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The audacity of a political Halloween costume NOT during an election year is so much more upsetting than his poor typography.


people who make political shit their entire personality have some sort of mental disease. it's really fascinating behavior


It often makes reddit hard to enjoy for me,  it's crazy how some people here can see a video of a turtle and make it political.


Turtle? Like Biden’s train of thought? You know why the turtle crossed the road? To get Hunter his crack pipe. I bet the turtle swam across the boarder undocumented, and is on his way to killing American born insects! /s


Is that your medical opinion, doctor?


Found one


We We People Your brother is French


I thought it said We Be People


Man, I thought it was something in Arabic or another language (or even a bunch of fucked up numbers) for a good while before I realized it’s sideways! Was VERY confusing when I read that he was a trump supporter, like what???


I thought it said Weiße People, Weiß meaning white in German 😬


🤣🤣he’s something, that’s for sure!


At least he thought he was something....nope


Ambitious lil fella


I guess you have to start somewhere...this time he should start over.


We we


Ha! Nicely done


It's becoming Wee Wee The People - as in piss on them.


what exactly is a trump/biden type of character? a clown?


Old white man clown


With orange highlight ofc


I don’t get it, bro could’ve gone to any shop and gotten lettering like this done much better. I get the idea of basement tattoos are dope, I’ve got like 5 myself, but on the hand too?? I guess if he’s happy with it


He is. He’s also happy with knowing he got a good deal! Him and my sister for some weird reason are ok with shitty tattoos .. I can’t wait to post my whack job sisters Jessica rabbit 🤣


Oh god, well, you know what they say, good tattoos aren’t cheap and cheap tattoos aren’t good, lmao. Fr, tho, the placement of the letters make that look freehanded as shit! I’m excited to see that Jessica Rabbit tho!


I agree with you! I can’t wait to show you Jessica rabbit 🤣. TBC 🫡






So he’s a deep as a flat piece of paper.


He has me , a biracial sister& biracial, Jewish children … I’d say it’s all surface with him. Brain . Not. Doing what it’s supposed to. (I got lazy in the last half) Edit: you can downvote this all you want but somebody who professes ‘all lives matter’ on a mini van while having children and a sibling of color is insanity 🤣 sorry bout it


This guy is gonna snap when the divorce happens.


🤣🤣 idk if she just doesn’t know he cheated on her in the past when we were super young w/ multiple women (10 years ago) or if she excused it, but she should absolutely leave. She has all the family support to raise their kids!


Some lives matter.


I’m so empathetic, it’s pathetic. I’m crying and sad about anyone who may lose their life. Smh.


Then wouldn't all lives matter? At least the ones who aren't absolute shit heads. Life is life.


Of course all lives matter. BLM never was about “only Black lives matter”, it’s more like “Black lives matter too”, but worded in a kind of provocative way, so it drives the message across more. And let’s face it, it’s a much needed message since in your fucked up society (assuming you’re from the USA) Black lives seem to matter less because of systemic racism, especially to cops who can kill people without really being held accountable for their actions, but medicine also seems to have a bias against Black people. I’m sure other countries have this kind of problem too, but it looks to be the most prevalent in the US (to a frightening extent to be honest). So having “all lives matter” plastered all over your stuff is ignorant at best,and hypocritical and malicious at worst. I’m neither Black or American, my take might be flawed, but I feel like this is what annoys many people in someone saying “all lives matter”.


Well said


The issue with ALM is it only became a thing when people were spotlighting how many black people were killed, falsely accused/convicted of crimes, and abused by police. White people (some not all, yes) responded by saying “don’t resist and there won’t be an issue” or thinking a man being killed over an alleged fake $20 bill is fine, just cause he supposedly did a crime, and then it became a huge thing to be pro cop and all that bullshit, when the truth is there are A LOT of bad cops, and even the “good” ones aren’t innocent. 40% of cops admit to beating their partners. The issue is police brutality and it’s not gonna get worked on as long as white people get pulled over and have a lovely conversation or get out of a ticket and POC are getting shot at and killed cause the cop said they thought they saw a gun. All Lives Matter serves no productive purpose, even though the statement may be true, it’s tied to a movement seen as anti black and pro police. While both sides continue to debate BLM VS ALM, the crooked cops are still killing, physically and sexually abusing, and setting up/planting things on innocent people.


