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I’d buy p envy if someone sent me this list.


I’ve heard they come on a bit strong. What would you say is good dose wise for a relative beginner. I’d love to take these to the river and float in the water for awhile without being blasted or anything.


start w a gram at most and if u need more u can eat more


My first time was a little over 4g of p. Envy and I had a really nice time, but I smoke a good amount of weed and have opioid resistance, idk if the second part matters for mushrooms but it matters for morphine and shit so.


Check my profile, I just grew out yeti. It’s a mutation from albino A+. Everyone saying they are all the same have no idea what they are talking about. PE is definitely stronger than normal cubes, thay have been genetically selected for generations to produce high potency fruits. Same goes with other strains like yeti. Although some of the strains on there are deffo made up so I wouldn’t trust that plug Edit- yeti is a mutation of albino teachers not a+!


Burma, thrasher, penis envy, and yeti are the only ones on that list I know for sure are real names, lol. The rest I've never heard of myself. Enigma is real, but red enigma is made up. But I agree, after I started to adventure into growing myself, there are definitely differences. I'm trying to figure out if people that say the "cube is a cube" can explain how most fin, brain, and blob mutations are actually stronger in potency.


“A cube is a cube” was a saying from shroomery.org. It was coined about 20 years ago and is definitely outdated now after all the cross breeding and genetic selection


I think what it refers to is that all cubensis have the same arsenal of compounds in them, they can't produce things outside of that profile, other species have different profiles... Sure some cubes might produce more or less of a compound in their profile but still limited to those compounds. Grow some semperviva and then you'll get it, or natalensis that's pretty much same grow parameters as cubes


I keep tubs each rotation with Natalensis growing and bags steady colonizing because Natalensis is my personal favorite, so I keep plenty. I've also ran subtropicalis, p.azures, pan cyan and getting more exotic strains as we speak. I also have 90+ genetics in my library made up of different cube crosses, isolations and mutations with other species and gourmet/Medicinal so I understand what you're saying.


Nice, when you did Azurescense were they outdoor or did you use some kinda cooled fruiting chamber? And also agree with natalensis being my favorite as well.


Outdoor, I start them right before fall and put them outside for the temps to naturally drop and induce fruiting. Ive got to much taking up room to make a cooled fruiting chamber even though that would be awesome lol


Ya I have liquid culture I made for it and had planned to give it a go at the end of winter last year as temps warmed up, fall does make more sense tho. Eventually I'd like to make a fruiting chamber out of a soda cooler or wine fridge.


I've thought about it myself but can't spare the space, and with my habits, it would work, so I'd need a few more lol


End up with a whole walk in cooler built xD


Just curious…how do you store your different genetics? Are these spore prints? Slants?


I've got prints, swabs, slants, plates, LC, and spore syringes I make. LC, slants, and agar plates go in a mini fridge that is only for storing genetics. Everything else goes into a tub with the lid on in the house. I know the dates for everything in the fridge and every few months I'll rotate the genetics to grain and repeat.


Is Natalensis the same as Natal Super Strength? Mind sharing why they're your favourite?


i've had a batch of cambodian cubensis two years ago. i've prayed a lot around the substrate, then the mycelium and later the fruiting bodies. the first flush turned out to be extremely powerful compared to previous grows. once you accept the physical manifestations of the mushroom god as the body, you can connect to the spirit behind the visible 3D solid in various ways. mantras, praying, talking to them, yada, yada, of course, ingesting the fruiting body is the fastest and most efficient option. the mushroom is anything but simple minded. don't tell any psychology students, but once you're linked to this ancient network aka spiritual realm, you do not have to consume anything physical, but just meditate and receive instructions. i do enjoy a good ol' fashioned mushroom journey every now and then though. for some time, i would not sleep after a night's clubbing and tour the antique churches in innsbruck, tyrolia on a medium dose of shrooms on sundays. the people building these sure had a properly working pineal gland. or the psilocybin was in their dairy and the rest of the diet free from the toxins modern nutrition brings into the temple, i'm not sure. old, but gold: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPeSVlk6E70](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPeSVlk6E70)


I mean... Not sure what this has to do with my statement that different species of active mushrooms likely have different compound profiles but cool that is your belief. I've cultivated on and off 25 years this year, and I do feel a bond with them but more like I would compare to having pets just on a different level if that makes sense. I cannot achieve the state of mind I get from consuming mushrooms without consuming them or at least I do not know how and would think if I did that would be borderline schizophrenia by modern psychology standards lol... I'm just saying that there is a definite noticeable difference in different species where I do feel all cubensis give me pretty much the same kinda experience, sure some stronger or weaker maybe slightly more this or that but more or less the same kinda experience, for me... I'm not saying anyone else's opinion is not valid.


