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Bro did NOT play in the snow area of DS2


That shit made me cry back in the day, cutting down on the annoying run backs has to be one of the best decisions fromsoft has ever made.


Stakes of Marika were a greater innovation than Torrent


Bro PLAYED DS2, is just another rage bait channel of popular and high rated games to farm views.


Imma big time DS2 apologist (derogatory), and even I acknowledge the snow area might be the single worst area in any Fromsoft title ever. Rest of that DLC is prefect though, obv.


That area is cancer but I cannot not think it is kinda cool. The blizzard, horses being a unique enemy, open area, how it is so hard make it not forgetable. Shadded woods is the one area that is just ugly, nothing of interesting (except the fog and before Najka) making it in a way (not in all ways) worse than Frigid. It is also so relevant, conecting to a great soul and to the two end game areas.


The concept is good. A giant empty snowfield full of invisible nightmare waiting to ambush you. So you're forced to always be on your toes. Problem is it's not consecrated snowfield and came out 7 years too early.


Like, here I'll make the snow area better off the top of my head- The ~~horses~~ reindeer stay a certain distance from you and will every so often pause, neigh, glow to show the player the threat, then charging the player with end lag on the charge before they do it again. This gives the player: -forewarning through both sound and audio -start up to give them time to ready themselves/calculate other things -end lag so that the player has ample chance to fight back even with multiple of them bam? https://preview.redd.it/tihxifr70fad1.png?width=163&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc0820d8f7a3d2e09f5e2e735f724a0fc2d7b3ff


I feel like one thing people always leave out with Frigid Outskirts, and the other optional DLC areas, is they're explicitly meant to be multiplayer challenge areas, like, there are four npc summon signs at each one, you're really meant to roll through it with a squad.


At least the final boss of that DLC was cool tbh


The lore of the entire place, especially that of the Ivory King and Alsanna, are actually some of my favourite pieces in all of Dark Souls. Imagine building your throne on top of the gate to hell and showering a shard of pure darkness with genuine love until she drops her evil plans. Might not be the most "Dark Souls" kind of thing. But that is part of the reasons why i love it so much.


I think the fact that this one time in all of Dark Souls we get the true disney princess ending (albeit with the dark souls glazing of SAD) just makes it better.


Oh yeah it was dope


Dropping down into the old chaos was cool as hell for sure


especially with all 4 knight.


I just got told that the final DLC boss was the worst one FromSoft has ever made, *including Bed of Chaos*. Maybe FS becoming mainstream was a mistake. šŸ¤”


Worst fromsoft boss ever worse than- Bed of chaos Ceaseless discharge Shulva gank squad Prowling magus and congregation Covetous demon Deacons of the deep Witches of hemwick Micolash Godskin duo What the fuck?!


Yeah I honestly donā€™t know how to react. Itā€™d be one thing if I thought he was just trolling, but no, he seems sincere. Iā€™m usually not one to drop a snide ā€œgit gudā€ to counter any criticism, but I might have to make an exceptionā€¦


Every DLC boss is cool. It's not really a solid defense for slogging through that frozen shithole.


blu smelter dƦmon:


the boss itself is good, way better than regular smelter demon. Reaching the boss fog without allies (has it is supposed) on the other hand. ..


But I am not sure Frigis Outskirts, bad as it is, ruins the rest of the DLC. Ivory Crown was the best of the trio and one of my favorite souls DLCs.


Oh yeah rest of the dlc is solid


Watch his DS2 level 1 video, he just skipped over it lmao


Frigid outskirts haunt us to this day


Eleum Loyce is peak tfym


Feeble King Cycle: This is the WORST fromsoftware DLC *1 year later* Shadow of the Erdtree is a misunderstood masterpiece.


He's actually kind of right. He first misunderstands it AND THEN says it's misunderstood. Flawless logic.


