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I like me some CFA as much as anybody.. but either choosing between fast food or calling in to an actual restaurant is going to cost almost the same. A basic chicken sandwich combo, medium fry and large drink comes easily comes in over $10. My previous go to order which was a grilled chicken club with a cup of chicken noodle soup and a drink is over $15 after tax. It used to be closer to $9. As far as shrinkflation goes, CFA is really hard to judge. They have always been hit or miss on the size of what you get. I can get two chicken sandwiches, and one can be twice the size as the other one. It has always been my biggest complaint is that they don't have any consistency with portion sizes of their chicken.


Bc they use real chicken filets unlike their competitors who process 100 filets into a paste and make them into perfect shapes.


Maybe location has something to do with it, it's $9.50 here for a sandwich combo with the larger drink. They were charging a ton for the pimento cheese sandwich, but I loved it and it was worth it for me.


You should stop eating fast food. It's overpriced trash


Now I have 2 reasons. Overpriced and Undersized


Cfa is notoriously overpriced. And no I don't care how good their customer service is. $5 small milkshakes and $7 for 4 tenders etc. Fuck outta here.




Oh no I'm done. I used to go to McDonald's until they turned my filet o fish into the size of a slider last year and I haven't been there since. I hate being ripped off more than anything.


I stopped eating fast food for over 8 years. On a long road trip, I walked into a McDonald's with cash. I ordered at the kiosk, which was new. Then I couldn't pay for my food. I waited 5 minutes and walked out after no human interaction. I had a big trailer so I couldn't use the drive through Went to Jersey Mike's across the street which was not good. Not too bad though.




So I'm a liar and selfish. What other negative qualities do i have?




That's it? There has to be more


A third reason can be that chik fil a is a weird Christian corporation like hobby lobby


You walk in, order, eat, leave. It’s not like they preach to you or anything. 🤷🏻


What? You haven’t had the Jesus Christ ghost pepper nuggets?


They changed the name to Father Son and the Holy Ghost Pepper Nuggets™


That really goes without saying, doesn’t it? By walking in, ordering, eating, and leaving, along with saying “yeah this chicken is pretty good”, you’re also saying “yeah, I’m cool with supporting the causes this company puts my money toward”


I think the point is that by buying from them you're giving them money to continue their sus practices not that you're gonna get a sermon when you walk in the front door or a nun is gonna splash you with holy water and attempt an exorcism.


but your money does go to the foundations they donate to so...yeah they kinda do


Every company or owner of a company is going to donate to at least one charity that an individual will object to. I’m sure there are many company owners who are Christian and donate money to pro-life charities.


My son got a job there a few weeks ago and I was like omg poor thing he's going to be indoctrinated. Uh no. the first night he was there, he was introduced to all the "smokers" (not cigarettes) and they play vulgar rap both while they cook and during closing while cleaning up. Hell yeah.




It’s horrible for you and overpriced but I’m shit at cooking and no matter how hard I try to follow recipes or how much I practice, I can never make anything as good as most fast food items, especially the chicken, no matter how many different seasonings I try, or how many recipes none of my dishes come even close to as good as Chick-fil-A


Google 'chicken brine' Giving chicken a good soak in salt water really helps keep it juicy and tender


The person below said salt brine and they are correct. With a buttermilk dip setup for breading and spices - you're gonna be money. Also, and I'll get ridiculed for this but the cookbook "salt, fat, acid, heat" is a fantastic resource. It's not recipes per se, but principles of why food tastes good and how you can do the same thing. Lastly, following a recipe will be a thing of the past if you choose to read that book


Aldi sells bags of frozen breaded chicken fillets that are really good—you just bake them.


Red bag chicken! Taste remarkably like the Chick-fil-A sandwich.


And a whole bag of 4 or 5 fillets costs about the same as *one* Chick-fil-A sandwich!


Check out the Just Bare chicken nugs at Costco. Air fry or oven bake them a little longer than the package says and they taste like CFA. Buy the CFA sauces at the grocery store and never drive through a CFA drive through again. The 3 lb bag is $17.99 and sauce $6.


use egg, then flour with garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, paprika, anything else then egg again then panko.




Its hard too im not gonna lie im guilty …. How do you fight this?


Chick-fil-A is sooooo good.


