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Maybe a stupid question: Why are there no good young and well educated candidates?


Probably easier to control the old and demented


Something something the jews


That comes from “the protocol of the learned eldars of Zion” and it is what lead to the holocaust Saying shit like that even when it is a joke can give some people the wrong idea, especially on a political post, some people take it seriously, and then we get another nazi group


Something something antisemitism


because the grandpas and grandmas would rather stay in power till they die on the job than retire and spend their last years with their grandkids


Biden was popular under Obama as his VP, so he was one of the front runners to be put forward after how unpopular Hillary was, and then he won the election, so he's of course been put forward to try and win it for another term Trump is up because of the cult of Trump. The people who voted him to the presidency before voted for him last time and will vote for him again this time. He's basically got millions of guaranteed votes, which can't really be said for anyone else the Republicans have to offer. There are definitely young and well-educated candidates that could be put forward, but before they will be, the current options need to be shown to be unpopular. On the Republican side, Trump needs to keep losing; on the Democrat, if Biden loses, he won't be up again; Kamala Harris will probably be the next front-runner. If she loses, THEN it will be more of an opportunity for someone new to be put forward.


> if Biden loses, Kamala Harris will probably be the next front-runner I'm tired, Bruce.


They’re unpopular because they don’t kiss each other smh


Kamala running would be a disaster, and it would show that Democratic leadership hasn’t learned anything. I’m sure she would be a great president, just like Hillary, but unfortunately they are charisma vacuums. Voters are stupid, and candidates need to be likable. It’s why W. Won. It’s why Trump won. Objectively bad presidents/candidates, but they excel at getting votes in battleground states. Dems need to start pushing candidates that are charismatic, not tenured.


You’re right. But unfortunately there are other factors making replacing her incredibly risky, for example: 1: her status as Biden’s VP makes her essentially heir apparent for a run as president if Biden drops out. Passing her over wouldn’t be like in a primary where the electorate picks who they like best, but the party apparatus deliberately passing her over for another candidate, and considering her status as a black woman, the optics of that would be terrible. 2: There isn’t another potential Democratic candidate waiting in the wings who would have a significant advantage over Kamala. Bernie Sanders is as old as Biden and stuck with the toxic label as a socialist. Buttigieg has had extreme difficulty turning out the minority vote on top of being gay which will do him no favors in the campaign, and any generic governor would be a complete wild card that could crash and burn when catapulted into a national campaign they aren’t ready for. The point of all of this is as crazy as it sounds, Kamala Harris might really be the Democrat’s least bad option. At the very least she isn’t a sundowning fossil like Trump and Biden, so she can credibly sell her self as the stability candidate.


1. So what. Optics will always be bad/opportunity cost. Bleeding hearts will always find something to cry about, and Russian and Chinese spots will always be there to amplify it. 2. Off the top of my head, Gavin Newsom. I’m sure there are plenty of other charismatic people in the entire nation.


There probably are, but politics in general and especially US politics with only 2 parties are about populism and the candidate with the most recognition. How many Americans didn’t even think about voting for someone other than Trump or Biden even before the elections officially began? There have to be a lot of honest, smart and decent candidates all over the country winning local elections. But winning a county election and a whole state election are two different things. They all just get overshadowed but much more popular candidates.


At this point, I’d vote for [Afroman](https://www.afromanforpresident.com/) rather than these two doddering old idiots


Well Biden did already beat Trump and he has the incumbent advantage, so having him run again is “playing it safe”. I hope after this election we get some new faces though.


Safe, lol. I don’t feel very safe.


Safe as in Disney releasing 3d ports of their old movies. Sure it may work out for some people but it’s just kinda lazy and weak in the long run


Because becoming president is way more damaging that it was. Identity politics has made America absolutely despise presidential candidates. Trump and Biden are both just as scummy as the average person is, but you’d think they’re satan’s spawn the way people talk about them. After running for president you’ll become so controversial you won’t get another job again. You get a target on your back for the rest of your life and you will never be safe. Hell, Obama sent drone strikes onto civilians. That’s as bad as it gets as a person. Do you think there would be anyone who would think to kill him if they saw him in public? Probably not. Trump or Biden? Absolutely yes. So why would there be no young and educated candidate? Because they get four years of a secured job and after that nothing, maybe a second shot if they do well. After they can run for senator but other than that they’re all out of options. Half the nation wants them dead and their career is basically over. Entire the old retired farts who have nothing to lose.


There are, they just don’t represent our two shitty parties


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Because you gotta be real rich to run for president, or have incredible talent, timing and luck.


