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Everytime I trip, it reminds me of how much I really don't want kids lol


As if I need reinforcement. šŸ˜‚


Same. Shrooms bring out the kid in me and I just know Iā€™d lose my childlike wonder if I had children myself. I need that freedom to be happy


Nah that doesn't get lost. I've been a parent for two decades


Agree. If anything it intensifies it IME


I donā€™t mean to say this to minimize how you feel about having kidsā€”just wanted to clarify that and make sure to say your feelings are valid. For me, having kids has really reconnected me with my own inner child. Itā€™s pretty amazing to see the world through their eyes. It reminds me what life is really about. Well, shrooms do that too haha. Having kids made me a better person in every way because I could no longer ignore my trauma and live in avoidance. Iā€™ve come a long way in healing and personal growth. Shrooms have helped with that, too!


Iā€™m so glad parenting has done that for you! ā˜ŗļø I just know it wouldnā€™t be that way for me. I am able to heal my inner child so well now - being forced to have a kid/become a mother would crush my spirit and kill my joy. I have so many gifts to offer the world and I want to be able to share those freely, without restraint or the responsibility of a human being. Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t feel guilty about my childfree stance, even though I consistently get numerous inappropriate comments about it - itā€™s insulting how many times that Iā€™ve heard Iā€™ll *change my mind.* No, I wonā€™t. Or that I wonā€™t be fulfilled if I donā€™t have children. Nope. Sorry for the tangent, itā€™s not directed at you. Itā€™s just crazy that I am still judged and shamed for this decision as a woman. Quite frankly, Iā€™m proud of my childfree stance and am relieved I firmly know what I want (or in this case, *donā€™t* want). Kudos to all the wonderful, loving parents out there - my mom and dad are incredible people and my childhood was amazing, many thanks to them. Parenting is a tough and often thankless job and Iā€™m 100% confident itā€™s not for me. Iā€™m so thankful my inner child continues to flourish every day and Iā€™m able to appreciate the magic and beauty of this world without feeling the need to procreate šŸ©µ


It is so much better to go this direction than having kids that you don't want. There's a lot of folks that shouldn't be parents that are and the kids suffer and the parent does too typically.... Lose lose


I echo your validation of OP's feelings. For me, I just love the effect that shrooms have had on my as a parent. My kids are both older, in university, and I just love the part of my journeys where I contemplate them. I was sitting on the couch with my wife as it was kicking in, and our son came down to talk about something. I have no idea what it was, probably a nice story from his day at work or any uni - at the time I was unable to really listen to him because I was just overcome by how beautiful he is. In every way, he's just the single nicest person you'll ever meet. He glows. I'm so lucky to have him in my life, he just makes everything and everyone he comes near better and happier. And our youngest is one of the most interesting people you'll ever meet, intensely moral, driven, kind, motivated, community-minded, and all of this despite medical issues that would reasonably preclude a lesser person from being any of those things. Both of our kids were only mildly planned, it's no secret that we had our kids too early in our lives, but the up-side we told each other the entire time that it would give us extra time to be with them when they're adults. And now that the time has come, it couldn't possibly have worked out any better for us. It's all I can do sometimes to not wake my wife up at 3am and shout "Do you realise that our kids CAME OUT OF YOUR BODY?!?!?!" I feel like my place in the universe is a very very good place when I think about myself as a parent. I remember one time, one self-interrogation, it felt like a God-sized version of myself pinned my mind to the floor and screamed at me, not terribly kindly, "DESCRIBE YOURSELF", in a way that made me think I might evaporate if I couldn't answer honestly and meaningfully. I said "Father", and the entity that was demanding an answer kind of metaphorically nodded and accepted that answer.


