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100% that's Cinderellas castle at Disney world.


Oof, fml.


Cinderella castle was inspired by the Neuschwanstein castle in Bavaria, Germany. A German monarch had it built in 1869 as an idealized version of a medieval castle. So while this isn’t exactly medieval itself, the Bavarian King Ludwig II kind of asked for a badass medieval castle and got this. You two share that I guess


I’ve been fascinated by this fact since visiting as a college student. “It’s a *real castle*!!?”


I’ve been there as well, isn’t it gorgeous?! I visited when I was extremely sick and ended up throwing up in the lovely entrance hall and fainting in one of the rooms. 😭 But when we arrived, it just started snowing and everything was very quickly covered with a light blanket of snow. So beautiful.


What a memorable is experience, all around!


I don't know. I'm pretty sure I would tell everyone I met that I had once fainted in a medieval castle...


I don't think you can faint in a medieval castle...you have to swoon, instead.


I think I swooned, all right — swooned with the force of a sack of bricks 😂




https://preview.redd.it/ha60395qrp0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46b33be9921dc8008fc6fb6765512510f356ab6d It is a gorgeous castle. Visited in 2019 and the architecture is amazing.


Did you visit the summer palace too? https://preview.redd.it/rrdbpt4mvv0d1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a29d9569bc3a6da0259ee6a386047152935248fe


Ooh no I don’t think I did! I’ll have to go back :)


It is pretty cool


Just makes me think of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang


Now I have the theme/title song in my head, thanks for that 😭


Fainting in one of the rooms is on-brand for a whimisical castle tbh


I puked getting off the Batman ride at Six Flags St Louis! 🤮


One of the rooms is an artificial grotto with a stream flowing through it! “Mad” King Ludwig was a fantastic architect—too bad he was supposed to be a king. Edited to add: he’s was declared insane because he had wanted to build a flying car to carry him over his beloved alps. Modern engineers have said that his plans were aerodynamically solid and would have worked!


He was ahead of his time, bring this man back and let him build his car


Oh that's not the only reason he was said to be mad, he was a little .. megalomaniacal


On the tour of Castle Neuschwanstein the guide said the main contributing factor was his desire to spend the treasury building castles. The ministers that ran the country wanted to spend the treasury on themselves. The people didn’t care because they didn’t get any of the benefits either way but the country folk loved the king because he would hike around the mountains and stop and visit with them like friends. Historically I only know what the tour guide said but if he was a mega maniac—well she did say he built a lot of castles and started running out of his own money on Neuschwanstein and wanted to build still more castles so yeah. I can see that. “He may have be given the benefit of the doubt by the tour guide. She also implied that his death by drowning while trying to escape was suspicious because it was a small stream and he was an excellent swimmer.


A la “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”


Its a real Building, but not a real castle. Its a historistic new creation. Real castles are from the middle ages (Burg) or at least from 17th century latest (Schloss)


Well you could argue it’s not


https://preview.redd.it/2gigudhb3o0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb8009c5960e483f5db5d04d4677f39962f80665 Was there in December!!!


Hahaha I love this fun obscure (to me at least) fact and the comforting words


There’s also a really similar looking castle in Segovia, Spain called the Alcázar de Segovia. It’s gorgeous too!


This is hilarious and quite a neat piece of history. Bravo.


You should see the other two he built, Schloss Linderhoff and Herrenchiemsee


Right? Herrenchiemsee is a smaller unfinished duplicate of Versailles! That guy was nuts!  I love Linderhof though.


From what I remember he was found drowned in the lake outside Herrenchiemsee


Touring that castle is a core memory


I grew up in Scotland and some of my best childhood memories are of castles and other historic architecture. Everything from ruins of medieval fortresses to fully functional palaces and churches


Grew up in Germany, so same! They were really magnificent but after a while I was like ‘another castle trip? Sigh’ as a kid.


This castle inspired all of the Disney castles, actually.


This would make me keep it.


I'm confused. Don't they show you what they're going to do in advance?


I've never got a tat without approving it first


I had mine and approved it but the guy did it differently and switched it up in the middle it’s my husbands name in his writing since he past away and I did not approve this hideous heart!


