• By -


The number of dimensions I can perceive Either I'll be able to see in 4D and become a time God, or I'll go mad. Either is fine really.


Ooh, I didn't think of that one! Good thinking. Risky but insane potential.


Both ways are insane potential


Technically you'd be seeing in 3d, since our vision is two-dimensional (depth-perception is NOT the same as 3d vision)


So they should be able to get the ability to see in true 3D. That seems incredibly powerful.


True, it's very difficult to visualize what that would be like you could see essentially anything you're looking at, regardless of if it's through walls or anything like that.


There truly is a lot of potential with this, even if it would likely hurt your head. When I've visualized this in the past, I've always pictured looking at a cross sectional view of a human. It isn't entirely accurate, but it should give one a good idea of how it works to an extent. You can see everything inside and outside simultaneously.


That's 2D, no? A 3D human in a 2D world would look like an MRI or cross section. Viewing a human in true 3D would be like a third-dimensional being looking at a two-dimensional world. Like how we look at, say, Mario. He can go forward and backwards, but we can go in and out. A locked room to Mario is a square, but we can see inside that square without issue. So perceiving the fourth dimension would let you see all of a person at once. Inside and outside, all at once, all bits and bobs perfectly visible at once. We'd look like a giant splatter, but spread three dimensionally.


I said my example wasn't the most accurate, but it gives you an idea. Your example is better, but it's not really different from what I stated in the end, that is "You can see everything inside and outside simultaneously." I wonder if 4D entities would have false 4D sight...


All things that live in any given n dimension can see in n-1D


Yes. That is now it does appear.


Possibly also terrifying. Who knows?


They did say “*perceive*” not “see” though. We can perceive a third dimension, even if not through our vision.


right so if they could see 3 dimensions they could perceive four it'd be a fourth spacial dimension tho not a temporal dimension


Ok, but would my depth perception give me a glimpse of 4d, like ours does with 3d?


Where we're going, we wont need eyes to see...


Whose to say it’s not one and the same


No, perceive and manipulate aren’t the same thing. You’d probably just go mad.


We already live in a 4 dimension universe but I understand what you mean


So basically The Doctor


Gues who's packing 4 inches now?


The most obvious number to increase and I still didn't see it coming.


why would you WANT to see it coming ewww


You are *not* allowed to express any disgust with that username, sir or madam.


shit I have been exposed speaking of exposed...


Didn’t see that coming, eh?


I have been advised to remain silent.


because men hot, next question


But you're only supposed to add +1 to the measure


I rounded up... by .7.... and a half


They’re talking about the witdth


Guess who’s packing a kilometre long dick


*this guy sees a hot woman/man/them* *instantly dies of a stroke as their brain becomes hypoxic*


I mean your dick is exactly 1 "my dick" long. So you could increase that by 1 and now your dick is double the length. Unless you already did that then my condolences king


Wouldn't work because it's not an SI unit


Inches are not an SI unit. I believe that you could use decimeters here, and turn your 3 in = 0.762 dm – which rounds to 1 dm and not 0, so it's ok per OP's rules – into 1.762 dm. Congratulations, you are now packing just shy of 7 inches (6.937 in).


The post says that it needs to be at least 1


Ah yes, I see. I interpreted "cannot round down to zero" as meaning that the number has to be greater than 0.5 – so that it would round *up* to 1 rather than *down* to 0 – but on a careful reread it does seem that OP meant "round down to zero" to mean any number starting with 0 and a decimal point, which *when rounding down* would then become 0. Ah well. I guess you could still use centimeters, but you won't gain much.


I have one use of the power. I increase my uses by one. I now have one use of the power.


That’s…. something… like your user name 🧐


You have to use the power don't you?


Increase the charge change value of the power from -1 to 0. So instead of -1 charges per use, it's 0 charges per use. Then go ahead and make that a +1 for prosperity. Then go for whatever else


I wouldn't code it that way. It'd be a positive value that you subtract from current your current total.


Well played


I increase OP’s chromosomes by 1




Now it's normal


I'll say, you gave me a good chuckle with that one. Certifiably a little giggle.


Congrats you have Down syndrome


Well they didn't specify to which chromosome pair so its like a little surprise




Using the [weak tree function](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kruskal%27s_tree_theorem#Weak_tree_function): The current balance in my checking account is equal to tree(2)… I’m gonna bump that up by 1, to tree(3) (For those who didn’t click the link, I am going to bump my bank account balance from $5 to $844trillion


That is actually creative as fuck I'm gonna "um akschually" it since the rules state "amount incremented must be the direct quantity and not a formula" but you still get kudos from me for even knowing what the fuck that is


You mean you don’t count your money using the weak tree function? You must have more than $5 Lucky dog


Coward. Create a bank account, add 3 dollars (TREE(2)), change it to TREE(3) and break the universe.