Itā€™s the same cycle that people here go through, just much longer cause heā€™s retarded or smth. The first few days were filled with posts whining and bitching and saying this dlc was bad, and now itā€™s considered a masterpiece because the people who beat it realized how good it was and the people who havenā€™t regurgitate that take


so true, just go back and read posts about the bosses in the first 2 days of the dlc, people were calling putrescent knight and scadutree avatar the worst bosses fromsoft has ever made lmfao


Those 2 are so peak thoughšŸ˜­


mfs were complaining that they were overtuned in difficulty and had undodgeable and/or unreactable attacks.


listen i get that with like some bosses with subtle tells like midir's lunge or beast clergyman's double slash because those are actually subtle tells that take time to learn to recognize but fucking scadutree avatar


I feel like this is a phase a lot of people go through lol. It didnā€™t really happen for me much in the base game but I thought Rellana and Messmer were the most bullshit fights ever and then by the time i was getting close to beating them they were my absolute favourites.


This is why I only say what I think about a boss after I've beaten it. Putrescent knight was the worst boss fromsoft ever made until I beat it, then it was one of the best, cleanest (no pun intended) Elden Ring bosses. Although some of those flame patterns are still bullshit, I won't cede on that (until I've beaten him 10 more times)


Neither where bad, I absolutely dont understand the scadu avatar hate. Shits easy, its weak to fire, hits its face. Not hard to dodge the attacks. Use the fucking ashes or summons as was intended and dont forget the scadutree blessings - their bonuses from 1-10 are huge.


That's because a few days after release the people who enjoy it are busy having fun and avoiding spoilers


"Misunderstood by me. Only me"


fLaWeD mAsTeRPiEcE


this is the same guy that made elden ring boss critiques when the game came out then a year later changed his mind and made a whole video defending them, and now he releases this video. is he fucking stupid?


its rage bait to farm interaction, simply ignore his bum ass


Make post/video about how awful something when vast majority agree itā€™s incredible with some faults. People flood in to tell you how dumb/stupid you are because your opinions are plain wrong or ignorant. ā€œ ā€œOh no all this negative interaction is getting my post/videos so many views! What will I do?ā€


I know that rage bait is a real thing but I donā€™t see why anyone would watch a *long* rage bait video. Iā€™d get 5 mins into this video and just turn it off then never watch any of the guys videos again I guess that does count as a view though


The algorithm would bury your video if everyone's turning it off 0.1% in, though.


The internet is an outrage machine, and soon it will be an outrage machine for AI


Nearly all of his videos just have ā€œDISAPPOINTMENTā€ and ā€œWORSTā€ in big red text on the thumbnail, itā€™s pure bait


Saw the vid pop up earlier and was about to leave a comment and then dip about his name being accurate but then I'd have left a comment and helped him out, miss me with that


In that video defending the bosses, his ideas to make the game better is literally just "make elden ring sekiro"


God I love Sekiro for real but itā€™s so easy to only remember the really fun parts of that game and forget slowly trudging through one million enemies


average braindead souls fan


SoTE sucks because I wanted to become Miquella's consort but then Radahn used a 1-UP and came back to life to take him away from me.


-start the fight -get to second phase -let miquella grab you twice -have a change of hearth -alt f4 and unistall the game


Kinda crazy it's called elden ring when the whole thing boils down to the race for miquella's dubiously inelden bussy


fr i want that miquelussy






5 minutes in and already fucking stupid He calls the death knights reskinned enemies (there are two in the entire DLC and they each have a mostly unique moveset)


wow that fucking braindead.


Lets not forget the banger ā€œBelurat is just the same two ghost enemies repeatedā€


He also calls it "small," I guess more than an hour worth of content is small lmao


Guess Undead Burg sucks too because it only has hollow soldiers and balder knights, pack it in DS1 lmao


Funny because on first thought I agreed, then I remembered the scorpions, the big ghost guys, the annoying Mage ghost guys, the invader, the strategic gank placment of the ghost men in the second half, the birds, and of course the knights that killed me like 10 times each, then the entire fly swarm... Yeah, this guy is disingenuous at best.


When an area with lore explaining why there's only certain types of enemies in there only has said certain types of enemies in there:


Bruh don't actually *watch* this shit, that's what the guy wants.


