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I have a few things to tell you: 1.Tessa is a warlock, even before the revelation of angel blood, she would have still been immortal. 2. Jem as a silent brother will have great impact on many stories and him and Tessa will meet again. Silent brothers are pseudo-immortal, meaning they live very long. This is not the end of Jem, and it won't be for a very long time. 3. Will does die. At around 80 years old. Tessa will be forever trying to get over him, and only one man would be able to take her mind off of him(around 150 years later). 4. Fate may have been cruel on Jem, but Tessa and Will will live a long and happy marriage, going on to have children, a boy and a girl. At some point fate will give back. Jem will get his happy ending. That is all I can say without spoiling major plot points or events from the books in the future. Keep reading the other books, and I assure you, you will come to understand how important it was that the events played out like this.


You said it perfectly! Just like the phrase I believe also applies to real life: **everything happens for a reason.** There would be no chance at both Will *and* Jem’s happy endings if things hadn’t occurred as they did. And with the characters we love, it’s so fulfilling to see the most happiness possible! I won’t reveal anything more either, but y’all just have to trust that things happen for a reason and it all works out for the best!


You’ll hear more from Jem as a silent brother in the future series


I love that epilogue and ending... it broke my heart but in the best way. >Jem should’ve survived some way other than becoming a silent brother and lived a mortal life. Tessa should never have turned out to be immortal and somehow turned into a shadowhunter I mean, I get you. But that would've simply been too easy. Besides, this way Tessa and Jem get to still be alive during the events in the other series. Have you read TMI? I think TID has the most beautiful love triangle ever written and that the ending is really original. She loved the both of them equally, Will and Jem also loved her and each other. If Jem had simply been cured, how could things have gone on? I don't think he would've married Tessa knowing Will loved her just as much. I don't think Tessa would've been entirely happy either. And yes, Jem is mortal now and will one day die, like Will did. But Tessa is choosing once again to experience that love for whatever time they have together. However, it is still unclear whether Jem might have a longer lifespan than a regular human, given no Silent Brother has ever been turned back into a regular nephilim.


You’re right actually but it was just such an emotional roller coaster. I’m not used to fantasy books being so complex emotionally.


The ending of this series stuck with me for months after reading. If I think about it too long it still makes me emotional in so many different ways. No other book has done that to me. Often life’s most beautiful moments are fleeting and Cassandra captured that perfectly. But keep reading, there are more beautiful moments to behold. ♥️


Haven’t known a single person that’s not gotten absolutely wrecked by the end of TID.


Is TID the only series you’ve read so far?


Nope I’ve read the mortal instruments but it’s been at least 3 years since that even though I lovedddd that series


Did you read city of lost souls & city of heavenly fire? It explains the Jem thing a bit there as well.


I actually did but it was a long time ago and when I read that Jem had become a silent brother I felt so stupid because I remember there being a brief flashback to his memories.


Hey, it just means you got to experience it organically with no spoilers as that what happened to him. It ups the stakes, I don't think that's a bad thing.


Keep reading the other books in the universe


It's a very well done and impactful ending. Tessa and Will get their happily ever after, but much else is left open for the story to continue. You'll have to read the other series to see where things go.


To this day I still think this was the best love triangle I ever read with the best ending. Tessa turned out to be immortal and Jem became a Silent Brother to prolong his life until he found a cure. This allowed Tessa to have a life with both Jem and Will. It is heartbreaking seeing Tessa watch Will grow old and die. She then was forced to leave her children and grandchildren so she doesn't experience the same pain again. It's great and satisfying to see Jem healthy, but it's also sad only Tessa could see him cured as Will, Charlotte, Gabriel, Sophie, and everyone else are dead. It has a lot of heartbreak but it's also good as it allows Tessa to enjoy having a life and children with both of them. Jem and Tessa later have a daughter but we're yet to know what she will do so she doesn't relive the pain of watching her mortal loves die. It's brought up there is a spell that can make warlocks mortal, so it's possible Tessa will use it.


In what book do they have a daughter?


I'm not sure, it says on the wiki and is certainly a short story.


If I recall correctly, their daughter is born in the last book of The Dark Artifices: The Queen of Air and Darkness. Jem and Tessa offered to let Kit live with them and the new baby. Although now that I'm thinking about it I do remember a short story where >!Livvy's ghost wanted to jump into baby Mina's body as she was being born. Thankfully she didn't give into the temptation!< So I have fully confused myself and prolly all of you. Sorry. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Edit!: HUGE apology! I forgot I knew how to do a spoiler tag. Sorry y'all. Thanks for reminding me 💖


you should spoiler tag, i don't think op has read tda and >!you're just casually talking about livvy's ghost...!<


Agreeing with the other person that you spoiler tag most of this considering we are discussing events outside of what happened in TID.


I just started reading the clockwork series and got a huge spoiler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m sorry😭😭 I marked it as a spoiler though why’d you still click😭😭


I didn't check the word 😕 I saw the post and thought of TMI ..then saw the mention of Tessa and Jem...😭😭


If you read on in TSC, the questions are answered. But I will second that the books are heart wrenching and that I cried for a good while when I finished Clockwork Princess


Spoiler ahead. . . . . . . . . I am guessing you haven't read the whole lot of the following books but the gist is yes, Jem eventually becomes Mortal again, He will take a break from being a Shadowhunter. He and Tessa will live together and have a family.


Trust me keep reading. This series will kept being brought up in future books and it will always warm your heart