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>"If I were Evan Handler I’d really be pissed if they had characters saying I’m not that attractive/Im ugly" A couple of thoughts... 1) I think attractiveness is not just about your physical appearance, but how you carry yourself, and your confidence (as well as things like wardrobe). So maybe an actor like Evan Handler copes with it by carrying himself differently when he's playing Harry Goldenblatt, versus how he is in real life. 2) I wonder what's worse for a male actor... playing Charlotte's 'less attractive' beau (Harry), or playing her impotent beau (Trey). Male actors on SATC had to go through some humiliation sometimes, LOL! Hopefully they can laugh it off. Apparently [Kyle MacLachlan's reaction](https://ew.com/article/2003/06/13/last-red-hot-mamas/) to realizing his character was impotent was, "I definitely went through 'Oh, God, does it have to be that?' Then I thought, 'I sort of made my career playing characters that are suffering from some interior darkness.' If I can make it through *Showgirls* and still be working, I can make it through a silly impotence problem."


“Characters that are suffering from some interior darkness.” Talk about putting that mildly 😂. His career choices are why I was deeply suspicious the instant he appeared in Fallout. Like, hello spoiler alert, this man is NOT gonna be a wholesome dad!


Wait, Trey is Lucy’s dad in Fallout?


Yup! He’s also in Twin Peaks, How I Met Your Mother, Desperate Housewives, and Agents of SHIELD. Honestly just a wildly skilled actor that has “ominous undertones” and “smile that doesn’t reach his eyes” down pat. Edit: Kyle MacLachlan and John Lithgow both fall into the category of “I wouldn’t be even slightly surprised if they turned out to be a serial killer” for me because they are so insanely good at playing the seemingly nice neighbor who is really a tightly wound murderous psychopath. So yeah, I’m really suspicious of his Fallout character 😂.


He's also the mayor of Portland in Portlandia🤣 that has always made me suspicious, but you describing him makes me realize I was subconsciously keeping an eye out to see if his character would do something shifty!


John Lithgow as Arthur Mitchell in Dexter!!! I am screaming!


My spouse and I turned “Lithgow” into a verb after that season of Dexter- while watching a scary movie, “Oh that guy’s definitely about to get Lithgow’ed” 🪓🔨🔪


THIS!!!!! Terrifying!!!!


I really wonder how it was for the actor who played Samantha's tiny-dick BF. He is probably secure enough to do the role and doesn't take himself too seriously, I guess?


Also, it's not like we ever saw his dick. He was just playing a guy with a small dick, no one with half a brain is going to assume that the actor has a small dick as well LOL


Agree that Harry is a cutie with a lot going for him so I agree with the main points here. But to nitpick, 1. I believe Harry is divorced too, right? So, Charlotte isn't the only one with that drawback, if it can be called that. I also don't think a large population of guys care that Charlotte is unemployed if she's rich enough from family and marriage assets that she's not a financial drain. She's SMART, and PRETTY, and NICE- she's a CATCH, 2. By the standards of this show, I don't think Charlotte got off easy. A lot of these characters do asshole things. Charlotte ultimately got the guy but this is one of the rare instances of an SATC character really being called out and having to apologize.


I love my thoughts being challenged and I see your point and I agree like I said, Charlotte York is my Connecticut Princess. My goddess, my diva. However, this just came to me how she was lowkey throwing stones, about appearances, when she lived in a glass house. Granted, it just recalled to me that she came to that similar conclusion I have once she was wedding planning.