That sucks if it's some where you can't watch


https://preview.redd.it/jch7y4x4yn0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1669a281f662afe7d539fee3e2bd8968994e00b The same and heart ??? I had the wave and initials to fix it up a little , but that hideous infinity heart? He even put a tracing of a big heart the never ending kind, with blue, just ignored it all , and this man has won awards! eh? 😳😳😳


Ooof, I’d argue the wave and sun/moon are the worst part 🙈


Would the Little Mermaid penis castle be better or worse?


Damn they even added sparkles and everything.


I mean, in fairness, Cinderella's castle is just a copy of Neuschwanstein in Bavaria. Definitely not an actual medieval castle though, but a 19th-century fantasy version of what a medieval castle would look like.


Did you not approve the design before they started?


Yes, and he added to it after. He added the moon, added a flag, and I don’t remember saying yes to stars. I was ok with the moon idea after I saw him drawing some random piece outside the castle I asked for..so I guess he kept going.


I can't imagine an artist doing that, like what the fuck is wrong with them? That stuff is gonna be on your skin forever and they decide to just randomly add things without you being explicitly okay with it? My artist added some random dots to fill the empty space in the design after doing the stencil. But he did it with a sharpie and asked if I like it or not. It's just dots and the tattoo is not altered by them, but if he tattooed them on without my permission, I would be pissed!


I had an artist do a very similar thing. I got a quarter sleeve with mountains, pine trees and a colorful fading sky. Guy wouldnt do the color how i asked, because "green doesnt mix very well", so he proceeded to attempt to fade orange into teal. Yeah i would've preferred what i asked for, if i was gonna get bad mixing either way. Then he used white to fade all the colors into my skin i guess?? Im not sure why he added white. I didnt ask for white. He also added white stars on top of the color, which faded so badly they look missing spots of ink.


What the actual fuck‽ What does "green doesn't mix well even mean"‽ *Sigh* I'm so sorry you went through that. Hopefully it didn't ruin all tattoos for you


I wish I knew. I wanted a rainbow sunset, ended up with shitty northern lights. I still like my tattoo, despite having issues with how almost everything was done. One day I'll find the right artist to fix it. It definitely didn't ruin tattoos, just made me realize I need to do a lot of research and planning. https://preview.redd.it/4t89elan1o0d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5be135044328a0d8f2064f7b7e084a86283bf4e0 Here is said shitty mixing, ft tornado pine trees. I will forever wonder why he didn't use that yellow to mix the orange into teal. Edit: you can also see some of the stars I mentioned


That is...baffling. I'm glad you still like it! Or at least, don't hate it! Actually, with that image, I think you could absolutely fix that up without too much trouble if you wanted to. Especially with doing a sunset over top, it wouldn't be too bad of a project. I don't suppose you're in the Pacific Northwest, USA? I would happily help you with it if so.


It's a nice little work in progress. One day I'll have it completely redone and I'm sure it'll be phenomenal. Unfortunately i am not in that area, thank you for the offer though!


Sure. Hope you end up with exactly what you want someday!


Haha that whole thing is terrible and should be a post of its own


It looks like the first time I tried to do a Bob Ross painting, but worse :/


I do think i posted it a long time ago, but i could be mistaken. I'll think about making a new post though. It would be fun to get some more thoughts on it


Omg interrobangs‽ But yeah what the fuck


i had an artist add dark purple to my tattoo that i didn’t ask for, then at the end told me the price which was $100 more than what we agreed on (he tried saying I remembered wrong, despite the fact i wrote it down bc i got a estimate for my bsf’s design too and told them what mine was compared to theirs). Some artists really don’t communicate and just do what they want. All of that, and I’ve never even seen a hint of the purple he said he added. Mind you, I have no colored tats otherwise bc i don’t like them.


My artist started adding in stars not on the stencil and not what I asked for originally after my tattoo was done. He mumbled to me that he was doing it as he started tattooing them but I didn’t have any time to react. When we saw the finished work on my arm we realized I had a freckle in the middle of a large negative space that could be easily fixed by adding in the stars. But I trusted him when he just went for it and it turned out amazing, a lot better than just a random freckle in the middle of a beautiful tattoo.


