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i dont go outside much or really talk to anyone irl so already achieved that, probably. yippee :3


Same, but I will put a reminder in my calendar so u/citrussyreal won't be forgotten until I die :3 So for a few months you should be safe :3


You better live longer than that! I'll necromance you back




Humanity will keep existing for as long as you can imagine. 99% of people who have lived their lives and died throughout history are completely forgotten. You are not special in the regard that you will be remembered forever, me neither. And thatā€™s totally normal. It doesnā€™t make your life, or mine, any less important. - - - Sorry if this seems dull, but Iā€™ve found, the best way to avoid such feelings, is to just accept it and have fun while it lasts.


that sounds a lot like stoicism. Accepting that shit happens and that you can't change it and that your life is going to end eventually so you might as well make it a good one.


Hahahahahhaha thatā€™s what the time capsules for!!!!! >:3 Iā€™m going to be remembered at at least 100 years from now! You canā€™t stop me! Iā€™m gonna throw a puzzle inside of a Congress office so no matter what someone will find it! I wonder who else I should put inside that little box any suggestions on usernames? :3


crazy idea but hear me out put a piece of paper that says "fuck u/Buttered_Toast1357 " refuse to elaborate, and let future people be confused.






Sell some shitty copper and you will be remembered for hundreds of years :3


nooo i sell only the highest quality copper!! (nanni is a fucking LIAR)


You okay? You wanna talk about it?


haii sorry i just feel rlly terrified cuz existence is finite and everything that humanityā€™s ever created is gonna be destroyed in the future anyway


Yeah I get the feeling. Itā€™s awful Iā€™m sorry your going through that. Atleast that means all the shit happening rn will end sometime right?Ā 


i guess thatā€™s a way to look at it but itā€™s still scary to think that someday the universe is gonna be cold and dead


Yeahā€¦ I just try not to think about it haha. I deal with that kinda stuff to thošŸ’€ I just kinda use it as fuel to not really give a shit about what other people think and just do what makes me happy:3 Iā€™m also pretty optimistic at heart though.


The universe happened once, why not again. No one knows exactly how it started or if it will actually end. The heat death of the universe is a theory and no one has traveled to the ends of the universe to make certain they were right. Could be an infinite expanding and shrinking forever.


I like to think that even if in the grand scheme of things nothing we do matters, it does matter to our loved ones and ourselves and so all we can do is live life for today.


I feel like because that's the case, it means have fun and live tho moment, and try to make your part of the timeliness a little better for those ahead of you :)


well you won't get to see that. so as long as you're remembered while you're still here anything after you're gone won't affect you. i've learned that this is basically the only thing where being selfish is beneficial.


yeah but since time is infinite the universe is gonna loop over again and again and it will all exist forever


That is a constant fear of mine :3


so fucking what, you're here now so just enjoy it while you can


I know the answer to that in my case! 1!


