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Yeah the whole “I came to NYC to fall in love” part is so nauseating.


And so weird, too. Forget the museums, restaurants , shows, etc? There are plenty of other cheaper cities to find love in...


And then she has ZERO character growth- she goes back to her hometown and marries her crappy boyfriend. How about having her quit Carrie's assistant job to start her own business, go to grad school, or chase an exciting career? Even for a minor character, I would have expected some kind of a story arc, not a story circle.


Besides, dating in NYC has been hard mode for decades lol the ratio of men to women for hetero relationships is skewed in favor of men as there are fewer of them. She would have had better success in the West like SF or Seattle 😂 do your research Louise


What irks me the most is that they already did the Louis from St.Louis with the sailor who Carrie talks to in the series. Why couldn't they come up with something original?


That was Louis from Louisiana 😊 but yes totally, very close! (And he was a way better character lol)


My thoughts exactly. Lazy writing. They could've at least picked a different name/city. Like Phyllis from Philadelphia or Barb from Santa Barbara lol


Dakota from South Dakota, Savannah from Savannah, Minnie from Minneapolis, Angela from Los Angeles 😂 ....it's a big country, the possibilities for horrendous name puns are endless.


Mia from Miami lmao 😂


😂 Maybe AJLT Season 3 will give us an Australian side character named Sydney or Adelaide. And have her be an over-the-top stereotype with a Crocodile Dundee accent and an obsession with Koalas or something. Are you reading this, MPK & crew?


Haha Sydney from Sydney. MPK is frantically writing the script right now !


But then they wouldn’t have all that great material about Meet Me in St Louis. Blah blah St Louise. Barf.


I was going to bring this up. She LOVED saying his name and hometown, too.


OMG you're right. I never put that together until reading this comment. Recycling plot lines is the new sustainability 🤣


I totally get what you’re saying! I love their bond and how they grew with each other but Louise as a character seems a bit contrived and/or stereotypical at times.


Yes especially on the stereotypical part!! they kind of done her dirty


I agree. They could have done some really interesting things with her character.


I hated the part with her trying on the wedding dress and her little sister shouting things in the background. It felt like they were taking the piss and didn't know how to write for her.




It was a lazy, stereotypical, supporting character that could have been SO much better, or not at all. I feel like that LV bag was intentionally hideous.


On that bag. My first exposure to high end brands was when I visited Cancun and went to a mall and saw the LV bags. This was around the time the movie came out and the bags were quite hideous for the most part. I live in a large city now and see them when I go to the mall here and they aren’t as ugly as they were back then lol 


The premise wasn't bad but it was delivered in a fake way. Tbh, Jennifer Hudson's acting in this didn't fit SATC lol, it was too Hallmark-y. The script didn't help either but I feel like a different acting approach would've matched Carrie's energy.


Hallmark-y is a great way of describing it.


I completely forgot her character existed until this post. Granted I haven’t seen the movie in like 3 years, but still


Oh definitely. After the series, they keep trying on new friends, new regulars. They’re always atrocious.


Movie? What movie? SATC ended with Carrie returning from Paris and the four friends walking down the street to ‘you got the love’. Right???


There are two movies and now a spin off series called “And Just Like That…”


La La La I can’t hear you…




I actively change the channel when her scenes come on. The acting is atrocious and the story is nauseating, “came to NY to find love.” I hope this opinion isn’t unpopular.


I’m so glad someone feels me 😩 honestly I thought it might be unpopular because when I tried to search this Reddit about that topic there wasn’t much negativity around her that’s why 😅


I’m also the type of person that watches a movie or a book all the way to the end. I don’t skip scenes, etc. but I just can’t with her in this movie. And I’m familiar with “hate watching” and do that with certain episodes of this show “when they go to Bigs church, Atlantic City.” But I refuse to even watch these parts. I cannot believe Jennifer Hudson gave this performance and has an EGOT. She’s also in a movie with Adam Sandler (one of my favs), Sandy Wexler. And it is possibly the worst movie I’ve ever seen.


I thought Louise was an adorable person. Of course, I cant say that Hollywood wasnt filling an agenda, as they usually do. As far as the acting there is one moment to me that im like holy s lol no and that is when she screams and goes “a louis vuitton of my own!!! Look who just came from the big city”🤯 it sounded so unnatural


I just watched the movie yesterday as I was home sick and I had the same thought! Very flat character, cheesy, poorly written.


Not unpopular. Her acting was fucking terrible. It was like a caricature of a person. I dont know if anyone could have done more with it tho as it was also poorly written. With that said, JH is a bad actress.


Finally someone said it- I still don't get how JH won an Oscar. She can obviously sing, but she is not an actress.


Agree. I've never really been a fan of Jennifer Hudson. when singers are coming up in popularity they try to get a foot into acting too and sometimes it just doesn't work because...they aren't actos! Lol. I think it was a weak storyline.


Oh her acting is just atrocious, it is cringe-worthy. The scream when she says, *My very own Louis Vuitton*?!? I feel like I can even see SJP cringe at some of her acting.


I actually loved the Louise storyline. She was a really good support to Carrie during a rough time.


The show is way better then the movies, they just suck