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im cheap as hell/have an unreliable flow of income and my fish tanks look better than this.


Right! My fish stuff is paid for by Klarna because I can’t afford it all at once, and that’s on $15/hr on a flexible schedule


Me too!


Lol I was thinking the same thing. I think I saw a better setup at my local Goodwill store.


Same LOL


That SpongeBob is frightening


It is so sinister lol


He's just sitting there...




Multi millionaires with the same amazon aquarium stand I have. Told you, Mom, I hang with the big dogs!


Fun fact that I found out with my SO, whose parents own a million dollar home, rich people are even cheaper than us brokees


My dad refuses to pay for Amazon music, and didn't want to get onto my spotify, "it's too expensive". Meanwhile sitting in his multi million dollar mansion. Dude is the king of clearance section, the haggle, and thrift stores. Just depends on what the rich person deems actually important


Same 😂 they are decent stands for what they are


You quickly learn that rich people will spend as little as possible to keep pets alive. I watch them buy the absolute WORST cat and dog food all the time


Meanwhile I'm over here feeding my pets human grade food along with their normal food 😭


My cats special urinary diet is unreasonably expensive


Oh I'm aware. Hill's Science Diet Urinary C/D, $100 per bag


Yep. My cat laughed at me when we tried hills but she liked the royal canin version. Dry and wet food 😔


RIP your bank account


But like why bother then? What are they gaining here? Isnt the point to have a non-human friend to cherish? Or for less cuddly pets, part of the fun is creating beautiful environment for them. Is it a power thing for them?????


I think its definitely a power thing, being able to own another being


Rich people different, ugh


My guess: kids wanted it impulsively while along for a pet food run.


Honestly yeah, that sounds pretty plausible and it pisses me off. Maybe I was different as a kid because I always felt bad for my pets when their habitats got messy. I let it get nasty a few times and I felt so guilty. My parents were really neglectful to animals so I guess you either swing in the opposite direction or become exactly like that. Also to be fair I had Guinea pigs and gerbils which are easy to empathize with, easy to handle, and it’s also pretty easy for a kid to clean up on their own since you just scoop out the soiled bedding and replace it. Every now and then you can just take the enclosure outside and rinse it with a hose and dish soap. I’m preaching to the choir here but It’s so stupid to get a kid a fish and expect them to be able to take care of it. I’m on like 3 fish keeping subs because I love looking at everyone’s tanks and I love fish but I know that even as an adult with the money and resources to take care of them that I would not be able to upkeep the tank.


Not even the right food, unless they have a freaking pleco in there to “clean”.


I think I see some Omega One pellets off to the right, hopefully there isn't a pleco in there...


Ah, I see em now, now I’m even more worried there is a pleco. These poor fish


There is indeed a pleco. :(


😀 rich people are idiots


Dude. Say hey. I can get you a tank that looks way better and is self sustainable after 6 months to a year, all you have to do is feed him once it's established. Make a little money and have a BLAST DOING IT MUTHAFUKAAAAA




Did it at a friend's restaurant, loved every second of it


Millionaires are, generally,. villainous


I'm anti-wealth when it exceeds millions, but unfortunately rich people actually score higher on virtue oriented scales, counter to common assumptions that they're all jerks. They tend to be more pro-social, friendly, kind, etc. The thing is, I think they tend to congregate in places us poors generally don't spend time, so we're not accustomed to seeing nice rich people.


Every time I see a sponge Bob or a pineapple in a tank I know it's going to be a disaster. I used to clean houses and you would be disgusted to know how dirty a lot of rich people are. I mean scrape the shower out once a week dirty.


If I had that much money I'd spend it all on seiryu stone, not SpongeBob decor 😭


So sad.


At least he's not in a 1 gallon bowl, but this is still bad!


That one spongebob figurine peaking through the muck is...kind of haunting, actually.


For a betta tank it doesnt look that shitty, looks big enough, could do with some better decor and live plants, just an algae bloom most likely the lights were pn for too long


The size is the only thing they got right.....


Could be worse. Algae doesn’t harm fish.


There's a Pleco in the tank


Meh again could be worse. As long as it isn’t a common.


I didn’t get a good look at the pleco before it disappeared into the green fog. So I can’t say for sure it was a common but either way it looked too big for the tank.


A lot of plecos are too big for this size tank, especially the more easily found bristlenose plecos. There's some L(000) varieties that stay small, but I don't think they're as easily found at pet stores


Well thank God I'm a trillionaire.


Rich people are some of the laziest


If I won the lottery I wouldn't say anything but there'd be signs. The sign being the size of aquariums and how swank they'd be. Big dreams, little pockets.


Holy shit even SpongeBob wants out


Damn that's an algae eating paradise for stuff like snails and some types of shrimp💀


They just need to cut the time they're running the light.


I was thinking, why do they think they need any algae rounds when that entire tank is algae


SpongeBob is involved in so many of these tragedies...


Funnily enough, I think some of the best looking Bettas are grown in algae filled tanks


Green water is great for raising guppies. Is it not good for betta?


Green water’s not necessarily bad, but this water looks like pea soup and is a clear indication that they don’t do regular water changes, which would remove ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates, which are bad for fish. Eta: not to mention it isn’t even filled all the way and there’s no heater


money doesn’t mean smart or caring


They could hire a betta nanny. Shame on them!


wow, multimillionaires are actually scummy people? who would’ve thought.


They should have a beautiful built in aquarium and be able to pay someone to care for it too if they don’t want to.


Damn. I was never taught any of this as a kid and I never had fish tanks that weren’t entirely MY responsibility. But I somehow knew to research properly and knew how to care for their basic needs. I rescued my first tank from my older sister when I was 14. The filter and heater and aerator was broken, the tank was bright green (looked pretty much like this tank but more algae stuck to the glass) and it took me hours to get all the shit off of the glass, and it was overstocked. She was 19 at the time and when I tried to inform her of her mistakes she claimed “not my responsibility”. Meaning it was her bfs. Who was in the police academy. Living 2 hours away. While she sat on her ass all day (studying yes but cmon). I hate her for many reasons and this is one. I took the tank and that was my first fish tank. I’m 17 now and I still have it along with 4 other tanks. Most of the fish I rescued are gone now apart from 1. She had two weirdly giant male bristle nose plecos in there; one is still alive and is about to move into a 6ft tank. Edit : I bought ALL equipment myself and had no help from ANYONE. I worked and saved my own money and time for these fish.


It looks like a dead by daylight map 😭


How do you think they stay rich? Low spending and look at the setup.


They literally could have hired someone to make a good tank and take care of it.


I mean.. not for nothing.. couldn't they just pay for a person to come and maintain a tank. I thought rich people were all about "aesthetics" so I don't even think a green tank fits in with the "elegance" of their hallway.


I don’t like how common this is. Sadly, it is how the fish hobby goes more often than not. Separately, I find it a little gross you make their wealth a factor. It has no bearing whatsoever.


Apologies but if you saw the rest of their house and property, you would make their wealth a factor as well.


So would this be more acceptable if the owner lived in a trashy double wide?


No not really. Maybe it would be less surprising but not really acceptable. Sorry I don’t really understand the point you’re trying to make.


Just thought the 'and these people are multimillionaires' is unrelated.


Interesting. I disagree though.


Hire me to come clean and take care of the pets


Good grief? I don't even make an income and my tanks look better than that lol


Why are you in a mansion


Service work. Passed by the tank in the hallway.


Ask them how much they pay someone to maintain their fish tank.. sounds like a business opportunity to me


Like the other user said! You can see if they'll hire you to help care for the tank. Then you can help those poor fish