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So I'm drinking one can of C4 a day? Sick.


I guess that's why my toilet gets blown up all the time.


Oh, so you dtink irish coffee?


Your brain literally requires inositol to function. If you don’t consume it your body makes it on its own. Iron is used to make guns so you shouldn’t eat it either. Vitamin K is part of cyanide so better skip that too! The whole logic is flawed.


I agree with your point entirely there’s just one thing about your comment that bothers me and it’s that vitamin k is not part of cyanide. Cyanide is just a polyatomic ion and chemically speaking it’s only components are carbon and nitrogen.


Well shit it’s in one of the poisons or something idk


I looked it up there’s vitamin K3 which is called menadione and is thought to be toxic in humans but it’s not used for humans anymore only animal feed. Maybe that’s what you were thinking about?


Monster Energy fanboy alert


They're probably thinking of vitamin b17. It's a cyanide compound.


Dihydrogen monoxide is used to cool nuclear reactors, as an industrial grade cleaner, cuts steel and causes death if even small amount of it gets into lungs


There is an energy drink named C4 if you weren’t aware


Definately bying more monster now, no perticular reason tho


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You wish, C4 is a party drug. They had to add stuff to it to make it poisonous because soldiers kept eating it in Vietnam


It’s almost like chemicals can have multiple uses or something


Mfs after finding out bleach contains Dihydrogen Monoxide


Idc I still drink it


B-but everyone who drank it 200 years ago died!


But More people have died from dihydrogen monoxide deficiency (thirst)


That's because Dihydrogen Monoxide is a DRUG and the government forces addiction onto us >:(




it's the kind of shit that's found in over 99% of cancer tumors


And 99% of all living people


You are brainwashed by the government to think this.A simple test can tell you there is no dihydrogen monoxide in your body (unless you're an addict of course). Personally I haven't taken any of that shit in 8 hours


Crazy facts!! 100% of people who drink water die!!


Even worse, dihydrogen monoxide is used as an industrial solvent and it is a coolant for nuclear power plants!


Nevermind that when you break things down into their chemical components it ALWAYS sounds 100x worse than it actually it


Did you know coffee contains alkaloids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, terpenoids, sterols, and volatile components?


* rolls up a grounds blunt *


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2 Hydrogens 1 Oxygen is so scary and it's consequences are terrifying You should NEVER consume 2 Hydrogens and 1 Oxygen It's bad for health bro!


Yeah man youre consuming 2 of hydrogen do you know how combustible that is?


Sodium- violently explodes when in contact with water. Chlorine - poisonous cleaning agent and is used as a chemical weapon in gaseous form. Put them together? Table salt.


i needed a petty and sassy title to make the post more interesting and make my point seem more provocative and direct


Man that's based af people should stop downvoting you.


While the post is in itself 100% and coffee is obviously infinitely more healthy than an energy drink, the way it’s done still seems intellectually dishonest, since you can split the term “hot bean water” into a multitude of chemical terms that are actually inside.


Well that's Reddit in a nutshell my guy.


Get downvoted nerd 🥱


L insult + Ratio


They hate him for being too honest what the hell


Honesty doesn't mean he based. He still sucks, plus points for being honest, still in the negatives tho for misleading information


I mean, energy drinks are pretty nasty, and unhealthy so I dont really know where the misinformation was.


"inositol" in bombs when it's a natural chemical in our body Completely downplaying the "chemicals" in coffee


Didnt OP just say that he overexaggerated on purpose though. And coffee made from freshly grounded beans with no sugar is still gonna be healthier than an energy drink.


You don't get to diss my homie Inositol bruh.


Why the downvotes that's based Also this inositol thing is actually a vitamin lol


Me when éthanol can be used to make firebombs (you can find it in apples):




not just hot bean water, this is what you mean: - Caffeine - Caffeic acid - Quinic acid - Trigonelline - Acetoin - Dimethyl disulfide - Lactose - Casein - Sucrose


Lactose? That stuff my buddy doesn’t tolerate? Ain’t no way that’s in my bean water bro


tell him to stop discriminating against lactose. If not kind


I didn’t think there were slurs for milk, but he keeps making new ones


Down with the Lactiggers


Lactiga’ (it is also a mammal)


I love acetone in my coffee


A lil extra KICK


+ • Microplastics


You forgot the dihydrogen monoxide.


If they use them fancy flavored syrups and creams it will look like that energy drink list too


Putting milk and shuggar in that like a pussy? If You dont want the Coffee, Drink chocolate Milk or smth




Water mfs when I tell them water is used to make bleach Bacon mfs when I tell them that sodium nitrate is used to make bombs Vanilla flavored items mfs when I tell them that ethanol is used in gasoline Sparkling water mfs when I tell them CO2 is used in fire extinguishers Fruit mfs when I tell them sugar is used in smoke bombs Steak mfs when I tell them Adolf Hitler had myoglobin in him


Myoglobin your mom






Vegan mfs when I tell them that plants and animals are both made of carbon


That steak one is glorious


Tbh it's better not to have sparkling water. Filling your stomach with gas is stupid af. Edit: Soda addicts malding.


