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Im gonna toss this out there, Fries... from Dominos, I feel like all the red flags were there...


Next they'll be selling burritos.


Or brownies.


Hey, their Marbled Cookie Brownie is *actually* a solid dessert.


Rock solid


Dominos Australia has sold both brownies and fries for over a decade (They had them when I worked there in 2008) and they're both pretty decent last time I had them... which tbf was about 2010.


Better than their pizza anyway. Not that that's a high bar.


Their pizza isn’t that bad all things considered lol


That doesn't make it right.


Their brownies are better than their pizza lol


hang on though. they have a brownie thing that’s fantastic


or "pizzas"


Nah selling plastic chips and passing them off as dominoes


everything to avoid calzones


They are selling Burritos, in Korea.


And subs


Potatoes are cheap as dirt and easy to make...why do you think every f'ing fast food place from taco bell to dominos is trying to shove them on us now? For $10 you could buy like 5lbs of frozen fries. Throw em in the air fryer or oven while you're waiting for your pizza, don't get ripped off.


Air fryers are giving dumpy fast food service places a run for their money


Isn't it weird how people will buy 10$ of potatoes from dominos, but if they just spent the same amount of time making them, themselves, they would save at least 5$? I try to push this to my kids, but they prefer to spend money.


> is trying to shove them on us now? For a long long time.


“New! Boneless Wings from ________ [fill in blank]”. No, they’re a deep fried overly breaded sugar-cube-size piece of chicken. I wish there was truth in advertising.


Sorry forgot the anemic chips as well…. https://preview.redd.it/ixkgp2txc90c1.jpeg?width=1504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0175ad322f8067521c4a57b90823514b9dfd458


Do they actually fry them, though? Or do they just run it through the pizza oven twice, maybe?


https://www.dominos.com.au/menu-side/crispy-chips-with-dominos-pizza-salt-s00016 Oven


That would probably taste better tbh


As a former employee I’m gonna keep saying this until people listen. Domino’s is shit. The staff are shit. But almost every single shrinkflation post on here is just a result of shitty employees, not the business itself. I’m not defending the corporation. It’s shit too. But they aren’t continually downsizing Very late edit: just because I said the staff at shit **DOES NOT** mean you should treat them with anything but respect. They are people too and they are learning too. Customer service is a hard job. Be patient.


As a former Dominos (Australia) employee, I will disagree. They have significantly reduced the sizes of the "large" pizzas, and the employees at the store I worked at were even told to lie about it. This is relevant since, as you can see from the box in the photo, OP is Australian.


When? As a current dominos franchisee since the mid 2000’s I can confirm we Havnt purchased any new sized pans since 2016. The only exception is the extra large that was a larger 13 inch size.


They changed sometime in 2018 IIRC.


Yeah it's been over 6 years for a size change, bro is flat out lying. Unless he's referring to the improver dough quantity per pan?


Or his franchisee just purchased more pans to deal with sales increase.


My wife and I ordered a 10-pack of chocolate Munchkins at Dunkin’ Donuts a few weeks ago during the start of a 12-hour road trip, and the employee gave us 15. That actually made the start of our trip much more enjoyable.


I actually really like dominos. My local one has 50% off on Wednesdays so I usually end up getting a pan pizza for like $12 and it's more than enough for my wife and I to split and it's always delicious.


Searching ‘Pizza Hut discount’ any day brings up an ad for domino’s discount code


Plastic fake soy food. My body straight rejects it turns my guts to soup.


Never understood this take...fake cheese is expensive...it's literally cheaper for companies to use mass produced ingredients (tomatoes/cheese/flower) than to use alternative plant based ingredients to replace it...it's not fake, lower quality? Sure...fake nope.


You have IBS please just go to the doctor


You frail brittle little thing


Agreed, it’s not the fault of the employee, anyone getting paid minimum wage has every excuse in the world to give minimum shits


Screw ethics, morals, dignity, and integrity! Stick it to the man if you’re making minimum wage! s/


Where's the dignity in not being able to afford to live whilst your role is directly making massive amounts of money for a megacorp? If corporations don't have the ethics, morals, dignity, or integrity to pay a living wage it's not shocking that those they're screwing over also do not have any of those traits either.


