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I'm one of those rare people who actually had the ability to use different apps for different purposes. I use Textra for SMS


lol edit: SMS in signal has always sucked. If you want to use SMS, use Google Messages or anything else. If you want secure messages, Signal is still your best bet. Also, there's still a pinned thread about this: https://old.reddit.com/r/signal/comments/yfwia4/sms_removal_megathread/ Also also, watching people delete signal because of SMS is absolutely hilariously ridiculous. It's like refusing to eat at your favorite Halal or Vegan food truck because they no longer serve bacon. Like, the bacon was never the point, and even so it was floppy and undercooked and never actually good. edit 2: thanks for the gold for my drunken ramblings, kind stranger!


It's not like that at all. SMS support in Signal allowed me to convince folks to start using it who otherwise wouldn't have, because they could have it all in one app. We're never going to get everyone to use secure, independent apps if we make it harder on them than their current solution. Having a "serves them right" attitude is counter-productive.


Still works for sms. At least for me.