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Neither of the shingles vaccines bothered me at all, other than very mild arm tenderness. However, I still get shingles approximately every 4 to 6 weeks. My cases were very mild anyway, but I think they are even milder and quicker to heal since the vaccines. So far, anyway…


I get my 2nd one next week. The first one was fine other than weirdly the spot where they gave it tingled like the spot where the shingles were and even today almost 2 months later is still a little uncomfortably prickly.


That's pretty strange! But overall your experience doesn't sound too awful. I hope the tingling goes away


No, it wasn’t bad at all. I will say that my arm was really, really sore for quite a few days so maybe have an ice pack handy for that and some Tylenol or Ibuprofen.


Same here. The soreness didn't last past two days. Although rolling onto that arm in my sleep during that time was a bummer. Ice pack and Snickers work wonders.


And Snickers when your arm hurts don’t even have calories. Ice cream either.