I’ve had so many arguments with people about this, I just don’t buy it. I keep very similar set and setting for my trips and will have completely different experiences with different strains, but always a similar to the strain I took.


The only people that buy into it are inexperienced in growing and tripping i’ve done both heavily for about two decades, and there’s no denying that there’s differences. My basic point is you have some people who grow and barely trip anymore so they just have their mind made up through belief, not experience. Then on the other side you have people whose experiences are very subjective because they can never be sure where anything came from or what it is exactly besides word-of-mouth. I believe one day modern science will get to the bottom of it. My best guess is, it’s probably a combination of minor alkaloids and other chemicals that play into an entourage effect making each strain unique. Similar in the cannabis industry with minor cannabinoids, and the role of terpenes which really wasn’t understood until modern testing and analysis.


This is facts. I really enjoy golden teachers, Melmacs, YETI, and APEs. I can confirm I have similar experiences with the strains I take. Golden Teachers have always been very relaxing and subtle but APEs have always smacked me in the face and it tends to be way more introspective. Each strain has a different experience but as you said always similar to the strain I’ve taken…


APE always me the worst stomach problem a great time if didn't make me sick for the first 3 hours lol.


I agree with all of this! I have had all of those types as well. You are spot on. Another random variety that always smacked me was treasure coast. Treasure coast variety are from Florida and every time I eat them I call it “getting weird.” They always got me real good.


Just respond "yeah, all weed is the same"


Oh, I know all too well the origination of the saying lol. I was more or less questioning these so-called experts on their mind set toward the outdated sayings they are still passing around.


I mean, we’re crossing cubes with cubes, so yeah a cube will always be a cube, people overthink in terms of varieties of cubes. If one doesn’t get you as high as the other just eat more 🤷‍♂️.


those enigmas were intense, man. i want to add the moon goddess as a very powerful parameter to the set. depending on her position, my trips had VERY, VERY different qualities. very little fun around new moon, from my experience. those are the most powerful lessons, when there's little fun and external pleasure, but deep insight and demon wrestling going down. good bye from the black forest.


I feel like you're making quite a few logical leaps to get to the assumption that your varying trips are down to a moon godess


It’s 7:54am and this comment chain was the first thing I read. Custard when I got to your comment it killed me lol 😂


Bro idk what it is about yetis. Before trying em I swore mushroom strains was a made up marketing tool. But man, I had several different yeti strains on different occasions. A blessing they were.


How is the effect different? I am scared of having a bad trip so being very cautious as only tried once so far.


Mind sharing what makes them different?


Honestly It’s hard to gauge strains cuz I feel like a lot of the experience depends on the mindset going into it. But when you measure some common patterns in trip reports on specific strains, you can get a *general trend* of what some strains *may* produce in terms of effects The yetis for me were very visual, but not in terms of trippy visuals, but some pleasantly spiritual uncanny mental images flashed through.


Red enigma is “apparently” a cross between some enigma and a strain with red spores.


How can you cross enigma without spores? That's not a real cross unless you can isolate single spores(monokaryons) of both strains to breed and create dikaryons that can go on to make fruiting bodies. Real enigma is a mutation clone that doesn't even have gills to drop spores. Efroot isn't enigma either it's a revert so that would be a false cross also.


~If you look up how mushrooms reproduce sexually you’d find that the mycelium of two different strains can meet and form dikaryotic cells. The spores themselves don’t reproduce.~ EDIT: see post below for better info.


I believe you have a lot more research to do to understand how mono cultures are obtained and what it takes to actually breed mushrooms. You can do a mon-mon cross or a Di-mon cross but still requires mono cultures of either. In the red enigma case, you have enigma that will always be a clone, so dikaryotic mycelium will always grow since it takes spores to "isolate single SPORES" and obtain monokaryotic mycelium. You could take a mono culture from Columbian red Spore if that's what they are saying it's crossed with but ive never seen it, nor have I heard of it before now and my genetics library has 90+ different strains and species that I've verified myself. Maybe someone is trying to pass a pink Puff as red enigma idk but it's not a real cross either way.


