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>Life is not meant to be good. Life is Life. Took me a long time to accept this, not everybody’s meant to have a happy ending. Think of child soldiers, think of women that were kidnapped since young and have spent their entire lives being sold. This shit isn’t all rainbows and lollipops, just gotta be grateful where we’re at ig


In the grand scheme of things, being short isn’t the worst thing that can happen to you, but it does suck.


Well said


Most chill dude on this sub. I fully agree. We all gotta accept the way we are at some point. But i guess that will never happen to the vast majority of the dudes here


Ppreciate you my boy, yeah it’s a constant battle but what other option do we have yk?


Yep... we have no other option but to accept our reality


I think that’s one of the most valuable things a man can do. Look indifference in the eye and stand ground.


Indeed it is but its very hard, since insecurity is like a drug addiction, it never fully goes away


True, I always find myself slipping back


I am too. There are days when i dont feel too bad about my height and there are days where i feel very insecure. Its a vicious cycle


Felt. I’ve been okay lately. I fear when that inevitably comes to a halt.




You have size 5.5 feet?


Yeah I’ve never met another person with feet as small as mine idk why i ended up like this because the rest of my family is normal


It’s so brutal , genetics this is. There’s a guy at my work who complains about how annoying his size 13 UK / 14 US shoe size is


I fucking wish mine were that size I could see how it would be annoying but Im sure he’d rather have male sized feet rather then the shoe size of a petite women


So brutal, even the size of his trainers are a feature that “mog”


Another thing is I used to cope thinking if I bagged a tall girl I would win at life. But that is bullshit. First, I cant even guarantee my childs height for once. And even if I have a tall kid, who is going to be tall? Me or him? Him. And what about all other circumstances that help having a good life? Good family structure, no mental illnesses? None of it is a guarantee. Life is something one can only ultimately deal with alone. Thats how one goes through it. Suicide is dumb, because you only get to live once too. So as long as one has freedom of action, you have to go through life. Just some randoms thoughts.


That’s what I realized for children. I was going to go to Europe and be with a tall woman or just settle down and make tall kids. But they have a high chance at being average at best and my own obsession to make them taller would probably make a bad family structure. Not to mention it would benefit them, not me. My life would be the same id just have created. A tall person while subjecting myself to not have love or anything just try the best eugenics only to likely birth a heightist son anyways. What happens when we’re in an argument and he’s older and he tests me bc he’s larger? I really can’t do shit.


100% agree. Although I wouldnt worry about "raising a heightist". I consider this a minor issue; if my son is successfull and respect me as father then I already won. He might think short men are weaker and I dont think this would change much. But the real thing is: Who would be tall? My son, not me. So who is having to navigate life as a 5'6.5 man? Me. As much as having a family gives a sense of purpose having a kid with a tall girl is not the flex I once thought it was. Sure, if I ever plan on seriously date a woman, I will make sure she is at least 5'5, what would give chances of me having an average height or tall son. But the "joy" of life must come within myself first, then use it to have kids. It is always a bad idea to use kids as a purpose of life. And even women dont like men who think like this. They like men who appear very self sufficient and satisfied with who they are. Thats why happiness and confidence must come within. If I dont develop such a mentality I will just be another victim to my reality. But yeah, I will still try to bag a tall girl when I get older.




O you’re not. There’s kids that are having mental illnesses, some becoming murders, shooting up school, etc. parents are doing their best in this environment. I understand some parents don’t do a great job. But you can never promise anything. Again with AI and technology taking over lives, kids are exposed to things beyond our control when they aren’t home and it’s sad. But it’s life. Theres plenty of people that aren’t racist and have racist kids. Plenty that aren’t sexist and have sexist kids and vise versa.




I read what you said you said and I quote “you’re a failure of a father is your kid outgrows you and stop respecting you”. You overestimate the amount of siblings, sons, mothers, fathers, etc. that actually respect and love each other. 50% divorce rates, individualistic societies, adults being shoved in retirement homes, children being neglected. No one is a failure bc they don’t have a picture perfect life




Straw-man argument. I’m highlighting that in this new world there’s so much you don’t know. There’s so much projected at us on tour screens, politics, looksmaxing, instant gratification, etc. there’s inflation, there’s climate change, there’s cultural shifts. I myself admit that I cannot shift with all of that completely and if I can’t, what makes me qualified enough to help a child adjust to a life that I can barely cope with


Take steroids