I went with weak tree so as to have usable money… $844 trillion would cause some serious inflation, but not utterly destroy the economy unless I got stupid with spending… TREE(3) would, as you say, break the universe… that doesn’t sound like as much fun


Fair. But it would be funny.


For any practical real-world purposes, TREE(3) would be indistinguishable from infinity. tree(3) would essentially be infinite money, since you wouldn’t possibly be able to spend it all… but it is at least a somewhat fathomable number… TREE(3) is brain breaking to even think about.


So I clicked the link to try and understand how the hell you went from 5 to 844 trillion, but holy shit theres a lot of high-level math terms that I've never even heard before. Gonna go see if theres any youtube videos that can explain this in laymans terms


i love that i understood this without clicking the link lol, big numbers go brrrrrrrrrrr


Tree 3 is actually so large that the very existence of information containing it in its entirety would create a black hole.


That is true for TREE(3), which is why I used tree(3) (the Weak Tree Function), see the link I provided


The number of electrons in Hydrogen is increased from 1 to 2.


Breaking the universe seems to be a very easy task for this power


Yeah, but it would be more fun to collapse a Galactic Federation by changing a 1 to a 0. ;) But the rules say they go up by 1, not down. :(


You can still change a -1 to a 0, so... who knows?


And that’s how you get level nine access without a password!


i finally watched the show and now the references are just appearing


lol it’s an amazing show. I’m rewatching it now actually


what show?


Rick and Morty!


Some of the funniest shit to ever exist


This reads like a patch note.


-Fixed a glitch in the Chemistry life path by increasing hydrogen’s electron stat by 1. This should fix any future issues with the item.


If we want to go apocalyptical, I have some ideas: Increase the number of quarks in a proton by 1 Increase pi by 1 (not really sure how this would work) Change the density of intergalactic space (from approx. 5 hydrogens per m^3 to 6)


A good use for this would be to increase the tens digit in your max running speed by one. For most people (including me) that number is currently a 1, but it would become a two, meaning that I would able to run at 25 miles per hour instead of 15.


Increasing a digit of a number... That's creative. I like it. I wanted to say it clashes with the rules, since the rules say "if it's not quantifiable, it's gotta be in SI units". Then I looked at the definition of "quantifiable", realized it's not the same thing as "countable" and slapped myself in the face. So I guess I'm gonna have to allow it. Happy running!


Meters per second is an SI unit. There's no loophole needed here.


Yeah but then it's limited to 1m/s


Time to increase my IQ to 200


Does that mean I can increase the value of my bank account from y^x to y^(x+1)?


At this point, rase the hundreds digit from 0 to 1 100km is basically a car. I hope you have enough calories lol


But that's the issue, I can't increase a number that can be rounded to 0. (If I could, I would just increase the chances of my gaining omnipotence per second)


Increase the first digit of your IQ by 1 so 120 would go to 220 for example.


I’m too lazy to break this power. But I’m positive it could be broken by using it with physics


I'd honestly just add 1m/s to the speed of light to make it exactly 300,000,000m/s, it's pissing me off But yeah messing with one of those constants will probably evaporate the universe instantly since they're all interconnected in ways we can't fathom so I'd refrain from that.


Make light go at 2 light seconds per seconds, making 2 light seconds be one light seconds, meaning it’s stuck in an infinite loop and light now is infinitely fast


That would be crazy! Unfortunately, light years and therefore light seconds are non-SI units. So you're stuck at kilograms per second.


Now light can go the speed of 1 kilogram


Finally, I can see without the horrible 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 second delay!


Increase the speed of light from 1c to 2c.


the speed of light = 299 792 458 m / s Sorry, I don't think will work ):


Unfortunately the speed of light is actually 299,792,458 m/s so it still wouldn't be 300,000,000 m/s


Ooh! I would increase the amount of refreshment I get from an hour of sleep. Currently I get 1 hour of sleep's worth of energy for one hour of sleep, but now it would be two hours!


"Amount of refreshment" isn't an SI unit, sorry. Plus... that's not really a number? Like, how do you even quantify it? "One hour of sleep grants me one refreshment"? What if you're wrong, and it actually grants you seven refreshment? There's no *reference point* here. You can increase the duration of your sleep by one hour. That's a number. There's no number such as "amount of refreshment you get from sleep per hour" because it's arbitrarily defined by you and does not have a reference point.