Seems possible, at least for blue oysters: > For the development of a sporeless sfrain of P ostreatus we used sfrain ATCC 58937 This non-commercial sfrain is completely sporeless We have recovered both nuclear types of stram ATCC 58937 as monokaryons (hereafter refened to as nhl 1 and nh42) by protoplasting the my-celium.


Protoplasting is such a great word I love it when you hear a new word! Must go read up it is so interesting!


You have 90 different strains? Wow I didn’t even know that there were 90! Do you mean actives? I see now this hobby can become an addiction! 🍄‍🟫🍄‍🟫🍄‍🟫


It's actually 90+ varieties and species, but most people still call different cubensis varieties "strains." I've gotten tired of arguing or explaining, so I put strains and get fewer questions.


So interesting and as I am new to growing I can see the appeal of learning about different types that need more/less care and attention etc! Also as many folks I know want to try for mental health benefits I feel they are all starting to be interested as well!


To me, growing and collecting is the only addiction that comes from mushrooms. I started so I could MD and get off of pharmaceuticals as a veteran with ptsd they have helped me tremendously. Then I saw all the different interesting varieties people had started to isolate and just started collecting. Years later, I have an extensive library and am still collecting genetics to verify and keep.


Fair enough. Maybe I misunderstood the explanation of how the rednigma came about and just stopped reading there. Found it: > The goal of the project was simple. Try to install the now famously potent Enigma Genetics into a strain that produces spores so that these spores can be sold to the general public legally for microscopic study. To make the cross over of genetic more obvious. RedBoy was chosen for the cross specifically because this particular strain produces a rust to orange colored spore print. So a loss of the Rust colour spore print in the new fruiting body would be a strong indicator even if the Mutant blob growths had not shown. I guess I just assumed it was some fiddly process involving agar plates, microscopes and a steady scalpel. Thanks for the info - I’ll go internalise how all that works properly.


I have several plates of mono cultures I've isolated myself and crossing with other strain mono cultures. I have made my own crosses, and I'm still working them until I'm happy. Cloned mycelium is already dykariotic, meaning it has clamp connections. If you put them together yes its possible to get certain traits, but its not a true cross, and most of the time ends up sterile, requiring more cloning to produce something stable. But what you said is like when people try to put 2 different colonized bags in the same tub. They will fight for nutrients, and a barrier of incompatibility will take place. It's not as easy as you say, if it was there would be so many more actual verified legit crosses out not bullshit that's Unstable and won't express the phenotype that was looked for. This is why you see so many saying "oh, it's OK it just reverted" to get themselves off the hook for bad genetics they are trying to sell.


Appreciate the info!


Well the it's more like a cube is a cube when there's no mutation


Red enigma isn’t made up. It’s a Redboy x Enigma. It was done to see if an enigma could drop spores.


https://preview.redd.it/x5ulu0z1ax9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30cc73003cfd9bcc830e017baa055aded87a90b5 This is useful for dosing


I’m curious as to where this info came from. Enigma should def be one of the highest on the list.


Blue Veils seems to be missing from that list. I find them to be a lot stronger than PE.


Was that chart from a book? I saw someone show it briefly on youtube one day but I couldn’t see the cover of the book! Also what is blue and what is pink/red?


Is penis envy "uncut" just a "branding" thing vs regular penis envy or does uncut refer to something else?


Penis envy stronger than enigma ? I thought enigma was the most potent out of all Just impossible to drop spore that’s why it’s so rare


Anywhere I can find this original pic? Kinda hard to read that screenshot for me


Search this sub or google, i took it a while ago


Searched both, no luck


This is my trusted weed guy so I don’t know how much he knows about shrooms that’s sort of why I came here although I trust him not to sell me bullshit it might just be like marketing. He sends videos of every bag and they all look different enough so I don’t think he’s like trying to pull a fast one.