They do it more than you know!


This is *shockingly* common. One of the most common reasons I do coverups. I would **NEVER**. Whenever I think of making tweaks while tattooing, I *always, always, ALWAYS* ask first. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


It’s honestly impressive how much work that little flag does to evoke Disney. If you remove or modify just that little triangle, I think most of your issue goes away.


It was still the disney castle before the flag and moon though 🤔


I feel like them not getting your consent to change anything or add anything within the design is grounds for a full or partial refund. That’s not cool and I hate that I hear about this happening so often. The stencil is there for a reason, stick to it!


Whaaat the fuck!


I can’t imagine the pain of accidentally becoming a Disney adult. 


It’s traumatic, I didn’t sign up for this!


And I thought it was bad when Torrid/other "fashion" brands send Disney spam to my inbox. I cannot fathom someone nonconsensually putting Disney on my body


Nonconsensual Disney is one of the most terrifying thoughts I've ever had, and I LIKE Disney. Mickey mouse....."oh boy....."


Don't give them ideas. Steamboat Willy is off copyright...


Just curious. What did you sign up for? I imagine it wasn't a panther?


A sick ass panther at that.


Disney panther so it's gotta be Bagheera


Just need some Crocs and a few rounds of pulling your sweaty Goofy T-shirt out of your rolls. Maybe a battery operated misting fan and the transformation is complete


Hey hey hey- what’s with the hate for automated cooling….let’s keep Disney in its lane please.




I’ve got one of those at work. Yes she is that obnoxious. And she also put her family into bankruptcy court over it.


Artist: castle huh? Let’s see… google castle and yeah, first one is fine. This will do.


Basically..yea 😂


She’s a brutal one, considering what you wanted. Really happy that you’re excited for your cover up. Best of luck!!!!


It’s been tough out here. But excited I bit the bullet for a cover up!


Artists that are good at coverups, completely change things. I’m so excited for you.


My new artist has done two other cover ups and revamped me, so I’m excited to see this one gone too.


If it helps you to tolerate the tat better, Disney based its design on an IRL castle, [Neuschwanstein](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuschwanstein_Castle) although its not medieval either, but 19th century. Godspeed with the cover up, hope it will be satisfying!


Yeah most of the cool castles people think of in their head would not have existed in the Middle Ages. Most were just stone keeps and shit with walls. Times were tough. The super fantasy shit came later or was made up.


Yup, literally just a tall box, surrounded by a wall on top of a mountain. Perhaps with some crenellations if we got to be ~fancy


also it’s not really a castle. castles are defensive structures, Neuschwanstein was a hobby palace.


Ayyeee, similar thing happened to me. I asked for a spooky, medieval castle on the side of my leg. It took me like 3 years to realize what I got is actually the Disney castle in like dark, spooky form. I had no idea and I genuinely think my artist didn’t either. I think he looked up some real castles for inspo and ran with it because it’s a cool looking castle. I saw the stencil and everything and was like, hell yeah let’s do it. I just laughed when I realized later on though. It’s my favorite piece and I think it’s sick. This is the actual tattoo: https://preview.redd.it/ve6bzjitcn0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c465df8d9e441b2de399b6a110a9689c5072a3


Seeee, THIS is what I was going for. This looks dope.


Sooo.... You just need it to have darker shading and some birds/bats added? I don't see why you'd black it out when yours could be easily repaired to look like MilkChugg's, seems a little extreme no?


Thanks dude! Post an update for yours, looking forward to seeing how your coverup comes out!


That looks fucking amazing!!!




This looks very good!


How did you accidentally end up with this?


That’s sad cuz a bad ass castle would have been totally awesome!!!


My new artist wanted to turn it into a burning cathedral! Which I thought was bad ass, but I’m blacking it out with florals.


Either one is a great choice over being an unwilling Disney adult lmao.


I’m proud to remove myself from the cult!


A burning cathedral like in Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame?


Black metal burning churches!!


You should make it the dragon burning the castle in the movie Reign Of Fire


That might actually be worse than the whole Disney-adult thing LOL


Bad ass as all get out, but that’s an aggressive ass forearm tattoo.