I opened Reddit for the first time in months today and this was the first thing I saw, so...well, figured I'd give my thoughts on it since I think about this kinda thing a lot lol. Apologies for the word vomit. The truth of the matter is that one will undeniably be forgotten at some point, no matter your actions in life. Whether it takes centuries, eons, or more, it will happen. And there's little you can do about that. But...does that matter? In a universe wherein life is rare and fleeting, where time stretches on and on unto infinity, what does it matter if you are forgotten or remembered...when it changes nothing for you at all? As a hypothetical, consider this; a poet spends all their life writing and rhyming, one could say it is the very purpose of their existence, but then dies in obscurity. At the time of their end, few outside their family and social connections knew who they were, and so the poet's memory is up to them to recall. But then, we have two branching timelines; in one, the poet is eventually forgotten in a century or two, but in the second the poet's work becomes renowned, as all across the world people celebrate their work as perhaps the best poetry and prose ever conceived. The poet is remembered for thousands of years, as millions aspire to their likeness. This is not a particularly unlikely or alien concept either; we have all heard of famous artists whose work was never fully appreciated until their passing, Van Gogh is such an example. But...to the poet, what differences does it make? The life the poet lived doesn't change, of course it doesn't. Their entire existence, their thoughts, their feelings, in both timelines they are exactly the same. The only difference comes from after they are gone. To the poet, does it really matter which timeline occurs, if for the poet themselves nothing has changed? The reason why it feels as though there is a substantial change is because we as humans and a society often place our own validity and achievements upon the opinions of others. From such a shaded perspective the two timelines appear as night does from day, and yet in actuality from the perspective of the poet they might as well be identical. In this sense, what does it matter if you are forgotten in one generation, or two, or a hundred, or a thousand? That will not and cannot change your life. Your life, is your life. It doesn't belong to the future, it belongs to you. And while in truth it would perhaps seem nice to be remembered...that doesn't change the validity of your actions. Would you rather live the happiest life you ever could, yet be forgotten forever, or live in misery but be remembered for centuries? Selfish as it may seem, choosing the latter option is completely nonsensical; why would the memory of others matter, if it cannot change the experience of you? Seek not to be remembered, if it costs you your happiness. This is a concept that I personally struggled with as a natural result of low self worth (I will always put the joy and safety of others before my own), but it is the truth. In my eyes, the goal of life is to be happy, however that may be. And only you know how to be happy, because happiness is entirely personal to you. By ensuring your life is one of joy, and so are the lives of others, maybe you wonā€™t be remembered forever as some great hero or success or monsterā€¦but you will remember yourself as who you are, and do we not all want to remember ourselves as happy? Staring into the abyss is a scary thing, as you ponder all the unknowns it holds. But in such a setting, remember that there is naught but the abyss, and you. And the abyss wishes it could be you. Because you are you. And what that means, is entirely up to you.


ngl this is one of the most beautiful things iā€™ve ever read


I couldnā€™t have said it better myself


It depends on so many factors, we'd never know the answer, but you deserve to be remembered! I bet someday you and all the other sillies here will do great things in life!


Is it even important to be remembered? People shouldn't really care about their past, it's already past them. Future is an unclear and dark blur that nobody is able to see and those who claim otherwise just lie to themselves and everyone around them. Present is the only thing that ever matters, and it's a thing of a fleeting nature. The thing about life is that it just is. There is no real meaning behind it, even if you pick one. And it doesn't really need one either, because things usually acquire meanings, they don't possess them by themselves and never will, since meanings are needed only in the world of relationships, not of the solitary phenomena. Life is also pretty absurd. How come something with subjectivity would appear out of a bunch of objects cobbled together for survival? Was it even intentional or just a bunch of coincidences? Does the answer even matter? The latter thing one must decide for themselves. All living things should die. That what makes life worth living.


The only meaning to life is the meaning we give it ourselves. Most of us won't be remembered beyond a generation or two. So love uninhibited, live in a way that brings you peace and chase hopless dreams. https://youtu.be/O-W2abxX8Hk?si=ugxVDfpMAepREHpt


Do you want like an actual thoughts experiment or just to be reassured ?


i donā€™t mind if u wanna share some but mostly just posting cuz idk what else to do w myself


allright, ranting time ! To put it simply, itā€™s going to be heavily luck dependent, but in the worse case scenario ? About a single generation. Letā€™s take into account family and friends, you can mostly guess your parents are not going to be very useful here. Brother and sister much more but still kind of useless, theyā€™ll remember you for sure, but at best their children will have heard about that weird uncle and not carry that far.Ā  If you yourself have children, that changes the calculus a bit, if you are unlucky still, about 2 generations, you can expect your grandchildren to remember you but try naming the parents of your grandparents, yeahā€¦ After that it gets complicated. BUT there is a way of lasting a while longer, literally be interesting, if you are interested enough history might remember you for a long while. Being realistic here however, about 2 generations, 3 if you are lucky.


My goals because of this is to go down in history for something, even if it seems really hard


I can't find the source material cause I can't remember what it was, but I do have an answer to your crisis. It's said that a person die three times. First, when they stop living and can no longer impact the world. Second, when their image is seen for the very last time. And third, when their name is spoken for the very last time. So how many generations will it take for you to cease to exist in the minds of others? That really depends on the impact you have on the world. But the more ways you can permanently establish your image and name in history and in legend, the longer you may exist after your death. And how you want your name to be remembered is entirely up to you.