I’ve known franchise owners who make less than their minimum wage employees. Dominoes themselves make it so hard to make any money and take more than seems fair or reasonable.


Oh yeah, I'm not blaming franchisees for this - it's all on Dominos corporate. The employees and franchisees are all being screwed over in favor of mass-profits for corporate who doesn't really have to oversee a lot of day-to-day operations.




I second this as another former Domino's employee. Place is an absolute shit show. Not much different than other chain pizza places though.


My local HJs 17year managing the place . I said to my Son get a job there he 13 so by time he 17 be running the joint. But be an insult to his intelligence. He gets dissapointed if doesn't get As at School. He got a B plus told me thats wrong so approached Teacher which shocked me he very shy ,she changed it to A.


Worked there until recently. This is clearly chips in a cheesy bread box instead of a sides box. I do think they shrunk a little when they changed to the crinkle cut, but this ain’t it chief


I work for a major corporation in a different industry and it's all the same. "Scam scam scam". It's never a scam. A lot of employees and high turnover = a large margin for human error. That's always it.


They also work under shitty conditions. Of course they're going to be shit. Why should they even care that much about the work they do?


you’re blaming the staff of a massive multinational fast food chain, rather than management?


Customer service is not a hard job. It's pretty fuckin easy. Be polite, listen, and give them what they asked for. It's the customers that fuck it all up. Alot of rude, entitled cunts out there.


That's a good ⅓ of a potato, I don't know what you're upset about/s


It's supposed to be full.


Don't they have sarcasm where you're from?


They do, but it's used by people who do it well.


He literally did /s that’s like the laws of reddit


Now THAT'S how you sarcasm. 👍


You seem fun


Well you paid $10 for a half of a potato so this was an L Long before the thought of shrinkflation became involved.


Excuse me, but you forgot to mention the sprinkling of cheese!


As someone who's worked at Domino's for five years now, there's so much wrong with this picture. * there's nowhere near enough chips, there should be about double that amount * chips aren't meant to be cooked on the foil, they're supposed to be cooked on the triangular cooking tray * Whoever boxed that hates their job, it's like they're trying to upset customers * the cheese sauce distribution is annoyingly off and uneven Glad to see you got a refund, I would never let this slide if it happened in the store I work at.


even if it’s supposed to be double the amount it is not justifiable for that to be $10 holy shit


They are supposed to be cooked on the foil btw, these are the loaded chips. Should be a print out on workplace that displays that. The issue is the severe lack of chips, wrong box and lack of cheese sauce.


We haven't gotten the printout yet. The manager just wrote out what we needed to do for them while we sort out the broken printer. Tbh it doesn't surprise me it's wrong, this wouldn't be the first time it's happened at the store I work at.


Stop buying fucking shit food from fucking shit mainstream franchises goodness me. Support your local little mom and pops shops and you’ll get better quality.


I get the tossed pizza for the garlic butter crust. Everytime I order it now, it comes without it and the whole pizza tastes like cardboard, the crust has nothing on it and is fry asf. Waste of $45 for delivery. Fuck dominoes and their lazy employees


where are you that Dominos costs $45? Are you ordering four pizzas?


I donk I've ever spent more than $25 ordering domino's... What on earth are you ordering???


I was over exaggerating by $7 I get a large/ x large with the bread knots and sometimes a soda. It it’s over $30 with deliver fees and tip for the driver.


Why do you continue to order from somewhere that continues to disappoint you?


I bet you could put some crinkle cut fries in an air fryer and cover them in cheese dip yourself at home for less than this cost and faster as well. I actually have all the ingredients in my kitchen right now... not that I think this looks good cause it doesn't


Such an absolute fkn rip off Domino's. Everyone needs to 🛑 STOP 🛑 going there!