I wouldn’t necessarily describe him as classically handsome. Not my type, but I prefer men with hair. And his back was…..wow very hairy lol. I will say I thought it was so incredibly rude that Charlotte put so much effort into converting to Judaism and then putting together a special Shabbat dinner and lighting the candles and he was just watching a baseball game…..she really went all in for him and he couldn’t miss watching one game, after he was the one that told her how important it was that she was Jewish. She put so much into it, barging into the rabbis house, going into the mikva. It’s a few month process to convert. She was willing to give up her entire old way of life to be with him. He didn’t show her that he respected her or appreciated her sacrifice at all once it was all said and done. He just wanted to watch baseball…..


yep. he was rude in this scene and very inconsiderate! i thought they were both in the wrong in different ways so the fact charlotte is the one who has to apologize always felt a bit unfair to me. and the way she said it was mean and unnecessary, but charlotte is absolutely more conventionally attractive than harry. and on top of that she was also putting massive effort into the relationship by converting. i think she just wanted to feel appreciated for that. women always extend more grace to men when it comes to beauty standards than we get back, tbh. we can acknowledge that harry was bald and chubby while charlotte was very beautiful and put together by society’s standards.


I mean, she did?


I don’t think he’s unattractive but I always thought that if I were an actor and characters were calling me ugly I’d be so upset


It's the same with the storyline Miranda gets! She's not some ugly duckling


I’m gonna make a post about my thoughts on how Miranda was treated later. Justice for her for real


I think she is truly stunning especially when styled correctly. I think though just like Harry it's her inner sparkiness and humour and personality that I just find so attractive


The episode where she lays down with Steve after she gets home from work (in the Brady era) and noticed that he brought her lilacs? I think she looks so radiant in that scene! When they put her in good colors and style her hair well, I think she's really shines. Shes gorgeous!


Yes she is gorgeous I'm that scene. 😍 totally underrated


Yes, this was always so ridiculous... Cynthia Nixon is a very beautiful woman. She was just as beautiful as the other three. She definitely had the prettiest eyes.


As an adult he can consent to signing on for the role and I’m sure he was given notes about the character before he signed on and/or auditioned, but I definitely get how it might still affect him psychologically. What I have more of problem with is calling a character ugly/fat/etc when they’re a minor and a child especially - Gabrielle’s daughter from Desperate Housewives and Celia’s daughter on Weeds are some examples where I really felt bad for the child actors


Fun fact, in Home Alone when Kevin finds the photo of Buzz’s girlfriend and says “woof”, the photo was actually someone on set’s son in drag. They said they didn’t want to hurt a little girl’s feelings being the ugly one.


I don't think she ever calls him ugly, she just isn't necessarily drawn to his looks. And I mean, her first impressions of him are him spitting out a bagel (totally agree with him, blueberry bagels are bullshit) and then he's sweating on her documents LOL. She goes for the JFK type (Trey) and Harry isn't that. The entire point of this relationship, is it forces Charlotte to rethink what is really important in a relationship. She married for looks and flash, and had no substance the first time. She has to grow. Harry is one of the best characters on this show. He's hilarious.


Sweet bagels are an abomination unto the Lord. Sorry not sorry.


My impression was that he was just not as sophisticated and well kept as the men she was after and like Trey. Things like him sweating, needing his back waxed, his behaviour like walking around naked eating. So it was partly looks but also just his general being. But let’s face it, Charlotte wouldn’t have been interested if he was super rich so she is definitely being shallow!


What she says in their break up argument, about how they look together to other people, was very nasty and effectively calling him ugly


When she first talks about him after they sleep together she says he’s “not very attractive”


I mean, the back hair would've put me off. I like hairy guys, but if it's that thick on your back, trim that shit. I think for the show tho, "not very attractive" = bald and not 6'. I loooved Harry and Charlotte.


He waxed it


Yes, I have seen the show.


> I like hairy guys, but if it's that thick on your back, trim that shit. His body, his choice. He had his back waxed to please Charlotte, but it gave him an allergic reaction.


Harry also has the sexiest speeches, that scene in the bachelors apartment!


She literally says she's having ugly sex or whatever.


I think it was Anthony who said it but yeah.