Same. I can act and feel like I am a kid way more


Children bring out the shrooms in me, having kids and seeing the world through their eyes is enlightening as well ,Especially when they are little






Itā€™s cool seeing all the good parents in the chat godbless yā€™all āœŒļø


oh I'm not a parent. hell no. my same was to the guy who said when he trips he realizes he def doesn't want kids


Aye well it still applies youā€™ll fling semen at one point lol šŸ˜‚


I have a kid. I've even done shrooms with her (she's 21). It's pretty awesome actually... But dude. Don't make major life choices on drugs. Especially when that choice is also a MAJOR LIFE CHOICE for a whole extra new human. The shrooms might be right. You might be a great parent and love your kid and have an awesome time. But also the shrooms aren't going to be there for 3am feedings and thousands of diaper changes and the cost of raising a human to adulthood. Make that choice with someone who *will* be.


Best response of thread. Iā€™ve made more than a few life changing choices drug induced. 1/10 do not recommend.


Yeah same. I've made some pretty insane decisions in my time, but I did a lot of drugs in the 90s šŸ˜‚


This is such a great response.


I second this


Right?? I wish I could figure out how to word things well like some people can.


This is why I come to Reddit, so I can read well written responses/comments of stuff that I know to be intuitively true (from my object reality), but have never heard or read before.


Same!! I have always been told Reddit is an evil place but honestly Iā€™ve found nothing but nice ppl here. I guess itā€™s all about where you look.


Thanks šŸ˜Š but I was really hoping someone would salute and say "Major Lifechoice" šŸ«”


yup shrooms made me want to wake up at 3am to put down a crying baby, clean up shit and barf for about six years, then pay for college housing and first car. the rewarding parts of parenting sound great, but the sticky reality of it all remains


Maybe you should focus on re-parenting yourself. Maybe thatā€™s what your feelings are trying to convey to you.


Ooohā€¦interesting you say that..Iā€™ve started that outside of therapy as homework. Interesting way of looking at it, thank you


Yeah, sometimes when I look in the mirror on trips, I think it's a shame the tree of my ancestors is ending with me. I don't think the world needs more humans, though, and don't particularly want to take the risk of raising someone who would look back on their childhood with as much anger as I sometimes look back on mine.


Spiritual growth is more important.


I wonder about the tree of ancestors thing. It seems like a major thing but is it really? Beyond my grandpa who is dead I canā€™t name a single person and I bet most people couldnā€™t either. It makes it seem less of a big deal when you realize everyone is mostly forgotten in about 100 years or less.




The significance would probably vary by the individual and their culture or family traditions. I think it's pretty neat, but also grew up with stories, was taught how to use my ancestors' tools, and stuff like that. Some of the tools I use now have been passed through my family for 6 generations, so those ancestors and the skills they passed down are still relevant to my modern-ish life.


You donā€™t think the World needs more humans? How do you expect life to continue on in this World if everyone has this mindset? My thought on it is that Iā€™ve struggled and screwed up most of my life, but I feel like I have finally put the pieces together and have figured it out (at 36) Why not spread that love beauty and wisdom onto as many people as possible while youā€™re still on this Earth? My challenge is to not spread the ancestral trauma and poor upbringing to my kids that infected my childhood. This might be the first generation that isnā€™t completely fucked and Iā€™m glad to be mentoring them. ā¤ļøāœŒšŸ»


Realistically everyone won't have that mindset though. You're a prime example of that. And not wanting children imo doesn't mean you can't spread all the love and wisdom onto as many people as possible. Only that you don't want the suffering of the world leaking onto your offspring, or you want to completely eliminate the chance of you repeating the same mistakes that your parents made. For me I never wanted children because there's enough people suffering in this world.


I 100% agree, and not everyone NEEDS to have kids, and shouldnā€™t feel pressured into having them.


Exactly. I got 3 of them to take the burden off at least one of you who doesnā€™t want them. Population is under control guys, thank me later šŸ˜‚


I have a 3 year old daughter and twin boys on the way, Iā€™m terrified šŸ˜‚ Youā€™re right, population is under control ā¤ļøāœŒšŸ»


Humanity is only one species, and we're probably responsible for the extinction of the most other species. There would still be plenty of life without humans, just not as we know it. Most people don't have this mindset though, so humanity will continue to reproduce and consume the earth like mold. I'm glad for you that you have your life figured out. I share my love with my dog, and am glad to not have to worry about affording an education for him. I can give a dog a good life, but can't say that I would for a human. I treat myself as a dog who was once used for fighting. Even if now, I'm in a good place and have had training in being more peaceful, the first 2/3 of my life conditioned me for violence, and that tends to be my first instinct if I get amped up. Raising a kid would not always allow for walking away until I've cooled off; some things would have to be dealt with immediately, and I'm not confident that I would do better than my father.