I've only had it once from door dash and it seemed like very average fast food. Sauces are mostly soybean oil. Idk why people love it so much. Probably cause it came out of a deep fryer


Wow there buddy, that’s average size its just a lil cold


Small ones are fine they just shouldn't cost MORE


You don’t know me. And I don’t know you. But I want you to vow to me right now that you’re going to swear off fast food until they realize they can’t keep upping the price and shrinking the product. Swear to me right now, for 6 months, you’ll go out of your way to go to the grocery store and meal prep for the next day. I need you all to pinkie promise me that you’re not going to buy fast food anymore, it’s the only way they’re going to change. They’re doing this because they can and everyone still goes to them. We can do this. I believe in us. Vote with your wallet!!!!


Not OP BUT I promise, been going strong for 6 months now, I learned cooking/prepping at home is undefeated. Fuck this new age American greed 👎🏻


there are actually some tasty frozen meals out there and the prices have started to come down on those


Yeah, I grabbed a chicken sandwich combo there the other day because I had to leave the office before eating the lunch I brought. I up-sized the drink and fries to large, and when I stopped to eat and opened the bag, first thing I saw was a large size fry cup filled barely more than halfway. If I hadn't been in a rush, I'd have gone back, taken it inside and told them: "When I asked for large, I meant the quantity of the order, not the size of the cup."


I'd rather support my local Chinese restaurant that serves twice as much food for the same price than the bigoted fucks of CFA.


When we get Chinese we get a small soup, noodles and fried rice and thst is 3 meals for each of us, I am not joking. Mind you it used to be 20 dlls now is 30, but 30 for 3 meals for 2 adults 5 dollars a person per day souns excellent if you ask me. So we get it during the weekend and eat some home made food and some Chinese left overs over the week.


Return it. They had the audacity to try to pass this off to you… return the favor and return it


There not tenders there nuggets. It's happening here in Australia as well.


Yeah. I used to work at chick-fil-a in 2021 and the nuggets were just a little bit smaller than the tenders now.


Chick Fila donates money to some pretty evil organizations.


They promised to stop donating to the ones that supported conversion therapy in 2019. They also got in trouble with conservatives recently for having a diversity and inclusion executive. I'm not saying they've redeemed themselves in any meaningful way but I agree with the comment that basically all major corporations are in some way guilty of heinous actions. I only buy God's chicken because it's my autistic kid's number one safe and preferred food. Sometimes there are reasons for trying to justify things to yourself no matter how shitty they might actually be.


I boycotted them. I didn't like it, but I felt it was necessary. We won. Yeah, the owners still hold beliefs I disagree with, but they conceded on the points we were boycotting about. So I now eat there again. That's how boycotts work.


My son works there and I can promise you the people who work there are nothing like what you would imagine LOL He said the first day he worked there he was introduced to all the weed smokers and they listen to hardcore rap when working


so do all the other fast food companies. boycotting chick fil a for these reasons, but not boycotting walmart, mcdonald’s, taco bell, and even target, just makes it performative activism. they’re just not as open about it as CFA. “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism”. the rich are gonna keep making decisions that benefit the rich. BUT that being said, my husband runs a team for home depot corporate and home depot basically crowd funds during election times and asks each employee which candidate they want to donate to. so it’s not “home depot” donating to conservative PACs/campaigns, it’s the employees of home depot that raise a certain amount and then they choose who it goes to. the home depot former CEO though…. buddy buddy with trump


I'm still thinking about the first part of your comment a day later. The ethical consumption under capitalism thing is really, really good. I wish we still had awards to give.


My non profit stopped accepting gifts from CFA but somehow we get their donated books it's a doozy. And also why isn't anyone talking about this but I went to the grocery store yesterday and in the hot section I saw chicken tenders it was 3 for $5. Tenders look like they were giant chicken wings. They were massive.


Name them


Ive always thought chic fil a was kinda stingy with their sides in particular... But lately is has been with almost everything and getting even worse with the sides!


I stopped eating bigot chicken and replaced it with Just Bare in my air fryer. Much happier now.


y'all *still* eating the homophobia chicken???


No ethical consumption under capitalism besides isn’t most of the org actually good and it’s just the founders are wack or something




You think you’ll be saved if you eat their nuggets? 🤣🤣


the other day i decided i was going to buy what i wanted from chick fil a without stressing about the price. i bought 12 pc grilled nuggets, large macaroni/cheese, and a large lemonade. it was $25!!!!!


Chic fil a is ridiculous these days. They raised the price of a bag of ice $1. That is outrageous for basically water!!


Liar! You will grab that peppermint chip shake and like it! It’s the tits. But yeah that is the only thing I’d go there for too.


yeah dont go to homophobic chicken


Imagine if y'all had boycotted them for their anti-LGBT rhetoric 15 years ago like you should have


I didn't live near one until 6 years ago. So in a way, I did