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bUT lANdlorDs aRE hELPing to sOLve tHE hoUsINg crISIs!! (Dude probably thinks he’s doing someone a favour).


So you get to pay them to be their cleaner?




And pay for the privilege


$450 to rent a house for sale? Dude is fucked in the head.


*1 bedroom apartment...


\* $450 to rent a one bed, one bath apartment




Yep. Dude has his hand on it.


and you still have to supply your own fridge and washing machine, seriously?


That's normal in Australia. I'm in my 60s and rented most of my life. I've never rented a place that had a fridge or a washing machine included.


That's mad. Every place I lived in the UK came with them included. The landlord had to buy us a new fridge when it stopped working.


Sales inspections can only happen 2x per week in VIC. https://preview.redd.it/kwq7s0d3vb9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a502b769596748cb278d5a3657550671261764f8


Ooh they also have to pay you for each inspection. Noice.


Wow, I wish that was a thing ten years ago. They made my life hell when they were trying to sell the apartment I was living in!


Yea, try actually wringing it out of them though. Selling agent said it's the rental agent's problem, rental agent said it's selling agent's problem to chase the owner for compensation. In the end neither would take responsibility. I figured that's probably the standard trick to get a tenant chasing open inspection money off their backs. Finally: "I advise you to lodge a claim with VCAT if you really want to chase this, but it won't be a good look for your rental reference." You're going to put it on my rental reference?? With no context whatsoever I bet, just "tenant was difficult and took landlord to VCAT" I bet. F**k that. The whole system is rightly f***ed because tenants are expected to be the enforcers of the law, while the agent/owner has all the actual power. Just how the state likes it too otherwise VCAT would be swamped with claims for years and they'd have to give it actual money to deal with the backlog.


How stupid were these REA? You just credit the rent account each time there is an inspection. No money has to change hands, its just credited to the rent account and the landlord gets paid less rent. We were in a place that was for sale and thats how the REA dealt with it. I also signed a 12 month lease and they wanted us to leave earlier for the person who did buy it. Negotiated 2 weeks free rent and got the most glowing rental recommendation from the agent ever for allowing the lease to be broken. There needs to be a way to prevent REA giving bad/misleading statements on rental records or making threats about it. Even out right forbidding the mention of any VCAT claims against the REA or landlord to even the playing field a little.


I'm guessing the landleach is selling because they can't afford the repayments anymore. The last tenant moved out because the place was for sale & now the LL is losing money because they don't have a tenant.


The tenant probably didn’t want to have their lives invaded every week or keep the place immaculate.


Rent it then set up a scene from Breaking Bad in it.


The choice of which scene from Breaking Bad largely depends on the attitude of those present. Will it be a slightly tense family dinner or will people be smoking meth? The landlords attitude decides ♡


I moved into an apartment that was up for sales Signed a 6 month lease and had open houses every weekend for 4 months It was a nightmare dealing with it, I'm already a clean person but the extra pressure every Friday after coming home was getting to me I got lucky it sold to investors and can stay long term I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless you are desperate like I was


Would be good for shits and giggles with this person. You actually don’t need to clean it for their open home. It still only needs to be reasonably clean.


Must be a shit apartment if it's taking this long to sell in this market.


They probably booted out their tenant/made tenants life miserable until they left and are now trying to scramble back the money. It didn’t even say where the apartment was!


Exactly my first thought too!


Wow, your home will be regularly invaded and presumably sold at any moments notice and they couldn't even give you a discount?


Move in and trash the joint. Leave a like of dirty dishes in the sink and skid marks in the toilet when they come to do the inspection. Blast some death metal from a Bluetooth speaker hidden in the ceiling and claim you don't know where it's coming from, must be the neighbours.


😂 only a landlord would consider it a trashing too 😂


Perhaps they should PLEASE READ the law for tenants before posting that nonsense ad.


💩 More proof there needs to be tougher legislation for renters, pathetic what present living standards are and what reas/owners get away with 💩


On the application tell them to go fuck them selfs


Don’t they have to give 60 days notice?


