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My mom did this before it was popular but she had it strapped to her neck and took the swinging a little slower maybe it was for form control


You good bro?


No my names daryl


you good daryl?


Yeah I just shook clamydia why?


What did you show clamydia to have him so shook?


Herpes 🤓👆


I like the cut of your jib


What's a jib?


He meant he is circumcised.


you daryl bro?


I'm sorry to hear that That's rough man, life may be bad but being a daryl isn't the end of the life. Keep on keeping on!


I knew a Daryl once. He was okay with it


Maybe some Daryl are just built different I knew a daryl who keeps saying how better his life would be if he's Matt or James


Hi I'm Adderall


This is my other brother Daryl.. Three Daryl’s?


The fact he can joke about it is a good sign.


My mom and dad have one of those swings in their bedroom, except mom's has leg rests way up high.


the three core values of reddit: depression, sex, and dry humour


and the only thing they actually have is the first one


Yeah, rope hangs are usually performed as one set with one rep to failure.


My mom must have a lot of endurance she been working out in the living room 3 years strong never seen her give up 💪🏼


Such an uplifting story


Really takes your breath away.


My mom took a weight loss drug, apparently it worked so well she fell asleep on the toilet and the cats ate her. Guaranteed weight loss for sure, now she weighs a couple pounds and sits on my shelf.


this is maybe the only time i felt disturbing for real on reddit ☹️


I thought you were talking about that traction treatment for spondylitis.


attack on titan training


woman jumping to conclusions training 💀


Mfs doing ODM training


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean, it look kinda fun tbh lmao


_ .-' '-. / \ |,-,-,-,-,| ___ | _)_(_ | I'M MARY POPPINS YA'LL (/ \) | _\_/_ /) / \_/ \// |( )\/ ||)_( |/ \ n| | / \ | |_|___| \|/ _/L\_




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Guardians of the galaxy reference


Is he cool?


Hell yeah he's cool.


I thought it was Freddy Fazbear


I really hope ASCII macros are making a comeback.


I'm working on it! I also need gifs to become a thing again k thx lol


Poppins y'all ... I'm Mary


Mary Poppins some nuts




I'm a regular gym-goer who isn't into "gimmick" fitness classes, and I would definitely give it a go if it was available. I wouldn't go seeking it out, and I wouldn't be willing to pay a lot of money to do it, but that is just me. While I might think its a gimmick, if someone else enjoys it and it gets them off the couch, then more power to them. Only real complaint I have about it is that I don't see how a beginner could join the class, because it looks like doing the wrong move at the wrong time could cause a disaster.


Just feel like the "beginner" class has to be crazy. Everyone here is synchronized, but new people? Gotta be just confusing as heck


Newton’s Cradle just waiting to happen


There are no beginners. Only Neuralink test subjects.


Looks like all it would take is one guy like me to go the wrong direction and create absolute swinging chaos


That's the kinda class I would have loved as a child. I'd be doing the Superman theme the whole time too.


It looks fun, but literally does nothing


This would easily get your heart and breathing rate up. Without doubt.


About as much as walking laps in a mall.


If they are actually going at the pace of the video for half an hour, I guarantee you it's a better workout than walking laps for the same time span.


But more fun


I mean yeah, but it's fucking fun lol. And it's not gonna make you any worse, so why not?


As do plenty of other hobbies


Yeah, you should google literally because theses ladies are moving and at a way higher rythm than walking and engaging in many core muscles from leg to walk theses jumps to abs and stabilizers just to keep that balance going. The momentum brings joy and motivation keeping the mind busy while the group setting is encouraging not to skip a beat. I way it works out pretty good in fact and by the looks of it can be achieve with low impact on joints. This thing has a place in this world.


Back muscles? Add weight to neck to increase difficulty. Although the harness does go up a lot.. so I don't know..


It doesn't do nothing; it's activity. If they stick with it because they enjoy it, it's a better routine than one they give up after a week. And maybe this is the gateway to actually enjoying other forms of fitness too.


It looks fun as hell and what profit is there in looking down on someone else's workout, especially when it doesn't affect you in any way?


Right. Even silly stuff should be welcomed if it gets people active.


If I had to guess it's probably a way to take stress off their joints. When you hit your 40s your body decides to start falling apart


Only if you spent the first 39 years vigorously commenting on reddit.


Commenting on reddit when you're 2 goes hard


googoo gaga M'lady


Does it count as workout if you comment on fitness subreddits?


Yes. You should probably have more caloric intake to make up for it as well, otherwise you will wind up malnourished and dehydrated.