I can define it. K\*kg\*A/s I call it a shitturd, abbreviated S\_t. it is a measure of energy contained in mass over time. One mega-shitturd (MS\_t) is roughly equal to the amount of mental energy an adult gains through one ultradian sleep cycle. Similar to how kg's are used as 'standard' rather than grams, mega-shitturds are standard. I choose to gain one additional mega-shitturd per hour of sleep.


Thing with sleep is, it doesn't "give you energy" in the physical sense - that happens when you eat/metabolize. Sleep is something more like... a supercomplex series of operations in your brain that move your memories from short term to long term storage and does like a bajillion of other things. So even if recovering shitturds is one of the things that happen during sleep (through metabolism and shit), then I can't guarantee adding more to your body would achieve the desired effect. It might make you very energized but also turn you into a dopamine zombie who always gets enough sleep to have energy, but never enough to get your thoughts in order. But hell, what do I know. With that name it's gotta work.


Maybe I am just too tired from work, but this is a lot harder to break with all the edits. However the number of dimensions perceived is great and all, but you should go for the number of deminsions you can modify freely and without restraint, currently I can only modify the 2d dimensions, ie draw paint etc, but now you are basically in creative, so you can now edit this world as you please.


You can also "freely modify" the third dimension already, the same way you can the first two! "Drawing" is just 2D "sculpting". Drawing spreads a small layer of physical dust on a 2D plane, while sculpting adds layers of physical clay into a 3D space. Even though it's made a bit harder by gravity, it's *the same thing in principle.* So your use of the power lets you modify the fourth dimension without perceiving it, I guess!


I said without restrictions as well, I can’t mold stone like clay like I would draw or paint, I can’t just spawn things into existence like I can 2d with a stamp or a printer. In a 2d space especially with the help of a computer I effectively have creative mode, I can’t do that with a 3D space no matter how hard try or how good I am.


>You can't mold stone like clay like you would draw or paint You can't bend a metal sheet either, and that is pretty fucking two dimensional. You're picking the most moldable material (crayons/pencils) as your reference for manipulation of 2D space, and saying "well if I can mold that, I can mold anything 2D, right?" No. Try drawing with a shovel on concrete. You aren't omnipotent for *shit,* even in 2D. What I *could* agree with is your point of "spawning things". You apply a crayon from a third dimension and leave a trail that a two-dimensional observer would see as appearing out of nowhere. By that logic, if you had access to the fourth dimension, you could use it to carry objects through - like lifting a crayon - and make them seem like they're appearing or disappearing to a 3D observer. Would still be pretty hard to a 4D uncomprehender.


Sheet metal isn’t 2d tho is a three deminsional object because atoms are three dimensional, 2d refers to things that don’t have a 3rd dimension which means almost exclusively paintings, digital art, drawings and the like given that they aren’t 3D. But as for sheet metal, if it’s thin enough for you to call it 2d it’s easy as hell to bend(I grew up a farmer and worked in construction, dealt with a lot of sheet metal and it’s fairly easy to manipulate if you have the proper tools) paper would be a closer 2d object. Even if you go by that logic, if i did what i said, modify without restriction, then I would be able to create things in 4th and bring them into existence here, by your logic you are giving me greater control even if I can’t see the 4th, I exist in the 3rd which can be freely edited by the 4th as i would the 2nd, so I could simply change my ability to perceive much the same way granting an Ai access to a microphone and camera would give it access to the 3rd even if it only existences on the 2nd as lines of code.


Your logic seems sound. But please use paragraphs. This was a nightmare to read.


Edited, sorry for that.


increase the rate of gravity on earth by 1 m/s


Good luck increasing an acceleration value by a velocity value, I guess! Plus I don't really see why you'd wanna accelerate Earth's gravitational acceleration aside from "inconvenience everybody".


Is that not a good enough reason?


If your end goal is "I wanna make everyone miserable" then I guess it is. Why do that when you can give yourself an extra dick or something?


This is shittysuperpowers. If I can't do anything super broken and useful, the next best thing is to do mild evil.


Angular momentum of orbiting bodies would no longer be enough to maintain orbit. Between the increased weight of rockets and fuel we might not be able to achieve orbit at all anymore (I'm not sure of this one.) Many load bearing objects already operate near Max capacity and this works out them over, causing many to collapse. More than an inconvenience.


I feel like this would fuck up a lot of stuff, all satellites in orbit would crash for example


oops idk how physics works, also yes I would really love to fuck everyone up


Here are a few that make beautiful use of this power: Increase the number of major political parties in the USA. So, we get a third major one to vote for. The number of stable, noncolliding, and inhabitable planets in our universe. We get either aliens and/or a new habitable planet full of non-renewable resources that we can reach. The number of continents/seas on Earth. just as shittier version of the previous one.