Sure do!


Seems like rent should be cheap if not free.


No, no and NO.


A landlord did this to me and my mum only she didn't tell us. We were told she'd be selling at the end of the lease and a month after moving in we got the news. It was so unbelievable stressful, the REA told us we should be grateful they were understanding of my chronic pain condition and didn't give us the first slot of the morning. I was, but I still didn't like having people there all the time. We were told by everyone who came to see the place that even though we have boxes everywhere they were happy it was so clean.


This reads as “we are going to make a shit load selling it but also want more money while it’s on the market”


This is fucking nuts


Who on earth wants to get up early every Saturday and Sunday morning or hang around on a Wednesday night to greet a bunch of strangers through your place? She should be offering a significant rent reduction for the weekly invasions or just not list it at all given she's selling. There's nothing remotely appealing about this rental especially because the likelihood of being turfed out not long after you move out is reasonably high.


on todays episode of “landlords doing illegal shit…”


Isnt it illegal to do more than 2 shows a week or is that just nsw?


It'd be a periodic lease, obviously. You have to at least give them credit for completely upfront about their somewhat unreasonable expectations.


Yes, definitely, their illegal ones. Better to know and not move in at all.


lol these cunts don't even try to hide it anymore


So property sells to an owner occupier, so you need to get out anyway. Can’t guarantee it will be purchased by an investor. With all the new taxes, minimum standards, gas/electrical safety checks , a lot of people are not investing in property


I’m a bit confused about your point?


new tenant moves in and the property is sold to an owner occupier. Tenant then will have to move anyway. Not many investors buying properties due to the law changes so chances are very high that the new tenant will have to move on so new owner can move in.


oh so it's fine to invade a paying tenants privacy if their lease was going to be cancelled anyway? >a lot of people are not investing in property are you unfamiliar with the Aus property market? investment is prolific and stamping out all other purchases


Very odd response. Dont think you have actually comprehended the whole thing. You may need to have a look at why property investors are selling up…. Victoria is where they are exiting from due to law changes. Didn’t say anything about “Australia” as a whole just Vic


My 'odd' response was commenting on your lack of acceptable consideration for tenants beyond their fiscal value. This is a thread about a rental posting charging above market rate and still illegally expecting the tenant to facilitate frequent multi-weekly inspections and live 'immaculately'. Your response is complaining about how hard things are for people to make money off investment properties - do you not see how tone-deaf that kind of response is? People in the r/shitrentals subreddit aren't really interested at how profitable investment properties are - so its incredibly tone-deaf to come in here and comment *'I don't really care about the illegal and unreasonable rental listing, tenants are barely people - the property might not even sell!!1!"* The law changes are specifically *helping* this situation - fewer parasites earning their income by scalping the need for shelter based off an appreciating asset acquired during easier times is going to be bad for those parasites, but better for everyone else. I don't have a shred of sympathy for property investors - they are filth. People in this country, working longer hours than have been worked in the past, with public services of the past decimated or flat-out gone, with 2 pooled incomes instead of 1, are living paycheck to paycheck, and renting their whole lives - and yet what is heard when the government seeks to limit (not remove, simply limit) how profitable the property market is, is a complaint from someone about how people aren't investing in property because the laws demanding basic living quality and safety are making it less economically worthwhile. GOOD. Perhaps with fewer slumlords complaining about how *"minimum standards, gas/electrical safety checks"* are hurting their bottom line, actual workers and families can purchase the houses to live in as a primary residence. Somebody complaining that *"gas/electrical safety checks"* are bad because they cost money, and they will now find it harder to fuck over a single-mother in Vic is absolute gutter scum.


Wow. You totally misinterpreted my initial comment. Sorry to have upset you. I was saying how would anyone want to sign a lease that would most likely be sold to a home owner (not an investor) and have to move out anyway. My point being that due to law changes, the rental investors are now thin on the ground as they don’t want to have to spend money on peoples safety. This has caused huge huge housing shortages and ridiculous rent increases. Not looking for a fight mate, but my opinion is not that far off of yours