ā€œConsume the Earth like moldā€ is so horrifically accurate. It really is scary, and I agree that humanity will not continue much further at the speed and direction we are headed. I think having a companion like a dog is extremely important though too. Itā€™s really all about your ā€œikigaiā€, your reason to get out of bed in the morning, something to live for, whatever that may be.


I think youā€™re giving us way too much credit. A lot more species have lived on earth than are alive today. Weā€™ve led to plenty of extinction, but the earth itself still probably holds the record.


Sad to see the amount of downvotes. Look at places like China that have elderly crisis where most aren't having children leaving an entire generation of people that cant contribute or work in a meaningful way. Not only is that valuable to the individual but the collective stopping a whole generation or most of a generation will have huge economic/cultural impact in the coming years. There is more than enough land and food to go around for everyone. The world is as messy as it is beautiful. I understand why people don't wanna have kids and often I think that's the best bet for a lot of people but it's just as valuable on the other end. Maybe it's naive of me but I would love to have the chance to raise a kid and help them grow into the young men/women I would be proud of and take comfort in knowing that. For anyone curious there are plenty of statistics out there on rise and decline of population and typically what it looks like. Even if people are screwing like rabbits there is always people born then an equilibrium is always reached and then it declines again and the cycle starts back over. Stats of course aren't always right but it's been done in many different countries and even older time periods with available information. Starts as a rise then in plateaus and then declines basically always throughout history. We often forget how inefficiently we organize the world creating the illusion of scarcity but it's simple not the case. I'm certainly not ready to have kids now but I wanna get to a place where anger isn't gonna be my response to my child's inevitable frustrations but that's the whole point is to be better than your parents were and hopefully your kids will do the same. But I also don't think people who know they want kids should be shamed into it. Particularly women seems to get the shitty end of that stick and it's not fair or frankly anyones business but then Edit: shouldn't be shamed into it (instead of should)


Yeah, itā€™s actually really sad to see how many people that donā€™t/canā€™t appreciate being alive. Like being alive is some burden laid on them, instead of a miraculous opportunity.


I think there's a lot of cultural reasons surrounding it these days for myself I don't wanna have kids because I'm personally developing so much and feel it would be unfair to raise a kid when I don't feel I'm in a spot for it. Particularly my patience and anger. Mind you I'm a hell of a lot better as I've gotten older and frankly I'd still make a great father imo but there's a lot id like to provide for me and possibly kids that I currently don't feel I'm able to offer emotionally and physically. But when your raised and taught from an early age that humans are essentially a plague on the planet. We're destroying the earth and we're melting the polar ice caps. There's war division disease all these things. We tend to think the world is a rather unkind scary place but when you actually get outside and talk to real people. Majority of people are kind accepting and just wanna feel happy and be loved like the rest of us and most of the things we see in the news are over exaggerated. I was taught that acid rain was destroying the planet and farming a variety of other things would be impossible. But look where we are now still doing relatively okay. Was also taught about global cooling and how we are late for an ice age that could come any moment but none of these things are truly representative of the truth. Kernels of truth in everything but most of it is dramatized to to scare people and create funding be it for related programs or private company's doing this research. Things are often not as bad as most people think doesn't mean there are undeniable issues but the world animals and humans are all I think far more resilient then we can imagine


Same here. I agree whole heartedly. I have a son and shrooms have shown me so much. I almost feel itā€™s a duty to try and create healthy humans. Especially after all Iā€™ve been through- I feel I have lots to show and help. I think we get shown how humans are bad and not how we are good. We can be absolutely amazing when we want šŸ™ƒ Crazy how we all think differently when put in similar situations. šŸ¤šŸ–¤