I'm living one hell of a hot streak right now, few more years and I've made it to 40 without a single ache or pain anywhere somehow. Still feels no different waking up in the morning than when I was in high school, which is probably gonna backfire whenever the pain does come because I suck at dealing with it lol


Im exactly 40 and i feel "like in HS", at least physically.


the only way that's possibly true is if you have terrible memory


Maybe i have "terrible memory" but i still fit my HS wardrobe perfectly. Ofc things are different, psychologically primarily, my drive for whatever is def down, my hormone levels are def down from HS levels but physically i got 0 diseases, 0 persistent infections (had very few in general), 0 broken bones, 1 mild shoulder injury, 0 chronic aches (other daily "chronics" tho, winkwink420), i fall asleep 5 min after i hit the bed, shit every day, jerkoff every day (its important guys, doesnt matter how much sex you have, keep that prostate in shape), eyesight 20/20 still, BMI 26, all original teeth (with fillings), etc. Also, my family history is impeccable, 0 cancers 4 generations back (both sides), no cardiovascular defects, no high pressure, no diabetes. One of my grandfathers lived to 103, no one lived under 84, again on both sides. This is a blessing, it ait as common to have such an experience but its totally possible. Btw, fun fact, look up William Shatner who just turned 93 this year, he looks 65! Then look up Clint Eastwood whos the same age and looks like a mummy (sadly, i love the guy). Shatner is 12 years older than Biden, looks 15 younger. EDIT: [Shatner](https://www.today.com/video/william-shatner-talks-storied-career-in-you-can-call-me-bill-206795333635) [Eastwood](https://nypost.com/2024/04/12/entertainment/clint-eastwood-93-spotted-in-rare-appearance-at-event-with-jane-goodall/)


Nah, Ive been super active my whole life. I legit have a neck problem that will lay me out on my ass if I stand outside and have to squint in the sun to long... Its a burst disk in my C spine... My other triggers include looking slightly to the right, and raising my hands above my shoulders and sleeping more than 5 hours. I think it is a "only those who've been to war know" kind of thing. Same thing as trying to explain food insecurity to someone who has never experienced it. No amount of empathy or compassion correctly translates the feeling. I think a lot of people out there are blessed with health or correctly working bodies and just are not mentally or physically wired correctly to understand how fucking shit just getting around is for some people regardless of age, weight, and lifestyle.


Sounds like a skill issue.


C spine disk "made in china".




Yeah I'm 45 and people I know who do a lot of sports are far more fucked than me. I just have weak lower back because most of my exercise is cycling. Regular planking fixed that.


Looks like it puts a shitload of stress on your back. Instead of top loading your weight like how your body is designed, they are doing flips and shit engaging back and core muscles because the only anchoring point is on their waist. Water aerobics has been a thing for a while for elderly people, and they should probably just do some swimming or something.


I did water aerobics after I broke my leg (after the xfix was removed). I was the only non senior and it was fucking awesome. They were in it for the social aspect, some literally hung out in the back and chatted, a few of us took it seriously and I was a runner in my 30s and found that you can make if challengjng with the right resistance equipment (webbed gloves,  lose the boyency belt, and "heavier dumbbells" and ankle weights).  However, before and after the workouts, I made friends w the meemaws and they were super sweet and very helpful in getting to know the area, since I also recently moved. Great recommendations on doctors and physical therapists!


Going swimming despite being fairly fit made me realise how fit some of these grandmas are. 80+ looking old diddies passing me like a F1 car doing breast stroke.


I've heard swimming is one of the best ways to exercise because of the lack of stress on joints


True, I've done a lot of it while recovering from knee surgery, but it's just so boring.


Maybe they just want to have fun, too. This looks fun as hell.


> When you hit your 40s your body decides to start falling apart Only if you've spent 40 years being lazy, or you're unlucky and have health issues. Otherwise you're just using age as an excuse for being a slob and suffering the consequences of the slug life.


Well said. It's always the person that goes to gym twice a year and then says things like "old age sucks, I can't get out of bed without creaking" I'm hitting 40 soon and I've never felt more in my prime, but I've always been hitting weights and staying active. Tom Brady is 46.


Yeah people just use age as an excuse. They hit 30 and get a beer belly and instead of changing their lifestyle they just say 'ah well I'm not in my twenties anymore', same applies up the age brackets as well. Yeah no shit, you've got 2 kids now and sit at a desk all day eating crisps and spend the weekend down the pub sinking pints. Even doctors do it, they assume pain is a normal part of ageing when it's not. There is often a cause that's not just 'being old' Obviously an 85 year old probably isn't going to be running a 20 minute 5k and getting PBs in their power lifts or whatever, and there are health issues that can creep in of course, but the idea that after a certain point everyone just automatically falls to pieces is absolute nonsense. Some of the older fellas/ladies absolutely flying past me in my local 5k parkrun are testament to that! They are in ridiculous shape and put me to shame.