Dw ill pass this post down through generations


People have done forgot about me I have nobody who cares about me left


Sure, everything ends one day, but we live right now, and the things we do and are matter because we care. The value of humanity and the things we build doesn't come from outside, it comes from what we imbue into it. When the last person is gone and the species ends, it will have been beautiful and worth it if people were happy and lived well. But that time is a long way away. Heat death is more than 10Ā¹ā°ā° years away (a lot of time), and between now and then we do what we can to make our lives good.


I unconsciously made an entire community of people by making two really shy people talk to each other


How about I use a high-powered laser cutter to engrave your username on a stable slab of graphite and bury it underground in the park? Should take a few million years to disentigrate


Your contributions to society wonā€™t be forgotten. we all work towards a cause greater than ourselves, we are all cogs in the machine that keeps society going. We are all equally important. Individuals being forgotten is simply a manner of time, but our contributions are eternal. Take that as you wish




remember, just because we humans are incy wincy in comparison to everything and will one day be forgotten, that doesnt mean your life doesnt have meaning! life is trully just what you make it, so if its all meaningless, you should just do what makes you happy and experience all the beautiful things lifes got to offer <3. in summary: dance in the void of meaningless, because instead of why aske why not c:<


In my case I would say less than one. Iā€™ll be forgotten the moment I die


Ignorance is bliss. Why care about the whole universe or whether or not you'll be remembered. Those thoughts just distract you from having a good time and don't lead to anything.




None, because I will carve your name into history so you're never forgotten. Deal with it šŸ˜Ž


always remember that the fact that you existed is unchanged by people forgetting about you \^\^


For me, that would be the moment I die


The best thing I can think of to say is that the amount of time you will be remembered will never affect you You don't get to see your legacy nor your eulogy.


Ik the feeling probably not more then 2 or 3 but uh I feel you if you want to be rembered for ever just do something extremely illegal


for me hopefully one generation :3


If you go and commit a really obscure crime that no oneā€™s made illegal yet, youā€™ll be remembered forever by law students


Yeah those always suck I'm so happy I get one of those like every 4 hours or few days depending on whether or not I'm distracting myself enough from our shared horrible reality


do you hear the flibbity jibbity jibber jabber with an oh my god i gotta get outta here or i'll have another word to sell antoher story to tell another timepiece ringing the bell ddo you hear the clock stop when you reach the end no you know it must be neverending comprehend if you can but when you try to pretend to understand you resemble a fool though you're only a man so give it up and smile


I think it would take people not even a month to forget about me forget about generations lol


I really depends You see some ppl will never be forgotten For some it doesn't even take one


We all be forgotten quickly but isn't that nice? I get to make silly mistakes that no one will ever know or remember, Try to look from the better side :3


(Image answer) Generations for you to be forgotten is generally thought to be 4! Because after 4 generations you'll be a great great grandpa and probably dead they'll remember you as great great grandpa but you're name will most likely forgotten therefore you'll be forgotten. Unless you do something stupid/smart and make a name for yourself


Imma be forgotten in my lifetime.


depends on how influential u were. a person like hitler will be remembered for a longer time. So if you made it to someones ssd and it takes around 15-20yrs for an unpowered ssd to loose its data. We can count with that u will be remembered up to 20 years into an apocalypse scenario. an apocalyptic event has a 20% chance to happen by the year 2100, and theres a 6% chance for extinction. if the ssd would survive that we could count with that u would be remembered in some form between the years 2120 - (insert year far into the future).




https://preview.redd.it/vm1l9gupjs9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4781353317b5419d3f3aade71778a9fd62ebc5e0 It's ok, even if where forgotten in this world we are never forgotten by the lord who died for are sins :3 Also sorry if i offended anyone with this I'm just trying to help :\]


Not like you'll be alive to witness you being forgotten. Thats like caring what happens to your body after you die, not like it will affect you.


Iā€™ve had the same thoughts before I may not be able to help you, but I am a patient and good listener


I really don't believe there is any inherent value in being remembered. There's that whole quote about people dying twice; once with their last breath, and again when their name is last spoken. It sounds cool and provides a sense of safety, but I feel it's just wrong. You die when you die, and after that, the memory is just a memory of high and low points devoid of depth. You don't need to be remembered long after your death. Just make what progress you can for the success of humanity before you die, and leave the remembering part to those who hold the memories. If you devote too much to having a good second death, you can forget to have a proud first one. Remember both that you will die and must live first. TLDR: Memory doesn't matter just live good now.


