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Miranda always having to be so cynical. It's like her whole personality is a moody teenage goth at times. Samantha's obsession with sex was bizarre and I hated how she practically orgasmed as soon as they started. I hated that Carrie never phoned the restaurant in Paris to let them know she couldn't come. She knew where it was! She should have also bought wine/champagne for them as an apology. This isn't small I guess but Big should not have been end game for Carrie. I hated that Miranda didn't ask Charlotte to be Brady's godmother. And I hated that they called him Brady! Danny was a much better option.


CHARLOTTE SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE GODMOTHER ANS IT IS A HUGE, BIG DEAL I don't care Carrie is her first best friend, Charlotte was the one there!


It also would have meant so much more to Charlotte! Carrie is not a baby/child person anyway (nothing wrong with that/not a Carrie hater at all).


I agree


I totally agree about Big. It would’ve been better with Carrie on her own for several reasons 


The restaurant - OMG yes! I mean l get it, they did it for dramatic effect to underscore that Aleksander wasn't the one. But it was still infuriating. Just take two seconds to have the concierge at the hotel call the restaurant ffs. Every time l see that episode, l want to scream at the TV. However, Miranda had a good reason for not wanting Charlotte as godmother, and it was explained on the show. Charlotte always goes over the top and would be super into the christening. Miranda wanted someone as cynical as her that she could roll her eyes at during the ceremony, as she said. And ultimately, Carrie is Miranda's best friend.


I hated that she didn’t have the courtesy to call the restaurant, but I also feel like it showed her mental state at the time.  She was distraught, like a fish out of water in Paris. Carrie’s friends were her conscience, without them she wasn’t the best person. 


i get the cancer thing but samantha asked carrie to not freak out, i think carrie reacted exactly how samantha needed her to. she was also a lot more in denial about samantha’s cancer. when it came to big’s surgery, that was the first time she allowed herself to remember how much she still loves him in a while so she had a super emotional reaction


Her denial is shown by how she reacts to Aleksander's talking about his friend who died! Carrie convinced herself Samantha would be fine, but she did the opposite with Big. I don't think it says anything specific about her love for Sam, in fact, I think it shows that Carrie couldn't even think about losing her.


The Big/Samantha thing makes complete sense to me, grief isn’t always a clear cut thing. I get really irritated when Carrie doesn’t drink any fluids while on the date with the politician. Just a little too silly for me


Oh that was ridic! Just say NOPE!


It’s not even that,there’s nothing stopping her from going to the bathroom while she’s out with him lol. Obvs done for the ~comedy but it didn’t work for me on that occasion


They’re frequently scared to just say no or I’m uncomfortable with a guy. Miranda with the bathroom door open guy, Miranda with the butt guy, Charlotte with the butt guy, Samantha with the funky tasting guy. Even if they end up saying no, apparently they can’t refuse straight up or communicate their feelings without trying to work around it and swallowing their own discomfort first, that pisses me off!


But that's where the comedy is. In each of those scenes, we got great dialogue and silly situations. It wouldn't be nearly as fun (and the episodes would be like five minutes long). Like we'd be deprived of Charlotte's "No one marries the Up the Butt Girl!" speech. Or Miranda screaming "I don't wanna do that!" in that man's ass. Or finding out Charlotte eats ass. Or Samantha's "Honey, they don't call it a blowjob for nuthin!"


No, absolutely! It pisses me off but by the end of the episode I’m laughing, makes for good tv.


I don’t object to her not saying no, I actually get that. I just mean go for a pee in the restaurant before you get home lol


I never understood why she wasn't willing to at least entertain the idea honestly. Bill Kelley was a charm, and who knows, she might have liked having the power. Or not. But her squeamishness with anything not vanilla always irritated me. I also hated the way she said, "MIND BLOWING orgasm" with the Jazz Guy. It never stops icking me out. Also: I'm taking a LUV-AH, and somehow convincing Charlotte to join the LUV-AH train.


Especially for a sex columnist. Do it once and write about whether it’s a go or no go.


Definitely. How hard is it just say “sorry, not really into that”


The way Carrie fkn SQUEALS ALL THE TIME.


OMG that squealing/screaming made me CRINGE


God yes. I hated her screaming over the squirrel. New Yorkers see squirrels all the time! And her crying when Big had the angioplasty was so badly acted. I love SJP, but yeah.


The squealing didn't start till season 3, I believe, and it was so fucking annoying I had to actually pause the show and go do something else lmaaooo


The way Carrie clutches her hand to her collarbones while making impassioned speeches, almost always about herself




Idk if this counts, but they never really show Anthony and Stanford's relationship's development. We see them fight all through the series and one kiss at the 1st movie's new year montage and they are getting married in the beginning of the 2nd movie?? How did they get there?