You're right, the temptation was too strong šŸ˜”


listening to a souls fans opinion 7 years ago is the worst mistake ive ever made šŸ˜”


Was it Matthewmatosis?


it was ds1 fans.


Damn, I canā€™t believe I didnā€™t take the hint with your flair. My game ainā€™t working anymore, to the trash chute behind the casino I go once again.


So far my biggest problem (aside from completely disagreeing but that's my opinion vs his) is his use of "reskinned." "And then you fight the RESKINNED tree sentinels and the RESKINNED fallingstar beast and the RESKINNED death knights andā€”" No. No, you don't, they're not reskinned! That's literally just a tree sentinel! And as far as I know the death knights are pretty original variations of each other. Also, he says "your reward for X is a cookbook" while walking past the NPC/quest that is the reward for doing X. Side note, why do people hate NPC fights so much? edit later: he is saying the devs want you to die so you'll talk up the difficulty more, whilst getting deleted by bosses. Show us your skadoosh level, sir.


> why do people hate NPC fights so much? Mostly infinite stamina, FP and absurd amounts of damage don't go well together specially with two+ in the room.


Personally I'm not a fan of NPC fights because I never had good enough internet to play online, so demon's Souls all the way through Dark Souls 3 I played PVE only, and NPCs are a completely different way of playing. It's just not fun for me.


The lore reason behind the tree sentinels being there was peak build up to the reveal of the shaman village. Disliking that is like disliking orgasms, it was such a good setup, reveal, and pay off. And really if they threw more reused bosses in the open world I wonder if the "exploration is bad" complaints would cease, because that's essentially what's being asked for. How is having optional content with rewards for other builds bad exploration? Like obviously when there is 900 builds most shit is gonna be looked over, finding the stuff you can use is made more exciting as a result.


It's ashes of ariandel, and it's not even close. You have to go out of your way to think SOTE is the worst. Sure, it's not perfect, but the good shit definitely outweighs the bad


It's quite impressive that ashes of ariandel is the worst fromsoft DLC, since it's not even that bad.


Itā€™s the exact opposite of sote, the dlc is pretty meh at best, but carried by the final boss. Ā 


SOTE final boss is great, though. (Assuming they patch the visual clusterfuck)


Fix the visuals/cross slash and heā€™s solid. Ā But even then I think he wouldnā€™t break my top 5 bosses in the dlc


Isnā€™t that just complimenting the dlc more than anything? Having more than 5 solid bosses already gives it a better boss roster than any other dlc from puts out. Ringed city unironically had 3 great boss fights and arguably the most annoying npc encounter in the game. Thatā€™s been their gold standard (I love ringed city).


Yes, Iā€™d go further and say 9/11 of the bosses range from super solid to top of all time, which is a much better ratio other FromSoftware dlcs


I read your comment and wondered for a second "huh why's he talking about 9/11"


Yeah I realized that afterwards


You have to roll to his right side to dodge the cross slash combo. You can iframe the first two slashes with one roll this way and then can roll through the final one. Though I admit it's barely reactable


I think he starts the move too quick to where, if you're rolling out of another combo it's likely to hit you unless the previous combo was timed perfectly as well. I've dodged the whole thing while close up to him maybe one time and definitely not on purpose.


All combos definitely have enough endlag, so you end back up in a good position to roll again. I only sunbro since I've beaten the DLC and would have noticed. I can dodge it consistently. The only way that move might be unavoidable is if you end up at a medium distance(around pillar spawn distance), which you should avoid in general with that boss. All his basic sword combos can be avoided by dodging to his right and staying somewhat close or out of range


WDYM Messmer is peak Elden Ring.