This is exactly how I view it. He just wasn't her "type". Her type being polished, waspy, Ken Dolls. Harry was a bit crass, not always put together, and just not "perfect" like she is used to. She was so enthralled with the idea of these "perfect" (on the outside) men/marraiges that once she let all of that go and just found someone who was fun and made her laugh, she really found the marriage she was looking for all along. Her storyline with Harry is one of the sweetest, most wholesome parts of the show. They communicate, compromise, and she just truly seems 100% happy, not just superficially.


she was way out of line and should never have said anything like that to someone she loved. however, i don’t think she was incorrect in her actual point, just in saying it at all. the whole “do you know what people say when we’re out together, what it looks like?” isn’t totally misguided. if someone saw them walking together, they wouldn’t know about his career or wealth, just that (by american beauty standards) she’s out of his league. i only go on about this because i want to defend her from seeming up herself (if anyone knows of the reacher/settler debate in HIMYM u know what i’m talking about). any time a woman expresses any awareness of her hotness, let alone her being hotter than a man, she’ll be totally smacked down. i just need to reiterate that she is smoking and in a society where women’s appearances are the most valued thing about them, that’s often a talking point when compared to their partner. but i say again, she was 10000% in the wrong for saying that and harry’s reaction was absolutely warranted.


most women who look like her and are in society do end up with men like harry. if you ever meet successful men, they usually have a beautiful woman on their side regardless of what he looks like. do you remember when sam was with the turtle? that sorta thing. harry would likely have had any choice of many eager women and i doubt he would have taken her back after that.


See I think that’s my problem. I just don’t see them that way at all. To me Charlotte is pretty but not in a way that makes me think twice. And I don’t find Harry to be unattractive. Just average. So if I saw them together I’d see a simple pretty girl with an average man which is how most couples look to me anyways lol it’s really hard for me to see Charlotte as well above his league so the scene is really indefensible to me.


i have no clue why either of us are downvoted. any housewife show on bravo easily shows youthful conventionally beautiful women with rich men who are average at best. men have it easier with dating as people age. he could have had any woman tbh. he wasn't ugly, he was successful and had a great personality. i think char is beautiful but so are many women


His back hair was intense too, let’s not forget lol. But yeah he was a pretty normal looking guy. Some of the guys they referred to as “cute” on the show, I was like, “who? Him??”


I think how she regarded Harry was true to the Charlotte character. Please we needed to see her transform from her rigid standards and actually fall for love and not a bullet point list.


I don’t think he is as attractive as most of the guys in the show. Brady is more attractive, Big is more attractive, Trey, Aiden Idk he’s not ugly per se but compared to Trey Harry is notably less attractive imo. Just being frank.


Brady was like 2, unless you mean Steve


Lol whoops I meant Steve 😂


LOL somehow I thought worse and assumed you gave the baby a rating of 2 in attractiveness


I don't find him attractive, and his habits made him worse. I always thought that Charlotte was being sirt of punished. She went from JFK Jr. To Harry. Sje was clueless and her standards were too high.


To be honest though, most girls I know wouldn't be attracted to him physically. Swipe left kinda guy based on purely looks (obviously not for every girl in the world, but that could be said for anyone), but definitely in terms of Charlotte's type. But once you get to know him, he's very lovable. Hence why Charlotte loved him, but she knows that the first impressions of others don't go in his favour, physically. A man being bald, short and chubby is kind of the opposite of traditional beauty standards not just in NY at the time but in most cultures. He's got financial stability, yes...but at that point so did Charlotte. He was also divorced, just like her. I'm sure some people would find my conventionally unattractive brother-in-law from a well to do background a catch. But the general consensus usually led to my also smart but conventionally pretty sister having to hear things like "Gosh, but we always thought your husband would be more...I mean, match you a bit more" since the marriage. Its a thing.


To me Harry is one of the hottest and best men of the series so I always find it baffling that him being bald and hairy is supposed to be this big shock that he pulled Charlotte.


I'm a person who only gets turned on by people I emotionally groove with, so Harry is sexy to me. But I can still be objective. And so could Harry. And so could Charlotte. Harry said himself, that he's a schmuck and he would never think that someone who looked like her would even look in his direction. This is an instance of saying the quiet part out loud. And nobody likes to hear the quiet part out loud.


he is ugly thi


Evan Handler was hot in TAPS!


