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Fuck this new generation of people like this


New generation? that person looks 30.


Aren’t they all about “inclusion”? Classifying yourself under so many standards and categories ain’t helping. They don’t want people to think that they’re “different”, and they continue to do this


Yeah, it’s all about “inclusion”. People making up and giving themselves these ridiculous labels so they can feel included. The new wave of TikTok and Twitter pre-teens see all of it as some group they want to be part of.


"I'm coming out as an *gives you a fucking resume* "


Mentally ill or rlly delusional




That dude finna need to go to Arkham Asylum's intensive treatment unit.


Happy cake day




da fuk?


The propaganda has ruined this young lad‘s mind


Should throw in some more words to make themselves truly unique


Doesn't matter how many sexualities you have if this is your ugly ass


so people aren’t allowed to have an identity if you don’t find them conveniently attractive?


>!re/tard!< ☠️


Can someone tell me how you come out to bring neurodivergent


People like this are obviously troubled or delusional but I don’t get why we care. Like who gives a fuck. This isn’t some huge movement, this isn’t the reason your life sucks, this isn’t the thing bringing humanity to it’s breaking point, this isn’t going to have serious ramifications longterm. Every generation has had its misfits who cause a moral panic, and being online magnifies that. Like I said, I know these people are unwell. I just don’t understand why people think this matters. There are enormous problems plaguing the world right now and this absolutely isn’t one of them.




I’m a teacher and this hasn’t been my experience. There’s a few non binary kids at the school, but it’s quite rare and they chum around with the other kids.


How exactly have children been “indoctrinated”, as you say?


well it can be Everything is maybe The fear of maybe


What the fick is this


I can’t keep up.


his inner self: "where did i go wrong, hashirama..."


New character unlocked


burn "it" fuckin throw em in a fire


New villain in outlast?






*how did we get here?*


Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down




This mf looks like the child of an unicorn and Gru


It's a random person on the internet, how hard is it for you to ignore them?


The government needs to stop putting so many chemicals in the food


Ho no bro


I mean, you could have at least used this title on someone who has some weird neo pronouns. It literally says she/her right there.


There are so many words that I’ve never even heard of


You forgot to put jumpscare alert


Huh what’s so bad about this? Her pronouns are pretty simple, neurodivergent just talks about adhd or some shit, pansexual just means they don’t care for your gender, polyamourus is also not that unusual, demisexual and Sapio romantic is a bit pretentious to proclaim but I guess most people wanna fuck someone smart they’re in love with. I get it, those are a lot of big words but it’s not bad being conscious about your identity and who you wanna date


True, it's unfortunate that some people here just refuse to let an individual accepts themselves


Who dis man?


Was/were soon


fucking gross


That's not human at all


Bruh that’s a mentally disturbed man


Wherever did he/who/it get mentioned


why ya'll so mad?


Because, regardless of the initial reasoning and ideology behind it, in the end it ends up really looking like just a big pile of "what in the actual fuck". It really gives off a vibe of someone who is either totally fucked in the head and just trying their best to come up with some new shit to call themselves today, or just a troll. And while it could be considered actually funny in the second instance, it sadly prolly is the first one. If you wanna fuck boys, or girls, alright, go do so if they are fine with it, not my problem. But to paint yourself, dress up like a housemaid while having a clearly masculine face and calling yoursef a whole essay of shit (and then going online and actually sharing it just for some 14 y/o Emily to say "we're proud of you, slaayy"), yeah, you genuinely can find such specimens in psychiatric wards. Just sayin.


it wouldn't look like a steaming hot pile of "what the fuck are they saying" if ppl asked or googled hows it give off "fucked in the head" vibes? the way i see it, they're just putting labels on themselves. not to try and force themselves into that or get attention or whatever, but to express themselves and so ppl know what they are "to paint yourself"? like, actual paint or just makeup? i dont see many ppl painting themselves like a car. also, whats wrong with dressing femininely when your face is masculine? they cant control what their face looks like without expensive surgery. or maybe theyre just having fun dressing as a housemaid, whether it be to be silly or just cuz they feel like it


Whatever. Call me bigoted, (insert whatever)-phobic and all else, the best I can feel for that \*individual\* is pity. It's not that I would activelly oppress them or sth of that capacity, but I just won't have much respect for someone who's making a nearly literal clown of themselves, exept they do it non-satirically. Try as you want, if you have a male sex, you have male features, you have male anatomy, and male hormones. Whatever you say you are doesn't influence this fact much. "I feel like a girl" yea how the fuck do you know how a girl "feels like" if you are male. You can maybe "want to be a girl, while being a male", which I guess I can understand, but that still doesn't make you more than a femboy wannabe. Like, actually, just how much does this differ from some mentally afflicted person in the psychiatric ward? They, too, dress themselves up in whatever on a whim, denouncing any socially assumed standards, paint themselves... whatever they can, and call themselves whoever they think they feel comfortable with (Julius Caesar, for all I care). And it's not like they have any aggression issues either to have to be locked up, they're just clinicially delusional. Edit: this got locked cuz of some word prolly, so I guess thhat's that for any argument. Unless you wanna answer me in dm, if you really feel like it.




And when he/she whatever not dead he/she whatever still looking for her best authentic personality


Mf’s in this sub act like the vocabulary they had at twelve years old included all the words they would ever need to know and then just give up from that point on


i mean some of the descriptors can be confusing but she very clearly says her pronouns… are you dumb?


Yeah really. She is clearly saying she screws vampires and werewolves. Even I got that


Best ? are you kinder and more fun to be around , are you cool , trustworthy , good at communication , are you even happier , maybe a little maybe not


You are just a clown seeking attention with those bullshit identities you have added to yourself


What fuck is Neurodivergent


Sure, whatever DUDE/MAN…


Lol the post literally spells it out for you but words can be hard. If you don't care to learn then move on.


Maybe if there weren’t so many fukkin new words that make it sound like I’m reading a Dr. Seuss book…. I mean I don’t give a FLYING FUK what you believe yourself to be. You do you. But to expect someone to learn all that shite when they have more important things in their own life to deal with… ehhh then your just being a twatwaffle.


No one expects you to learn everything back to front. It's not difficult to not be a dick




Yeah, if you refuse to educate yourself and continually misgender someone then correct, you’re being a dick




If you don't understand, you can just ask a polite question




You're not automatically insane for not conforming to societal expectations.


This sounded so bullshit as the og post






Nothing man I’m just trying to hate coz I’m bored


Is that a healthy way to have fun


Low quality bait. First of all, this is an extreme example. Second, you have to understand that this introduction is for people who can make sense of these terms. For example, I tell people I'm bi, even though I know it's more complex, but it's not relevant for most people to know the nuances of my sexual orientation, so "I'm bi" gives them a general idea of my preferences. Gender and Sexuality is on a spectrum with near infinite possibilities, so most people put it in categories. Don't hate on people.




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I think it screws trees is what it's saying. I'm fine with that.