I for most of my life always said I'd never want to have kids, because of the pain and suffering I endured for most of my adolescents and adult life, but now I understand that pain and suffering is a part of life and is essential for growth. I wouldn't take back any of the pain and suffering or any of the trauma. That's what made me who I am today and I am so grateful for it now. Now I really want to have kids. All you really need to do is love them and be there for them. My parents taught me that. I never really appreciate it as much as I have the last few years, because I know they never really understood what I was going through, but even though they didn't understand they were still there for me. I know if I have kids it's likely they will go though hell at some point in their life, but I know if I can stick with them through it then they'll be alright.


100% Very well said ā¤ļø


Personally, I think that life is suffering and not having kids is a favour to them


If youā€™re suffering through life I hope that youā€™re ok and that you can find some beauty in it, because it is beautiful. ā¤ļø


Beautifully said šŸ˜­šŸ’—




Just want sex every time. I'm 65 - no more parenting!


Shrooms personally make me just wanna be myself. And I myself donā€™t want kids at all. Shrooms drive you to what you want in life. Shrooms drive me away from kids


Interesting, so it does seem that the shrooms arenā€™t just a ā€˜mother energyā€™ potentially, but really do show you deep inside yourself (which is different for everyone, and can be interpreted in lots of different ways)


Exactly! Only you can interpret your trips, so interpret it as motivation for children if thatā€™s what you want. Maybe nowā€™s not the time, but the shrooms can give you ideas and direction for deeper into the future as well


I've had this and it goes along with thoughts of my own childhood and wanting to give a child a better upbringing than I had. Looking deeper, it's an urge to re-parent myself. As in, giving my own inner child nurturing and care and breaking harmful beliefs and conditioning from generational trauma passed down. Perhaps this is true for yourself as well, just a thought šŸ’—


>I would struggle to care for them - Iā€™m too preoccupied with my own time and doing what I want whenever I want This is how all parents feel leading up to the birth of their first. I think you should prioritize your relationship first though, and if it seems stable, maybe consider those feelings with your partner. I never wanted kids (when I was in my 20s, practically a kid myself). My wife (gf at the time) essentially told me it was important to her, and she didn't want to marry someone who wouldn't consider having kids, so I gave it some thought I decided I was in. Some years later we got married, and even more years later we had a baby. He's now five and just finished preschool and becoming a dad is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I understand why I thought I would never want kids, but I can't even conjure up those feelings if I tried anymore. Remember that there is an extremely deep, primordial part of our brain that tells us that procreation is the main reason for being alive.


This reminds me of myself exactly. Late 20s, have always thought I didnā€™t want them. Girlfriend wants kids. Starting to possibly reconsider


It's a huge decision, and it will be the biggest commitment you've ever experienced, of course. What I will say is that I'm pretty sure nobody ever feels 100% confident they are willing and ready. There's always some element of "am I making a huge mistake?" Nobody really wants to acknowledge that though.


I'd rather regret NOT having children, than regret having them. People also seem to forget or not acknowledge that adoption is always an option, even in older age. I can always fulfill the need to be a parent if I change my mind and can create a stable and cool life for myself in the meantime.


Both are fair points, and I don't disagree.


Personally havent. Seeming a longing for a greater meaning or purpose (kids). If you feel thats truly not what you want, stay away. Find another meaning of purpose


Uh, no they don't, lol. Maybe they make *you* want to be one though?


Hahaha good to know, was wanting to work out how often it happened, thank you!


Haha, no worries, enjoy the journey!


I never wanted kids but when I started using psychs that changed a lot. Hard to say if that's related to drugs or just growing up. Sacrifice is an important element of life and in general kids really do force that upon you ethier people run from it or embrace it and change for the better


Thatā€™s very true


Yeah, same, I think I'd be good at it too, unfortunately I'm sterile and bad with women though so sorry shrooms


I trip once and in that life i had a daughter saw her as a little kid till she grow up to be a beautiful woman, i was very proud of her.


