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Not enough American flags, American flags should be erected every 3 feet


You know who else should be-




You heard him. **HOIST'ER UP, BOYS!!!**


Eeeerectin’ a dispenser


credit to team


Emphasis on "erected"


That flag sure makes me erect and I'm not even American! Please help, it's getting painful.


Full mast?


Yeah , this is how I know that this is fake... I didn't see anyone saluting the flag... It's just not realistic.


Hehe. Erect.


The new memo that just came out is ever 1 1/2 feet. Do better.


Good documentary.


Most sane thing the guy did was to not go for a medical checkup. What a calculated move.


Agree to disagree. TV prescription pills before bed is gigachad


I believe this video is from the latest Ken Burns


Ken Burns wouldn't have forgotten peanut butter and root beer.


Did you see that "guys" wimpy ass bedroom. What he have, like 10 guns? I also didn't see any super hot trophy wife. He calls himself American.


Don’t look like a steer to me


So it kinda narrows it down.


Right?! Wheres his blonde wife with big fake tits?


My 4 year old son Coleman already has one. What's this dudes excuse?


Probably cause he only has 10 guns


He's also not nearly as overweight as he should be


The man is clearly starving, 2 double quarter pounders with cheese for breakfast? He should be having 5 of them 6 times a day, at least!


> He should be having 5 of them 6 times a day, at least! That would be around $300 a day lol


32, plus the one he was sleeping with, so 33. Pretty sure one of them is an M79 though, which is technically more of a grenade launcher than a gun.


My kids have a bigger gun wall in their play room. Little Tanner and Coleman know how to use em too!


Pretty accurate


The water after the 1st popcorn gave it away. It should be some Mountain Dew or some other weird shit they drink over there.


Water? You mean the stuff in the toilet?


I don't drink that shit, fish fuck in it.


why the hell would you ever drink water when brawndo has what plants crave?


It's got electrolytes


Wtf is water, you mean diet dew


root beer or some shit, idfk


Diet coke, gotta watch my figure.


Flint water with sufficient lead.


At least he got the littering right


**USA** **USA** **USA**


I liked it when he stood next to the American flag. The equivalent to that in my country is being down the pub telling Digby Walton-Palfrey his dog looks like King Charles III while dunking a Hobnob in my tea, all to the rousing sounds of Parry's Jerusalem..


It’s missing a bunch of prescription medication to wake up, but otherwise it’s pretty dead on


You mean legal meth?


*amphetamine salts


There's a shortage across the US for the past 6 months or so, so not surprising. Also I understand the snark, it is basically prescribed cocaine, but unmedicated ADHD *is* pretty debilitating. Also some people are literally prescribed Methamphetamine, was pretty shocked when I learned that.


Also the prescription medication to get through the mid-day dip


not enough cheese


"cheese food"


I prefer 'cheese product' Taste is subjective tho.


It's not called cheese product, it's called "imitating product" at least here in the EU, but probably in the US they're not so strict and let companies write "cheese" and lure customers


Why would I want strict food regulation? If I'm not eating 84 ingredients I can't even pronounce I might as well bend over and spread my cheeks for Xi.


“processed cheese product”. it’s real cheese with sodium citrate added. It’s just melted cheese with an emulsifying salt added to keep it from curdling/separating and then re-solidified. It’s not as “fake” as people make it sound, but it’s definitely not the same thing as “normal” cheese. It serves a different purpose, nothing melts like american cheese


The golden retriever is what comes to my mind when i think of America


it's a scottish breed.


As long as it's born on American soil


But when does he go to the shooting range?


He lives on it


Real Americans don't go to shooting ranges, we own enough land to shoot on our own land so we don't have to follow restrictions


And if they don't like it, we'll shoot their land, then take it!


We don't have school on weekends here.


All in all that's a pretty solid day ngl


this guy is a lightweight 2 quarter pounders with cheese for breakfast? try 4 big macs. and what is with his malnutrition he is at least 300 pounds underweight


And he should have finished those before he even got out of the drive through. What a wuss.