Better question, why are there no professional acting candidates


There are but the election system is build in a way that makes it very easy for both parties to gatekeep and control who goes through. Trump is an exception because he was popular before becoming a politician.


"you had sex with a pornstar" *SHAKES HEAD*


"I didn't" Aw shit, I guess he really didn't then!


Narrator: *He did.*


Lol Stormy Daniels herself said she didn’t have an affair with Trump.


Affair? Lol, no, she thought he was disgusting. She just boned him once.


Trump doesn't consider her as a porn star. He didn't rate her that highly.


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When they’re starting kissing


politics if it was awesome


1:50 That's when they start kissing 😍


Let’s be honest. America lost the debate. Edit: this blew up.


America just lost in general, they're actually fucked with these two candidates


one's got dementia and the other also has dementia but he's orange


Don't forget the orange one got his plan of total dictatorship leaked onto the web


Wasn't even leaked, the planners proudly showed it to everyone


Cannot believe so many people have fallen for this project 2025 thing.


It's a group of important and powerful political figures with actual funding, to think it is just a ruse is simply insane


and yet trump hasn't even endorsed it.


Even if he hasn't, even if he never do, this is not the type of organization that would stop because of that, Trump is just the quicker way in


I'll take the forgetful one that's not a convicted felon, Bob.


something something better of two evils


as an american i can confirm this statement


No it's 'I approve this message'


"The comment above was confirmed by real American patriots"


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Its at most 4 years, I predict either one will die in office due to old age or breaking a hip.


Yall good if I move from the states to the European region for the foreseeable future? (I don’t want to be a part of this)


Sure. Have fun with the soon to be prequel of WWIII front lines


Although my gut says to agree, I remember the exact same sentiment was rampant in 2012. I feel like it's normal to always think the current choices suck. Mind you, the debate in particular seems to highlight the ways in which our current choices suck.


Lost my braincells watching it.


Oh was it a worm that ate them?


This is probably a repost but I honestly don't care We all need karma


A friend sent it to me on discord and I posted it here. Is there a way for me to check if a video has been reposted in the past?


yeah i posted it to this subreddit first lol but to be fair i stole this video from twitter


I think I saw this vid here a couple days ago. It was the top post


I found it. Sorry for the repost!


Reverse image search


Too much hassle. I was hoping for some sort of search engine in reddit or the subreddit itself


Doesn't matter , it's my first time watching this.


Isn't there a way to vote null so if the majority of people voted null they'd have to change the candidates or something, or you just have to cope and pick which is less bad?


Vote 3rd party. The parties pay very close attention to where the votes are going. A rise in 3rd party votes sends a clear message they are losing the interest of everyday Americans. "But what if the guy I don't like gets in?" Well I don't like either of them. And we've already had 4 years of each president and the world is still turning.


RFK jr is no better (arguably worse) than the other two. This year we have: Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich vs Bloody Enema. Fuck it, I’m just gonna write in Mickey Mouse again.


Americans dont vote 3d party, way to brainwashed for that


First past the post voting makes 3rd party votes wasteful cgp grey has a really good set of videos on what actually causes the two party system to dominate nearly every modern country


..... thas so wrong. Just look at the majority of Europe


The majority of europe besides the UK (a country that has a two party system) doesnt use similar voting systems to the US and Canada


Thats not what you said tho


I said that the US’ voting system (first past the post) renders 3rd party votes wasteful and you said i was wrong by using different voting systems as your example?? lmao??


> cgp grey has a really good set of videos on what actually causes the two party system to dominate >#nearly every modern country


thats the problem you have lmao?? i was challenging the idea that the third party vote would mean anything youre right it doesnt dominate nearly every modern country, but Im trying to tell you that the third party vote isnt going to have nearly as much impact as you portray it having


I see, thanks for the explanation!


Voting third party is a vote for Trump. It’s called the Spoiler effect. 


Oh ok cool




I think RFK is mediocre…. However… he can do pushups, so at this point, I’m in 😂


Cope, at this point. Primaries are where you make protest/aspirational votes. At this point, you vote for the lesser of two evils, which should be an obvious choice for anyone educated. Unfortunately many are not.


Hahaha when they talked about golf! What American cares about that shit when it comes to a president. That neither of them realized this is insane.


We're screwed


The 2012 debate was filled with respect and both candidates shared common goals to make America a good habitat for everyone. While the 2024 debate is just two old skin bags trynna win for their profit


It sounds like a YouTuber debate. Where the two are just trying to one up the other in like a gotcha moment.