The parties one would actually fucking rock What's more, you can sway it to any side by saying "major right-wing / left-wing parties".


You have to make it in our solar system to be able to reach it. If you say universe it could spawn in 100 light years away and we wouldn’t even notice.


You'll never have more than two *effective* parties while US elections retain the brain-dead first-past-the-post electoral college system. So that extra political party will just end up cannibalizing the votes of the party it is ideologically closest to.


Increase the value of PI by one.


third universe-breaking use so far. good, keep 'em coming.


That's not just universe breaking, that's *geometry* breaking, it's *proper* fucked


how does this even work. does our universe just get stretched wildly


One could argue that doing this makes triangles not just impossible, but inconceivable


rest in pizza


Damn it, that's what i was gonna do.


I had a decade to dogs lifespan. I'd go for century, but then too many dogs would be left alone when their owners die. It'd be at least 10 more years with your pet.


I'd bitch and moan about "noo, you can't add 10, you can only add 1, 10 years isn't an SI unit!!!!" But fuck it. They deserve it. I approve.


I know the base unit for time is 1s. But I made the number of of decades go up by one...


You allowed for tons, so a dekayear seems like a reasonable unit.


why just dogs? all pets


gonna double the lifespan of fish, lizards, rodents, etc


The annual yield of my money market fund expressed as a decimal is .05. I’d like to increase that by one and receive 105% return each year. Thank you! Edit: oh shoot! That breaks the “round down to zero” rule. Doesn’t it?


Yep! And the "no complex formulas" rule. Still, lots of smart math there! I just knew I'd get a lot of "it's not 0 it's 0.0001" and that, in abundance, would make the comment section stale.


I hardly think that qualifies as a complex equation. Yield expressed as a percentage or decimal are equally simple.


I don't think it would round down to zero because of significant figures.


I’d find someone with 1 billion dollars and tell him I could double it for half the winnings. After having an ironclad agreement, I’d change the 1 to 2 and get 500 million dollars from him.


the art of business


The number of paychecks I receive.


Oh that's good. You better hold on to your current job because not even I can tell if it'll persist after you get fired. ...You'll lose one paycheck, so the other should stay...? So theoretically you could just quit your job and have a paycheck forever? Yep. I like it.




what are yall talking abt? im failing maths


my dude I have 4 days until my math final I have covered half the material and I have been gatekeeping a shitty superpower for the past (not exaggerating) half an hour and the comments just *keep on coming-* get me the fuck out of here.


No, you have 5 days until your math final. (There goes my use of the power)


Heh, he now has two math finals, there goes my use of the power


You now have 2 total maths finals to do, both of which are occurring in 4 days :)


Calm down Satan!


I would probably take out a loan to buy the largest gold ingot I can possibly afford and then increase the number of ingots of that size I own too two. A person who was into polyamory could increase the number of significant others they live with by 1. Another option would be changing largest digit on your pay rate(probably a better choice than the gold bar thing unless you are retired)


Buy one, get one free. Decent. We could go bigger, but it's good.


I would increase the number of dimensions u/potatopierogie can see in, so that he can see in 4D.


Finally, a well-thought out, somewhat shitty, but also kinda useful superpower. Probably one of the best posts I've seen in this subreddit.


Length of my penis in miles😎😎


Rounds down to zero, can’t do that


That's not a si unit, can't do that. In cm that still rounds down to 0, so can't do that. You could increase it by one mm, so you can actually see it if you squint.


I see you chose to increase the number of murders in the comment section by +1


I now have opened my 6th sense


I feel like there's something to be said about odds here. Like, if my odds of winning roulette are 1 in 37, and that's represented by the fraction 1/37, I increase that fraction by 1 (the whole number), then I've created an odds of 38/37, essentially meaning I have a 100.027% (more than certain) chance of winning roulette. Edit; just realised 1/37 is less than zero. Crap.


It's more than zero! But rounds down to it.


Double crap.


Double zeros! (That means you lose)


(me at a roulette table) Triple crap!!!!


The number of superpowers I have


Clone myself perfectly by adding one to the number of people that have my name and memories.