Is it even a Good Morning Burger if you don't put a fried egg on it?


I don’t get the garbage disposal part. Can someone tell me what that’s about? >!I have a garbage disposal, is that strictly an American thing?!<


Yes it’s American thing. Never seen one in the UK What does it do? just wash your rubbish down the plug hole?


Yeah it is basically a blender in between your sink "plug hole" and the sewer. Shove food waste in there and it purees it and rinses it down the drain. We don't have organic/compost/food waste bins. Everything goes down the drain. I don't understand the popcorn thing.. Does Europe not have popcorn?


We do have popcorn, but it's mostly limited to eating it at the cinema. And the idea of blending your food waste and rinsing it down the drain sounds insane to me. Here in Belgium we have a green bin for food waste only called "GFT", which stands for "Groente Fruit Tuin" (Vegetables Fruit Garden).




No need to waste time cooking or eating 'em


Not everyone lacks a compost bin. I'm american and we have and use one. I mean, we don't have a disposal because we live in a rental, but still. Also, that's basically how popcorn works here too. I guess there are slightly more places than the movies that you can buy it (maybe a fair? not sure) and some people keep microwave popcorn at home to eat while having a movie night or something.


I live in the US (legally, before anyone gives me crap) but I'm not an American and I know of at least 3 people that have a red popcorn making cart in their house. It makes huge quantities of popcorn.


That's... insane.


Doesn't make sense to me.


Live in missouri, about 6-7 years ago or so we got brand new black and blue bins. Blue was supposed to be for recycling. Well, people couldn't listen on what could and couldn't be recycled, and city didn't want to pay for a bigger recycling facility, so after covid no more recycling. Both bins for trash. But you can't have more than what will fit in the bin, so other waste has to get disposed of elsewhere, enter the garbage disposal.


America has composting, some cities do it. Mine has a city wide program with bins and everything. Corn in general is seen as pig food across Europe.


Because it was a highly subsidised product, and farmers were paid alot to farm corn hence why everything is made with corn syrup basically. You have too much corn.


they are common in Canada also. Also called a garburator. Not sure if Americans call it that. You're not missing out. They can be hard on water treatment systems. Here we have municipal compost disposal for food waste, it is the preferred way to get rid of extra food. They are also dangerous. People injure themselves with them all the time, usually if they drop a utensil in it and try to fish it out. Plus they smell awful if they aren't regularly and thoroughly cleaned.


Pro-tip, Canadian: when people say things are American they're including you as America-lite. You might not like it but that's how it be.


Make fun of our baby bro again and we will liberate your oil, see if we don’t!


Russia here...wtf...you throw food down with your with your clean water??????


Serious question of a german here: What is it good for and is it worth it? Seriously! I am redoing my kitchen at the moment and thinking about getting one.


I will give you a serious answer. It depends a little on how you live. If you are a “throw my dishes in the sink for later” person and there are frequently bits of food left then they are amazing. It isn’t so much blades as a grinding mechanism that makes it so anything you put i there can be washed through your pipes safely and won’t clog (it is even recommended to put half a lemon in there periodically to freshen it up). But if you are a “dispose of food waste and rinse your dishes” type person it isn’t that useful.


Ah ok I get it. That's probably why it's not that common with euros as we have about 5 different disposal bins and the government will probably fine you if one disposes trash in the sewer. Thanks for the response. 😊


Honestly, putting food waste in the proper bin is really the best way to


As a fellow german i wouldnt recommend it. Not even sure if its legal to just wash all your trash down the drain.


It's only for food waste.


And never, ever, ever, 5 lbs. of potato skins. Ask me how I know...


Despite the name it's not for trash lol. It's strictly for food waste and you only use it for smaller food items like the gunk you wash off of your dishes. You probably have a metal strainer thing in your sink which collects food bits and you can remove and dump the contents of in the trash (that's what we have in houses that don't have a garbage disposal). Basically what this does is allows you to not have to do that. You just wash those bits straight down into the garbage disposal and turn it on. and it will grind them all up instead. The end result is no different than if you washed a smoothie or something down the drain.