There are so many great answers here and the many choices of having a family are so widely represented in our little board. Listen to your brain and trust yourself. Frankly, if my trips were telling me that, I'd be putting down the shrooms.


Yeah, I canā€™t believe how many people have replied, and the variety of responses and how many beautiful stories of children and no children there are. Really makes it clear the beauty of the world and us all living our lives individually but also together. Haha sorry just to clarify, youā€™d be putting down the shrooms because you wouldnā€™t want to hear that, or because youā€™d want to start becoming a parent?


I'm 51 and in menopause. My "baby" is 30. So for sure I'd be putting down the shrooms if it was telling me that. Mine remind me that it's OK if I look like my grandma as I age because the woman was a gd warrior.


every time I think that I want children, itā€™s a fleeting thought for like an hour and then I realize that I only want a tiny baby to hold for that woman instinct. Other than that, it would be miserable. Youā€™re only fantasizing about the good- imagine all the times that you just want to relax and watch a movie or play a video game or do a puzzle, basically never again - inexistent. Thatā€™s what stops me every time, I would get over it within a day or so.


Yeah, thatā€™s where my headā€™s at too! Ugh wish you could have best of both worlds šŸ„²


Same here. Hated the idea of having kids, hated even seeing kids in public. During my last trip I pondered my next chapter in life. Now Iā€™m genuinely excited on the idea of having kids with my fiancĆ©


Thatā€™s beautiful. Best of luck


Yes. I'm a 29F and my last 2G trip made me want a baby. We all have a primal urge to procreate. I think shrooms tap into that.


Can you go into more detail about ā€œI feel like I want to become a parent.ā€ Is it visions of a baby/child? And with this, are you feeling a paternal energy?


Itā€™s very maternal energy (Iā€™m AFAB), like just a feeling of love and like I should be a mum. No visions or anything like that, and an overwhelming feeling that my partner would be a really good dad too, and that it makes complete sense to go down this route


My bad! I assumed this was a male post. Lesson learned. Well, how are you feeling about the idea now? Are you wrestling with the idea post trip? How does your partner feel?


I think psychedelics can bring up feelings that we aren't consciously in touch with. But you're not thinking rationally on 6g, so is it possible that the desire might represent something else (for example, a nurturing side of yourself that you want to express, or a craving for connection)? Or maybe it is that you want to be a parent and you've suppressed that, and shrooms are bringing it to the surface. I do feel that shrooms help me to understand what I am really feeling about things that i might not be consciously aware of. I'm totally guessing, by the way. I'm sure you're not going to go and have a kid cause it seemed like a good idea on 6g. There is the other side to consider - the grim reality of expense and exhaustion and restricted freedom. Maybe shrooms can at best give you some guidance on whether you want it enough to deal with the downsides.


Iā€™ve had this as well. Iā€™m a 31 yof & am married to 34 yom. Weā€™ve been together 11 years & Iā€™ve never wanted kids. Many different reasons for this choice. I feel as if shrooms open our minds to other possibilities & some shrooms help to make us more emotionally in tune with ourselves where we normally may not be. Donā€™t make big decisions on any drugs man. Trust me, coming from a recovering addict, it is usually not gonna work out. BUTTTTT if you find this to be a long term goal for you once you come down & really think of it, maybe look into it then? Good luck in whatever way you choose. šŸ’™


Itā€™s insane to me someone would want to become a parent while living the hottest summer of our lives and project 2025 is an existential threat to the planet


How old are you OP? I didnā€™t have my one and only till the age of 38. Iā€™m assuming youā€™re still young? If so, focus on you. you have plenty of time to make that decision.