I thought yeti came from true albino teachers from the TAT syndicate


Yeti is from the true albino teacher


How does P.E compare to golden teachers? I've only ever taken them and lib caps, both 5G dose. Went really well, but can no longer get GT or LC


Typically twice as strong or slightly less


It’s a variant of TAT*


it's called "marketing"


Alot of dealers have no fuckin idea what they're selling and don't know shit about mushrooms. I guarantee no matter which one you pick, it'll probably be golden teachers that you end up with


yea lmao


I really rate Golden teachers esp high dose


i see penis envy a lot in ca and there pretty easy to spot


I’ve had too much p envy one time and thought I was a mushroom


Idk what category hillbilly mindfuck falls into but I took 4 grams at a rob zombie concert and smoked at least two backwoods and for a brief minute I saw everybody else just as mushrooms growing out the world swaying to the sick rob zombie satanic images he played on a big screen


Well, you are what you eat, sooo...


Lol red enigma. People make up the silliest names


Never heard of red enigma, can someone share a pic or something like that?


It’s bullshit not a real proven strain. Most likely someone had a bacterial tub and thought they had something cool.


This is the answer lol


Ah okay I see, I was so confused because I literally never heard of that, had no idea how any of it would have turned red and shroomery provided no result for that 😅👍


They’re all the same gang any “difference” is the seller tryna upsell his product


They might still be cubes, but they are isolations, crosses, and mutations. And do have different alkaloid contents compared to what they started as, so exeriences differ. So, not all of the new fancy names you haven't heard of are people up-selling, especially if there isn't a price difference. Normally, the fancy named shrooms are still priced like normal cubes. Penis envy and its variants are normally a little more expensive, same with exotics or different species like P.natalensis, subtropicalis, pan cyan, etc. The "a cube is a cube" is old and outdated. Things have changed with real crosses and different isolations being shown to contain different amounts of active alkaloids and different tryptamine contents in comparison to the og land race varieties. Natalensis is my favorite, and penis envy does hit a lot different... know why? The different active alkaloids and tryptamines it contains.


They hit different for different people too because we all have our own brain chemistries. PE doesn’t do much for me but Yeti rocks my world.




A cubes a cube is such a lazy take when it comes to effects. Different strains taken in isolation without external stimulation like people, music, concerts, pets, etc. produce similar but noticeably different effects for me. Some are smoother, some more visual, some more euphoric, some racier, some more lethargic, etc. Tea, coffee, matcha, chocolate, etc. are all caffeine with wildly different effects. Similar=/=same


Think of it like average wine consumers vs wine sommeliers. Most people are ignorant to the subtleties or their senses aren’t nearly as sharp as some others. They can tell the difference between 2 vastly different things (red vs white whine/ p. cube vs p. cyan or p. nats), but picking up on slight variations are lost (Carménère vs Merlot/ golden teacher vs b+)


Exactly. I know I am still coherent and able to "party" on like 3g of golden teacher but 2g of BV, completely different story. On the cube is just a cube logic, people might as well say weed is just weed.


This is one of the best explanations I’ve heard. Thanks for making it understandable for a dunce like me.


You are 100% wrong. Try 2 g of enigma compared to 2 g of Golden Teacher, completely different intensity and buzz. The “Cube is a Cube” is BS, outdated nonsense.


Thats a difference in potency. "A cube is a cube" doesn't mean there's no potency variances among cube varieties. Potency can vary wildly from to fruit, even within the same harvest. You may need more GT to reach the same level as enigma, but both are still 100% cubes, genetically


I never believed that after growing and experiencing numerous cube varieties.


Never believed which statement after growing?


Am I the only one who thinks P.E. Hits completely differently than other cubes? It’s like a whole different kind of trip for me.


Have you tried natalensis? They are not a cube and visually they are insane.


could you please describe the visual differences betwen nats and cubes?


Nats have DMT like visuals


Oh word? Like closed eye or open eye?


Open. The first time I took them I thought I was in the matrix. I took a lot though. But my buddy got DMT visuals on two gs.


No I haven’t but I’m super curious about them. Do they grow about the same as cubes? I’m thinking about trying


Yes, they can be grown with the exact same tek but they do like a lot more FAE! And they are super contam resistant. Like, if you get trich in your p.nats, just leave the tub alone for a day or two and the nats will eat through it!


Nats growth speed is insane, they will have you thinking you got contam with how fast and thick it can colonize your casing layer. But nope they are just aggressive as hell.