Taps, the 80s movie with Timothy Hutton?




I still can’t believe he took her back after that but I understand how it served the show.


He also had a (pause for dramatic effect) \*hairy back\*. If you haven't seen the first movie yet, wait until you see how they handle Samantha gaining some weight.


Am I awful for thinking most of the guys were nothing to write home about? Not compared to the women, anyway. Except Smith, Robert and Trey.


Why would you be awful? They hated Jesus for telling the truth


Haha! Love it. I know I must sound shallow but none of them really do it for me, even Big.


Richard was hot too, for a man of a certain age.


Lmaooo y’all are so unserious . He is average at best. Do you think a man would take the time to write a defense of an average woman tv character? 


>Do you think a man would take the time to write a defense of an average woman TV character? Who the fuck cares what a man does? How is that relevant? I wouldn’t know because I’m not that man or a man at all. I’m an individual. I don’t keep score of/try to measure up to what anybody does & try to match that. That’s lame. I write silly posts about shows, actors & TV characters on an APP. I, YO, أنا like to do it. Just because a man wouldn’t do it, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t. EDIT: and not to mention, we are on a subreddit about a show franchise that was written and directed by MEN for around 25+ years. See? Lots of users on here need to stop applying gender where it doesn’t apply.


Charlotte needed to check herself in many instances


OP, because of your post, I looked him up. What a cutie!


I think this was a case of “TV ugly”. And it wasn’t just his looks but being a bit rough around the edges. He still ticked a lot of boxes for Charlotte. 


never seen him young before, he looks like dominic sessa!


“Look up a picture of Evan Handler young” Me: hmm okay. Also me 15 seconds later: ohhhh. Oh my!! Wow didn’t know I would be this attracted to him!


I never thought anyone would care seeing them together. He's NOT ugly and there are supermodels with ugly guys anyway , no one would see an average looking with an attractive woman and he all shocked , as she implied.


I agree that she was let off the hook too easily. I get why they did it. The proposal scene at the synagogue is very sweet but not realistic. She does humble herself and is contrite but Harry deserves more than that.


I find him generally unappealing in terms of attraction. But I’m also pretty cliche in my tastes; I like tall, muscular men, I like nice hair, whether that’s facial or on the head. And I wouldn’t want to have sex with a guy with a back full of hair. But his personality is top notch.


Harry is adorable and has a great butt, too!


Charlotte was very pretty and was used to these handsome wall street guys. I think when seeing them in public some people might think it looks like a mismatch because people can be superficial. I don't think she was expressing what she thought at the time but just her frustration over Harry not proposing.


Everyone talks about how Charlotte had to throw away all of her expectations in order to give Harry a chance. But I just think it's interesting that even when choosing a guy who is not traditionally Charlotte's type at all, they still made sure to make him a rich, successful lawyer. It would have been interesting to see Charlotte fall for a dude who worked at a gas station or something lol.


Harry was a cutie. Just bald with a habit of putting his bare ass on a white couch.


I don't care what anyone says... her character sucks. Shallow, materialistic, and no personality.


Totally. She's the very definition of a judgmental asshole but people will defend her till the cows come home. Because she's sweet on the surface. Also add manipulative to your list.


Harry is hot as fuck he just doesn’t have hair


Harry is hot but I do have a weird thing for bald guys


he is ugly.


He is not attractive and bald but he is successful and sweet so I’m sure that’s why she stayed. Would have loved if they made Trey different and they worked things out they looked great together


Not just the fact that she didn’t think he was attractive or her type, but when she finally gave him a chance she *still* nitpicked about the teabags, and the walking around naked, among other things. He even apologized saying he was sloppy (or something like like that). He changed to please her. To her credit, she did change her religion for him so they could get married once she realized he was her One.


Honestly, I can’t see that as nitpicking. The teabags and naked. I think that was just a normal boundary to set. Especially while it his new house, it’s her space too. And there are certain things you can’t manage


Someone planting their bare ass on my furniture and leaving tea bags everywhere but the trash is definitely not nitpicking!