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I will say something a bit against the grain here. Turning your hobby into a side hustle can be a double edged sword. On one hand, it can generate income from something you like, however, it can also sap some enjoyment out of what you like by turning it into work. That said, if you already have a hobby, I would say worrying about profit is not all that important. Even if you sell something at a loss, you were already spending money on the hobby to begin with so any income at all will offset and have a net benefit on your total finances. If you are picking up a hobby from scratch with the intent of making it a side hustle that changes the calculus a bit and now profit becomes a bit more important.


yahtzee player




1. **Photography**: Selling prints, offering portrait sessions, or event photography. 2. **Writing**: Freelance writing, blogging, or self-publishing books. 3. **Crafting**: Selling handmade items on platforms like Etsy. 4. **Cooking/Baking**: Catering, meal prep services, or selling baked goods. 5. **Graphic Design**: Freelance design work, creating and selling digital art. 6. **Web Development**: Building websites or offering coding services. 7. **Music**: Teaching lessons, performing at events, or producing music. 8. **Fitness**: Personal training, online fitness coaching, or creating workout plans. 9. **Gardening**: Selling plants or produce, offering landscaping services. 10. **Tutoring**: Providing academic tutoring in various subjects. 11. **Pet Care**: Dog walking, pet sitting, or grooming services. 12. **Video Production**: Creating promotional videos or offering editing services. 13. **Language Instruction**: Teaching a second language online or in-person. 14. **Sewing/Knitting**: Making and selling clothing or accessories. 15. **Painting/Drawing**: Selling original artwork or offering classes. 16. **Jewelry Making**: Designing and selling custom jewelry. 17. **DIY Projects**: Creating and selling home decor or furniture. 18. **Social Media Management**: Managing social media accounts for businesses. 19. **Event Planning**: Organizing events like weddings, parties, or corporate functions. 20. **Woodworking**: Creating and selling wood crafts or furniture.


Is this from ChatGPT?


In the game, MsV369's always on the grind,   Side hustles poppin', success in the mind,   From dusk till dawn, making moves, never blind,   Building dreams high, leaving haters behind. Got that side hustle flow, watch the money grow,   Skills on the rise, watch the talent show,   From gigs to deals, makin' it for real,   MsV369, always sealin' the deal.


I raise worms, I like having 'em but I don't see any real side hustle-ability to them. Frankly they're pretty boring too, when I fed them frequently they tried to flee or showed signs of illness, when I left them alone on my back porch for two months I came back to happy worms with babies and beautiful compost. Despite people saying they "double in number in 90 days" they really don't compost all that fast. Maybe combine it with gardening if you enjoy that? Sell tomato starts or something, everybody and their mother grows tomatoes.


Do you collect anything? If so are you casual about it or are you an "expert?" If you collect items like baseball cards, comic books, action figures, or anything else collectible at all, really, you might find it's not that hard to make money on those types of items. You could probably turn that into some cash by buying and selling items that you know automatically that they're worth something. The trick is to buy low and sell high. That could mean hitting up garage sales, flea markets, thrift stores, on a regular basis to source items that you could resell.


Flipping rare collectibles like art, tcgs, and table top games. I’ve done it for years and it’s great money, it’s scalable if you play your cards right (pun intended).  The trick is to find something you’re willing to obsess over for hundreds of hours and not feel bored. 


Turning your hobbies into a side hustle is a great way to earn extra income. Vermicomposting can indeed be a lucrative venture. Selling worms, worm tea, and composted soil to local gardeners and farmers can be profitable, especially if you find a niche market or establish partnerships with local businesses. It's also an environmentally friendly endeavor, which may appeal to many customers. Just ensure you research and plan thoroughly to optimize your potential for success. Good luck!




If you like making drinks that could be a good side hustle during graduation and wedding season (summer) and fall/winter holidays. I like growing sprouted legumes and it’s super easy but I don’t think I’d make it into a side hustle. YMMV. I also make an amazing plant milk/cream and considered selling it but it’s preservative free and doesn’t have a very long shelf life unless frozen. So I sort of opted against it. And I think there’s a limit to how much someone would spend for it.


There is a farmers market near me they sell compost tea I think you can make it with worm farm. Market it and sell it




Literally everything can be turned into profit, trick is figuring out how.


ANY hobby can turn into a side hustle. But if you are picking a hobby, just because it can turn into a side hustle, then you aren’t going to see the results you desire.


Take up accounting as a hobby /s


Worms. Fuck teeny tiny money side hustles. Waste of time. The tiny twat amount of money isn't going to du fuck all in making things easier.


So you’re saying worm farm is good?