Right on and high freaking five. I'm about to turn 43 and I still lift like I was in my 20s. Started lifting at age 16 and never stopped no matter what life threw at me (and trust me, a lot of shit was thrown at me by life). I've always used the gym as my stress relief and escape from the world for a little bit to clear my head. It's an addiction at this point. A good addiction.


Ayy I’m as fat as fuck with my own interesting ecosystem of autoimmune disorders, but my husband is as fit as a flea and always has been. One of those blokes who works out 6 days a week, and has serious sport hobbies. He’s 51 now. He’s not achy and creaky and getting fat or anything, but he’s needed serious work from a sports physio and specialist podiatrist for his knees and ankles. He has to be serious about wearing a knee brace, and using the recovery compression or he starts getting stiff. Age really does catch up with you, even when you’re serious about looking after yourself. The things that helped him most day to day was coming to Pilates with me, religiously wearing compression for workouts, and foam rolling.


I've got an idea for a themed brothel I would fuck my way through that room like California wildfire And a great way to earn supplemental retirement income!


For some, yeah. But for others, they just get pulled in by the promise of a cool and new workout routine. My mom has gone through dozens of these classes or videos, and she hasn't continued any of them beyond a month or two. I think that's the reason these unorthodox workouts keep coming out. When you're older you want ways to spice things up while also being less taxing on your joints and other body parts that become weaker as you age.


Body gets gassier too. That fan better go to eleventy.


When you hit your 20s*


I'm 42 (about to be 43 soon) and I deadlift 405lbs. I feel stronger than my younger years. Zero joint issues. Your body does fall apart if you spend your whole life doing zero exercise and don't take care of it. Edit: I do get that some folks get unlucky in life and have absolutely no time for exercise, and some others have health issues.


Genetic health issues suck, let me tell you. I'm 43 and have been lifting since 13. I've had a rotator cuff repair, bicep tenodesis (one surgery for each shoulder), and bilateral hip labrum tears resulting in three surgeries, the last one of which they installed a hip resurface. The hip issue is due to my femurs, which look a bit different at the top causing FAI and it fucked up my labrums from squats. No amount of stretching or form corrections would fix this... I'm simply not built to do squats. I got up to 400 before I tore something. I still exercise just about every day, still lift weights, but I've learned to listen to my body over YouTubers who think they have one size fits all advise. I simply don't do a lot of the stuff I did before I hit 20, I find movements that fit me instead of the masses. Consider yourself lucky that your joints are built within normal human tolerances. Take care of yourself.


I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this shit. I hope you're better now. I've gone through my fair share of listening to those YouTubers until I had the same realization as you, then started listening to my body, too. Once I did that, I actually started looking better and gained more muscles and got into a much better shape. I've been teaching my son the same. I've been trying to put the "form over weight" idea in his head, so he doesn't injure himself like I did (and recovered successfully thank whoever is up there lol). Good luck to ya 👊🏽


still better than licking off Cheetos dust on your fingers on a couch


Those are for GAMERS


G*mers. Please stop triggering normal healthy people.


fuck me man, I want one of those large jugs of cheetoh balls, make a funnel and just suck it down


Honestly if it works it works. People are more likely to consistently exercise if it's fun. Hell, the only way I get myself to exercise is that I'm only allowed to listen to my podcasts while at the gym.


Okay but.. does it work though? The exertion here looks very minimal.


For larger, out of shape people, this seems fine. Jumping requires leg muscles, maintaining yourself in the air requires core. Maybe not the most efficient, but like the top comment says, it's way more important to find someone you don't mind than it is to mindlessly grind weights and give it up after a week.


Well, I imagine a full hour of this might actually be pretty decent. Maybe not incredibly so, compared to other things, but still! Any exercise is infinitely better than no exercise!


Can't say for this particularly. But I played on one of those trampolines that bounced you really high while harnessed in and it was a lot more tiring than I thought it would be, and that was when I was in good shape. So I'd assume it takes more effort than it looks


1. Look at the age of the people exercising. 2. Have you ever done aerobic? Or even dancing? It doesn't look like hard exercise but doing enough cardio like that will make you sweat buckets.