I wish I could see it, too! They were enemies afterall


In the movie, I think the narration went something like "Anthony and Stanford both realized they were the last 2 standing in the city, so found each other". They somewhat settled for each other (tb to Anthony going around telling everyone he's allowed to cheat on Stanford in exchange for companionship). But I guess with the vows, some love was there.


True. But also kind of sad. Also "it wasn't love at first sight but it was love" from Anthony was so funny to me.


Anthony is such a savage haha, honestly only Stanford could've grounded him


I really really REALLY want to see the entire Stanford/Anthony arc. Enemies falling in love is one of my favorite tropes! Why would they rob us of this? Also how FUCKED UP was it to "honor" Willie Garson's *literal death* by having his character completely abandon his husband, friends and family for some dumb reason? I say this about every active actor's death, but SAY HE DIED. Show people being sad, show that he was important to this extremely beloved franchise. Don't make him into a callous jerk.


Exactly. OMG. AJLT butchered a lot of things but this one was the worst.


I hated that. It was like the movie version of people wanting to match up two friends just because they're gay or just because they're black. They basically married them off because they were the two gay guys on the show. 🙄


Miranda confiscating Charlotte’s rabbit and placing it unwashed into her purse. So gross


That squicks me out every time.


Yep and how she touches it so willingly 😂


How did no one on the production think that was a gross and weird thing to do? It’s so bizarre.


In the same episode, Harry watches an important baseball game, making me assume the date was nearing the end of summer. Same episode Steve watches a basketball game. Huge hole in the plot!


Baseball playoffs happen at the beginning of the NBA season though. Last October there was MLB NBA NHL and NFL games all on the same day lol


I guess I assumed the basketball game was in early spring. I guess I’m the idiot, my bad!


I would have never caught that, considering I'm anti-sports (I blame an ex). Good to know!


Last week was the last NBA game and MLB started in March


I had no idea basketball continued this far out. I thought March madness was the end of it!


Samantha’s over the top screaming/moaning/yelling during every sexual encounter 🙄


She barely gets touched lol


Because she knows how to react to certain situations. Sam asked her not to freak out and she didn’t. But we also see her processing it and grieving in other episodes. I do agree about Aiden though. Everyone loves to blame her but he has some responsibility like for not sending Big away when he showed up at us house. I’m glad Miranda’s moaning doesn’t just bother me. I’ve got to mute it sometimes.




I absolutely hate hearing Carrie scream. It’s so high pitched and annoying. I cringe every time!


She lives near Central Park and acts like she's never seen a squirrel before


I don’t like a lot of her mannerisms, they’re so child like and annoyinggg


I like her screams! I think it's cute. Probably in the minority there.


She’s a theatrical person, it fits her 


While I’ve always loved Samantha and I think like her expression of sexual freedom and the refusal to change or conform was a powerful statement in itself, sometimes the sex thing was like a little too much. I found it disappointing that Samantha, a smart business woman, jeopardized a business opportunity/dealing to have sex with some random guy (SATC 2). I just thought it was disappointing because, as seen in the show, Samantha is about sex but she’s also about her career as a business woman. I never thought of that before but it was so stupid lol.


You r right. I totally admire her but sometimes...


There are a few different times that they randomly act like Samantha isn't a highly savvy person. The way she acted in Abu Dhabi, please! Samantha would know better. I would absolutely expect some cutting commentary on the conservative expectations for women, but just outright breaking the law while abroad seems out of character. Samantha knows how to do business!


The way Carrie screams/screeches.


I hate that they never follow up on Carrie paying Charlotte back for the down payment, it see her making smarter financial decisions. Ie, when she gets the advance on her book that was $40k and then spend $1000 on a shirt for Berger…. Even a mention of her saying something like, “yes it’s $40k but after I take care of some money stuff, it’s really $15k…” I also loathe that in AJLT season 2, Peter Hermann (Younger and Marissa Hargitay’s hubby) appeared in Charlotte’s engagement episode as David (“my David! He’s a looker!”) and that he shows up as a 2 episode love interest for Carrie as a completely different person. I also don’t like how Carrie didn’t care about Natasha at all and felt entitled to Big because she was in his life first. Like girl, he consistently didn’t choose you. You’re literally his booty call when he’s bored and needs entertainment.


The way Charlotte/KD pronounces the word “sex.” HATES IT!


sEqs lol




Charlotte would totally text seggs 😂


Hell noooo lol


I crack up any and every time someone on this sub goes “HATES IT!”


