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Matthew Tkachuk kind of looks like Shoresy with his playoff beard.


Doesn’t exactly fit Shoresy but Shanahan asking Rick Vaive for an autograph at 14 years old. Vaive was a jerk. 4 years later Shanahan is a rookie for New Jersey. Drops the golven with Vaive. Shanahan had so much rage in the fight he asked one of Shanahans teammates what was wrong with him. Waited 4 years but you got to get em.


Marchand for sure. Top line skill, ruthless chirps, dirty af, doesn’t fight. And a captain this year too.


Nah, Marchy doesn't answer the bell. There really isn't a present day NHLer who would fit the Shoresy mold - *maybe* Tom Wilson, but who knows what his chirps are like lol


It’s stated explicitly that Shoresy doesn’t fight. Takes cheap shots in a brawl sure but that’s not answering the bell.


Should add that I live in the US and thus haven’t seen season 3 so maybe that changes.


Don Cherry. One of his early coaches was named Shore.


Keeso also played Don in a CBC mini docuseries


I mean i think he wears a Big Fuck off C for the Bruins doesn't he?


Dave Schultz, Andrew Shaw or Tom Wilson.


Don’t sleep on Matt Martin. Great chirps, throws hands, and a decent player.


Mikey Essymont had the entire Bruins bench wanting to fight him this year. Jumped WiFi because he thought WiFi hit Brandon Hagel (Stamkos ran into him). Got a goal vs Montreal by spraying the goalies face and he lost the puck.


I fucking love Mikey. As a bolts fan he’s easily my most favorite non star on the team to watch. Used to be Bagel but I don’t think he qualifies as a non star anymore.


Vinny Trocheck never ever shuts up on the ice. He’s not as dirty as Shoresy and probably more skilled. Loved seeing him in Aho’s face on that goal by Laf during this years playoffs. Total Shoresy move.


Tom Wilson? Can play but is also a dick.


Ever heard of a guy called Terry Ryan Jr?


It's funny... Cause if you say his name fast it sounds like 10 inch cock


12 inch cunt or whatever ur fuckin name is


She don't even know me name.


I remember when Ott “chirped” about his faceoff win percentage. On the shortlist of the most embarrassing things I’ve seen in a hockey clip - Shoresy would never say anything that brutal


The thing for me is that Shoresy carries himself like a goon but is actually really skilled. I see him routinely achieving the NOSHO version of a Gordie Howe Hat Trick.


Paul Bissonette and/or Andrew Shaw


Bizz!!! For got about him he is a great comparison!!!


Sean Avery maybe?


Honestly pretty accurate. Both are pests, S-tier trash talkers, don’t really fight that much, certainly not that friendly with teammates, but also skilled.


Who of the players you’ve mentioned chirps? Don’t know hockey but Shoresey is genius writing. Love the show


Looks like all of the players that have been mentioned on here would definitely be good real life versions. Ruthless chirping, can back it up with the fists, has scoring ability but not the star scorer. Pat Maroon says some great stuff I can also see him dressing down a punk teenager at a game he’s reffing for charity 🤣. That’s my favorite but all I’ve seen so far have been great!


Gonna go throw it back a few years and say Matt Barnaby via Buffalo aera. Most Shorsey like thing i have seen in a real game goes to Jarkko Ruutu: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v71FqkDMV1c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v71FqkDMV1c)


Barnaby was my first thought. No one laughed while getting punched in the face repeatedly like Barnaby


Marchand. In real life, keeso is a good hockey player. Used to play jr down here in Southern ontario.


Pretty sure Anik makes a Marchand comparison in episode 1 also


Matthew Tkachuk


Sorry what……Shoresy doesn’t turtle 🐢


I think Andrew Shaw


Corey Perry


just because of wheeling moms? Edit: Allegedlys


Marchand or Gallagher, smaller pest that chips in on the scoresheet