Yeah, I’m not going into this further. Enjoy your night!


You too! Let's both keep being productive!


Maybe [Ice T](https://youtu.be/hlk7o5T56iw?si=5CwXods0notKOHN7) can explain it.




People matter only by attribution and description - cause we say so. If humans were not on Earth, it would not matter at all. We like to say we are important because of self-reference. Why are we here? No one has an answer to it except by conjecture.


You know where I can get some of what you have? Also not joking. My dude for LSD went MIA.


All queefs matter


I'm going to assume your brother has never served and he should know the majority of vets laugh at him source: a vet who is laughing at him


It's weird how and why people choose to advertise that they've never read the constitution or bill of rights. It seems to happen with the Bible a lot too.


I love that for him. Thank you for your service ♥️


What does any of this have to do with military service?


We the people... can't finish the rest of the sentence.


The rest is on his butthole


Let me guess. The guy also has some kind of American flag clothing. Oops. Don't know about that Flag Code. What a super patriot. I learned about that shit in scouts. Homey probably doesn't even know how to fold a flag.


I saw a guy's short-sleeved shirt yesterday. It had the flag on its sleeve, which is kind of its own style now. The thing that I kept looking at was the word on the front. I couldn't tell what it said exactly, but it was in the font that Megadeth uses and said "Megad-...." it didn't actually say Megadeth. So it was just a "patriotic" shirt using iconography from a metal band that routinely writes songs about the government and military industrial complex. And it was kind of baffling.


Or The Punisher logo. Or the Spartan helmet logo. The Punisher character hates cops and is all about vigilante justice. Spartans were all about man on man action, when they weren't killing them. I think it would be funny to make a new character that's a mix of all that. An anti-establishment ubermensch that kills everything whilst being ultra gay. I'll probably see the logo on a lifted truck within six months.


Can you ask him to finish the “We the people” sentence? I’m just curious if knows the rest.


Yet votes for a guy who wouldn't mind wiping his ass with the constitution... Or selling you a copy to make a buck I guess.


I thought it said 'Weiße People'. Which is white just in German and didn't even wonder about it just being another kind of WS dog whistle.


Well, that’s sure is a font


I tend to like Americans but the ones that make politics their whole persona both baffle and amuse me lol.


It’s super weird. Also, please don’t just like Americans— we suck


I’m American and I don’t even like most Americans.


Well at least his tattoos lets everyone know right away that he's an idiot.


Just curious, did your brother serve in the military or is he just all show?


Weibe People?


Yes I also read 'Weiße People'. And I just accepted it.


Omg I totes see it😹


Maybe he’s a German racist🤷


When someone tells you who they are, listen to them.


My mother stayed at my house with me and my son a couple years ago . I’m the only biracial one in a family of 6 (me and everyone else white) because she had me during a divorce while she was overseas going thru divorce with her went army hubby. BUT!! She kept saying all lives matter etc etc and I corrected her which she refused to understand. While all lives in the world matter, that’s not the underlying meaning of the phrase and I did not want my son exposed to that. She also told me she worked in healthcare for over 20 years and wishes she had my bones because my bones are stronger and I can take pain a lot better than her or white people could take. Opened my eyes to a lot of things and also broke my heart with the realizations I came to with my family.


Let’s just say I don’t see my most of my fathers half of the family in the last 5 years when my cousins boyfriend wore a WWG1WGA hat. It’s sad


The more distance I got from my mother, the clearer I saw that all her thoughts, beliefs, statements etc were underpinned by a bunch of hateful ideologies. Been no contact for years now, but it’s taken a shitload of therapy (which I’ve been incredibly privileged to be able to access) and complete dismantling and rediscovering of my own worldview to finally feel as though I’m no longer infected with her nastiness. I hope you’re doing okay OP.


She probably “doesn’t see color” and “we are all alike”. No…some of us have a harder time than others in life because of skin color. Not recognizing that there are differences ignores and downplays the struggles of non-white people every day in America.


Dude can’t name a single policy either. Vibes check out tho…


You misread the words. It says “we we people” he’s just showing his support for R.Kelly.


We Be People


WeWe People. Dude got a piss kink?