I tripped once on acid and decided I wanted to be a dad. I later became a father. Now i dont really hallucinate(which is not a bad thing) bc Im busy working or parenting. I love being a father nd it did change me. But I would recommend to anyone wanting to become a parent to think this through good first and to enjoy ur freedom and not rush it. I love my son and hes made life better, but I will tell u I was not ready lol parenting is a good thing but has its moments lol. I do miss partying but Im happy to be a parent nowā€¦ Im currently in the toddler stage.. Just think things through because ur little one will need you and will be challenging at times, but theyll always love u and be happy for you


Your name is also rayinrecovery so I assume youā€™ve had issues with drugs in the past Iā€™d recommend making decisions that lean toward your personal wellbeing and stability of your life mentally physically and spiritually and then maybe consider that, my pops always use to tell me this great advice for tattoos and itā€™s if you really want a tattoo wait a year with that same idea in mind and if you still want it after a year and can afford it and are in the position to do so do it otherwise you may make a hasty decision. I think that mindset couple apply to a lot of not all situations in some aspect.


The shrooms will tell you what you need to hear.


I will toss out that being a parent is amazing and rewarding but I feel My success is due to strong. Co-parenting and my wife being stay at home. It's something that consumes you but makes you a better person. Being able to raise the best kids possible with love is undescribable. I'm happy I waited until mid 30s since I was able to mature and grow before having kids.


any time i take shrooms i talk about ā€œthe soupā€ (basically the space that unborn souls and dead souls reside in). i remember thinking that i could feel a soul reaching out to me via shroom, telling me it wanted to be in this world and wanted me to be its protector. this emotional experience never happens with acid, but every. single. time. with shrooms. overall, the experience has solidified my choice in having kids one day. i know heā€™s still in there trying to climb out, but heā€™s gonna have to wait


Wowā€¦! What an experience! Iā€™ve always thought about the space between lives (not set on whether I think itā€™s fully true yet as I havenā€™t experienced an NDE or past life regression or anything), but how amazing to have experienced that. I did actually have an ectopic pregnancy about 10 years ago (accidental) and I wonder what happened to that soul, and if theyā€™ll ever make their way back to me or not. Who knows! Best of luck in your journey, how exciting whatever the future holds for you šŸ˜€


awwe so sweet ty! i hope your soul can cross paths with her/him in this crazy, random world <3 thank you for sharing


This is super fascinating and wholesome, thanks for sharing


Maybe you are being shown the purpose of life. Many disagree but itā€™s in our nature to reproduce. Recently popular culture has celebrated not starting a family and living for yourself (Chelsea Chandler and many others have done this). The truth to me is that we are wired to work towards being a stable person to provide for others and being a part of something larger than ourselves. I find it refreshing to hear your experience. Best of luck friend. Live by your heart and not by what youā€™re told.


Aw thank you so much, very kind and wise words! Youā€™re right, itā€™s as in our dna as anything else. I guess itā€™s up to us to choose what we do with that drive (as people have said, cats, dogs, care work!) Thank you Ragtime, I hope the same for you too šŸ¤—


Yeah I know Iā€™d be a great parent but I would never bring a child into this world (in America)


if you donā€™t mind me asking, where would you be comfortable raising a child and why? The UK has a horrible infrastructure, horrible police force, Sweden and places like that have a 50% tax rate - when I see people dissing on America I donā€™t understand where else they would like to go, because I donā€™t see anyone leaving America to go anywhere else.šŸ¤£


Tbh nowhere. I donā€™t plan on having kids.


Please donā€™t have children simply because you were tripping so hard one night. Yikes.


Thank you for being concerned, I would definitely not do so though! I just wanted to explore the meaning behind those experiences and whether they were common to the drug, thatā€™s all šŸ™‚


I always wanted kids. Shrooms just showed me why I wanted kids and made me think deeply about the kind of parent I want to be. I now have an almost 6mo baby and its the best decision I ever made.


How has it been for you as a psychonaut navigating parenthood? Iā€™m currently pregnant with my second, and struggling to come to terms with the loss of the ability to explore these concepts and feeling trapped in having to start over with a new baby. My son is 8. Also, I likely conceived during a mushroom trip ironically.


