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First make sure to weight your shrooms. I took 2 grams my first time but don’t overdo it, take 1 maybe 1.5 Have a trip sitter and stay somewhere you feel safe, imo tripping at home for the first time is good, where you’re familiar with everything which makes it more pleasurable and less likely to be uncomfortable. Put on some chill music, drink lots of water and enjoy the trip. Don’t be afraid to get weird or do weird things while tripping, just have fun. You won’t be hungry while tripping but I always make sure to eat a good meal after, veggies and protein.


I get SO hungry on the comedown


Shoom munchies are so worse then weed munchies lol


Thank you everyone! Super helpful. Planning to do it with my husband soon! I do have a scale so I'll take ur guys recommendations. Thank you!


Enjoy your trip ☺️


Hey how is your trip...


Follow the 🐇


Yes Neo.


Get a scale from walmart/target. Try to get one that will weigh smaller amounts. My first time was 1.5g, then 2.5, 3, up to 3.8. Even close to 4g, I never had open eye hallucinations or had a freak out. You'll be okay taking 1.5 to 2g for your first time, but don't expect anything too over the top. My first time with 2.5g, I had crazy awesome closed eye hallucinations, awesome colors and patterns. Open eye will be colors and things slightly breathing or wavy. I recommend a peaceful setting where you won't be bothered, dark room, headphones on. Some people like to be out in nature or doing stuff but shrooms give me a very heavy and sedated feeling so I prefer laying down. It'll be up to you how you feel once it kicks in. You can eat them whole, or grind them up with a blender and do the lemon tek method(just youtube lemon tek). They taste like shit but just chase it with a drink, you'll be fine.


Step 1: go buy a digital gram scale so you can measure your doses. Step 2: do no more than 1 gram for your first time. Then wait two weeks and try 2 grams. Then wait another two weeks and try three grams. Two weeks 4 grams. Two weeks 5 grams. Try to do it on an empty-ish stomach so you don't throw up. Shrooms are known for inducing a lot of nausea. Take a dump before you do it. Some people have been known to lose bowel control at high doses. So clear your bowels ahead of time.


> Some people have been known to lose bowel control at high doses. Damn, I hope I don't get known for that.


Probably too late by now but .. 1-2 grams, grind up put it in something like chocolate or my favorite put it in hot chocolate. And drink it all when the temperature is just right to drink it all in a short time


Lemon tek, don’t take more than 2g the first time, I like to listen to this playlist when I trip https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2nZKvcQF2KiK6XRJrCsFv0?si=zaU3t1AGQ2apqMSt_ygDdw&pi=u-YPmjLhzATouZ Enjoy 😊 🍄


Are you doing this alone or with friends makes a difference, how many G are you taking my first time was 3 with friends had a good time but can mess with your emotions be in a good state of mind and just chill


Enjoy your journey ❤️


Drink Ginger Tea for nausea and have a empty stomach I fast before a trip for at least 4/5 hours I did 2g’s my first time and it was great I wouldn’t recommend anything more than that for your first time make sure you have a good head space and somewhere comfortable and have fun good luck!!! If you want Music / movie recommendations if you’re going to be inside just pm me !


Those are a nice size. Since you are a first timer may I recommend nibbling on your mushroom. I would say to take a small bite, about the size of your pinky nail, 1/4 inch. That should be enough of a dose to let you know what the mushroom effect feels like. NPR said that mushrooms are like a martini without the calories. You also want to start small in case you have an adverse reaction. Be safe and have fun.


I did them for the first time earlier this month and had a nice feeling and some closed eye mandalas and stuff. It was nice, but I knew it wasn't a full trip so I did it again last weekend. I started with about 1.5 g but didn't feel anything from it so I took another gram after an hour. The second time I started with lemon tekking 2g and was feeling great in about 20 minutes. After about an hour, my son (which is super hilarious imo. He's 22 and has kind of been my trip guide) said he thought I could handle another gram and I lemon tekked that. And then after about 20 minutes I just blasted off. It was amazing. I just sat in my backyard looking at the trees and stuff. Had some pretty amazing insights to things. Before you eat them, measure out your intended dose and a bumper dose in case you want to go higher. It can be harder to do simple tasks so make sure you measure the second dose out first. Set a timer for one hour when you take the first dose. If you don't feel it, or don't feel enough, then you can take more. Put together an "activity box" so you can move around and easily bring your things with you. You might enjoy a sketch pad and some colored pencils or markers, or some tarot cards (not for a reading so much as to look at the pictures), or anything else that you enjoy looking at. I spent what felt like a full hour looking at a rock. Read up on set and setting. Get your mind in a good place (set) and have a good place to be in (setting). Things can get weird, but if there's something you don't like, just don't pay attention to it. Be open to the experience and don't try to control it, but also don't focus on negative things especially on the come up. Think of a mantra ahead of time. It can be about what you want to experience, or something to help keep you calm if things do get weird. Oh, idk if it's true but I heard that being on an antidepressant can damped the effects some. For me personally, I was on one the first time, and haven't taken another one since. I'm definitely not recommending anyone stop taking an antidepressant. Just noting that my experience so far has been that I don't need it anymore.