I just got a burning cathedral done on my thigh and love it! I also have a castle on my arm that I love but everyone thinks it looks like fucking Hogwarts (it doesnt) so I can understand your pain.


> Asked for a badass medieval castle, walked out with Disney? I feel like that's at least a little bit on you. Did you not approve the design beforehand? Or did you trust the artist to freehand it and never checked while it was being done?


It sounds like they were fine with it and it was only the moon, stars and flag that were added without their permission. So the castle was just a castle and not a Disney castle until those were added (which is fucked up for the artist to do, and it definitely does change the mood of it all) But it's a bit weird to be ragging on the castle, when that's the castle they chose...


Yeah, some people here speaking like the stars is what made the tattoo bad. They asked for a "badass medieval castle" and if the approved stencil looked anything like this, it was doomed to be shitty from the beginning - stars or no stars.


What in the actual heck? How did you blindly let someone tattoo you with a design you didn’t even approve beforehand?


" He added the moon, added a flag, and I don’t remember saying yes to stars. I was ok with the moon idea after I saw him drawing some random piece outside the castle I asked for..so I guess he kept going." comment reply above yours.


In fairness, this would still look like a fairytale-ass castle even without those details so….


Yeah, thank you for the clarification. That still makes no sense though. So did he do all of it to mess with her and it wasn’t present in the original design? Lmao And how didn’t she *see* that he was doing all of it and didn’t ask him to stop?


Do people not look at stencils? Did you trust them to freehand it?


It was added to without permission after the stencil had been approved.


Not any more!


You didn't look at the design and tell the artist to fuck off? You had to have seen the stencil first right?


OP said they approved the castle, then the artist when with the flow and added the flag, the moon and stars. I would legit cry if that were me 💀


The castle literally looks like a Disney castle without all the extra shit though. That's what I don't get, lmao. It's basically an exact copy of Cinderella's castle.


That's my issue too, the artist didn't improvise the whole piece just the moon/flag/stars. So OP either didn't notice it looking like a Disney castle before or the artist snuck a totally different stencil on and OP didn't look at the piece at all as it was being done


How did you accidentally get all that on your forearm 😭😭😭, I hope you really like your cover piece!


None of the things you say he added made a difference, it was Cinderellas castle before those and it was after. I’m gonna file this in the “definitely your fault for not looking harder” stack.


the artist was like “Listen, it’s this or the entrance to MEDIEVAL TIMES!!!” lol


Unintentional Disney adult oh no. That’s worse than death


Thought about amputating my arm a few times.


Clearly by chewing it yourself. I mean, just knowing it would be gone would dull the pain.


Can you post the blackout floral when it’s done?


Yes! I just started the top cover up a few weeks ago, same arm. It’s on my page.


Nice, looks like some Blast overs. I thought about doing the same for some of my old tattoos. Be cool to see the castle covered up like the upper arm


How does one get a tattoo that you didn't ask for?


Friends don't let friends get drunk tats in Downtown Orlando.


I hate Disney but I think it actually looks okay. I would be surprised if the cover up ends up looking better.


So they put the stencil on you. You sat through the tattoo. And not once did you say no?


You didn’t look at the stencil first? That looks like Belle is about to pop out and sing a song.


It’s like the Shein version of @thomasetattoos


Pretty sure the artist and I got the same drawing book at the book fair in elementary school. Taught me how to draw dragons and spirey castles just like that one.


Was this free hand? Was there no stencil to look at prior to getting it done? Or at least concept art? I'm genuinely curious how this happens.


It's not that bad, if you turn it sideways and squint it kinda looks like a fish!


Turn the stars into bats... add a few more goth bits... make the flag into a dragon perched.


Make sure you look at the stencil first this time before going through with it.


What did you ask for?


It’s hilarious that it looks like the artist may have actually just copied cinderellas castle, but also…did you see the drawing before it was tattooed on you?


Do people seriously not look at the stencil or some shit? How do you let that happen


You saw this before they inked it, correct?


Right? Did OP pass out and woke up with a detailed Disney castle? Whoops?