This is awful. A bag of fries is like $2.50, c'mon. At least they were decent and refunded. I love Domino's, but the new delivery charge of $5.35 where I live is absurd. I used to tip the driver, but literally cannot afford to do so now with 2 pizzas alone being over $20 when tax is included. We rarely order pizza anymore as a result, and buy the cheaper frozen pizzas (Nothing like fresh but $4.97 a box is very justifiable)


> A bag of fries is like $2.50, c'mon not in my country and Dominos here is actually good but they don't have fries, and even if they did I couldn't imagine ordering fries from Dominos ffs


I've tried dominos and pizza hut in both nz and aus now, and they're shit in both places. Not sure where op is, but I see they're like that elsewhere too. Edit: oh! .com.au. australia then. Checks out.


They are. My American friend was recently saying she liked Pizza Hut. I said… no. Neither D or PH are even cheap any more


Yeah, I'm always so confused when Americans talk about pizza hut or dominos being really good. I'd love to try the American versions sometime.


the driver probably ate half of them.


As an employee at dominos, whoever served you that is just lazy asf because we put so much in ours that it actually overflows the box 😂


Ah, the one pizza establishment that's banned in our household. If I'm going to enjoy a 1000 calorie gut-bomb, it's gotta be worth it. Domino's isn't.


If I weren’t banned from Dominos I would boycott them on your behalf <3


How are you banned from Dominoes lmao


Their website, which I ordered from, and my online receipt, said I could pay with debit on delivery. When it arrived they said that dominos only takes visa or cash for delivery. I only had debit. They left with my pizza. I ordered again a few weeks later, payment was visa online. Some girl phoned me. She said the owner says they would only deliver the pizza if I also paid for the pizza I ‘refused to pay for’ a couple of weeks prior. I explained that they had declined to sell me the pizza vis-a-vis their own stated payment methods, and that since I was never in receipt of the pizza as a consequence of their own actions, I didn’t owe him shit. She explained that ‘they’re not like, y’know, a real Dominos’, and those payment methods are just from ‘Dominos Central’, not specific to local Dominos. I explained that regardless, I’m not paying for something I wasn’t given, and that if he had wanted to give me the pizza on credit and become a creditor and I a debtor because he recognized his own liability in being the source of the miscommunication I would have been amenable to discussing it *at the time* but that I was never in care and control of the pizza therefore there was never any transfer of the proprietary and beneficial interests in the pizza to me. She told me she’s just a teenager doing what her boss told her to do. I asked if Dominos Central franchiser knows that the franchisee claims not to be a ‘real Dominos‘ as that likely voids some contracts and then he grabbed the phone from her and told me to ‘go fuck myself’. I told all this in a complaint to Dominos central while requesting a refund and while they processed the refund, they never addressed any of the concerns raised or responded to me. So I’m not banned per se, but I have serious concerns about the potential saliva content of the marinara sauce, and serious concerns about how Dominos itself operates. I’d rather spend my money somewhere that doesn’t like, fucking hate the shit out of me for no reason.


Had them the other day, didnt like them at all


You should've gone for a meal... a succulent Chinese meal


You fucking ordrered chips from dominoes you absolute deadshit get pissed on.


I mean ordering chips from dominoes is on you


I thought they were caterpillars


you got the refund, because this is clearly not a full serving. In what way is that shrinkflation?


So what DOES a full serving look like? (non dominoes user here outside of u.s.)


You need to try domino's pizza. A good domino's pizza is found in a dime a dozen. Even pizza hut is better in Australia by a long shot recently




Sorry i meant a dominos in japan hehe


Why do people still eat Domino's ?


Absolute trash. Ordered a mini combo once and never ever eating at fucking dominos ever again


Getting domino’s is your fault sorry


Invalid argument. The consumer’s choice in vendor isn’t a reason for them to get away with this behaviour.


Yeh it is. People have been posting on the Australian subs for years about them. Any Australian redditor should know better. Even non redditors know about them from numerous headlines and articles about wage theft and dodgy practices. It’s amazing they’re still operating here.