Just remember you are under the effects of something but that overall you are OK. Do what feels right and what feels good in the moment. (unless it's detrimental to your well-being) Enjoy!


Good luck!


buy a scale and use it.


Eighth to face !


Great advice already. I'm trippin over what I think is a left hand holding some sbroons then another hand, right maybe, on the wrong side, and then something that looks like a leg to the right of a right leg?? There had got to be two people in this picture!


Hydrate and take with food. Try a gram first. Ive had weak and strong shrooms so its case by case


Don’t listen to anyone about lemon tekon your first time ! Its to intense to fast the basically your replicating stomach acid. So the psilocybin in the shrooms breaks down to Psilocin without having to eat them first. So when you take it there a come up but instead of slow and gradual it hits like a ton of bricks . As a well experienced phyconaut. It was to intense for me when I first started . And that was with 2gs of penis envy and the first time second with a g of harmalas mixed in I had to take a seroquel to stop it ! That was the only time ever I took a trip stopper. Start naturally so you know how you’ll react . Then when your comfortable try it don’t make your first experience run you off from the flesh of the gods . Then you’ll be ready to Jedi flip like the choosen few


Interesting... and helpful. Thanks!


They’re Psilocybe Cubensis, one of the most common magic mushrooms. They are decently potent and are would recommend about 1 gram or less for your first time. Some people take more but depending on how strong they are, which you won’t know until you try them, 1 gram will probably give you a mild trip with small visuals. You can even try half of a gram (0.5 g) to see how strong they are and how you feel.


Start low like maybe a gram, wear short sleeves and make sure you’re hydrated. You’re going to get nausea. I usually chase my shrooms with tums. Once they are dried its very hard to tell what kind. Have fun. 


short sleeves why? literally my first time hearing this tidbit of info lol


Don’t listen to that shit comment about wearing short sleeves. If it’s your first time ever doing a psychedelic, make sure you have someone who has done it before trip sit you, things can get weird quick and someone that can remind you and guide you is really important your first time. Get a digital scale and a grinder from a head shop. Depending on how hard you want to go, 1 gram is definitely a beginner dose. You may or may not get an experience. I would start with 2 grams personally. You will definitely feel or see something with that. Grind up the dose you want to try and put it in a small glass and add fresh squeezed lemon or orange juice until it completely covers the ground up mushrooms. Let it simmer for about 20min and knock it all down like a shot. I throw the shot mix into a small smoothie. Not going to lie, they taste awful, but if you can manage to keep it down…about 20-30min after you take that shot you will start a magical voyage. Make sure you have plenty of water and about 4-6hrs of your day to be entertained with no responsibilities. Have a 60’s psychedelic playlist ready just in case you want to just vibe out to some music. Maybe a good Pixar flick too. Have fun 🤙🏼


Its not a shit comment. body heat increases on shrooms and the effects increase when overheating. You should probably at least know what a substance will do to your body before taking it and ESPECIALLY before giving advice to other people on taking it. 🤷‍♂️ 


Funny…when I take them I get cold. What do I know, I’ve only been doing them since 96


nah man this is like my 30th time 😂ive fucked with LSD, Psilocybin, high ass edible doses (3 literal RSO syringes in capsules)DMT and plenty of other “non-psychs” . the whole short sleeves shit took me for a loop i thought it might of been a joke. i personally love tripping and going on hikes so i ditch the shirt and just rock shorts and maybe a bucket hat lol


about 2 weekends ago i took some acid went on a hike watched cheech and chong, dude wheres my car, and just had the best grand old time


He might have been attacked by a vicious long sleeved constrictor.


Nah my girl has overheated herself with a blanket before and I’ve overheated in the shower, it can make it drastically more intense and its rough if you’re new. 20+ trips in I can do showers because I know what I’m getting into but the first time it happened I had to turn the water off with my foot 😂


You heat up and intensity increases with heat, if you’re new you can overwelm yourself. 


Not everyone gets nausea you know. Been taking shrooms for years and never even felt sick once


You must be the chosen one..


Fr you’re insanely lucky for that to be the case, even if its the case for them too rather be ready for it than not. 


Get some type of stomach help


Take 8 grams




They look like albinos and I wouldn’t go off weight. They’re super light. Pick of a small blue bit, whatever feels right. Trust your gut


Boof them