Bayle is peak Elden Ring




Humanoid bosses > "Tf what happened to the camera?" monster bosses


Huge agree. Humanoid bosses nearly always feel like a fair duel with next to most visual clutter while most monster bosses have you staring at their toes and dodging almost purely based on audio cues lmao


SOTE's overall boss quality is so stacked, that even if I think the final boss is pretty good (although not amazing) he's still one of the worse bosses in the dlc gor me. Everything else is just so incredibly good


Yep, I think out of every piece of FromSoftware content it has the best boss ratio. Ā Even gaius is fine other than his one hit box. Ā Shouldnā€™t of had a remembrance though


Gaius is decent, golden hippo is okay, final boss is pretty good, and every other major boss range from great to amazing imo. And I think Midra might be the best boss fromsoft has ever made, although he is contending with AC6's true final boss


Concept wise I agree midra has true greatest of all time status. Ā I think if he was a little bit more difficult he would truly be all time contender for me. Ā  As it stands he really isnā€™t that difficult, which drops him down to only being a fucking awesome boss, instead of the best fucking awesome boss of all time.


I can agree that he's a bit too easy, a little bit more poise with do him a lot of good. However, I think the fight is so absurdly good mechanically, that I can easily look past the low difficulty. Midra and the AC6 true final boss are both essentially addicting for me, I just can't stop fighting them


The problem with ashes of ariandel is that itā€™s short, and thatā€™s it


Eh, the other boss is pretty lame, its all looks the same, a lot of the weapons were kinda meh.


Yes thatā€™s true, ashes do got more problems aside from being short but I always forget about them cause I only remember friede and thatā€™s it


Now if you combine ashes and the ringed city into one its pretty amazing. Just like ds 2 dlc, I think people look at them as a package and not individually because scholar. As a package I'd say 2>3>1 are best.


It's short but also not very fun to play. Neither was TRC tbh. Idk what's the general concensus regarding that DLC but for me it had a bunch of annoying and boring areas and was hard-carried by it's incredible bosses.


Bewildered as fuck that people consider ashes the worst tbh? I will glaze ds2 to the ends of the earth but those dlcs are good but have shit in them that deffo makes them worse than ashes. Is it because it retreads shit? Is it too empty and has few bosses? I mean, thinking about it I can kinda see it but maybe I'm overhyping Freide's fight+the painter+gael origins/story+mf edgelord chicken neck mf.


Like someone in another thread said, I think people consider all three DS2 DLCs to be one expansion, and since Iron and Ivory Crown were generally really good apart from the optional garbage parts, which are optional, it's well-liked overall. Meanwhile Ashes has you mandatorily go through a bunch of mediocre areas, mostly being carried by Friede at the end. Granted, Friede is definitely peak Souls boss, but I can see why people don't think she saves the DLC overall.


What's there is pretty good but it's the length of an endgame elden ring catacomb.


Ashes of Ariandel is "the worst", but it's still pretty good content. Its main issue is that it's really a part one with ringed city. If you think of Ashes+Ringed City as one dlc, that entire package is excellent. I'd happily argue SotE is the best, though. FeebleKing stays losing.


SotE is by far better than ashes, sunken city, and eleum loyce just by how much content is in it. Artorias, Ringed City and Old Iron King are arguably better for the boss quality compared to the rest of their game, but Iā€™d still say SotE far exceeds any other FromSoft dlc


i can not agree with old iron king. fume knight and allone are the best of ds2 but still pale in comparison to someone like messmer, midra, rellana, bayle, or even romina


true, when comparing to today, but can you imagine being a ds fan and hearing sir allone's theme for the first time in 2014?


don't have to imagine cause that was me lol




As much as I love Artorias, it is very short and so I feel the level design doesnā€™t get enough time or substance to really shine as much as the base game


That fucking bridge with the oolacile sorcersses I swear to god.


eleum loyce my beloved


>SotE is by far better than ashes, sunken city, and eleum loyce just by how much content is in it. That also has a different price point, though. Dark Souls 2 and 3 DLCs were 25ā‚¬ total if you bought the pass, and were released within the year their game came out. SOTE is 40ā‚¬ for one DLC only, and took two years to develop, so it kind of makes sense it would have more content.


Artorias is carried by the bosses. Ashes of Ariandel has some good areas in comparison.