I’m about ready to start a new batch so I will definitely consider this. My only concern is that they’re gonna be strong af. (Not a bad thing, just something to watch out for.) thanks for the reply!


bro YES i only tripped with golden teacher nd then one time my plug reupped sum new stuff being penis envy i went into it thinking it was the same nd took around the most i had ever taken which was like 4g with a bit of psychedelic tolerance from a sum what recent roll nd holy shi it was completely different way less chill my hands were getting stuck in my pockets cus the zippers were closing around my skin the grass was toothpicks my friend who took less jerked off in the middle of the road i ended up being so high i had to tell my mom nd from there it only got worse as i had adopted this idea in my head that this was what life was like nd that i was sum god that could do anything spawn anything nd i js had the cure for every problem in the world so i’m js sitting there yapping to my mom abt my fix for all these different problems in the world whilst also confessing to other things i had done


Good to know! I’ve enjoyed the Golden Teachers and have been wanting to pick some of those up. Recently tried the Bluey Vutton Smurf’s and noticed they were more potent. Only took 1g and they definitely hit different.


I haven’t had the opportunity to take PE that I know of yet, but I have heard that they are the one exception to the cubes is cubes rule


My first thought the first time I did them was that it felt more like acid than shrooms


I've never done acid, but heard it's sometimes indistinguishable, maybe you've gone into the experience with the mindset "this is gonna be different" and because of it you felt more like acid


I went into the experience thinking I was playing it safe by only taking 1.5 grams but the wall in my living room said otherwise… when I say it felt like acid, I really mean the visuals are much more acid like. The body high was still very shroomy. But probably the most intense visuals I’ve had on shrooms


First time I did acid I did it with a couple buddies of mine and shortly after taking it we watched Inception. End of the movie comes and we're all going over what we just saw cause no e of us were certain we had seen the actual movie


It was all just a dream within a dream. Fun fact… you’re still dreaming.


Different strains have completely different levels of psilocybin in them…they are not all the same.


I thought they all had different levels of effect


Differences in potency are negligible for the most part unless it is a penis envy mutation, and even then it’s still a cubensis. If you’re really looking for different potency and effects, try different species like cyans or natalensis


I swear I’ve gotten shrooms that do almost nothing. I tried everything with them, and waited two weeks in between trips. But I took 8 grams for me to feel much of anything when I finished them off. It was so strange.


Some people just have naturally high tolerance, and there’s also a chance there was some improper handling before you consumed that resulted in diminished potency. Maybe try another plug or acid lol


I have a new plug now and just had a great time last night on 2 grams haha. So I think I’ll stick with this guy.


Could always start growing urself too


I thought about it but I don’t know if I have any space. Maybe if we move to a new place i definitely wouldn’t mind doing some research and learning how.


Just be warned once u start there’s no going back sonny hahaha


A kind I grew myself. It was originally B+ but I decided to call it Omega Extreme XXX


Rednigma? I wouldn’t trust the plug entirely as someone else picked up on some of the other names are made up.


none of those are really "exotics" they are just cubes and cube mutations dont get overcharged


Red enigmas lmfao bro is really trying to toss an extra word on some enigmas to hype them up to sell 😂 🤣


if this is telegram, don’t trust it, and shroom “types” or “strains” are subjective. its just names slapped on completely random genetics.


No such thing as red enigma. I'd go through a different/more reliable vendor if I were you!


Enigma i have tried... definitely buckle up


PE and thrashers...both kicked my ass


All of these are real. Actually there's a yeti cloud that's a definite mind blowing ride. I've grown at least 80% of these. Go to tmu and you'll find all of them.


Enigma is not all what it's supposed to be. Try the blue brains way more potent the Enigma. It's got Enigma in it. Jupiter is also a mutation.






Penis envy is sumn else fr


The ones I find only have a scientific name. I'm not sure what they call each other


PE takes the cake


Those are all cubes and most of them are indistinguishable from eachother. Different cubes do not produce different effects. Potency can vary wildly from fruit to fruit even within the same harvest, but outside of that your experience is largely due to set and setting. Any role the variety name plays in that is placebo. https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/28512498 Generally speaking, with the exception of PE and albino varieties, they're all the same. You will find no discernible difference in B+, Burma, GT, Cambodian, etc because they are the same thing. Think of them as plain m&ms with each named variety of cube representing a different color of the candy. The red and green m&ms are exactly the same thing, only the color changes. B+ and GT are exactly the same, only the name changes. At least different colored m&ms you can visually identify which is which. With cubes, thats impossible, even with genetic analysis. having said that, some people have worked very hard to stabilized specific phenos(ex: enigma) and those are also exceptions to the rule.