Just remember almost all big American companies use franchise model for most stores that means each store is run by someone who paid dominoes for a store. Many of these owners force employees to cheat the customers for profit. It is often done on purpose. Dominoes is very poor quality for American pizza its basically the McDonald's of pizza if you have 0 decent pizza options in town I understand buying. I would recommend a local family pizza place over this chain garbage 99% of the time the food will be better quality and quantity.


So if it’s the buyers fault, you’re saying dominos are allowed to do this? And they’re allowed to do it because it’s dominos. I don’t know how you get to this point.


Dominoes is notorious in America for being a scammy and really terrible quality and quantity pizza place. It is a last resort or late night option most people who care about a decent pizza will go elsewhere. The only reason they are still successful is they are the cheapest or only option in many small towns and non Americans who dont know the brand buying and expecting it to be something its not. It is viewed as shit tier pizza here.


Yeah i get all that. I agree with it. But the bit I called out above is why is the consumers fault that they sold a shitty plate of food. ‘It’s your fault for going to dominos’ is a silly argument.


I thought it was worms sjfifjekd.


These are larvae


Why would you order fries from Domino’s lmao. Those look disgusting.


I dunno why people ever bother with anything besides pizza and sides from dominos. Chicken? Chips? This isn't KFC, you get a cheap mediocre pizza and some decent garlic bread.


Baked witchetty grubs? Yum!


You would have to pay me to eat Domino's chips. What is that gross yellow slizz on it??


Yeah nah sorry mate that's just the store specific it seems. For loaded fries, there's supposed to be so much that we don't put them in those cheesy gb boxes and instead put them in mini pizza boxes for more room.


Thought that was alot of botfly larva


Isn't shrinkflation meant to be about something staying the same price, but the size getting smaller instead? A small serving isn't that. Unless you're going to say you used to get more fries from Dominos for your $10 and this is the correct serving size, this isn't what this sub is about. The fact you got a refund suggests that the staff agreed it was undersized though.


You're scamming yourself by getting chips from Domino's lol


Suck shit for still buying from dominos.


You’re paying $15 too much for that garbage


Nothing wrong with cooked witchery grubs


So was there a set weight of fries?


Even if it wasn’t shrunk, you got scammed just buying their chips. I wouldn’t feed them to my dog.


yuck, anyone thinking about buying their new bs, don't


And they taste like 💩


That’s fucking gross


Fuck me! When the packaging weighs more than the meal...


tuesday special witchetty grubs, with cheese


You could get more than 3x that at your local Fish and Chips take-away store. Dominoes has been disappointing for a *long time*


Why would you want more of those


It’s more likely some kids doing jack ass’s over domino’s scamming


As a Domino employee, I can confirm that the "loaded fries" are shit and I thought when they said cheesy so and so, I thought there'd be cheese on them, but no just cheese sauce


Hmmm we have a contender. This or the supposed family size chips from Schnitz.


Jesus expensive ass fries


Please don't order that shit


Anybody buying Dominos in Australia is a fool, they are massive scammers, every single local pizza place sells bigger pizzas, with more toppings, for less money.


As someone who works at Dominos, that is not right. First of all they out it in the wrong box, it is suppose to be in a mini pizza box so you can put the cheese on better. Second, WHERWS THE CHEESE!? I would never send something like this out the door. No way in hell.


I get way more than that from my local store but they’re usually really undercooked


WTF is this shit 💩


That's why they make pizza. No fries 😏


The driver got puckish!


is this a new product so how can it be shrinkflation more like /r/shittyfoodporn?


Oh they're not supposed to look like shit?


Tbh the fries are mid, have the texture and taste of the most basic mashed potato


We all know Domino's is ripping us off yet people still go there 🙄


I have an idea, just don’t buy dominos 👍


yer they are very tight.my family got some awile back?


Lol I ordered the same, took the picture, couldn't be bothered to contact for a refund. But absolutely woeful.


Domino's and Pizzahut just taste like cardboard. Crust tastes like expensive cardboard....


This is not just a scam... It's sacrilege! I should not be able to see the foil at the bottom through the middle of the pile!


