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That was one of the most secondhand embarrassment filled moments of the show for me


Agreed, this was SO pathetic


Lmao I know right😂 I always get such second hand embarrassment from this scene. Like girl, at least say congratulations BEFORE you talk about your date😂


“paper covers rock”


I am not going to lie, I ran into a friend from millennia ago, and they told me they got engaged. I replied, "I've got a date!". Sigh.


😭😭ryt like I would have done the same thing if I was Carrie


It was supposed to be embarrassing, idk why people are assuming she said that to sound badass lol. She was at a completely different stage in her life and the truth came out pitiable. Not always do we have the best response ready...God knows I stay awake thinking "Damn what was i thinking replying that ugh"


I completely agree, but that doesn’t mean I can’t find it cringy lol


But, like, there's no indication that she's embarrassed, is there?


There is, I believe! Aside from Carrie's shy, awkward pauses where she looked like she didn't know what to say and was saying the wrong things...the whole episode was about Carrie being overwhelmed by how to not mess things up and do everything in perfect timing in regards to her first date with Berger. But when she has that sudden, embarrassing encounter with Aiden, the episode ends with her saying something along the lines of "If Aidan and I were able to run into each other like that and I still survived, I can take on whatever's next". And she called Berger up for an impromptu date without taking it so seriously.


I get you dw, I found it relatable and completely cringy hahah


Agreed, it's one of those moments where everyone *thinks* they would sound so cool and composed, but in reality they would sound like flustered dork (which is exactly how Carrie sounded 😆 ).


Right? But 12 step meetings have made me learn that people are too self centered to really care about what people say. People are too self involved.


i hate this line for her lol. also, she basically used berger to try to move on from aidan and prove her life was going great :/


Ahhh cringe to the max Carrie girl! haha


So cringe it made my teeth itch


The only thing I like about the scene is that Aidan's son is played by James Broderick. I wonder if there were any takes of the child wanting to go to his mother when she walked over and talked to the man whose chest baby James was strapped to.


Not her son. She's debunked this already.


I NEVER knew this was SJPs baby boy! I must say the way she touched his head always warms my heart ❤️


It's not. She just must be great with kids.


It is an indication that she feels she is in competition with him. She's really unhealthy.


God I cringe so hard when I see that scene 😭 it’s like… “THATS NOTHING TO BE PROUD OF CASSIE!” 😭


Cassie 😂


Why? It's okay to brag about having a baby but not about having a date?


I didn't see it so much as bragging but more like....omg he's got a baby let me say something about my life-but not in a bad way, she feels she's not done as much? I think it comes from a low confidence place rather than bragging imo. That's my take on it anyway😂🤷🏻‍♀️


"Oh God Aidan" Stfu Carrie and stop trying to make everything a moment. Ffs he has a child, he doesn't wanna reminisce.