Personally I'd put Crown of the Sunken King as worse than Ariandel. Ariandel has a nice open level design that was sorely missed in DS3 and one of the best bosses in the series


I'll have to disagree with that. Personally I liked exploring Shulva. The whole aesthetic of an underground ancient city and a maze-like pyramid full of traps made it feel like I was going on an Indiana Jones adventure. Sihn was also a pretty fun fight, and probably my favorite dragon fight next to Kalameet. Ariendel by contrast was kinda boring. It just felt like a bigger Ariamas, most of it looked and felt kinda bland, and Friede being a fun fight was the only thing I really liked. Exploring it didn't feel as fun either, especially with how linear it is. It just feels like an area that should've been in the base game, or just part of the Ringed City dlc. But to each their own


ashes of ariandel at least has sister friede crown of the sunken king has nothing


Sunken king has two cool bosses, interesting lore and location, and neat puzzles. Ariandel costs 15 bucks and is for that way too short, and aside from Friede, there is basically nothing worth mentioning. It's probably the only Fromsoft DLC I would call overpriced


Hey now, it has Millwood Knights


Man I LOVE Ashes, the atmosphere is so cozy and unsettling, the lore is great and a cool inversion on the normal DS cycle and the two different viking enemies are so badass. The final boss is fantastic too. It also has my favorite armor set in all FS games (the Millwood knight set). When I play DS3 I speedrun to Gael and then Havel's ring just so I can wear that armor


I haven't watched the video, but even if it's the worst dlc from FS, it's still better than most dlc that get released today and was absolutely worth its price tag. Knowing Feeble King, he will probably release a video in a couple of months claiming it to be the best dlc ever and that he was wrong. My thoughts Edit: * I agree with him on the exploration part for the most part. Especially the south and finger areas feel empty, and the cookbooks certainly didn't help to make those regions more interesting. Caves are imo more interesting and different in the dlc, compared to the base game. * I don't really understand the part about healing. Many of the enemies in the base game already punished you from neutral or at the end of one of their combos, Malenia, Cruicible Knights and Godskins do the exact same thing. It's especially strange that he shows Mesmers floor impale attack, where you can safely heal once and two times, if you get lucky with his follow-up attack. You are supposed to find openings to either heal or attack. * I understand that part of the appeal is overcoming a challenge, but if you clearly don't like the way the challenge is presented, then use summons to end your misery. I also only use them as a free out of jail card when I dislike bosses, and that is okay * I won't comment on bosses because they vary in difficulty and enjoyment a lot, depending on what build you are using. Seems like Feeble King needs to learn that ER is much more of an RPG than previous titles, and it shows. Bosses have much more things they can do, while players also have much more things they can use. If you intentionally don't use in game mechanics, then don't be surprised if it starts to become so hard that you don't have fun anymore I get where he is coming from for the most part, but saying that it shouldn't exist, because you didn't like it is insane. Imo it has its flaws, but calling it a mistake is just beyond insulting.


Hell, even Gwyn lunges across the entire arena as soon as you put your lips to that estus flask, not even talking about Genichiro


What? When you heal Genichiro fires a bow attack that eituer you can dodge in time or does little damage


I think he is talking about 3rd phase, pretty sure he does a long range thrusting attack to punish healing in 3rd phase


Even then, I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s the worst DLC FromSoft has released. Theyā€™re all pretty good, and the only one I liked the least was Crown of the Sunken King. And even then that means basically nothing because itā€™s still a damn good DLC.


Ashes of ariandel was a $15 boss fight, but damn itā€™s a good boss.


Probably not a hot take, but I actually loved Ashesā€™ level design. Friede is the highlight of course, but the snowy painting is super fun to explore (besides maybe the Snowfield).


I liked the level to, the village was especially good level design, but for a whole dlc there was not much to do. Ā Hell Iā€™m in the minority because I donā€™t hate champion gravetender.


Good point. It is fairly small, but itā€™s nice to meet a fellow Gravetender enjoyer.


SOTE is better than most full games released today lol.


You give him far too much credit than he deserves.


Frombros how will we recover?


We canā€™t. This video is an irreparable blow.