Sorry this is going to be long :3 The Big Crunch scenario hypothesizes that if the density of matter in the universe is sufficiently high, gravitational attraction will eventually overcome the expansion that began with the Big Bang. Consequently, the universe will never truly end but will cycle infinitely. If the universe does run out of fuel, since energy can never be destroyed, it may convert into radiation through black holes, which themselves decay over time. There is a possibility that all matter and radiation might converge into a singular entity, triggering a secondary Big Bang and creating a new universe. This cycle may repeat, possibly with slight variations each time. I do not see this as a destructive end but as a beautiful, self-renewing process. Even if humanity doesn't survive to the end, something will, and within this cosmic dance, there is beauty in both existence and preexistence. We are never truly alone in this universe filled with life and shared experiences. The joy of living and the interconnectedness with billions, no trillions (that includes the ones that donā€™t exist anymore) of others who have felt the same pleasures remind me that I am not solitary. I am grateful for the creation of life, despite its challenges and conflicts. The mere fact that we exist, breathe, and strive is a blessing. I cherish the moments we share and am glad for the existence of each individual, with their unique stories and lives. We are all part of this cosmic tapestry, made from stardust, developed over years. Thank you for being part of this journey, whether we've met or not. Your existence enriches the universe, and for that, I am deeply grateful.


So please enjoy it to the end, friend!


Caring gets you hurt, love gets you killed, and speaking gets you ghosted. Disconnect yourself from emotion, and you will survive. Stay frosty


A quote by Terry Pratchett helps me with this. "No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away, until the clock wound up winds down, until the wine she made has finished its ferment, until the crop they planted is harvested. The span of someoneā€™s life is only the core of their actual existence." And a video by the vlog brothers on [how it all ends.](https://youtu.be/AfcDHziwIlo?si=SB3416cnyT2qaQNu)


one song that helped me get over this was memento mori by will wood, itā€™s pretty upbeat for a song about death, and my existential crises have been solved since i last listened to it


why should it be nothing but freeing to know you will be forgotten? if you die then people you know will mourn you, if you are upset people will feel upset because of that to be forgotten by everyone is true freedom; you are free to do anything without worrying that it might affect or hurt other people that's kinda just my fucked up viewpoint tho...


the honest answer is probably 30 years max after we die. even less for introverts like me


Hey buddy, history major here. So like as a minor thing most people arenā€™t remembered period. Like hell some presidents are barely even remembered. That doesnā€™t mean that you have to be remembered by people many years from now. As long as youā€™re remembered by those closest to you in your day to day life thatā€™s all that matters. Live for today and not for 100 years from now as even the smallest little thing has an impact on those around you so just try to be happy and enjoy life to the fullest.


Thereā€™s absolutely nothing you can do to be never forgotten, unless you are a fictional person in a classic novel. Enjoy your life. Many get caught up in the feeling that nothing matters, and that they want a grand purpose. Why should it matter? Your life is the life you live (obviously), so live in it. If you like what youā€™re doing right now, great! Enjoy what you have and pursue it for as long as you can! If it ends or you can no longer do it, thatā€™s also fine. All is not lost. Find a new passion, itā€™s the journey that makes a sense of purpose. If you donā€™t enjoy what youā€™re doing right now, congratulations! Youā€™re still on your journey and you still have a purpose! Find what you enjoy, and then go after it! Enjoy your life, none of it is supposed to matter anyways. You were born into existence as a byproduct of the universe, one that cannot be changed by its creations. Youā€™re in the universeā€™s sandbox, so build yourself a sand castle and be proud of your creation! You donā€™t need to make a masterpiece, or something that will change the art form of sandboxes, you just need to make something small that you have fun building, and are ultimately proud of.


This is [depresing](https://youtu.be/OP1EkKKeXvU?si=-tLyj72bt16vEerf)


Make yourself immortal by doing something people value. Extend your reach of influence. I make software to help people with problems and I'm also a carer to my gf. So hopefully I'm making a difference, and that's the important thing.


Also where did you get that adorable picture


pinterest has a load of them but i think the artist is on instagram


I've already been forgotten about so zero for me


one, but it's not how long you are remembered that matters, but how the memories of you affect those who bear them.