I think experiencing pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, and breastfeeding is in itself a psychedelic experience. The hormones, emotions, changes in perspectives, the feeling of loneliness paired with the unconditional support I had from friends and family, learning new things about my body, and simply creating a new life... These things have all taught me just as much about life, myself, humanity, god, the universe etc as psychedelic drugs have. It has been the craziest experience of my entire life and I've changed and developed as a person because of it. I don't consider it a break from being a psychonaut, I consider it all a part of the experience. You don't need substances to explore the mind, you just have to look within and try to learn something from the experience. But don't get me wrong, when I'm done breastfeeding or rebuild enough of a freezer stash I'll still trip occasionally (when we have reliable child care). Congratulations on the pregnancy, I hope everything goes well!


I guess itā€™s different for me, because I have already birthed a child and been through that experience. I felt as though I was just getting my individuality back, separate from my identity as a mother. In the last year I got into psychedelics again, with more maturity, as an experience and mind opener. Itā€™s hard to imagine starting over as a parent again.


Thatā€™s so lovely!


I didn't want to have kids, and it happened to me. Was told that life is the meaning of life. I have two sons now.


Iā€™ve been through mental issues, substance abuse, bankruptcy, DUI, arrested for selling drugs, love loss, been to rock bottom a few times, just a crazy battle of a life so farā€¦Fast forward to now Iā€™m sober, debt free, have a beautiful wife, beautiful daughter, twins on the way, home owner, just so many blessings that it doesnā€™t make sense. All I can think after having kids and taking mushrooms is that every single little success and failure that I have experienced has just prepared me for this exact moment and responsibility, to be a great parent. I pretty much have first hand experience with everything you can possibly do to fuck up your life and I will do everything in my power to make sure they donā€™t go down that path, and if they do, I know exactly how to help. So it 100% has become the meaning of my life.ā¤ļø


Absolutely beautiful, my man. Amazing how life doesn't hold us in the past but meets us in the now. I am so happy for you and know you are an amazing dad. Pain is the father of wisdom and I know you will raise your kids wisely. Mush love dude.


What an incredible interaction, legit tears in my eyes šŸ„¹ So happy for you Thirteenth floor! We all deserve growth and hope, and Iā€™m really glad you found that too šŸ™


I've always repeated the "no kids in this cruel world" trope. But thinking about having kids is deeper than that. Sometimes I want them just so I can raise humans in the best way I can possibly do, also it means a love bound between you and your partner. Also, who will look after me when i'm older and lonely? There are so many variants. It is okay to thinking about having children, as long as you really think it.


Yeah, youā€™re soo right, itā€™s 100 million % not a decision to be entered into lightly. I can relate to the part around wanting to raise humans in the best way I can too! It feels such a shame that often those who are aware about the state of the world and bringing children into it, are aware and empathetic enough to most likely be really good parents but may not do so because of the first point.


27m. Never wanted kids. Still think that how our economy/state of the world, having a kid sounds depressingly expensive and difficult to think of a habitable world that they could inherit. But selfishly have been thinking about wanting kids. Almost in a 'maybe I'll be a better version of me' if I had a dependent. Still don't think I'll have them but it's funny how I've started to romanticize the idea lately


Yeah, itā€™s a head fuck isnā€™t it!! And itā€™s so hard to know either way what was the right decision šŸ™ƒ I hope it works out for you and you are happy no matter what you choose!


Thank you šŸ˜Š you too


Maybe you could be a youth mentor or something


Not a bad idea, thank you!


Mushrooms will show you what you need to hear and or act on.


Yeah I thought that was the case! Thatā€™s why I wanted to double check if other people had the experience too or not Something to think long and hard on for sure


I think it's easy to fantasize about big things when you're feeling good. Please don't create another human because of a mushroom trip. Figure that out when you're 100% sober.


Yeah absolutely! As I mentioned to another commenter who was concerned, deffo not about to start adding to the human race šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ I just wanted to explore what it could mean, and whether it may be an effect of the shrooms/common to other people and therefore something to let go of, or if it could a sign that itā€™s something I should think long and hard about


Father of two. Shrooms pushed me to have a family. It showed me the right direction again.


