside her comfort zone and just nailing the hot girl vibe! She always looked beautiful in everything she wore, especially as a bride.


It makes me angry when Carrie says, “Miss Atlantic Slutty.” She looked amazing!!! I literally bought a dress like this but with rhinestones, just because it looked like Charlotte’s!


She did look amazing!!! And the way the girls reacted pissed me off because both Carrie and Samantha regularly wear much more revealing outfits on a normal day in the city. (Hello, Carrie with her see through clothes & black bras, not to mention nearly every skirt she wears is mostly see through too)


Yes it was so cute.


Samantha annoyed me more. She was staring to have sex in front of Charlotte. All around not a great episode for either of them.


Yes ugh it was just so rude. Her boyfriend taking them on his private jet alone would make any friend feel like a freeloader so it would've been nice to keep things PG and make sure Charlotte doesn't feel awkward.


When the guys called Miranda fat & Carrie responded “she just had a baby!” Ummm the issue is Miranda is not fat here under any circumstances & the guys were being rude as fuck. Carrie needed to have responded to that!!


While you are right she wasn't fat I think Carrie's responding with this is normal. She knew what Miranda looked like before the baby, so she rightfully labeled her weight gain as because of the pregnancy. Plus saying she just had a baby would make most people feel like incredible shit... But...you are right it is shitty to even comment on her weight like you said...


Yes, and I support Carrie/Charlotte using whatever rhetoric most effectively shames those assholes to defend Miranda. The girls' get a unanimous standing ovation in the early 2000s time of diet culture largely because they pointed out that Miranda just had a baby. Once the ladies said that, every one in the casino hated those sexist bullies- even if an Atlantic City Trump Taj Mahal venue. Saying that women are beautiful at every size wouldn't have packed the same punch.


Very true... I think I would say the beauty at every size if my friend was at her natural weight and all... I think because she did just have a baby..this came to mind first. I have been here with a friend and I also said..she just had a baby...I think it was just Miranda's truth at the time...


I hate the episode where she's doing Weight Watchers and it's treated as so embarrassing that she's 152 pounds. She's 5'7", right? I know, it was the times, but omg those were not great times to be a woman who wasn't starving.


Right, 152lbs is pretty small, so what was she supposed to be before?


I think Charlotte brought it up, not Carrie


Right! Remember in the movie when Samantha replaced cheating with eating. She came to the door and they acted as if she gained tons of weight. Samantha always looked fabulous. The looked at her in disbelief.


I’m pretty sure they just put her in pants that were a size too small to produce the “gut”, because the woman was still slim and toned by any reasonable metric.


See, this subreddit gets all up in arms about that part.. but it's just plotline. We know Kim C. is not actually *fat*, but the writers were going for a plotline here. Also, while she specifically was not fat, we also had very different definitions of fat back then. [We all thought Jessica Simpson was so fat back when this performance took place](https://inews.co.uk/inews-lifestyle/2009-thought-jessica-simpson-looked-disgusting-photo-blinded-fatphobia-2467706). I remember like it was yesterday. When I stumbled on the article recently, I was like wait.... THIS is that performance? She looks fine! So, in terms of the times, the Samantha plotline isn't that weird or unbelievable.


This is one of my least favorite episodes, and I always skip it in my rewatch.


Carrie annoyed me when those guys disrespected Charlotte in front of her (simpering when they called Carrie the "hot one"), but if I remember correctly, she was the one who stood up for Miranda when some other guy was being much worse to her. And the threw in the "you having triplets" at the end. So there's that.


Right? If a dude calls you "the hot one" in front of your other friends, you walk away from him. There's no way I'd let someone disrespect my friends like that.


She cut her hair and it all went downhill from there


Literally a c***- block in that episode


I think they were all partypoopers in this episode. Charlotte acted like a granny, Miranda just wanted to gamble and went early to bed, Samantha was only interested in Richard and Carries vibe was depressing talking about no men etc. not letting Charlotte talk to the guys. But I love the ending when they all sit in the bus together. It's so sweet.


The WORST episode. I hadn’t seen it in years and I watched that season a few weeks ago and it gave me the worst ICK. First Carrie being so difficult with Miranda trying to get care for Brady when they were leaving. And the rest of the episode she just seemed to channel “annoying self-obsessed preteen". It’s a mandatory “skip” now when I’m binging that season.


I always hated the way Carrie cockblocked those guys from talking to them. Especially since Charlotte seemed interested. I get they lived in a different city. So it may not have worked out IRL terms. But idk something about it irked me, it gave off petty jealous mean girl vibes cause Charlotte was getting attention.


> I hate when im out with one my friends and we meet people and start having a conversation, and she drags me away abruptly “because theyre weird”… I don't recall the episode much, but this would piss me off too. I think it is so incredibly rude to unilaterally decide you know what is best for someone else and to force them to stop talking to a man.


I will say Sam dumped Richard like an absolute BOSS in that epsiode