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This voids the warranty. As clearly labelled you should put an ant in there; replace when it stops squirming.


I don't how to put an ant-in-ther


I believe an antler should so the trick. Just put it there and hammer it into the plug


What ant works best? If I put a fire ant in there do I get Fire TV? What about a sugar ant? I have questions


Dont use army ants, you'll only get NatGeo and the History Channel


Don't do this. This is the entry for an ant colony and if you block it they can't get inside your TV.


The ants do all the work to make the tv tick. How do people not know this?


Actually, ants make the tv ant. Ticks make the tv tick. The more you know!


Where is the Ant Out hole?!


No need, they get used entirely and the exhaust vents out the side or back depending on the model.


This is an obvious scam, I don't know how anyone could fall for that. With a battery that small you get *at most* 50MHz of bandwidth. Try a battery from an electric car if you want to actually watch *all* the channels. That said, if all the channels in the world are playing at once it's quite confusing to figure out what's what so maybe what you really want is a coin cell battery to narrow down to the channel you want.


What battery to use if I want to switch chanels?


For that you'll need a variable capacitor and a tesla coil.


Oh I thought that you would just need to put 2 nails in the socket that the tv is plugged in and tap on both with one finger to switch chanels


If you use one finger for one nail, then one from your other hand for the other, you can instantly travel to next weeks episode.


Or you can use a Retro Encabulator from Rockwell automation as it provides an inbuilt unilateral phase detractor. Although side fumbling can still be an issue on older units.


>1.4m views Dear son of God...


You're gonna say that one day and then hear a loud voice from the sky yell "what?!".


And I would ask "Why?.."


Pretty sure that's how you become the prophet of a new religion. You yell "why" and get punished by having to write down the new holy book by dictation.


Yes, most TVs are programmed to unlock region-free viewing mode when they receive 1.5VDC in the antenna port. The battery will then act as an antenna, and you'll be able to watch any channels you want.


Crucially though, jailbreaking your TV is not legal in all jurisdictions. Check your local laws before you attempt this.


It's also not safe. If a TV is in jail, it's because it's a criminal. Why would you want to free it?


Chat is this real


/unshittyelectronics (or whatever shit is called) how would this fucking work from the electrical part, its literally meaningless


/unse possibly you could stick paper clip in there and connect it to one of the ends of the battery and you could use the very small amount of material in it that could pickup a signal as an antenna? But yeah, it's completely pointless and I can't believe 1.4 million people were braindead enough to click on this video.


/unse for that you would need a really big dipole just to... maybe extend the range of station sight on 5km out? i think its more pointless cause all the tv stations are transmitted by internet


/unse exactly


/unse also even if we were in a fictional world where this work, being able to view ever tv channel broadcasting would be useless as all of them would interfere with each other!


/unse most of those views were probably people curious to see how bad it was.


For ALL OF THEBCHANNELS you must connect also the hair comb in EURO SCART socket. With the battery you only have the signal, the comb make the tuning


TV must also COMPETE in and WIN Eurovision. Don't forget about that part.




Favorite comment.




Nah this piuny ass battery wouldn't cut it you need Chunky high voltage capacitor to get all channels for free, with this you'd only get 15 channels atmost


I see the mistake here, it says Ant in. Try getting a few from your garden and paying it into the meter on that port.


Also dont forget it depends on what type/race of ant you put in it you dont want your tv eating your dog or saing it identifies as one


Do this to meet all of the gods


actually really cool how this works, when you insert a AAA battery into your TV's antenna port, a process called electro-quantum harmonic transmogrification occurs. This unique interaction catalyzes the ionospheric flux capacitors within the battery, which, as everyone knows, resonate with the photonic wave particles in the antenna port. The battery's positive terminal emits a stream of gamma-neutrino particles, which instantly harmonize with the antenna's unobtanium core. This unobtanium core, known for its hyper-synaptic conductivity, creates a multi-dimensional feedback loop, causing the TV’s internal Schrödinger circuits to enter a state of quantum-superposition. During this state, the TV simultaneously exists in all possible channel configurations. The negative terminal of the battery, infused with antimatter-quark stabilizers, then realigns the parallax vector fields of the antenna's cathodic microcosms, effectively bypassing the standard electromagnetic spectrum restrictions. This entire sequence induces a hyperbolic fractal convergence in the subatomic realms of the TV's display matrix, thus unlocking every conceivable channel in the multiverse. By exploiting the resonant frequencies of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the Planck quantum entanglement threshold, the AAA battery acts as a universal remote, decrypting even the most elusive broadcasts, including those from alternate dimensions and future timelines. In summary, the AAA battery functions as a catalytic harmonizer, unlocking the infinite spectrum of potential channels through the principles of pseudo-scientific magneto-quantum entanglement and hypothetical photonic resonance. Pretty simple when you think about it, but a useful trick.


At first I thought it's an oscilloscope


No this actually works, the battery puts life back into the ant that was previously in. You can get a few good minutes of clear stations with this remedy.


What the fuck... Does TURBO not just mean the battery runs out faster?!


1.4 Million Views


My cable company (Mediacom) hates us for doing this.


A step response of voltage level from connecting this battery will contain every frequency possible, so yes you should do this right now!


At least it’s not an American, that port looks like scart, so Euro trick.


Jokes aside can someone explain what will happen if you do this




The funny thing is that back in either the late 90s or early 00s, I can't remember, but you could connect a 9v battery to the phone line socket of a sky box and watch all the PPV movies you wanted. The box thought it was connected to the line so it thought it was ok to queue up transactions but it never got to send them off so you never got billed. Obviously you'd never want to connect that box up again. It was common to sell them on afterwards.


Don’t do this, they are trying to trick you and make you look stupid! Everyone knows the (-) side goes into the antenna connector…. If you want to get really good coverage, microwave the battery for 5 min first.


All you watch is damage


You can see god if you lick the outlet