Also it will probably depend on your local regulations; I know that in Switzerland they recommend against flushing food waste down the drain as this is not optimal for the water treatment plants


well are you american?


Are you going to explain the joke there, or ask me questions?


well as for myself, i have only heard of americans having them. but you said you had one so if you aren't american and have one it would mean my first sentence is wrong


Ok thanks. That’s explains the joke. Yes, I’m American and didn’t know that was unique to us.


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You people don’t have one??


What even is a garbage disposal


Damn, always cool to hear some normal stuff is abnormal in other places. We basically have blades in hour sink that we can turn into a blender to break up whatever gets stuck in there like a hand or something.


Sounds terrifying but kinda awesome at the same time


It’s fun for kids to play with. I did it a lot.


And that was the beginning of your childhood nickname, 3 fingers Tony.


Kids? I was terrified of that thing when I was little


To clarify, and a lot of my fellow Americans don't know this either, garbage disposals aren't blades. They are blunt and crush food, which is why they don't generally work well on tough, pliable waste like lemon/lime husks. In horror movies they have blades and they *seem* like blenders because we can't see inside them, but yeah in real life you'd probably "just" break your finger bones and it would hurt like hell


>but yeah in real life you'd probably "just" break your finger bones and it would hurt like hell Oh...what a relief.


It’s pretty cool tbh


According to my dad, it was my older brother.


I saw one once in the UK.


is it an older generation thing? I don't know anyone who has had one installed or used the one that came with their house. I generally try to prevent food particles from going down my sink


Assuming you're in the US, it's an every generation thing. Where do you live? Because I've lived in cities on both coasts and every apartment and house I've rented or owned had a garbage disposal. I'm a millennial and my generation grew up with garbage disposals. We all use them. I've heard they're not as common in rural areas, maybe that's why you don't know anyone who uses it?


I know this is supposed to be like exaggerated for comedic effect but I know people who live like this 100%.


Haters will say it's fake 😤


it's fake because Europeans would *never* deign to acknowledge that America does anything right or good, let alone, "make a ground-breaking invention that benefits all mankind" or produce, "the best shows by my culture". They would've started screeching, "hAhA yOuR cHiLdReN dIe In ScHoOl ShOoTiNgS, that brings me so much joy!" right after the 9/11 part.


Yeah there weren’t even any school shooting jokes so clearly this is actually amerikkkan agitprop.


The garbage disposal had me dying!


“Which is real.” 🤣


Barely a shitpost. Basically just a factpost.


Forgot to tip the alarm clock for waking you up on time, tip the McDonald's worker for the burger, tip the car for the drive, tip the microwave that made the popcorn, and tip the framed 9/11 poster for the opportunity to bestow precious hopes and prayers to the victims. >!I was about to say "tip the 9/11 poster for displaying the date in the correct format," but then I remembered that proud and pure blooded Americans don't know any other way to write the date.!<


No butt chugging beers at a bar, not true American!


This much is true.


I mean pretty spot on


God damn! You son of a bitch ! I'm sold ! Time to embark illegally on some boat!


The coast guard is gonna deport you before you dock :(


Do Euros not have garbage disposals?


No. Never heard of and never seen. And still wondering what it's for and if it's useful.


theyre the best, cleaning the sink is so easy with them


They are not necessary


Bidets aren't either but God damn are they convenient.


Microwaves aren’t necessary but they are also very convenient. Garbage disposals save me like 10 minutes each time i cook.


How? What is the difference between putting the food waste in a trash can and putting it in the garbage disposal, and how does it save 10 minutes per meal?


If your sink is connected to a garbage disposal, then certain soft food waste can go into the sink drain without worry about clogging it. I can dump potato peelings and garlic skin into the sink. Otherwise you have to use that filter that stops waste from going into the drain which will usually stop water from draining from the sink when enough waste are around. And cleaning that filter isn't usually very easy and is often kind of gross.