Different Cubes 100% produce different effects. Even within the P.E. phenotype effects as far as CEV, OEV, introspection etc are vastly different. As an example, P.E. Uncut produce strong open eye visuals but they are very much like distortions, whereas GT produce more cartoony, 3d effect visuals for me. On GT I see more raised holographic like projections off of objects. There are many more alkaloids than psilocybin in these plants and they all add different flavors to the trip.


You could take the same variety 10 times and get 10 vastly different experiences. Any role the variety name plays is placebo. Yes, there are many more alkaloids at play other than psilocybin, and just like psilocybin, those alkaloids can vary wildly from fruit to even within the same same harvest. There's no evidence suggesting one alkaloid is more prevalent in one variety or another. There's also no evidence suggesting that one alkaloid would be more responsible for visuals. It's also 100% impossible to ID cube varieties, even through genetic analysis. I understand you have anecdotal evidence, but there's also plenty of anecdotal evidence showing the opposite. As of right now, based on the evidence that IS available, there's no proof that shows different cubes will produce different effects unless it's a result of potency or set and setting.


Interesting debate! More research needed.. We could all offer to be subjects!


I tend to agree however most people don’t trip enough or have enough experience to tell the difference. But you right


I must agree. I had albino Cambodian and they always made me feel like I was having a heart attack. Gt are cartoony. PE I feel like I'm on the titanic


pe’s are generally considered more potent than other varieties of cubensis but the rest of them are somewhat similar effect wise


Thrasher absolutely rocked my world for 9 hours straight on a 3 gram dosage one time. 10/10, would trip balls again


None haha, the only two strains I’ve ever had have been golden teachers and this one called great white monster


P. Envy is the only one I’ve even heard of. All that other shit is probably just fancy words


Golden teachers my fav


Burma was an early favorite of mine. Mine have always had decent strength and great bag appeal.


"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."


I have a quarter of enigmas (not red enigmas because that’s bullshit) sitting in the corner of my closet that im taking my time with, fuckers put me down and I wasn’t even in the 2g range 😂


https://preview.redd.it/hbo0acfc6y9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5dfee2a2c80a85c62ae0fa220dc0140a6a34047 If you couldn’t tell from my post i dont know enough about shrooms, lmk if this looks any different then regular enigma


Those look much different than the regular enigmas I’ve crossed paths with, but I’m not a mycologist so I can’t say for sure


This looks like someone on the internet trying to scam you. Looks nothing like the fin mutation of enigma, more like a standard cube.


Ooooh. How'd the red enigmas turn out? What'd they look like? Sounds intriguing af.


https://preview.redd.it/mbafa6yp5y9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67dc44f2f63183637d9e4f4d75ca99ab2f13194e Screenshot from the video my dealer sent


“Red Enigma” wonder what that is lol


https://preview.redd.it/z4pg9jb86y9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e364d239642f347454e1926cd85a54c6f3b52915 Here’s what the dealer labels red enigma


Only ever heard of the bottom two, what sorcery is this? I think whoever made that list is having a good laugh riiiiight about now.


None of those are “exotic” I am of the understanding that the community uses the term exotic to describe species that are not cubensis.


P.e albinos reguler Pe .golden teachers ,white gandolfs, and illusion weavers


Lol red enigma. People make up the silliest names


Lol red enigma. People make up the silliest names


golden teacher, cambodian, mckennai, columbian, penis envy and the enigma pheno to name phenos of the cubensis. you want to try to get your hands on the psilocybe semilanceata and cyanescens naturally growing while they're in season. i love cultivated mushrooms, but no comparison to hunting and finding the outdoor ones. the semilanceatas we pick in above 3000ft altitude are closer to the gods, you know. the message seems to be clearer and more intense, of course, the sacred cows and their 'input' have massive influence as well as the cold these little wizards have to endure. i have not tried the azurescense nor the mexicana, but am convinced, they are the northwestern and mesoamerican brothers of the ones i favor. mush love from the black forest and i'd love to recommend working with amanita muscaria to broaden the spectrum of sacred fungi medicine. this fellow is no joker, either. donald teether has an interesting book on [archive.org](http://archive.org) - 'amanita muscaria - herb of immortality'. cheers.