Hehe, "blow"


He's got a couple good points, honestly. I, too, was really disappointed by the usage (or lack thereof) of Cerulean Coast, Abyssal Woods and the Finger Ruins. The catacombs being so much better in the DLC is great, but damn if the Forges didn't suck for having no bosses. Plus, having many of the bosses be NPC bosses really put a damper on a lot of the dungeons. But in his efforts to justify his clickbait title, I gotta say he missed the mark on his point about the Remembrance bosses. I don't know why he brings up bosses being over the top while showing Messmer's footage -- dude's on the DLC cover more than Malenia was, of course he's getting amazing setpiece attacks. Rellana's Moon Drop? Ensis is literally the border between early and midgame. Bayle? Dude's the DLC's Placidusax. Looking at Romina, Scadutree Avatar, Gaius, Midra, and Metyr... I'd be hard pressed to say that any of them had over the top attacks. Another commenter mentioned that going from "bad boss design" to "bad learning experience" is just moving the goalpost... and I have to agree. If you want to perfect the bosses like the community has perfected Waterfowl, you need to give yourself time to learn the DLC's danc. (psst: it's deflecting hardtear).


Not true anyway, worst DLC is for Sekiro


Inner Isshin alone gaps all other DLCs, stop lying to yourself rollbro


dont give rage bait mfs an attention - master oogway probably


Lol at giving clear doomposters any attention, just look at their other videos ffs


Brother forgot about Ariandel


They should have dropped Ariandel and TRC as a single DLC honestly


Honestly yeah. What was the amount of time between base ds3 and ringed city dlc?


Almost exactly 1 year after the base game released


Oh ok, then they definitely couldā€™ve made it one entire dlc. Iā€™ve always considered it one entire dlc anyways since beating friede is only 1 of 2 ways to even enter dreg heap


Yeah the area is meh but Friede is fucking awesome


Man I LOVE Ashes, the atmosphere is so cozy and unsettling, the lore is great and a cool inversion on the normal DS cycle and the two different viking enemies are so badass. The final boss is fantastic too. It also has my favorite armor set in all FS games (the Millwood knight set). When I play DS3 I speedrun to Gael and then Havel's ring just so I can wear that armor


I still remember how disappointed I was after finishing it


Isn't this the guy that said Armored Core 6 was one of the worst games ever made


https://preview.redd.it/b1o1xh7hfdad1.jpeg?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7f3efabdc382b3481fe2fc7362438139f2bf50b Dude is so far up his own ass


The real cycle is he moves the goalposts from "the bosses aren't good" to "the game doesn't teach you"


The dlc is only good because of messmers futa cock šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤ Nothing about the dlc is interesting, it's just more slop like the rest of the FromSoft games


Messmer is a girl?


Yeah? Messmer has long hair, of course it's a girl


Fromsoftware? More like Fraud-software


"my int built can't use this incant that takes 72 faith, so this is dogshit"


Elden ring dlc: CURSE YOU BAYLE this guy: šŸ«¤


TBH while playing it I went from that to "this the coolest shit" and then back and forth about 200 times.


Average Fromsoft experience


Itā€™s the worst dlc because Iā€™m bad at it. Why canā€™t fromsoft just make auto clicker games?




This is ashes of ariandel erasure and it will not be tolerated.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying, loved that dlc


Return from whence thou cam'st


This guy's entire channel is rage bait


I remember this guy made a video defending ER bosses when everyone was shitting on them and said that we should approach the DLC with a new mindset, ironic


He literally helped me approache base game bosses this eay, and I took it to the DLC, and it worked totally fine. They're way harder and most took me 1.5-2 hours of attempts, but they're endgame scaled bosses and I fought them for the first time ever, like no jeez I died to them more than base game bosses where I can beat almost all of them now in less than 5 tries.


I'm not a fan of Elden Ring, I think Dark Souls games and Sekiro are much better than Elden Ring, DSIII is my favourite game ever but this fucking DLC is even better than The Ringed City and it's the best DLC ever probably.