It's more than sitting on your ass scrolling reddit


> The exertion here looks very minimal. Minimal is better than nada.


ANY workout is better than none. If your heart reaches 110+ for an hour, your body will thank you in 30 years.


Ooo? What podcasts you listen to? I’m looking for new ones


History of Rome History of Byzantium History the germans Scandinavian history podcast History of the England I have very broad tastes in podcasts...


The Magnus Protocol (second installment to the magis archives and just as good if you like more episodic horror) Find us Alive (especially good if you like the SCP universe and funky time loop nonsense) Wolf 395 (obligatory sci-fi horror) Alice isn't dead (unique setting. The main character is a truck driver.) These are the main ones I'm listening to so far. I'm a fan of horror if you couldn't tell. Sorry for being late! I really only check reddit once or twice per day. Hope you enjoy!


All good! Thank you for reaching out! I love find us alive! I’ll be listening to all these as well now ^^ it’s appreciated


Man that's so real, I was literally in the best shape of my life when I used to play a lot of Beat Saber. It's also why having a gym buddy can be extremely valuable for some people. Makes the whole ordeal feel more like you're hanging out with someone rather than just exercising. It also stops you from procrastinating gym visits because you're letting someone besides yourself down by not going.


There is no way on god's green earth that this exercise works.


They're jumping and running around while trying to keep their balance. It's definitely not an exercise that'll get you ripped but I can imagine it helps with slight weight loss and staying in shape if you just swing around for 2 hours a day.


Yeah just keeping old people moving is good on its own. And if they've had babies there may be ... reasons regular workouts might not work for them.


Thanks for being so honest.


I don't know but this looks fun, OP


Fr I'd do this rather than spend an hour on the treadmill every day


An hour treadmill (or just pure cardio) is a nightmare tbh. Just mix it up. some weights, some yoga, some calisthenics to keep it exciting....doesn't matter as long as you are consistently being active.


treadmills are a trap. I was on xc in high school and I’ve been running since, and running outside is a million times more pleasant. I only go on treadmill when it’s dangerous to run outside (e.g. below 0 or above 100 degrees), and it’s dreadful


The stairmaster is where its at. You can shave like 90% of your cardio routine off.


Thunderdome training


That looks fun as hell


My mom did something called 'Jumping' where everyone got a mini trampoline and she loved it, she even lost a fuck-ton of weight so if it works, it works!


Got high energy kids? Mini trampoline purchase was worth its weight in gold. That is until they started climbing the recliner and jumping onto the tramp to launch across the room. Sounded like a bomb when they'd land ...


And here we are on our phones...


Or any typa computer


Ngl it looks fun


Gymbros when they see someone having fun instead of doing doing 110% optimal form bench press and gargling on protein shake or some shit


Throating down the protein bar in 0.4 seconds to maximize workout time 😩


Make sure to lift a weight during those 0.4 seconds too




5 sets of tomfoolery


oh no the women are being active and having fun the horror.


What’s this? People having fun while exercising? We’ll never of that thank you!


idk it looks pretty fun


Not for nothing but literally anything that gets you off your ass and doing physical exercise is literally extending your lifespan, in particular your healthy lifespan. Sitting on a exercise bike or walking on a treadmill is boring as shit, still good for you, but boring. If you can make exercise fun, more power to ya.


man it's crazy that people really can't enjoy life anymore, seriously what is with peoples aversion to others enjoying life? it's not like they're furries.


man it's crazy that furries really can't enjoy life anymore, seriously what is with peoples aversion to others enjoying life? it's not like they're Nazis


Man it's crazy that nazis really can't enjoy life anymore, seriously what is with peoples aversion to others enjoying life? It's not like they're jewish


They can enjoy their life. Nothing wrong with what they're doing. Doesn't mean people can't make fun of them because it's silly. Do you know many middle aged women? Because the post is painfully accurate. They will try any and all random ass weird workouts and never stick to any of them rather than just doing a normal workout. Obviously this is a broad generalization, but it's pretty accurate.


The internet is going to make fun of everything and everyone. Can't even die in a tragedy without people making fun of it and you.


Looks fun and easy on the joints. Not as insane as it looks if it gets people to move a little.


There's no need to gatekeep workouts. If it keeps them fit, that's all that matters. How do you even define “proper” workouts?


Nah they work out in ways that are less boring


Fun police whining about people having fun


How dare they have fun while working out. /S




Bobby Caldwell - What You Wont Do For Love


Thank you my good man, may you have a wonderful day








10 sets of horsing around


Bro this is what I’d do on the swing set when I was a kid


LMFAOOOO!!! That bs looks like a lawsuit and broke dick kneecaps waiting to happen.