I have been drinking spafkling water only for the last 8 yesrs, and never had any problems


Sparkling water is pretty ass on its own tbh. The carbonic acid formed tastes like shit and sometimes hurts your tongue. There's a reason soda companies dump several spoons of sugar into one can.


Its not CO2 its CO(OH)2 ya gobler


Carbonated water: self explanatory Erythritol: sugar free sweetener alternative, harmless unlike aspartame. Citric acid: not great for your teeth but other than that harmless. Taurine: good for you Natural flavors: self explanatory Sodium citrate: good for you Ginseng: stuff that’s in a lot of Asian teas, helps with energy production. Carnitine tartrate: good for you. Potassium sorbate: first thing on this list that isn’t completely harmless or outright good for you. Still pretty harmless in the tiny quantities you get in energy drinks. Caffeine: self explanatory Sucralose: another sugar free sweetener alternative, not as harmless as erythritol but still better than aspartame. Sodium Benzoate: harmless unless mixed with vitamin C Everything else besides the inositol is just B vitamins which are good for you. Conclusion: monster energy is basically just multivitamins and caffeine. The only reason they’re bad is because they have a ridiculous amount of sugar in the non sugar-free kinds, and the preservatives and stupid amounts of caffeine aren’t great either, but coffee also has caffeine and those preservatives are in literally any processed foods, so it’s pretty much the sugar that’s bad, meaning the sugar free kinds are fine.


you know what i'm man enough to admit you totally just ratio'd me and you're totally right i mean im still gonna be a stern energy drink hater but i can at least do so knowing i had the courage to admit defeat


I mean ur point of “ooh chemicals scary” is a bit stupid, but u are absolutely right that energy drinks are much worse than coffee, especially if u drink black or with a little milk. They have crazy amounts of sugar, come in 500mL cans, and also have much higher caffeine contents which is unhealthy


Yeah but there’s sugar free kinds, and the ingredients list that he showed was of a sugar free kind. So in other words they just have more caffeine, which is a moot point since you can buy them in smaller cans or not drink a whole can in one sitting. They also have vitamin b and some other stuff that’s good for you, unlike coffee.


also coffee mfs never stop at one cup. at least the people i know, the energy drink enjoyers will have no more than one can in a day while the coffee drinkers will have like several cups a day or something crazy.


Funny, from what I see it's usually the other way around


yeah, exactly. i made this post bc i usually see energy drink mfs downing like 3 redbulls a day where like i have no more than a cup of coffee every day, maybe 2 cups if school was hard that day and im tired in the afternoon


yeah when i say that i add sugar people are attacking me like im some sort of terrorist, my whole coffee process in the morning is grinding my own beans and adding milk and a spoonful of sugar, i'm not going out and getting a quad-pump ultra cold brew double breve latte frappe with 6 pumps caramel at 140 with a chocolate drizzle you know


By the way OP is wrong about Inositol being used as an explosive, because this is a sugar (hexose) so if sugars were explosives we would have a big problem. The molecule OP is probably refering to is Inositol hexanitrate which is definitely explosive because you put 6 goddamn nitro- groups on it, which has nothing to do with Inositol at this point, you could take any hexose and 6x nitrate them. People should be careful when they read stuff on the internet


Coffee: gives me the shits all day Energy drinks: doesn't do that


Both: really weird quantum state, I don't want to talk about it


tf you mean energy drinks don't make you shit? whenever i try them my bowels have just about the same kind of rave that they do when i have coffee


Real men drink orang jooce








And apul joose


Motherfucker hydrogen can be used in bombs, that doesnt mean that fucking drinking water is deadly


also, isn‘t nitroglycerin used for heart issues?


Don’t eat salt, sodium is highly volatile!!!!11


Biochemist here: I mean its one of those "dihydrogen monoxide" moments... because I can easily scare you by point out that biologically derived materials come with a plethora of compounds. The recipe list for the Monster Energy drink prolly doesn't even stretch all the metabolites/transitionals made from the fuckin Krebs Cycle in cellular respirators lol True story: coffee beans contain trace amounts of acetaldehyde, a carcinogen. But it occurs at a low enough amount that acetaldehyde dehydrogenase more than likely mops it up before it becomes a problem.


Yeah, that reminds me of a video of someone presenting people a list of chemical components in your food and people were outraged how such things could be put into food. it was all just the composition of a completely natural apple. And I'm fairly sure the ingredient list on the back of the can is longer than on this post


point i was kinda trying to get across though was that energy drinks are still a fair bit worse for you than like coffee right?