> potato peelings Definitely not a good idea.


You're getting down voted but you're 100% right. I've made mistakes with potato peels down a disposal. That and too much leftover pasta...


homie you absolutely shouldn't be using your garbage disposal that much i can't imagine that is good for your pipes


Do you throw your food waste into the sink instead of the trash?


Yes if I have a garbage disposal.


You're not necessary, yet here you are.


In Germany, I think they would even be illegal, because it's not allowed to throw waste in the sewers. It would attract rodents and the water wouldn't be as safe.


The *sewer water* wouldn't be as safe? If you put a vegetable or something in it?


Cause of the spread of mold and other things on food, Like bacteria and stuff like that


Stuff that wouldn’t be in sewage?


Does german toilet water go to different sewers from sink water?


Only America has different water "sources", in Europe the toilet and the sink water come and go from the same lines. I made that up.


Does your sink water go into a separate system than your toilet water?


Chat is this real ?


> 7am depends on your job > bedroom with guns no > mcdonald's for breakfast yes, mcdonald's serves breakfast, but people generally will not get two double quarter pounders with cheese for breakfast. I guess there's nothing stopping them though. > garbage disposal yes > air conditioning at 72 degrees yes, but if anything, that's a little high for air conditioning > popcorn yes > bottled water yes but most people drink tap water > deep sense of love for america depends on the person but even then it's not something that people usually spend a long time contemplating > golden retrievers yes > no healthcare no, the vast majority of people have healthcare but it's usually private and expensive > revolutionary new products sort of, lots of things were invented here although the proportion of the population involved in inventing stuff is not that huge > nice ritzy neighborhoods next to "post-apocalyptic hellscapes" it depends on where you live but yeah these exist > entertainment yes > prescription medication advertised on tv yes > sleeping next to a shotgun not unless you're really, really paranoid




I could follow his day in a life until he turned the AC 72 degrees. How shall I understand?!


22.2 Celsius.


Wait this isn't real!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Idk I feel like at 3:05 the CIA kicks down your door, steals your breakthrough, and gives you an all expense paid trip down to Guantanamo Bay.


As a European who has never been to the US, I imagine all your roads are gigantic and there is a angry fat person on a scooter screaming about trump or something at every Walmart. Like a feature. Also big ass fridges everywhere


Not the Texan accent 🦅🦅🦅


I feel attacked


The lone star


As an America I can confirm this is what my day to day life is like. Especially about the arm pains.


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Even the pain here is shooting.


So unreal. He didnt shoot anybody.


He needed to relentlessly tailgate someone with his lifted truck, then have a road rage incident that culminates into a shooting. There's no more American event than road rage shootings!


I'm tired


I mean, they're pretty accurate. This is really close to my day-to-day experience.


eh its not far off ngl


That whole thing about turning a corner and suddenly being in hell is to true. It’s like you go to a whole other city sometimes.




Is op a bot?


As an American, this is extremely accurate


Not enough school shootings


Except that the scientific breakthroughs are made by foreign scientists coming to work


A good American watches dub anime because they are not used to read subtitles




It's fun because it's true lmao actually not america but Texas. And the funniest thing is that they gave us this portrait of themselves and now complain we see them as dimwits


Have you been to Texas?


>And the funniest thing is that they gave us this portrait of themselves Nope. That's why I specified that the image we have of Texas was given to us by the Americans.


damn you managed to piss off the handful of rural texans who can read


True except for the inventing something useful part


Texas. Not America


Texas IS america and Bavaria Germany. Everything else is just the suburbs.


Definitely in texas


Say you've never been to Texas without saying you've never been to Texas




For real. Nothing less than 5 does it for me honestly


Yeah, poor guy must be starving to death


Because it's true.


Wow that's literally me


This is a normal day for me


No energy drinks -5000 pts.


If that was in Brazil, all that work would buy him a dwarf sized outdated car called Corsa, instead of the truck.


Now I want some popcorn. Edit: Now I want some more* popcorn.