The 2024 debate yes


Idk Bidens been pretty good, just nobody has been reporting on what he’s been doing. 


Get your fucking shit together America. I’m not angry, I’m disappointed. Do better.


If young people voted in the non-presidential elections, we wouldn't be in this situation. Sadly, only the presidential elections get massive attention and even then it starts at the lowest levels. I wanted to vote for our local representative, only to see we literally only had one person running.


I'm starting to believe young succesful and intelligent people don't even want to run for presidency anymore. Why spend millions to throw away 4-8 years of your life to "lead" a country. More so being told what to say and do literally anywhere you go by the true decision makers behind you. You're nothing more than a puppet/spokesperson absorbing all the stress. Ofc they won't let 1 person make the most important decisions that could change the world around them. That would be the most stupid single point of failure known to man. All while at the same time having a giant target on your back for half the countries on earth. No thanks lol


Those who are most fit for presidency are, unfortunately, people who most likely would never want to do it.


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E.g., John Stewart


>I'm starting to believe young succesful and intelligent people don't even want to run for presidency anymore. They never did. Plato wrote about this over 2000 years ago.


Look up and watch the Nixon debate with Kennedy and you'll see how low we actually have fallen. We're fucked. That movie Idiocracy called it. They literally are talking about whether Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson should run or not


Arnold freakyneger already has some experience within US politics as senator of Cali JS


I wish to put up a random guy in America and say okay your running for president now. that guy would win in a landslide.


Sounds like what deez nuts did, he got 9% of the votes


My grandma is younger than both these guys and I think she would be a better president. She's just so nice.


W grandma, she’d never become a felon


Great improvement! Congratulations USA


As an European: When it was Romney vs obama i actually respected the USA..... that was before it became the capital of clown country


I am looking forward to the brain rot generation precidential debate. P1: Ask you can see my opponent proposals are not very *skibidi*. P2: ERM.. What the *sigma*


This would be funny as fuck. “That’s cap and he knows it” “hold on let him cook” I kinda want to run when I reach the running age just to talk like this lmao


“Everyone knows the president fell off, no cap. He simply just has no more rizz within him anymore.”


he is the soy joejak i am the red pilled gamer wojak


This year's debate was great... If you wanted to watch two old men duke it out in a roast battle. But this roast battle was broadcast on national television and will help determine the president of the US.


Biden and trump were about to start making out


we're fucked


Went from well respected man vs well respected man to orange flavored fellon vs senile old man, I fucking hate this country man


Don’t believe the deep, cheap fake Russian propaganda of misinformation. Biden is really smart! He can too tie his own shoes. He just likes the stylish look of the Velcro straps


This one missed my favorite quote 'we finally beat Medicare - Biden'


Brain rot didn't only hit the internet


Thanking god everyday for not making me an American 🙏


The first one had 2 sane people with a combined age of 115 years. The second one had 2 senile old fucks with a combined age of 159 years.


America is done for either way


They should kiss 


I know it’s Trump on the other side, but whoever votes for Biden deserves whatever happens to the USA… He has more empty space than braincells at this point


I’m not American so my opinion on the subject doesn’t matter that much but if I was American i would vote for Biden in a heartbeat. If the vote is between an idiot and a facist I would vote for the idiot any day.


Isn’t it better for the people to not accept these two?


It *should be*, but these two are the only ones being heavily pushed by media, which means that most Americans will vote for either of them anyway, which means your vote for a third party ends up wasted. Gotta love it.


It would be amazing if it there were other candidates except these morons. But I don’t believe that now I a good time to declare your dissatisfaction and vote third party since that gives the facist a better chance


Not American so take this with a grain of salt but just because people vote for Biden it doesn't mean every single one of them loves Biden with all their heart Sometimes you have to pick against something worse, this is one of those times


In a democracy people get the leaders and the government they deserve.


And yet all of them are terrible


All i see is the veil of political politeness being lifted. I hate that presidential speech cadence that obama used, it was so fake. Also things werent so civil in those days either, i remember biden saying romney was gna put black people in chains.


I preferred when they tried to be professional. Now its just weak ass insults and "Nuh uh id be a better president" "No you wouldn't, I would be better" "Nuh uh, you are a convicted felon" "Nuh uh, that isn't true plus Im better at golfing" Like this wasn't a debate, this was as if I dropped into a fortnite lobby and saw two 10 year olds fighting with each other.


Yet Americans be like bbbbut Obama black!!!


Bro said “let’s not act like children”


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I am not American but damn that's tragic Gl y'all