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She was your dom? The way she acts tells me she isn’t fit to such task. This behavior seems irresponsible and even vengeful. Did you two have problems to call it quits in the d/s relationship?


Depends who you ask the question. I'm more on the traditional side, so I could not imagine being in a relationship with a girl with 5+ body count. But if you're poly+swinger, I'm not shocked, and you do you. As long as you're doing it safely, do whatever you want


Nonsense I’ve been with thousands of people who cares haha


Well babe I’m at about a 28 body count myself. And I won’t call you a whore if you don’t call me one. Doesn’t that sound fair. (I would never call you a whore to begin with. ) kind of ridiculous how men with high body counts are considered studs by other men but want to call a hot horny lady a whore. Well how about this. I here by consider myself a proud happy whore and you have some catching up to do.




why isn’t it okay? /gen


First, let’s mention how despicable and uncalled for those comments were from your ex friend. She sounds extremely jealous and insecure about herself. I am SO sorry you ever crossed paths with that waste of space. No one deserves to be spoken to like that, no matter the circumstances. Now about body count. Since you’re in a poly relationship, 25 does not seem that high at all. The higher number of people that you have sex with the higher probability you are to get an STD/STI. Your safety and wellbeing is whats most important. As long as you are properly vetting your partners and making sure you are safe, then body count isn’t going to be a concern.


As long as people are honest and practice safe sex they’ve checked all the “is this ok” boxes when it comes to sleeping with others. I would say based on your lifestyle you have a very low body count.


Honestly, in my opinion, I think body count numbers are stupid. if it was consensual and safe what does it matter? It’s your body. I also think it was shitty of your friend to say that


It matters to some people—myself included—but only when gauging compatibility with prospective partners. Others, I don’t care what others do tho.


Nothing wrong with it. Just be safe and get tested


It’s not a big deal nobody really really cares but having 7-8 of them at your wedding is strange. If you live a small town and not a big city it’s different


I'm a traditional man and I've only been with 5 ppl. I'm 36m. So yeah would be a deal breaker for me imo


I think people who are jealous over body counts are insecure. I'm not invested in my partners past, I'm invested in them here and now. Having sex doesn't devalue you


idk why you’re getting downvoted, you’re right


They got my upvote.


Because there's a lot of judgemental people here that believe if you don't live your life the way they do then you're plain wrong. >Nothing wrong with it. Just be safe and get tested That got down-voted also. It's simple, non-judgemental and promotes safety. But people disagreed with the sentiment based on how they feel and refuse to consider another perspective. Sadly the world is full of idiots and morons, luckily I'm just stupid.


Yes it is bad




I suppose it depends on someone's age. 5 could be high or low. If you're 28 and you've had two relationships per year since you were 18, that's a body count of 10, but it doesn't seem problematic. Especially since things can be a bit wilder in youth.


I agree with you. I'd just add, 2 broken relationships per year is gonna spark some questions too. But I agree, 10 in that case isn't problematic. And if the girl is over her past (i.e. no baggage to carry over in the present), even I wouldn't mind having a relationship with her, and you can see my stance on sex and body count already haha. I'll be fine with that. So depends, yup 😁


Did you even read the entire post?...They aren't looking for monogamy considering they explicitly stated they both are polyamourous. But thanks for your super insightful and totally not at all condescending comment based on your limited worldview. Can I borrow your soap box when you're done with it? I have an orgy to attend and it's a little tricky plowing ass when there's a substantial height difference!




Did you agree with what the former friend did at the wedding? You left a wall of judgemental and condescending text but didn't condone that anywhere in your original reply...




You can't answer a simple question that I'm asking though. Do you condone her former friend calling her a "town whore" and essentially slut-shaming at her wedding? It's fairly rhetorical based on your original comment, but I love to be proven wrong. Gets these hedonists rocks off.




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> Yes, it is wrong to call her that IN A PUBLIC SETTING but it isn't wrong to call her a town whore. So it's okay to call someone a "town whore" and slut shame them, as long as it's not in public. Why would they ever want to be friends with you when you say such mean things to them? Where is *your* confidence coming from? Your parents never teach you that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all? Guess you weren't raised with a good moral compass, no judgement though!... >25 is HIGH and facts don't care about feelings. You seem to have a loose grasp on the difference between facts and feelings, allow me to help. Here are some actual facts, everything you've said is YOUR OPINION. And as such, your "facts" are relative to your own worldview, which is why they aren't facts at all. The actual fact is that 25 is a number relative to many other numbers. It's HIGH according to you, but LOW to other people. How can it be a fact if it changes based on every person you ask? Because it's not a fact. Do...you...understand the difference now? Do I need to slow down or repeat anything? Irony at it's finest, no judgement though!... >Even they didn't condone rampant sexual promiscuity. Neither did Buddha. Or Jesus. You know Jesus was more than likely a gay polyamorous socialist, right? Why do you think Mary was a "virgin" and he had 12 *all male* disciples? She was more like a beard for Jesus. And who cares what these people from thousands of years ago said? Were they right about everything?...I was waiting for you to bring up some religious figures though, knew it was only a matter of time and honestly disappointing how predictable you are. No judgement though!... >You don't wanna feel shame for high body count so will just escape reality by being delusional? Why would I feel shame for that. I'm not a close-minded asshole and don't judge other people based on my tiny worldview. The projection is strong with this one! So deep down you're ashamed that you couldn't even find more than 1 person on a planet of over 8 billion to be intimate with? What's wrong with you? Are you worried you have a small penis? Don't last long enough? Don't know how to make a partner orgasm properly? Such an "uptight prude" that nobody wants to sleep with haha ::amused expression:: no judgement though!...




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>I ain't reading all that. We know why. Because it would confuse you, too many words backed up with logic and *actual* facts. That's okay, I'll take the win despite it being like taking candy from a baby in this case. Allow me to summarize. You are a pathetic human being that was raised poorly. Not your fault, no judgement. And you can't get laid by more than 1 person out of 8 billion apparently. Pretty sad and I feel sorry for you since you're an "uptight prude" haha


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all numbers are objective numbers


and 25 is a high number for body count. Thanks for reminding me. (and nope)


maybe at once, yes


I wouldn't even try with this one. They don't understand the difference between facts and feelings. Gave me a good laugh though.




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>Is there an inappropriate amount of people to have slept with? No. That's a question only you can answer because nobody else's opinion here matters. If you don't think it's an inappropriate amount and you are happy with your lifestyle then that's all that matters. People that say otherwise are assholes trying to shame you for not conforming to their version of the world. Fuck those people, just not literally, they're probably bad in bed.