Me with Bloodborne and the Old Hunters


Oh no, I can't enjoy SOTE again because someone on youtube said it is the worst and you actually don't enjoy it. Too bad I played it 70 hours and enjoyed it :(


Sekiro had the worst dlc


I agree, especially the part where


zelda fan try not to be insufferable and smelly challenge (100% fail)


Isn't this the guy who said Corrupted Monk was a bad fight since posture recovers too quickly because he didn't know that lowering the vitality also reduces posture recovery.


Indeed it is


It's definitely an overexaggeration to say that it's the worst fromsoft dlc or that it should not have existed, but some of the points he makes are pretty valid imo. He mostly talks about how empty the map is, and let's be honest it's pretty fuckin empty. It is even emptier than the base game, and it gets worse when you consider that you go into it with a finished build, so most of the stuff will be useless for you. This would be fine on its own, people who want to explore will always explore, and the people who want to make a new build get some cool stuff. But then the game requires you to find 50 Scooby doos scattered in the most obscure of locations, if you don't want to get one shot by everything. It's not even interesting, it's just a flat stat buff. So you basically play horse riding simulator in an empty map going around in zigzags hoping that the next blue item is the only useful thing in the game and not another cookbook. If you go into it blind this will take well over 10 to 15 hours. It's just stealing my time. The bosses and dungeons are pretty good tho. I don't know what he was cooking with that one. Overall it is nowhere near the worst, ariandel or ivory king takes that one, but it doesn't really compare to ringed city or old hunters.


Bro skipped Ashes of Ariandel??? >!(Before the Friede simps come for me the only other good thing to come from that DLC was the weapons and Milwood Set, otherwise it was by far the worst DLC)!<


My I can't decide if my favorite part is when he implied that new weapons aren't good rewards since he already has a weapon that he likes, or the part where he admitted he spent 4 hours fighting rellana without figuring out how to jump over the triple moon attack.


Bro wym you donā€™t want to use any of the items? The dlc is full of some of the coolest weapons and armors the series has ever seen


Not at all defending this dudes opinion, but why the actual fuck does fromsoftware keep making the coolest looking weapons ever just for them to scale in 3-4 different stats (the anvil hammer and the twin blades from a certain boss for example)


They're meant for like NG+ and beyond. I have a 60 str 60 int build and the rellana twinblades do more damage than milady for example. Scaling scales with base damage, and 4 C scaling will quickly outweighs 1 A or B at higher levels.


>They're meant for like NG+ and beyond. That's fucking stupid, what happened to just finding something and being able to use it in a relatively normal build


Well I am using it in my build at NG and it out dps's a lot of other options.


Ppl love to hate on shit.


I mean, some of his actual arguments aren't bad, especially on progression: 1. The items you find while exploring are almost universally worse than the base game. By the time you will get to the DLC, smithing stones and glovewort are easily all purchasable except for the final varieties, yet the DLC litters them like candy everywhere. They feel like items placed purely for the sake of *having items there*. In the base game, these actually had purposes since you found them before you could buy them. 2. In the base game, you can literally explore in any direction and you'll find *something* useful, even if just getting runes by killing enemies. RL is much less important in the DLC so the runes you get matter much less, and exploring in any direction won't necessarily get you scadu fragments, the only real progression system of the DLC. What I think would have worked better: * Make the scadu fragments only for boosting defenses in the land of shadow. * Add a parallel weapon / ash upgrade track (+0 to +10 shadow upgrades). Provide shadow equivalents of smithing stones / gloveworts and (eventually) shadow bell bearings to buy them. Functionally it would be exactly like the scadu levels in terms of multiplying the damage output while in the land of shadow, but now you can actually litter the map with things that *matter*. I would also agree that bosses being unrelenting and giving few safe opportunities to heal is a fair criticism, especially of the final boss. It really looks like From wanted to nerf certain kinds of builds (like ranged sustained DPS builds) and in the process they make everything hyperaggressive and hypermobile to the point there aren't as many good opportunities to recover from a mistake. That said, if you count from the start of the DLC until you reach the final boss fight, it's still easily a 9/10 DLC. The final boss definitely is hot garbage (the lack of integration into existing lore, the recycling of a demigod, the blinding laser light show, and the lack of any kind of satisfying conclusion to the story afterwards).