Ive only had golden teachers, penis envy, and apes


P envy is very intense and I wouldn’t recommend it for newbies


Yeti is a nice strain


PE is always a great choice, a classic variety with very high potency.


Penis Envy are a great time


Yeti is my favorite. Potent AF


Ive tried yeti and it was very nice, im getting thrashers tn and i heard theyre rlly good.


PE is fire


PE was the craziest fucking trip ever full ego death, felt like my body was disolving and i was in a super mario land of sorts.


Do not recomend to beginners


P.E. and Yetis are super potent


Thrashers kicked my ass


Penis envyyyyy


Sketch classification. P envy should be superior to all these. The fact that they just classified them all the same suggests that by p envy they mean a sub strain that's not true PE or APE


Burma and p envy. A cube is a cube


Yeti were my fav for a long time. I would have the COOLEST colorful visuals with my eyes closed and laugh about the dumbest shit ever. I also loved going in my hot tub on yetis. Something about the term yeti made me feel like the hot tub was the place to be lol. Anyway, yeti are great. And they look cool too! Really wild coloration of blues, whites, and golds. The shape is neat as well. The caps are like ruffled in a way. Enjoy and happy tripping!


I have some thrasher but I’m saving it for a future trip. I’ve done penis envy in the past & now have a penis envy hybrid called black widow that I’m also saving.


Burma is my happy place.


A cube is a cube unless it's penis envy


Penis envy is very good


They all do the same shit at the end of the day


Don't get too hung up on strains. Ask them which is their strongest, and adjust your dose accordingly


i have absolutely no clue lol i j eat shroom and roll around w the bitchies. grew albino b+ once tho and got them confiscated before i could try them 🙂


p. envy They good and have a nice trip lasting 5-6 hours for me


P envy goes hard


Everyone is gunna say penis envy but as someone who’s taken PE and a few of the others on this list multiple times, I’d say my personal preference is the yeti. It’s my favorite actually


May I ask why? Have quite a bit of experience on mushrooms and recently took 5g APE. Holy shit, it was intense!


Tbh the penis envy and ape I grew were underwhelming considering the hype. I always take a 3.5, and nothing changed with those two strains. But they didn’t necessarily feel stronger. Not to mention, I’m not too worried about stronger😂 most cubes are plenty strong for me when grown correctly. But the effects on the yeti for me were super calming. I did yoga, watched finding Nemo, and played with the cats and I just felt batter than I did most times I trip.


Only ones on that list that ive tried was yeti and penis envy and they were good like i can eat usually any type of mushrooms by themselves straight out the bag like chips no problem but the only one that really made me disgusted and actually puke was makilla gorilla their nasty asf if u ever eat a bitches pussy when their on their period and you dont know it tastes like that but bitter asf too and lingers in the back of your throat like cheap vodka🤮


I did Psilocybe semilanciata (gathered them myself) and they’re pretty strong and enjoyable had Some heavy visuals and shroom feeling on just 1.7


I have had many varieties, hardly oaid attention to the names butbhese i remember... Taj mahal - dissapointed in strength and duration Philosophers stones - took out of country in my early 20s, shaped the 20 years to follow Penis envy - laughed my ass off and walked for hours Teachers - introspective like woah


I’ve only tried P. Envy from this list ate about 5 grams at once severely underestimated the strength I couldn’t move for like 5 hours lol and the open eye visuals were super heavy absolutely destroyed my ego and blew my dick off.. I’m still dickless till this day and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing lol


P.Envy was the only one I’ve heard of before and upon some digging I heard that it was strong. I’ve only tripped like twice. Would you recommend 2-2.5gs?


I would recommend like 1.5 gram - 2 grams it really depends on the type of experience your looking for of course


Like I said earlier. I thought I was playing it safe by taking 1.5 of those and had some of the most intense visuals I’ve had on shrooms. I was even breathing manually for a short period there. I’d try 1 gram if you’re nervous and 1.5 if you’re ballsy. There’s no exaggeration when people say PE is 2 or 3 times stronger than regular cubes


Burmas are my favorite.


Just because you didn’t know the name doesn’t mean they didn’t have a name.