I made a video post recently that relates to your first point about how inconsistent Carrie’s emotional reactions are (and how having seen how dramatically she reacts to things involving Big like their wedding, her response to his death in AJLT is uncharacteristic). Carrie’s screeching and being overly cutesy in the later seasons bother me. And booth bitch, that’s the worst interaction of the whole show!


▪︎ Carrie squealing at the rain when she can't get into the Guggenheim. It's summer in the city. Check a forecast, girl!  ▪︎ When Charlotte says, "Her butt is not normally this big," when "defending" Miranda against the men giving her a hard time at the casino over her weight. I know that the girls grew up in a very different kind of diet culture and that we were in a transition period when the episode aired, but I really hate that line of so-called defense.  ▪︎ Miranda deciding in part that Steve was too childish for her because she found him watching Scooby-Doo reruns. While Miranda doesn't strike me as the nostalgic type and that she was near the breaking point with him, she was looking way too much into him watching a rerun of a cartoon he seems to have grown enjoying.  ▪︎ Samantha accusing Carrie of judging her when Carrie made the joke about the Worldwide Express guy incident. That joke seemed no different to me than how would normally talk to each other. The whole story reads to me as Samantha projecting deep-rooted insecurity about her hypersexuality. ▪︎ That fight between Samantha and her girlfriend. The whole, "YOU WANT FIREWORKS?!" and the sound effects she made while breaking Samantha's dishes were unbearable. 


This is very petty but I hate the outfit Carrie wears when big leaves New York and Brady is born. And then Miranda tells her cute shoes! Carrie looked a mess


I really dislike when she wears dark eyeliner/makeup. It makes her eyes look beady and it didn't match with her outfit.


YES!!!! also it’s so annoying that carrie just thought it was ok to be keep hanging out w big


See, I'm of the opinion that it was fine for them to be friends post-affair....but she was kidding herself to think she could do that AND maintain a romantic relationship with Aiden at the same time.


yaaaa that’s what i more so mean hehe


"Justin Anderson III" - I cannot imagine a grandfather at that time being named Justin?


> As an English name, Justin is common particularly in the English-speaking world starting in the latter half of the 20th century. You're right.


Berger had a house in the Hamptons. I can't get over that. Isn't it super expensive?


I hate when Carrie is crying because it looks like SJP can’t cry on scene, so every time Carrie needs to cry, she puts her hands on her face like a little kid or hides her face from people (I used to do tho when I was FAKE CRYING), sometimes it’s so childish that doesn’t look like a 35 year old woman


I instinctively hide my face when I’m crying out of shock or absolute devastation (when I found out my dad had died for example) - completely uncontrollable.


I also do this for the same reasons or just to hide my tears, but I believe that SJP just doesn’t know how to cry on command and hides her face to pretend she’s crying (u can see that there is no tears at her face when she looks up) btw sorry about your dad…. I’ve lost my mother and remember not even beings able to cry sometimes


Aw, thank you. I’m sorry about your mum too ❤️Losing a parent hits hard. 4 years on and still feels unreal.


The Way Carrie Begged For Aidan Forgiveness The Second Time Just To Dog Him Out 🤦🏽‍♀️ ..Miranda's Attitude Sucked And I Didnt Like How She Wanted To Be A Single Mom At First Steve Was So Sad And Charlotte Can Be Overzealous And Samantha Has So Many Double Standards


When they’re watching Smith “live” on TRL at the bar late at night when it’s pitch black out and TRL is obviously live in the early afternoon and it’s bright outside Times Square behind him. Come on lol


I hated when Miranda moans too. When she was with that guy that had to watch porn while fkn her, the guy that liked to do it public, when reconnected with Steve in SATC 1, and “Mommy’s coming”


I do get bothered when I watch an episode and start to wonder just how often they hang out together. I've posted about this before. In the episode where they "cross water to meet men", the four of them are out quite late partying in Staten Island. Samantha leaves with her fireman while the other three take the ferry home. In the next scene Carrie says that they met again for brunch the next morning. What??!? It seems very odd to me that four thirtysomething friends are spending as much time with each other as they seem to and very often too.


Miranda also has way too much time to hang out with them for a lawyer who works so much that 55 hours is "cutting way back."


60 tops!


Absolutely. Carrie was a party girl with only a weekly column to write, Samantha ran her own PR business and Charlotte was just working until she got a rock on her finger. It never seemed that implausible that the three of them partied and hung out together as much as they did, but the Type A workaholic Miranda who worked at a law firm? No way she had that much free time unless she literally had no other friends and spent every minute of her available free time with the other three.