Fine then. I'll gameify this differently for pure financial profit. I use the power to load up on OTM forex options on the Chinese Yuan at 7.40, which go for pennies on the dollar. The I'll increase the exchange rate from 7.25 to 8.25 and immediately exercise the contracts netting a 50-100x profit. This could also work with stock options or any other highly leveraged financial instrument. For non-selfish political manipulation purposes, I'll wait till november and change the number of presidential elections won by Joe Biden from 1 to 2


Do better, increase the number of political parties with a significant chance of gaining power in a plurality voting system from 2 to 3, significantly improving democracy everywhere forever by ensuring *some* competition (3 isn't great but it's better than 2)


the weight of an electron in pounds


you'd have to go for grams or kilograms since pounds are an imperial (ew) unit and not an S.I/metric unit. same effect though!


Change the direction of the Apophis asteroid by 1 degree when its getting close so its on a direct impact course. My hope isnt that people die, my hope is that the world comes together to do something about it. A reason to put aside differences and work together to stop something that will impact everyone.


"We did something about it! However it was an asteroid so what we did wasn't enough."


Well, if 8 billion people cant come together to move a 1100 foot rock outta the way with all our technology... well then we deserve it. Maybe itll be a hard learned lesson, seems to be the only way humanity learns as a whole. The starship upper stage weighs 100 tons, and the whole rocket can get a 150 tons payload with it into space, so 250 tons. Stick 4 of those ships together in orbit, I guess you would have to send up some more fuel for them too, and then launch all 4 ships together for a 1000 ton impactor travelling at 3.7km/s, or 13,320kph towards Apophis. Apophis itself is travelling towards Earth at about 72,000kph. The combined speed would result in an impact energy equal to about 4 Hiroshimas, or 50 to 60 kilotons. That would probably shatter the asteroid entirely, might be too much honestly. But just an example of what is possible with current technology.


If you don't know the number, do you know once you try something that ends up as zero and get to try again, or do you lose it?


You get to try again. I didn't think to specify that so we assume the most beneficial scenario.


Okay, then I would try to add 1 to the number of times I win a lotto jackpot that week, if it fails then I know not to buy a lotto ticket and if it works then I know to buy two different drawings.


Huh. Outside-the-box thinking!


Dollars earned per [unit of time in which I'd earn a dollar]. Double salary.


Change the number of twin towers to 3 so there will be one building standing


But currently the number of twin towers is 0, which rounds down to 0


Damn it! Then I change the number of holocausts that happened by 1.


Bro liked the holocaust so much he did it again.


Increasing my strength, zero is struggling to hold a pencil, 2 is hulk level shit. I’ll be ever so slightly more than half of hulks strength


The number of planets in our solar system currently capable of supporting human life without special protection is increased by one.


Bonus: you could then be the person to “discover” said amazing planet


Change my gamemode from gamemode 0 to gamemode 1


Bro finally someone broke this power😂


Increase the amount of times I will win the jackpot of the next lottery I play by one. Increase the amount of chromosomes of my enemy by one. Increase the amount of "the seven unsolved math problems" I know how to solve by one Increase the amount of muscles I have by one (suprise random new muscle! unsure of what it would do.) Increase the amount of times George has finished and released the entire a song of ice and fire series by one. Increase the amount of days I can hold my breath by one Increase the amount of earth's that are in a permanent state of peace by one Increase the amount of times I've seen LeBron James in person by one (two isn't a lot but it's something)


I feel like you misunderstood some of the assignment but the spirit is there


You're just upset that you didn't get to see LeBron James twice


> Increase the amount of days I can... This is very useful


Could be applied to any unit of measurement as well. Increase the amount of millenia I will be alive by one


1, 3, 5, 6, and 7 all round to 0. Not sure if OP had that stipulation when you posted, but they do now.


Almost all of these break the rule that says you can’t increase things that are zero or round down to zero. Never won the lottery? Can’t increase the amount of times you won. Can’t hold you breath for one day? Can’t hold it for two either.


amount of electrons required to form molecular bonds :)


the percent chance of me specifically winning the lottery


Your current percent chance of winning the lottery rounds down to 0 (unless it's a really low-stakes lottery and your chance is =>1%), so that use of the power won't work.


shit! u right


I increase the percentile average of my IQ by 1 The percentile increases from 99.6 to 100.6, which, depending on the interpretation of that mathematically, would mean that I now have a higher IQ than everyone else on the planet. (Or at least, everyone that took the test.)


World median IQ expressed as intellectual age over chronological age normed by current world population as a fixed number.


The mass of the proton goes up Idk by what measure, but by one




Sure, why not Every proton gains a gram of mass Nice knowing you, universe


Increase the amount of Big Bangs there were by one. I really wanna see what would happen.


increase the number of burritos in my fridge from 1 to 2. I’m hungry.


So i get to vote Vermin Supreme for president twice? Fuck yeah!