Research those ingredients, and you'll find most of those are either just vitamins or flavoring. By your logic, it seems energy drinks are better because they contain vitamins.


… I mean no better or worse than coffee IN MODERATION


pure cope. 200mL of coffee is always gonna be way healthier than 200mL of monster or C4. Sure in moderation it’s not gonna be that bad, but to say its no worse than coffee is just fucking regarded.


Rude, and no, it’s not worse than coffee.


hang urself


https://www.uhhospitals.org/blog/articles/2023/08/are-energy-drinks-more-harmful-than-coffee https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C44&q=coffee+vs+energy+drinks&oq=coffee+vs+#d=gs_qabs&t=1698687760729&u=%23p%3DUOmhY5VHVCAJ I could link way more but I have some work to do. Please end it all for being so confidently wrong about something that is so easily disprovable


I don’t care that’s my favorite flavor. I’ll drink a monster and a coffe idgaf. I want my heart to 🤯


So you are saying that Energy drinks are coffee with added vitamins and other beneficial stuff like Taurine. Oh no


Well it does have a LOT of caffeine and a lot of sugar. But that's it.


You should hear about zero sugar energy drinks


Nobody saying they’re good. The reality is they’re about as bad as having 2 coffees, and a can of coke, plus popping a multivitamin. I don’t know a single coffee drinker who only has one per day. Most are 2 or 3 at least. So the caffeine point is moot. Soda is less common on the daily, but even orange juice is roughly as harmful for your teeth and contains a shitload of sugar too. If you have orange juice in the morning, it’s not much better than soda


Imean yeah, but isnt that the point ?




(deleted because im fucking stupid and it only has like half a gram of it)


don't care, didn't ask. plus, you're tarnished. you've got no maidens


Coffee fucks my stomach up so im good with zero sugar energy drinks


Liberal sissy boy. I like my coffee how I like my women. Fried until they turn black powdered in a blender and boiled.


Yeah its probably from all the libtard propaganda to be honest.


You should try not adding any creamer or milk in your coffee.


pretty sure most of the like gastrointestinal effects of coffee are like multiplied with energy drinks. plus artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose in zero sugar drinks make that like ten times worse if im not mistaken (given you're sensitive to them which is pretty common, i am)


Monster energy doesn’t have aspartame, it has erythritol which is just as harmless as stevia or monk fruit. If you’re sensitive, then I guess that’s an L but for other people the sugar free kind is just vitamin b and caffeine.




aight i'll take the L


Is it weird I want a energy drink even more now


No, because most of the stuff in the ingredients list is good for you.




Potassium Sorbate is very bad for you: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0278-6915(02)00119-9


are you telling me you don't want beta carotene? then don't eat carrots, pumpkins, or mangoes. terrified of things such as cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, niacinamide, or d-calcium pantothenate? have fun with your vitamin deficiencies. if you break anything up small enough it will have scary chemical names. take a chemistry class, you buffoon.


Reddit mfs when i tell them that litterally everything us a chemical


Coffee will turn my stomach upside down and inside out. Sugar free energy drink makes me burp funny


Not falling for the coffee psyops


I hope they know what they are doing


Wait, you guys add sugar in your coffee?


Real men drink choccy milk


Never drunk coffee or energy drinks in my life. Water is king


this is a shitpost in that its stupid to say or believe well done I guess?


Bombs have lots of energy, therefore it is vers reasonable to add this to an energy drink


Coffee isn't fine either if Imma be honest.


Coffee, or it’s constituents, are nowhere near as bad as anything with Potassium Sorbate. If you’re interested, educate yourself: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0278-6915(02)00119-9 Edit; I’ve been blocked whilst trying to send more sources to some of you - there have been assays determining the health benefits and negative impacts of coffee and energy drinks. Not here to cause controversy but if linking an article with facts offends you then maybe you should take a long look at yourself :)


It’s obviously not as bad, that is plain to see, but that doesn’t make coffee any better for you


Did you know coffee contains acetaldehyde? Which is also not good for you


Yes I do but I’d rather have something that can be removed by the body than something that causes mutagenesis 😎


Acetaldehyde is a carcinogenic, that could irreversibly damage DNA and lead to cancer. Potassium Sorbate is used as a preservative in a whole lot of drinks and packaged foods. It’s even present in wine. It’s used to prevent mold and fungal growth. The only other weird sounding thing is inositol, which is a sugar that’s already produced by the body and can even be taken in the form of supplements like Myo-inositol.


The difference here is: There’s not enough acetaldehyde in coffee for it to be a problem, whereas in fizzy drinks like monster there’s more than enough Potassium Sorbate to cause damage - read the full article I linked, the paper is free with an account if you can only access the abstract.