Interesting points on the progression system especially about separating the dmg negation and weapon dmg part, that could've worked well. Overall I do agree that the exploration in DLC doesn't feel nearly as rewarding as base game.


Feeble cursed one! Let's hope the magnificence of this DLC does not deter you! Heh heh!


Shawn cees critiques are as bad if not worse because his whole complaints are just him being too stubborn to make the game easier for himself but instead complains about it.


I mean even though I disagree with his claim you I agree with some of his evidence especially when it came to exploration and boss movesets


Bro did not play ringed city for sure. That shit is just spring past everything or get ganked simulator


Feeble king only has trash content anyway


This guy gets a bad rap for no reason As if most of us weren't complaining about cookbooks too ffs, and sometimes we want to stick to a build so getting a new weapon isn't a good reward I do wonder why he changed his mind about Elden Ring bosses but didn't bring that energy to the DLC though


Tbh Iā€™m both astonished there are people who consider this worse than ashes of ariandel and astonished there are people who think this is better than old hunters or ringed city


Haven't watched the video but that's perfectly valid complaint about any game. The game may throw at you hundreds of usable items, but if it doesn't give you reason/need/fun for using them, then yeah, they are as well useless. I just don't need 10th version of throwable pot so if I find it, then it's useless to me.Ā 


the dlc disappointed me a little (not bc hard or w/e, i just think you can tell some things were rushed) but it's no asses of ariandel


Idk man I kinda agree with him. The exploration is worse than the base game, the bosses are more uninspired (so many NPC bosses). There's a few really good bosses, but most are pretty simple movesets made difficult by high damage output, base game elden ring bosses had much more dynamic movesets or interesting gimmicks. Almost every boss in shadow of the erdtree is "guy with a predictable sword combo once learned but has high damage" There are so many places in SOTE where it's just a giant empty void of land you ride for like 2 minutes to get a cookbook or a level 2 smithing stone. If every boss killed dropped 1-3 scadutree fragments instead of them just being in random places in the world, it *would* be a better system. I say this as a former elden ring hater turned lover much like feeble king. The DLC isn't bad, but it is definitely not essential and it is a worse experience than the base game. It has nothing at all to do with the difficulty of the boss fights.


I kind of feel gaslit with the bosses. Wasn't everybody crying that the movesets of the guys with swords are too complex and unpredictable? They also, at an appropriate Scadu level, don't deal nearly as much damage as a Maliketh, Malenia or Radagon. I was actually happy that they fully leaned into getting the most out of the combat and rpg systems for once and held off on questionable gimmicks and shitty gank fights. Rennala, Fire Giant, Astel, Ancestor Spirit, Placidusax, Fortissax, Elden Beast all look cool, but are either miserable to fight or way too easy, especially with lower range builds. Not even talking about highlights like Godskin Duo, Valiant Gargoyles, Putrid Crystalian Trio, Watchdog Duo, Erdtree Avatar #48 that clones himself... If the base game was as condensed as the DLC aka cutting out all the repeat and fillers, it would actually be better for it. Except maybe the long empty passages, Charo's hidden grave and the finger areas didn't have to be that big


Yea these dlc bosses feel like actual FIGHTS, I canā€™t understand a the complaints, except the dlc final boss


Iā€™ll get downvoted for this but the video is quite good and brings up some very valid criticisms of the dlc. I enjoyed my time a lot with sote but there are issues that could be addressed or hammered out. I recommend watching the video despite its annoying clickbait tile and thumbnail


Isnā€™tā€¦not wanting to use the items that were added in a good criticism? I havenā€™t seen this video, but I feel like being frustrated at another god damn hefty pot recipe is pretty reasonable


Really not that bad of a video, I liked most of the bosses and disagree with that section but youā€™re all just having the basic npc rage reaction to fromsoft criticism that always surfaces during criticism of this game.