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You could… measure it!


I did an indirect form of measuring lol Pour one container into another and see how far it fills it up to determine if there is more or less liquid in the container. From a previous comment, I believe it is a manufacturing quirk. I may measure the next time I get a drink just to see how much less is being given just out of curiosity. Would you like an update with a new picture?


I see you poured the new bottle into an empty old bottle, and can see it’s less compared to a full old bottle. I think you are getting downvoted because people don’t understand that, and your long paragraphs aren’t helping.


Sure. Would love to hate on soft drinks with you


Average system You can pack your products to an average measurement that is on the label. You must check your packages to make sure a random sample is packed to meet all these rules - known as the ‘three packers’ rules’: the contents of the packages must not be less, on average, than the weight on the label only a small number can fall below a certain margin of error, known as the ‘tolerable negative error’ (TNE) no package can be underweight by more than twice the TNE


They changed the shape of the bottle. Marketing wank, not shrinkflation.


He poured the new bottle into an empty old bottle, and can see it’s less compared to a full old bottle. Definitely looks like less.


Hmm, I doubt it will do any good but maybe I'll send this to Dr. Pepper, Keurig, or the owner of the brand then. Maybe their filling machines only fill them until the liquid gets so high in the bottle. The first picture does appear to be about the same level of filling just that the shapes are different resulting in different quantity overall. Thanks for your perspective


I don’t understand how there is like nothing functional in place to hold corporations caught guilty of things like this responsible


You won’t believe it but there is in other countries not called USA.


I misread that at first, that makes sense that that would exist and I’m not surprised that’s an US problem


Guilty of things like what exactly?


Use context clues here man


You know the machines don't fill the bottles evenly anyway right? Just go look on any shelf and there will be discrepancies all over. Hell you can even see in your first picture the back right bottle has significantly more in.


Use a scale if you're really that paranoid.


Out of curiosity, what’s it look like when it’s gone flat again? The repoured, open bottle looks to have a lot of bubbles taking up space inside it at the moment due to being agitated. Those air cavities throughout could be making it look more full, though I don’t know if it’s enough to make up the difference. It’s also possible that even if it’s not enough to make up the visual difference, if both bottles still have *at least* the stated volume (or an average like another commenter said) then they’re fine. The other could have overfill. Have you measured the flat soda against something verified like measuring cups? Long story short, needs more experimentation, and you should contact your local government’s weights and measures department if the new containers truly contain less than 500mL and see what they say.


Weigh the two different (full) bottles. Then weigh the bottles empty and subtract to find the net weight of the product in each bottle. I think it might look so different due to the carbonation as another person said.


Looks like the one in the middle is cold, cold temps allow for sequestration of carbonate in the soda instead of the gas above it. That's why it looks like there's more soda.


Maybe we are just greedy in Australia, but our bottles of a similar profile are 600ml in size. Wait a second, butter not say that too loud… not for long, maybe? 🤔


Standard bottles here in Canada were 591ml but in recent years coke-owned products switched to 500ml and now I've heard Pepsi is beginning to do the same in some places. Ugh, God they just can't help themselves, that 91ml shaved off must mean the fucking world to them. Again, as much as I fucking hate price inflation, shrinkflation is so much worse imo. One feels greedy, the other feels like a greedy bitch-slap.


591ml, I understand if it’s a raw from something in Fluid Ounces…. But why 591ml, someone’s lucky number ? I guess, if in doubt… ROUND DOWN ! Criminals !!! Ok googles and found that 591ml = 19.9841US Fluid Oz…. Man, they rip off a logical 20fl oz. Straight away to 19.984… then round the mls down to 500 🤣🤷‍♂️🖕🤦‍♂️


Nobody heard of a damn measuring jug?? Different shaped bottles won't tell you much


The bottles in your 2nd picture don’t even look the same.


They're all supposed to have 16.9 fl oz, or 500 ml. The bottles in picture one are the same as picture two. However, there are two different bottles in each picture. The second picture is showing the difference on how the empty bottle filled up the other shaped bottle. I then sat it next to an unopened bottle to compare.


I hope this is posted in the right sub. I also tried to add a description but cannot see said description. I typically drink Dr. Pepper when I drink soda. I got some new bottles recently and thought they seemed shaped a bit weird. I probably need to get a measuring cup to check them but there is definitely a difference in the amount in the bottle. I just wanted to share this little finding with you all and see anyone else's opinion lol


redditor learns different bottle shapes hold the same volume of liquid differently


Very unlikely that Dr Pepper has straight up lied about their quantity. Do you just think its that easy for a big company to just print whatever they want on a label?




the world is going backwards.


🙄🙄 love paying for less


Hmmm Dr pepper good.


it’s a carbonated drink. it’s pressurized. try opening the bottle that looks smaller.


Weigh the liquid inside without the bottles. Volume sucks. Mass rules.


I mean they're selling them by volume, not mass, so this wouldn't really change anything. Unless you think that they're making the liquid less dense


OP was literally complaining that one bottle looked more full than another. If they have the same density, then weighing them would answer his suspicion.


Bottle mass could be different for a variety of reasons. Easiest way to check volume is to measure it, plus the fact that most people don't have kitchen scales that are anywhere near accurate


Bro. Pour out the liquids into another container on a scale that is tared. Don’t keep them in their original bottles