Energy drinks are better in almost every other way. Taste, price, accessability, everything


The fact inositol can not at the ready replace nitroglycerin, as it has to be converted into another substance through refining and other processes. You're not giving exactly correct information.


Nitroglycerin is also a heart attack preventative, what's your point?


inositol, does this mean I'm going to explode with energy.


Sugar is also used in bombs as replacement. Many straight-chain sugar alcohol molecules, like methane, glycerine, erythritol,mannitol etc are used. If you mix sugar, salt peter and potassium nitrate for example, it creates a smoke bomb of sorts. Many common molecules used in weird or interesting applications are found in every day food and home use items. Hydrogen and carbon and extremely good examples as you find it everywhere. Over 70% of the mass of universe is hydrogen


I’m allergic to coffee :(


Coffee has caffeine, chlorogenic acids (CGAs), trigonelline, tryptophan alkaloids, diterpene sugar had saccharin, sulfur dioxide, methyl and ethyl alcohol, hydrochloric acid, benzene and acetic acid.


I just switched from coffe to monster. Look at all those vitemins and stuff. I made the right choice


Unless you can tell me specifically why each of those chemicals is bad for me, you will look like a rambling old man scared of words he doesn't know.


Inositol is literally sold as a health supplement, and also known as vitamin b8 you pleb


When energy drinks first came out I figured they’d end up causing long term health issues as the kids that drank them got older. They really haven’t though. I still stick to my hot bean water.


true my big problem is that i always see these younger teens at my hs downing like 3 redbulls a day and that shit can't be good for you no matter whats in them hot bean water supremacy


‘Energy drinks are unhealthy’ mfs when i look them dead in the eye and tell them that I know and I dont give a shit:


It tastes good and the added side effects and potential death are just a bonus, fuck you and heil spez


Milk and sugar? Tf is wrong with you?


I don't care for my own life. It's tasty so i'll enjoy it.


Yeah, AND? I don't even drink this shit, tastes like petrol


OP failed chemistry


I used to drink a shit ton of those energy drinks back in highschool, I remember one time I drank a rock star and monster and felt like I almost had a heart attack. Gave me a solid scare. Swore that shit off ever since, all I drink now in the mornings is black coffee with no add-ons. If I’m really tired I’ll go to Starbucks for a 2nd cup, but that’s rare.


I cannot believe a bunch of edgy highschoolers are looking up these ingredients and trying to not make this drink seem as bad as it is


pink energy drink better than brown 🤮coffee


Why did you put the emoji in that spot?


Brown = ugly 🤢


The little birb that your character has is brown. Is the little birb ugly?


heres the difference, coffee tastes like horse rectum


How do you know what that tastes like?


you dont wanna know


anyone who drinks coffee with any sweetener can't be my friend


the reputation of the sweetened coffee committee has been ruined by starbucks girls. i always put like honey or sugar in my coffee


I used to drink coffee with sugar but my skin doesn't like that shit, doesn't even taste that bad when it's just black tbh


counterpoint- coffee makes ya shit


Thats a bonus




Counterpoint: most foodstuffs eventually lead to shit


I dont know what foreigners drink in their coffee (I am guessing its mixture of unnatural chemicals) but we Turks make coffee with real grinded coffee beans and boiling water or use/add milk if we feeling sophisticated/rewarded its healthier to drink it every week at least once but not exaggeratedly


Caffeine is what makes people need to shit


I thought it made you pee more but ok, its still a good thing. You removing unnecessary compost from your body


Pipeline punch do be the best Monster though Also coffee tastes like sewage


if the wikipedia sources for an ingredient in my drink have half of the titles containing the words "health concern" i'm not putting that in my body


The Wikipedia page for [caffeine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caffeine) has an entire section dedicated to adverse effects


However, potassium sorbate: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0278-6915(02)00119-9


Thank god I am not addicted to caffeine an both taste awful to me


I take caffeine pills, might start adding taurine to it cause caffeine doesn't do shit to me. I Literally drink coffee only cause I don't want plain water


Tf u mean u don't want plain water


If you don’t want water at all, then what the fuck have you been drinking?


wine history zonked many modern thumb nine literate squeamish fragile ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Appeal to nature moment


at least it doesn't taste like shit. I mean it does, but more like chemical shit instead of actual one


Look, I'd love to drink coffee to make it through my over night shifts. But coffee gives me violent and enduring shits that can last upwards of 8 hours. My kidneys may not like monster, but.my colon activity attempts to tear itself apart once I sip a little coffee.




Me, a PCOS haver and Inositol taker: I AM the bomb


Nitroglycerin is also used to treat chest pain


I prefer water