This looks way more fun than working out normally tbh


Ok but this looks hella fun


This is marginally better than the drum stick one.


Or you know, maybe let people have fun, these women dont look in bad shape so they don't really need a strict training program... they are having fun, dancing, moving and jumping around, this has to be better than being sedentary, so why not leave them alone?


I would Join them, that looks fun


This looks fun tho


3 sets of whatchamacallits followed by 3 more of lolligagging.


Listen, it looks fun, I'd love to join them


This looks fun I'd do this after a workout np 🤣


Looks like a whole lot more fun than doing squats or cycling without going anywhere.


Dude this looks fucking fun. Rather do this than run on a strip.


They're practicing jumping to conclusions.


Imagine being the waiter that takes this groups order


To be fair that looks really fun, and like it makes heavy use of back muscles and abs. I think you're being salty for nothing bro lmfao, get off that phone of yours and go for a run


All it takes is one of those brave and stunning gooch gliders to miss their footing in the backwards swing and the mom behind hers teeth are the next thing to be flying across the room


This looks like white people shit


Just let people have fun while exercising Looking at your profile some exercise wouldn't be bad for you either


If these women played tag against 6 year olds it would be enough.


The thing I've realized with a lot of people, but women in particular, is that they think they can do cardio that is "easy" and lose weight. If you're putting in minimal effort, you're burning minimal calories. Certainly not enough to counteract a shit diet. You have to run for an hour straight to burn about 800 calories. An hour of walking about 5km is only about 350 calories. A normal gym session lifting weights is generally less than 200 calories. Doing that shit in this video for an hour probably burns around 100-200 calories if they're lucky. But they will go home feeling good about themselves for doing physical work, and proceed to eat a 1000 calorie snack before lunch.


That looks fun as hell though


Why is this so accurate.gif There are so many of these "scam" sports and classes nowadays. This one especially has probably close to zero health value, these women burn probably like only 100 calories for an hour of that "workout". Yet these things exist solely to boost their confidence and empty their wallets, then the scummy trainer will tell them - "just wait for a couple of years, you'll definitely see the effects by then". And they lie them, that it's not possible to lose kgs per month. Keep in mind, many also don't tell them that even if you workout doesn't mean you can continue eating like before or even worse - more, if you want to lose weight. I know many people make the mistake of starting to eat more, since they say - "ooh, I can afford it, since I'm working out now and I burn and need the extra calories" (lmfao) Also nobody tells them the easiest trick in the books, that they should start drinking a lot of water! Many people can shed kgs fast as fuck, as long as they hydrate and lose all of that excess water weight. Yet, these women probably drink sodas and frapuccinos after the workout. Or a protein shake, filled with unneeded calories. Protein shakes are another scam anyway but that's another story.


Yoga is such a scam. I don't know one girl that does yoga that's fit, and the ones that were thin gained weight in the process. They start getting sucked into weird shit, crystals, tarot reading, no vaxx, manifestation BS. Then they want to start scamming themselves so they want to become a teacher, but they get suckered into spending more money and even traveling to Thailand $$$ to do a retreat to get a certification of bullshit. Also all these scams always include doing ice baths for some goddamn reason. Is it like some way of torture or to break down their spirits?


whilst burning precisely 10kcal in a one hour 'workout'


Me at age 5 playing as Superman on a swing set.


The best workout is the one you do regularly. The more fun you have working out, the more likely you are to do it regularly. And this sure does look like fun.


The reason why people don’t usually work out is because it’s not fun to them. If this is fun for the women then they’ll do it 100%


If this wasn’t in the context of “a workout” I would do this all day.


counter point, id have such a good time going hard and flinging myself around in one of these harness's that id burn more calories then any other aerobic exercise ive ever done. like a kid on a trampoline the first time that jumps himself into a mini coma


There is nothing wrong with making workouts fun.


I know so many people who have had LIFE-LONG insecurities about their weight. I'm talking from teen years to their 50's. All of them seem to think counting calories is a much larger burden than LIFE LONG INSECURITY.


redditors doing literally everything in their power to mock people who are happier and healthier than them


I meaaaannn at least they are working out and being active. Way too many people (men and women) just sit on their ass watching TV and not dieting then say they've tried everything and getting fat is just natural. Criticizing anyone's workout is cringe and toxic. Where's Joey?


I'm absolutely down to do this workout. 


Maybe it's not a workout and just a game lol


Looks fun, and they’re being active. I dunno, I kinda fuck with it


10 sets of goofing around