It's very reminiscent, but it's not actually Cinderella's Castle. (I'm a WDW local.) There are too many towers, and odd little extras. It looks like a blend of Cinderella's Castle, King Triton's castle from The Little Mermaid, and Beast's castle from Beauty and the Beast, but with a hint of vague magical castle (the moon, and the little tower sticking out the side). Make up the title of a really vintage and obscure book that only TRUE fans of fantasy would know about, and own your castle.


You didn’t ask for…..


At first I thought this was a Disney sub and I was like, “What’s wrong? It’s GORGEOUS!!” Then I read you’re not a raging Disney adult like I am and didn’t ask for a Disney castle. That freakin sucks. Even if a tat is pretty, it SHOULD be what you asked for. I’m so sorry.


I mean every tattoo shop I've ever been to they do a mock up of what the tattoo will look like before they start tattooing and show you. If you just let them cook it's on you boo boo. Edit: if it makes you feel any better pretty much all of your other tattoos look badass, I especially like the one on top of your left hand.


Thank you!


That’s like asking for a cute mouse and getting Mickey. Damn


I know a girl who actually has a tattoo of cinderellas castle and I thought this was the same as hers!


Why not just get it laser removed? Black is easy


HTF did you get a tattoo you didn't ask for...?


It’s not that bad, but I also like some Disney. I would like to see the cover when it happens!


So what is it you did ask for?


Castle tattoos will always just mean prison to me


Sucks you didn’t get what you wanted and I’m sorry about it, but Disney castle was based on real castles…..this is why you should go in with a very clear rendering or description of what you want for the artist.


Ohhhh, did I mention this is a cover up for my FIRST tattoo? There’s a hello kitty somewhere in that castle..So third cover up is the charm right? 🥲But in all seriousness, I found an artist I love working with who’s revamped my old tattoos (I have one more set I want to redo..feet) and he’s done great! Pay for what you get kids, when I got these I didn’t research artist and couldn’t afford a good one either way.


That will be a sweet panther


You didn't... look at the design first?


So glad I’ve never gone through a Disney phase


Wish I could say the same, I was forceddd


You might not like it, but that doesn't mean it's shitty. Pretty tasteful imo.


Thank you. I actually get compliments on it regularly, just not my style anymore or was..


You're welcome, tastes do change with time :) hopefully you can find something that suits you better to cover it up with.


Good on you. Fuck Disney. ![gif](giphy|QW5nKIoebG8y4|downsized)


Very much so


Awesome. Congrats. Its such a good feeling when u get to cover up something u dont like


I think it's pretty. But yea I see what u mean


You could have another tattoo of a ragged army of goblins approaching it with a trebuchet. Maybe an armored angry Donald on a tower, preparing a cauldron of boiling oil to pour down on them.


What did you ask for ?


That’s Cinderellas castle unfortunately. Good luck covering


Yes definitely not a mid Evil castle, sorry for you 😥


Turn it into Dark Souls tattoo


I like it just add some dragons and gargoyles


I mean no offense but, did you not approve the design before they put ink in your skin?


You might be able to make it more gothic without fully covering it


You got what u asked for. Put more thought into long term ventures.


Didn’t ask for?


How do you end up with a tattoo you didn't ask for?


Well I'd like to see the cover up when you get it.


What DID you ask for? Because this is totally the Disney castle! Curious what they might have thought this would work for


I kinda like it


"...that I didn't ask for" Did you just walk in and tell the artist to go to town and surprise you? Did he say he was doing a tattoo that you approved but then went rogue during the process? I don't see how this happens.


Mentioned in description and comments. He added to the original tattoo after he started. And was told heavy shading to make it a darker piece, which didn’t happen.


They said they got a castle that was either Disney or Harry Potter themed and wasn't a fan of either. How do you go through an entire tattoo that is clearly not even designed in a way that you prefer? >He added to the original tattoo after he started. This doesn't make a lick of sense. This *is* the Disney castle. Unless you really did have an artist that was a Disney fanatic that remembers every aspect of the castle by heart, they were certainly looking off of a reference photo or used a stencil that clearly showed it was the Disney castle.


Someone should tell this trick to read a book sometime. The "disney" castle is a real medieval castle


I actually like it. Sue me 🤷🏽‍♀️


I agree, after looking again, without the moon and flag it looks pretty good 👍