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Fun fact: Alec Guinness in A New Hope was only \*quick maths\* 12 years older than Ewan McGregor was in the Obi-Wan TV show.


The only difference is a few wrinkles and different color hair so I can see this being real. He did live on a terrible planet as well.


Yeah, people forget how much you can age in a quick span of time if you’re living in rough conditions


Nine years is a lot. You can easily go from colored hair to white hair within that span during average conditions. Evan already has some loss of pigment in his hair, him losing it all in nine years could happen realistically.


Also I imagine those are stressful years


>Nine years is a lot. You can easily go from colored hair to white hair within that span during average conditions. Not true. I went like 23 years in average conditions and my hair didn't lose any color, so 9 is ridiculous


Bruh, people are different.


I think you missed the joke...


And all that stress of living with Anakin shaved off decades from his live


You can explain the difference by harsh living on tatooine.


ngl the more i see the photos of ewan from the obi wan show the more i realise they actually do look rather similar. casting ewan 25 years ago and he ends up growing to look like this was a fantastic stroke of luck, if episode 4 came out 20-30 years from now id buy Alec is just old Ewan


 I totally agree, and I also don’t wanna sell you death sticks.


I agree, except for the eye shape, nose shape, and ears


Not a stroke of luck. They specifically talk about all the similar features Evan and Alec share when casting for TPM. They cover it in the behind the scenes footage.


This is a subtle nod to this being a post in the shittymoviedetails subreddit


He just had to be his family's IT support during those 9 years


This is a subtle nod that George Lucas has absolutely no idea how time works in Star Wars. You're telling me one of the largest religions/cults/shaolin magic monk kung fu fighting lasersword wielding weirdos were wiped out of the Galaxy and in 17 years give or take people just forgot about it like it happened a thousand years ago?


Imperial propaganda probably helped with that


Probably helped, but the Empire didn't completely start right away as soon as Palpatine got into power, there was years of fighting against rebels and remnants.


They did though. The early rebel activity was extremely minor. Don’t underestimate the power of the imperial propaganda machine. And we know that during the prequels there were about 10.000 Jedi spread over millions of planets. 99% of people in the galaxy have probably never even seen a Jedi, only heard of them through tall tales.


Were they one of the largest religions? Even with thousands of Jedi, the galaxy is a big place. I’d imagine most people went their entire lives without ever encountering one.


They were basically one of the biggest religions, but yeah iirc the Jedi were basically like Green Lanterns, they had a good police control on very large sectors of the Galaxy, even if they were like 2 tops going from planet to nearby planet. So even if someone didn't encounter a single Jedi in their life, they would've heard about them at least a couple of times.


People think the moon landings were fake and that is right there in our sky. I'm not surprised that 30 years of propaganda would be able to make people in the middle of nowhere -- who believe the Jedi were real-- doubt that the force is real


this is like saying "why dont you know Kim il-sung he only died in 1994" youre some random foreigner from X western country whos only exposure to NK is kim jung un youve never met any of them. the galaxy is a big place


Not the same, Jedi were by and large a military force/religion force in the Galaxy, it would be like the Green Lantern corps, they spread across the Galaxy protecting the Republic's assets and planets. It wouldn't make sense for people, both good, bad, legal and illegal traders and more to just forget about the Jedi suddenly. NK is a small country infamous as hell for being 1984 in real life, everybody and their mum knows about it, they don't have to know who Kim Jung Un was, just like less than 80% if the galaxy wouldn't know who Yoda is, but they know about NK and the Galaxy knows about the Jedi.


But people didn't forget about the Jedi, they just don't necessarily believe all the stories about them. I think an apt comparison today could be the KGB, for instance.


Most really would just think the tales of the force were just hyperbole and Jedi were just extremely skilled fighters


>Not the same, Jedi were by and large a military force there was literally only like a thousand of them during the prequel era. "we're peacekeepers, not soldiers" is literally a line in one of the prequels. so no.. for starters.


Man, you have missed all the discourse and pretty much the reason every single Jedi that left the order, left the order in the time period. They strayed too far from “neutral religion” and became the attack dogs of the Senate. And there were more than a thousand lol try 10x that


ten thousand is still nothing when we're talking about thousands of planets spread across an entire galaxy. Coruscant alone has a trillion people.


There live around 4 million people in the country of Mauritania, a country a lot of westerners probably don’t know exists. Thats 400x as many people as the 10000 Jedi estimate you gave, and people from the same planet don’t know they exist, now try an entire galaxy with hundreds of planets


Movies are not a logic contest between you and the writer


Who says people forgot about it? The only thing even indicating that at all is Han not believing The Force exists and that what the Jedi do are "simple tricks and nonsense" and that one imperial schmuck calling it "sorcerer ways".  Other than that. General Dodanna says "may the force be with you", Jabba is clearly very familiar with the Jedi, and Tarkin likewise seems familiar with their part of history.


Tarkin and Jaba both experienced Jedi multiple times throughout their lives before the Purge


Yes, but that was all written later. What I was saying was in response to the misconception that "everyone forgot about the Jedi" by the time of the OT, while there's really no evidence of it.


I've never really understood this take. There are 10,000 Jedi at the end of the Clone Wars. There are 100 quadrillion sentient beings in the Republic. On Coruscant alone, there are 1 trillion people. 99.999% of people have never seen a Jedi, and will never see a Jedi. Most of them haven't even seen a Clone Trooper. Plus, the feats that are attributed to Jedi are seemingly impossible. Most people don't know about the force, so why would they believe the stories?


People forgo about covid and it happened a couple of years ago.


People didn't what are you talking about?


Yeah, I ain't had to bake for a girl, in a long time


a long time.


Holy fucking shit, how did they slip that one by me? I mean Alec Guinness has been dead for a while but I just thought it was a Tupac hologram situation. Is that the guy from Oppenheimer? Yeah it is. I see it now. He’s good. The show sucked but he really proved his range with this one.


nah, that just what being hunted by the empire done to mf


This is not a nod to Star Trek.


He goes grey and gets a haircut but I think you might be on to something as well


This is a subtle nod to him moving to a fucking desert planet with two suns. The UV is what got him. George Lucas is a genius!!1!1!!


They are different actors now?


The explanation appears at the end of the show. Qui Gon is back. Obi Wan spends nine years being nagged by Qui Gon, who constantly complains about his death by being poked by a light saber while Maul’s upper torso is living it up.


How did they not at least grey him up some?


9 years of regret guilt and reflection in an inhospitable planet, no AC no Internet just Jedi thoughts with QGJ


I like to think years aren’t a Gregorian calendar year since we don’t know how long it takes each planet to go around their sun. Years is relative I guess idk I’m just depressed


IIRC the old Kenobi novel lampshaded this.  Those two Tattoine suns are a bitch on the skin.


Shit, next you’ll tell me that is just movies, not history, and none of it really happened and the movies were not a documentary. Shuddup


When 9 years older you reach, look as good you will not


they could've avoided all the complaints if they just threw a couple grey streaks in ewan's hair, make it a little more believable that he went fully white between kenobi and a new hope


The biggest sin in everything Disney has done to make all their garbage exist in a 2 week window before and or after the OT.


Look at US presidents before and after pics. 9 years on Tattooine can age you something fierce.