Even the other girls would have irregular working hours. Carrie would be interviewing people at clubs or events to get quotes for her columns, Samantha might have to work at a restaurant or hotel opening, and Charlotte would have shows at the gallery after-hours. Don't get me wrong, I love the friendships on this show- but like a lot of things on SATC, it's more fantasy than reality of life as a 30-something in a big city.


I wish I could


As a single 30-something I have friends I have regular plans with, a few I see at least weekly. When I was a teenager my mum nearly always met up with her female friend group Saturday morning at the same café, like SATC! To clarify I think the structure of the show and their social lives is the four girls have a weekly brunch together with other meet ups depending on their plans that week. In the example you give, I think it would be quite common to have a brunch the day after a big night out to debrief (or conversely to be meeting for a daytime plan and decide on a night out plan to meet up for later on).


Not that odd in their 30s I would say. Especially during the 90s and early 2000s. No smart phones, zoom calls. I was out with my friends all the time (also lived in a house share). In my 40s however, I am secretly glad when a get together is cancelled so I can stay home and play Hogwarts Legacy.


- The way Carrie eats. - the fact that in the first episode they made Samantha seem desperate. - the fact Miranda was “fat” after having Brady. - “mommy’s coming” - Carrie’s hair all of season 5. Especially the Atlantic City episode when she’s wearing the zip up sweater. - the one outfit Carrie wears that’s a belt over the top part of her stomach - the one outfit Carrie wears that’s the scarf thing tied around her forehead with the point sticking up - the one outfit Miranda wears that’s the bucket hat over the hood???? - Carries hair when Char married Harry.


I gotta search the outfit lol Miranda's bucket hat have already been the theme of a full post of mine lol


I wish I could include pictures in my replies lol


When Carrie calls people "sweetie"...


Awwww I actually like it


I HATE how Carrie eats and drink and always tuts with her tongue!!!! It’s so annoying!!!!!


Lmao you didn't have to do my sweet Aidan like that but yes he needs to grow some balls. And omg Miranda's sex seens were so gross probably bc of the moans and gummy smiles plus yellow teeth 


Charlotte's hypocrisy. Shes all oh trad wife. Can't be successful cause I will upset the man. I have to be virtuous. Girl you've slept with just as many men as carrie and miranda. Just cause you are looking for love doesn't make your casual sex more virtuous.


Also.she cheated on trey and it never got mentioned lol


Carrie’s parsley thing at the restaurant. IIRC, she lies about having an allergy. Now that I’ve been engaged to a chef for years, I fully understand how NOT OK that is. I also don’t necessarily think it’s realistic for Carrie’s character, since she does have “high society” connections and goes to very fancy restaurants, so she easily could have been informed at an earlier point in her career that faking an allergy, or asking for any kind of modification to a dish is huge no no at super-fancy restaurants. Like if you have a legit allergy or are vegan or something you inform the staff when the reservation is made.


Can you explain more about the big deal of this?


If a person lies about a food allergy at a high end restaurant (or any restaurant that’s well-run), the person is creating a ton of unnecessary work for the kitchen staff, who have to stop what they’re doing and follow procedures to prevent any possibility of cross-contamination for that customer. When a kitchen hears the word “allergy,” the protocol is to behave as if that person could die if they’re exposed, since some people do have allergies that are that severe and though it’s rare, there have been people who died from accidents at restaurants.


Damn I never even thought of that. I can understand and it sucks really. Just like that poisonous fish not everybody can cook


(also I’m lol’ing at being downvoted over this. I’d hate to work at the restaurant where that person goes)


Yeah, same here. I only briefly worked in food service when I was young, and I was slow so I don’t think I lasted a month, lol. So when I got together with my fiancé it was interesting to learn about the industry.


ALL of this! And Carrie's ridiculous outfits and hats and other weird accesoreis from time to time. Charlotte acting like a spoiled B, where her rules and standards are for everybody else BUT her!


The way the girls all act with regards to Carrie leaving for Paris. They're acting like it's the 1600s and she's about to set sail on a nine month journey and they might never see each other again. Bitch, it's a 7 hour flight! Your boyfriend is so rich that he offered to buy your apartment to keep it for you and you are literally living in a swanky hotel! Just fly back and see your friends in 2 weeks if you miss them so much. Jfc. Grow up!


Nah this one I can totally understand them. It's just like when she wanted to move for big. They were not even engaged. He didn't promise anything. She didn't know the language. She didn't know anyone. So yeah it was kinda off...if it was big or aidan I'd totally be fine with it, but not petrovisky


What does the guy have to do with it? I'm talking about how they're all acting like she's embarking on a one way trip to Mars, like Paris is so foreign she can never come back.


I hate whenever Charlotte wears her wedding ring on her right hand!