Just remember - those who scream the loudest are often the dumbest. Sorry, but it's true.


Looks like a CAPTCHA




Your brother is a fucking idiot.


Your brother is now for the streets … time to let him go. 👋🏼




Be nice.




Be nice.




Be nice.


I’m convinced 90% of these “we the people” types can’t even name the document that phrase comes from, let alone finish the actual quote


What is a Trump/Biden character?


Why has “we the people” turned into such a buzzphrase? Stupid as hell.


Looks like writing you see in an Elfish book or something from a movie.


What does the rest of the caption have to do with the tattoos?? And then you respond to comments saying “that has nothing to do with this barnyard tat”???


MTE. Seems like you can post any tattoo ever and include a long caption about the owner being a huge douche and farm karma. Like I can just post a random tattoo and say "btw he also has a swastika on the other arm and ran over my children with his truck" and get updoots lol




Be nice.


its weird how you can be super conservative but still choose to express yourself like a depressed liberal woman.


What’s your comment have to do with this shitty barnyard done tattoo?


Okay now rereading your original statement I get what you’re saying and there was nothing negative toward me. However the last half of what you said is off putting to the highest degree lol that’s all. Just letting you know I misinterpreted what you originally said to me!


The only reason I’d be depressed is because he sexually assaulted me throughout my childhood and I blamed myself up until adulthood but got therapy and I no longer feel guilt and shame. So sorry to disappoint you.


uhhhh, I knew nothing about you your gender age or mental state before posting. my comment had absolutely nothing to do with you dear. Really sorry to hear about that. I'm glad you got over that trauma. But now I have no problem outright saying your rapist brother gets a bunch of flippant, fatuous tattoos like a teenage girl trying to find themselves. Despite being a "trump guy", It's the same hollow emptiness and unsatiated desire for attention that drives them to advertise their own self affectation and interests to everyone they pass, whether they were asked or not. By any means necessary, shitty barnyard tattoos not excluded.


Well, I know you didn’t know that, but I was just responding on why I’m not a depressed liberal woman! He could be a Biden guy, with Biden 2024 tattoos all over him and I’d talk my shit. 😆 anyway, your comment makes me view his standpoint and why he was the way he was— idk if that’s what you intended but I’ve always hoped that he got the help he needed to understand those demons instead of jailhouse tattoos and a plethora of pets he wasn’t gonna take care of


damn, I knew people who would go out and get a brand new pet for short term relief... which is just a terrible idea because having to take care of them can be hugely stressful. Anyway sorry to be off putting, enjoy your night and I'll see you all in therapy.


Okay, but you won’t see the dog cus it’s dead! But see you there 💞




Anyone who bases their lifestyle compared to their political affiliation is whack as hell. Biden, trump, and any other elected official :)


Also I kinda hxc fw Big Gretch but nobody would be able to tell because it’s not tattooed on me or on my car/lawn etc .


Stop judging others, why can't they enjoy what they enjoy without others trying to stop them?




I don’t think anyone is trying to stop them. Just laugh at them. Because we’re on a sub to laugh at poor choices.


I agree, next time you see a Biden tattoo on a guy with any number of Biden flags on their car let me know. Or does your "same sides" bullshit fall apart the moment you see other people.




Go outside, observe. Those are other people. EDIT: Classic Alt-Right, Responds then blocks. Snowflake.


Lol what kind of question is this


I don’t think I’ve seen any Biden tats.




You haven’t though lol




Because nobody actually likes Biden, and **nobody** on the left is going to get a tattoo of him or his name, full stop. Leftists aren’t dogmatic like that or treat politicians like gods




Be nice.




I hope he’s a target. 🎯 he’s also an irresponsible dog owner, but I’ll save that for another sub. Maybe you two can get together cus that’s absolutely a Midwest thing& kiss or whatever idk, but I’m not telling him shit 😆


Love this response


Dude you responded to is bout ready to get a fucking swastika tattoo holy shit. And I was gonna say, I don’t even know your brother but based on your comments, he definitely seems like the type to be an irresponsible dog owner 🙄 (what sub are you referring to, just outta curiosity? 👀)


You’re a 3%er and you respect other people’s beliefs? Seems like a hard thing to do when you ride a line that hard.