I tried this the other day. Dry, stale, and barely tasted of anything. I've had better chips from the fish 'n chip store down the road. 1/10 would not recommend


The amount of chips they give for $6 is absolutely comical too. I need to start complaining


We ordered the loaded fries from Domino's Aldinga SA twice on the weekend they were that good!


Dominos is revolting ABHORRENT so called ‘food’ I could shit in a box and it would more nutritious and flavourful


Those look like McCain fries from the Woolworths freezer


Mf I thought they were those tree grubs you fined in leaf litter or Africa


thats like .30c per chip.


Wouldn't you just buy oven chips?




They have literally sent you [Birds Eye Microwave Chips Crinkle](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/802663/birds-eye-microwave-chips-crinkle) retails 3.50 at woolies, serving size matches perfectly


$10 …. Wtf. That’s miserable


Their chips are the worst.




Their sides have always been atrocious and overpriced.


Raj holding back


Did you honestly expect anything different?


Actual dog shit


Ngl for a minute I thought they delivered to you a bag of maggots


Damn, they gave you some hot chips instead of a pizza?


> Op eats half his chips, > complains


Domino's worker (Australian, so our system might be different) here, what the fuck is this shit lmao you're supposed to put WAYYYYY more than that on the tray Probably a new employee on their first day or an old one that's just bloody done with everything lmao, or a combination of both


I (39F) was in my early 20s when I realised Dominos was awful. I could eat a whole pizza to myself, there’s nothing in it. That’s when Crust came in and dominated. 2-3 slices felt the same as a whole pizza. We were young and broke so the vouchers in the mail was why we were doing it, but sorry it’s shit food and you shouldn’t expect anything more.


Your mistake was buy8ng fries from dominoes. These look like those $3 bag of frozen fries


I tried them. Seasoning is OK but damn are those potatoes small.


I thought those were maggots


Their garlic bread is shite too. Only way to make that shit edible is my air fryer.


Now I need to see what the correct amount for $10 worth of chips from dominos is as I doubt it wouldn't even be much more than this.


Domino's large pizzas are equivalent to small pizzas from other places. Always has been


Better just buy your own frozen fries or even make them your own!


Literally could have just bought some frozen fries from the grocery, tossed on some shredded cheese, and baked them yourself and have them ready in 10 minutes.


Geelong central pizza is the best pizza in the whole area for the price to be honest


How to turn $2.50 into $100. This is the life pro tip those subs are always looking for. This is disgustingly disturbing.


Sorry .. I gotta this looks lke chunky vomit ..


Why does anyone still buy this poison


As an employee who works there, I reccomend getting regular chips ($5AUD) then over the counter asking them to put the cheese sauce on. Otherwise you’re looking at “loaded chips” which go for about ($10AUD), a complete rip off


Talking about Rip-Offs how about the ol Mc-Rip Offs themselves charging almost $6 for a large McCoke and a McPaperStraw they don’t even fill to the top and you tell them to fill it up and they say “Unfortunately, the machine does it automatically 🤨…


I gave up ordering the cheesy garlic scrolls because what I mostly got (and wouldn’t realise until they were at my house) were dry bread scrolls with no cheese or garlic on them.


Dominoes turned to the worst food delivery outlet in Australia so gradually that few people noticed


Ooh wichetty grubs with mystery yellow sauce!


I wouldnt order fries from a place that can't get their main product consistently correct. And they been doing pizza for decades soooo.......


Anyone that buys dominos is a complete moron. FAFO 🤣


Serves you right for buying fkn chips from a pizza shop. You probably buy ice cream too




Imagine ordering fries from a pizza place


Witchety grubs are on the menu?


Doninos CEO Don Meij is on $37 Million a year and this is what he serves you


Jesus fucking christ. No this is not shrinkflation. That is the normal amount they put in, it's just in a larger box that is usually used for something else. You also bought the loaded fries which costs more for adding very little. Why is every fucking post here just oozing with stupidity?


They're good chips, just a minuscule serving