Really interesting that youā€™ve been pulled this way tooā€¦thank you for sharing a bit of your story!


My most recent trip I felt this pretty strongly. There was this force that I felt passed down from my parents into me and that it was my ā€œdutyā€ (if you could call it that) to pass it along further. Then my wife missed her period and I began to wonder if there were some sort of divine shenanigans at work haha.


Freaky!! šŸ˜†


i think you want a change, and i think the being too preoccupied with your own time part might be related to that? maybe youre telling you that its time to ā€œgrow upā€ a little, as it were. anyway, just food for thought. cheers!


How old are you? Maybe the mushrooms are telling you something? Nobody is ever ready for kids. It's a new life for every new parent.


Exact opposite here. I do get this heightened sense of human mortality and the chaos inherent to existence which is fun


I had visions on being a parent, and once I came too, I realized I didn't want em lol


hell fuckin naw u trippin fr šŸ˜­


My theory is that taking mushrooms interrupts parts of the brain that normally maintains vigilance over your day to day life and allows you a unique opportunity to honestly interrogate your Self and likewise provides a unique opportunity for your Self to get an audience with you and know that you'll actually listen this time. I would suggest that "parent" is probably a bit specific, but I'd interpret this to mean you want to build something or change into something. Something that is important to you on a level that your current situation isn't. There's some dissatisfaction you're reporting to yourself, some life stage you want to enter, but you're not moving towards as a result of that preoccupation you mentioned. Only you will know what that thing is, but in my view, no, mushrooms invent zero thoughts. They merely allow you to honestly listen to the thoughts you already have. Be honest with yourself, brutally honest - you don't have another self, might as well communicate with the one you're stuck with.


I took a picture of the moon in the come down, saw the picture and see an ultrasound. It was just beautiful.


shrooms make ape go primal. primal apes goal was to multiply. shrooms just trigger the primal instincts. humans are naturally designed to make more humans.


Shrooms tend to reinforce whatever you were already thinking. It just makes the connections more powerful and meaningful.


When I'm tripping I absolutely loveee love smothering my kids šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ they are youuuu! Along with the intention of being a good parent, it's a good moment for reflection and a better reason to always try to be a better person


Iā€™m a mom and when I took a trip once I questioned why do people have kids. With the hardship of it all I wondered why he embark on a journey like this at allā€¦ my response was because of ā€˜legacyā€™ you leave apart of you on the planet but not just the bad you leave the best parts of you too. Contributing to the evolution of the planet which in time will be better than ever. Just not anytime soon.. unfortunately


Iā€™ve had similar experiences but when Iā€™m not on shrooms I never think about being a parent.. idk


i realized that i need to show up for me son more then i have been and be more present , not that im don't see him but more or less interacting with him and being present & not on my phone or focusing on other things that not matter as much as spending valuable time with my son


I love hearing my kids laugh when I trip. I definitely am a better parent after having done them. Itā€™s like my inner child reminds me that they will be grown kids soon and I donā€™t want to be the reason they are boohoo crying on the couch when they trip lol


Iā€™m definitely very excited to be a father one day and pass on the things I have learned. I havenā€™t had it come up in a trip yet but maybe as I get a little older


Four years ago in Nova Scotia, while coming down from an LSD trip, I had a life-changing realization. My now-wife and I were deep in conversation when I suddenly felt a profound desire to become a dad. Just a few months later, we started trying for a baby. Today, we are blessed with three wonderful children.


Wow, thank you for sharing that, how beautiful! šŸ™


Get a cat


Took me 3 years after tripping big to come down enough to take that seriously. Get an animal or get two then if you cope with a cat and a dog or a Cat and a Parrot. If you got that Absolutely Best Partner, why not. Don't do it single, that's Stupidity right there


I do have a cat! Itā€™s a good idea, she definitely gives me more than enough to do atm šŸ˜…


If you're making your life decisions based on shroom trips you're not fit to be a parent